Why Is It That Those Who Expose “Deep State” Actors End Up Meeting An Untimely, Convenient, Demise? Commentary By Adina Kutnicki

IF there was little else to occupy these hands, still, there would never be enough time to document the trail of dead bodies that have been silenced by the “Deep State.” An endless task. Depressing. But, as always, those atop the criminal pyramid don’t dirty their hands. Yes, they give the orders, albeit, they subcontract out this one and that one for assassination. Hired-guns. So too in the realm of political hits.

EVEN so,  before we get to the latest “sudden death”, the following recaps of (some of the) set-ups by Clinton and Obama Inc. are mandatory reading – even if so-called mainstream media screams: “conspiracy theory!”


  • Back in 2013 (a year into the inception of this site), the following was reported: “Hill’s Skeletons, Bodies, Pile Up At Her Door – As She Positions For 2016.” Business as usual.
  • Fast forward to 2014, and another trail of corpses are not far behind. Tellingly, this go-around, their skeletons intersected with banksters, the CIA, and some top brass at the NYPD! Oh my.
  • Moving right along to the summer of 2016….and, here we go again: “Clinton Inc.’s (Recent) Dead Bodies: Their Nexus To Criminal Cartels & The Brotherhood Mafia.” Never-ending.
  • But there’s more. To wit, November 2016 required an updated list! How can this be? Well, does “dropping like flies” sound like par for their course? It should.
  • Still yet, don’t ever forget this: HUSSEIN Obama has his own pile up! Indeed. As such, here’s a few foretastes: Why are “mysterious” deaths littered in his wake? More specifically, what constitutes/underlies these cold, dead bodies – be they sexually related or otherwise? Naturally, Obama Inc. and Clinton Inc. intersect in many ways, some of which are deadly. Read: Seth Rich’s/Andrew Breitbart’s/Tom Clancy’s (and so on) hits.
  • Within this realm of truth-telling, is it any wonder that – in the summer of 2018 – Clinton Inc.’s ASSASSINATION SQUAD struck again? Of course not.

EVEN so, the “Deep State’s” (permanent) silencing of journalists – who get too close to their underbellies – is nothing new. In fact, several exposés can be found within these pages to document (and analyze) said charges. Consider:

  • In February 2015, several alarm bells rang at this site. Not for nothing. Incontestably, U.S. journalists are dropping like flies – with Hastings and Breitbart the most well-known and already six feet under! How many recall these “mysterious” and highly convenient deaths?
  • And just like left-wing, radicals are wont to do, the “Deep State” has their goon squads deployed and at their disposal – to silence one dissenting/exposing journalist at a time, as reported in 2016.

ALL of which leads straight back to the latest (convenient) demise, that is, the very “sudden” death of Bre Payton on December 28, 2018 – a rising Federalist reporter, a conservative journalist and pundit, who just exposed explosive, radioactive, truth bombs re the Mueller, Strozk cover-up! Coinkydink? Say it ain’t so.

Image result for images of bre payton

A top conservative journalist and pundit has died suddenly, just days after she broke a news story alleging that special counsel Robert Mueller and his team had deleted evidence proving anti-Trump bias at the FBI and Justice Department.

“26-year-old Bre Payton was considered a rising star, working as a staff writer at The Federalist, co-hosting the “Problematic Women” podcast, and frequently appearing as a guest on outlets like Fox News Channel, Fox Business Channel, and One America News Network. Bre was found, unresponsive and barely breathing, by her friend in San Diego last week.The 26-year-old California native was admitted to the ICU at a local hospital on early on Thursday morning and tragically passed away on Friday.

Doctors, according to Payton’s family, believe that she had contracted the H1N1 strain of influenza – aka Swine Flu – and encephalitis.”Around 8:30, on December 27th, Bre’s friend went into her room and found her unresponsive and barely breathing,” reads “Bre’s Story” on CaringBridge.org.

“She immediately called 911 and Bre was taken to the hospital where she was admitted to the ICU, sedated & intubated, and doctors began working up a diagnosis.”

George Payton, Bre’s father, stayed with her at the hospital as she fought for her life, though, tragically, her condition worsened and she slipped away on Friday.“From the moment we started talking I realized she was a potential star,” Ben Domenech, of The Federalist, said in a touching eulogy on Saturday…..

Bre Payton embodied fearless journalism; uninterested in pushing narratives and unafraid to tackle subjects that truly mattered to the people.On December 13th, The Federalist published one of Payton’s hard-hitting pieces, entitled, “DOJ Destroyed Missing Strzok/Page Text Messages Before The IG Could Review Them.”

Payton’s article broke the story that special council Robert Mueller and his team may have deleted text messages from the phones of disgraced former FBI agent Peter Strzok and ex-Justice Department lawyer Lisa Page in an attempt to conceal evidence of anti-Trump bias at the departments during the ongoing Russia probe.Unlike the mainstream media networks, who pushed the idea that there was “no evidence” the texts were deliberately destroyed, Payton raised questions of whether there was criminal intent in these deletions, a notion supported by President Trump”…..continue reading the “curious and curiouser” reportage here….

MIND you, before believing said physicians and their (convenient) diagnosis, trust, this would not be the first time that hospital staff, including pathologists, “doctored” the truth – when it comes to the “sudden” death of those who defy the “Deep State!”

NOT only that, to be sure, this poor girl’s grieving family is in no emotional state of mind to question this and that. Besides, how many (who are not medical professionals) would recognize when docs blow smoke, especially, when ordered to do so by the highest echelons – or else? Again, this site is rife with proof of the same, especially, re those who “drop like flies” at the most opportune time for the “Deep State.”

BESIDES, “What are the chances that the individual responsible for authenticating Barack Hussein Obama’s long form birth certificate, Loretta Fuddy, just happened to be the sole fatality out of nine on board a small plane that was forced to make an emergency water landing off the coast of Hawaii?” Slim to none. Continue here…..

SIGNIFICANTLY, the powers that be are so entrenched – and dangerous to the nth degree – that the above is just the tip of what they are capable of, as well as being a reliable predictor of what lies in wait.

IN this regard, consider the “Arizona/Mexico/D.C.-Corridor Mafia” (read:“Mama Janet” Napolitano and her gang of launderers) as the facilitating arm to the real-time border threat(s) – as per the entry of millions of illegals, criminal and terror aligned.

IN tandem, internalize this too: alongside a laundry list of political power brokers, the aforementioned illegal and treasonous operation went down throughout her ignoble career, most perniciously, while she was head of DHS  – and continues at her post-D.C. jump to the Presidency of the University of California. More than criminal. Wretched.

IN fact, via a mandated CA audit of University finances, guess what was discovered, more aptly, what was not found? Hint: 175 million went “missing” (euphemistically termed as a “failure to disclose”), thus, created for “slush-fund” accounts. Pray tell, to what end? Well, very simply, they were set up for the benefit of Mexican cartels, as well as to serve as distribution accounts to pay off accomplices within Congress (and elsewhere), in what is known as “pay-for-play” within dirty politics. Yes, the “Arizona/Mexico/D.C.-Corridor Mafia” is more than operational, and Napolitano is still at her Presidential perch. Imagine that. Inexorably, Pelosi is fully on board! Hence, under her watch (read: Demsters) there will NEVER be a wall – if she/they remain in control.

MOST significantly, anyone who gets in the way of the “Deep State” – for whatever reason – will, sooner or later, be eliminated.

THAT’s a fact. A wrap – for now.

{re-blogged at TheHomelandSecurityNetwork} click “Archives” to read, dated Feb. 4, 2019
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8 thoughts on “Why Is It That Those Who Expose “Deep State” Actors End Up Meeting An Untimely, Convenient, Demise? Commentary By Adina Kutnicki

  1. What can you say?
    Since Mena, Arkansas I have been hoping justice would prevail but it looks like not in this life.
    Maybe the next?
    One must remember, before G-d & Gabriel threw Satan out of Heaven they managed to corrupt 1/3 of the angels.
    They have a much better success ratio here on earth.

  2. What can you say?
    Since Mena, Arkansas I have been hoping justice would prevail but it looks like not in this life.
    Maybe the next?
    One must remember, before G-d & Gabriel threw Satan out of Heaven they managed to corrupt 1/3 of the angels.
    They have a much better success ratio here on earth.

  3. Pingback: Those Who Expose “Deep State” Actors End Up Meeting An Untimely, Convenient, Demise? Commentary By Adina Kutnicki – 🚨 Conservative, Right Wing News

  4. Adina: You already know me. You can get your message out to even more thousands if you contact WhatFinger.com and let them post your headlines….

  5. Pingback: Why Is It That Those Who Expose “Deep State” Actors End Up Meeting An Untimely, Convenient, Demise? Commentary By Adina Kutnicki | Boudica2015

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