Brotherhood Mafia’s “Phased Plan” Nearing Fruition: “Phase 5” On Tap, Final Conflict and Overthrow (Jihad)! Commentary By Adina Kutnicki


MOST westerners find it impossible to believe that a minority population has the in-your-face audacity to bully the majority into anything, let alone to exhort that they will soon make the rules, and that is that. More than brass balls. Basically, they are telling patriots: F U…infidels…just wait and see. Crazy talk? Not at all.

IN fact, those of us who continually wade into the Islamic muck can pretty much predict certain outcomes, yet, countless remain deaf, dumb, and blind. Now, Islamists within America have been displaying threatening behavior for years, but few took notice. Oh yeah, many would opine, it’s a cultural “misinterpretation” …nothing to see…moving right along. In a pig’s eye.

MOST tellingly, Washington has accommodated their thrust in ways which, rationally, should be deemed treasonous. A prime example is evidenced by George Bush’s – heretofore unfathomable – actions after 9/11/01. Really.

ASIDE from any other considerations, or quizzical thoughts here and there, how many bothered to query: How was it possible that a plane full of Saudis, some with the surname of bin Laden, “escaped “ – even after the skies were shuttered to ALL traffic – when it became clear that Saudi nationals (with the help of assorted Islamists) perpetrated the largest terror attack on U.S. soil to date? From said lone action, wasn’t the message to the American people – and from its own leadership – that Islam had to be protected at all costs, never mind how many Americans had to be sacrificed?

SO, along comes one of their own (let’s just concede this point, and stop the nonsense that he is Christian) atop the American helm, and the nation has been on fire ever since. Let’s also agree that his stranger than strange catapult – to the leadership of the free world – didn’t drop from the blue sky. Hmm. Know this too: when compared to what has transpired since Jan. 2009, whatever genuflections took place pre-HUSSEIN Obama are dwarfed,

AND, as a tidbit, what should one conclude from this week’s “transfer”, aside from all of HUSSEIN Obama’s lengthy treachery: “bin Laden’s Bodyguard Transferred to Saudi Arabia From GITMO!”

(Full detainee file is here.)

IT is under this mental prism that one must view a recent event which took place in NJ, one which plays out, in one form or another, all over the nation. After which, it is imperative to connect the Muslim Brotherhood Mafia’s dots, that which link back to “The Plan.”

(We will be the majority soon,” says one participant ominously in the debate with the school board.)

Things got heated at the Jersey City, N.J., Board of Education meeting when the board decided not to close schools for the Muslim holiday of Eid al-Adha, The Blaze reported, citing WNBC-TV.

One person taunted the Board, telling members that “we’re going to be the majority soon.”  What that is supposed to mean is anyone’s guess, but I’m betting it’s not a good thing — at least for those who love freedom and their life.  Just saying…

The Blaze said security had to get involved:

School board members in New Jersey made their decision Thursday despite appeals from Muslim attendees who showed up to advocate that the board change the school schedule.

At one point, things became so heated that an official urged security to “take charge” of the situation. At least one person was seen on video being escorted from the meeting.

“We feel alienated from the Board of Education, we feel alienated from this system,” Omar Abouelkhair told WNBC-TV.

Members of the Jewish community said they felt discriminated against because the school did not close for Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur.  The Board said it would be too great a hardship at this time to close the school.

Remember, according to a poll taken earlier this year, a majority of Muslims in America believe Sharia law should be implemented and nearly a quarter support violence against “infidels.”

PLEASE note: Jewish community members did NOT threaten that they would take over, rather, they expressed their opinions through their Constitutional right to free speech. Therein lies a major diff.

MOREOVER, add the following to Islam’s thrust, and decide if Islamists in America aren’t completing “Phase 4”: Muslims get Maryland school to ban Christmas, because it offended them!

BACK to “The Plan”….and the play-by-play phases which are coming to fruition, as designed by leaders of the Brotherhood Mafia. Stipulated, they have total control over all Islamic front groups in America, and this is precisely how their activities are coordinated. Indeed, one Islamic community after another falls in line. Just accept this premise as fact-based.

The Muslim Brotherhood logo

MIND you, back in Nov. 2013, this investigative journalist asserted: “Revealed: Muslim Brotherhood Mafia Completes ‘Phase 3’ From ‘The Plan’, 2 More Phases To Go!” Indeed, America’s Family Court system has been infiltrated, as outlined in “Phase 3.”

NOW, cogitate over the most recent threats to the School Board – via the brazen words shrieked by Allah’s dutiful supremacist – with her aggressive entourage in tow. Afterwards, read through the following “Phase Plan”, and decide if the above meets “Phase 4.” Then, extrapolate further, and understand where America is headed: “Phase 5”, final conflict through frontal jihad!

Phase 1: Establishment of an elite Muslim leadership, while raising taqwa, or Islamic consciousness, in the Muslim community.

Phase 2: Creation of Islamic institutions the leadership can control, along with the formation of autonomous Muslim enclaves.

Phase 3: Infiltration and Islamization of America’s political, social, economic and educational systems, forming a shadow state within the state. Escalation of religious conversions to Islam.

Phase 4: Openly hostile public confrontation over US policies, including rioting, and militant demands for special rights and accommodations for Muslims.

Phase 5: Final conflict and overthrow (jihad).

MOST significantly, should Islam’s followers, under any realm, be allowed to enter America? If so, why? If not, what’s to be done?


THE overriding question becomes: Do “American Lives Matter, or not? If so, the time for prevarication is long gone! Thus, ANY attempt to flood an American community with Muslim “refugees” should be non-negotiable. A non-starter. No equivocations. Not only that, what works – in the way of active resistance – for one area may be ineffective for another. For instance, if the Mayor’s office is the main address in town, well, assure the governing entity that “resettlement” will meet very stiff consequences. No ifs, ands, or buts. Specifically, communal plans should be drawn up to ensure it doesn’t take place, letting the powers that be internalize that there are absolute red lines they dare not cross. Otherwise, be prepared for an (eventual) Islamic takeover, even if it appears too fantastical to believe. Believe it!

RESULTANT, when Muslims in America exclaim that they will soon be the “majority”, well, take them at their word, even if their numbers do not even come close to reflecting said brazenness. Water off a duck’s… Islamist’s…back. Besides, they are not referring to an actual number count.

PATRIOTS, just revert back to a decade ago, and few could imagine what is taking place today, though some of us warned of this very outcome. But no matter, that was then, this is now. Indubitably, imbibe what is going down!

BASICALLY, the outcome is progressing in their favor, and they don’t even have to possess anything resembling – even remotely – a majority population. Not by a long shot. After all, they have an immutable doctrine, and the leader of the free world is backing them. Effectively, unlike other minorities, they seek absolute domination, sans any compromise. If anything, the following should be taken VERY seriously, and then readers can decide for themselves, whether what was prognosticated in 2013 isn’t taking place in 2015.

THE operative watchwords are: Global domination. America’s takeover is key and core, and it is assisted by HUSSEIN Obama’s guiding hands!

ANYTHING else is just white noise.

{re-blogged at DC WATCHDOG}

{re-blogged at Joe For America}

{re-blogged at The Homeland Security Network}

{re-blogged at Islam Exposed}

17 thoughts on “Brotherhood Mafia’s “Phased Plan” Nearing Fruition: “Phase 5” On Tap, Final Conflict and Overthrow (Jihad)! Commentary By Adina Kutnicki

  1. Pingback: Israel's Voice | Brotherhood Mafia’s “Phased Plan” Nearing Fruition: “Phase 5” On Tap, Final Conflict and Overthrow (Jihad)!

  2. Pingback: Brotherhood Mafia’s “Phased Plan” Nearing Fruition: “Phase 5” On Tap, Final Conflict and Overthrow (Jihad)! | D.C. Watchdog

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