The Case For ENHANCED SURVEILLACE Of Mohammedans In America,The West:Mosques & More! Commentary By Adina Kutnicki

PAR for the course, once Orwell’s PC police get wind of the “suggestions” within this commentary, well, all hell will break loose. In fact, threats hurled in this direction are as ubiquitous as sunrise and sunset. That predictable. Mind you, Islamists and leftists (so-called liberals) are like-minded totalitarians, therefore, they brook NO dissent. Who cares.

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BUT what should matter is one’s ability to assess the situation through a clear-eyed lens, instead of kow-towing to the encircling leftist speech-minders. In tandem, CAIR, the Muslim Brotherhood Mafia’s propaganda arm, always hovers overhead.

RESULTANT, each and every hair will stand up, that is, once one “gets it.” Almost to the nth degree, Imams – those who are charged with leading Islamic prayers – will be unmasked as MORTAL enemies.

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(Imam Qadhi in Tennessee!)

{Imam at mosque frequented by Strathroy terrorist: “O Allah, help the mujahideen”}

AS to the inherent dangers from mosques, the barracks within, peer inside the preceding link. As per jihadi compounds, yes, they are spread, primed, throughout the country. See below. OMG! 

BUT if still unconvinced, no matter, little else will sway. Even so, one would be foolish in the extreme to stand in the way of efforts which, hopefully, President-elect Trump’s security appointees implement. Private citizens alike. Trust, those who interfere in bringing the Islamic menace to heel will regret it – in more ways than meet the eye. 


ADDITIONALLY, until an Islamic reformation transpires (a flying pig moment), allowing Mohammedans – followers of Islam – into the west, let alone into America, is sheer lunacy. This assessment has everything to do with national security, and that is that. In fact, any leader who refuses to place national security atop their agenda should be deemed guilty of gross negligence and malfeasance and placed on trial.

AT the end of it all, and discomfiting as it may be, committed Muslims are adherents to Sharia Law, thusindoctrinated into jihad and hatred toward the kafir. In the meanwhile, they long for a worldwide Caliphate and operate in its service, regardless of locale. It is precisely for this reason that leftists never had a chance in hell to bring their western fixation, multiculturalism, to fruition. On the other hand, Allah’s Muslim Terrorists are winning their protracted war against infidels, as they fulfill a mandated hijrah into the west for the sake of Allah! Let’s be honest about this.795_large


GUARANTEED, continuing to tap dance around the “feelings” of Muslims is a recipe for a MEGA disaster, the likes of which has yet to be witnessed!

MOST significantly, aside from ceasing ALL Muslim immigration into America (and the wider west), a stepped-up surveillance program must be initiated from all levels of government – local, state, and federal. 

He [Omar Mateen] was born here, but his parents weren’t, and his ideas weren’t. His ideas [radical Islam] were born from some place else.”

~ Trump

“If you look at who the bad people are in this country right now, they’re not Muslims, they’re not people who identify with Islamic faith. They’re these right-wing fanatics who go to churches, who go to other institutions and do harm to people.”

~ Rep. Bennie Thompson (D-Miss.)

8 Years later: Obama still refuses to link ‘Devout’ Islam with Terrorism

Fox News political analyst, Monica Crowley, said last Thursday that Obama’s failure to combat Muslim terrorism in America (exemplified by the latest mass shooting of over 100 people in Orlando, Florida by Omar Mateen), is due to his reluctance to rightly link terrorism with Islam. In other words, if you don’t know the problem, you will never arrive at a logical and effective solution to fix the problem especially if as Trump implies regarding President Obama—that his motives as the U.S. Chief Executive are duplicitous.

This week marks one years since Trump announced his candidacy as president which as part of his political platform has declared that Muslims from war regions (Syria, Iraq, Libya, Gaza, Afghanistan) be prohibited (or ‘paused’) from entering the United States until a proper vetting system is enacted and the need to conduct surveillance on suspect Imams and mosques in order to take a proactive approach to prevent terrorism during his campaign rally on Wednesday in Atlanta, Georgia, rather than being reactive to terrorism after the bombs and guns have taken their grotesque toll on U.S..

With succinctness and eloquence Trump declared that the Orlando terrorist, Omar Mateen, who killed 50 people, injuring 53 inside the Pulse nightclub on Sunday may have been born in the U.S. but “his ideas were born from someplace else.” Trump further stated “We have to maybe check, respectfully, the mosques and we have to check other places because this is a problem that, if we don’t solve it, it’s going to eat our country alive.”

Trump’s opponent, Hillary Clinton, the Presumptive Democratic nominee mocked Trump’s rhetoric, saying it has grown “even more inflammatory.” And in a sarcasm-laden bit of demagoguery stated an assumption that is completely illogical and unsustainable regarding Trump’s ideas to combat Muslim terrorism— “Not one of Donald Trump’s reckless ideas would have saved a single life in Orlando,” Clinton argued during a campaign event in Virginia.

8 Years later: Obama, Hillary and the Democrats, all still stubbornly refuse to link devout Islam with terrorism. Why? Because it would necessitate that they stop playing politics with the lives of U.S. and create some real, substantive strategies to combat the genocidal cult which is devout Islam. It’s much easier to demagogue U.S. security by blaming Republicans, the Tea Party, Christianity, Israel and of course their favorite scapegoat, Donald Trump. In the meantime, the corpses of innocent U.S. citizens continue to pile up.

FBI’s Countering Violence Extremism Initiative

“The FBI is developing a Web site designed to provide awareness about the dangers of violent extremist predators on the Internet, with input from students, educators and community leaders,” read the statement from the FBI. The FBI at least temporarily suspended a web-based anti-extremism program on Monday, reportedly putting it on hold after it was criticized for unfairly profiling Muslim Americans.

According to a New York Times story, last Nov. 2015 the FBI was engaged in creating an anti-terrorism program, entitled “Don’t Be a Puppet,” as part of a comprehensive strategy to stop the recruitment efforts of radical Muslim groups such as ISIS and al-Qaeda. The website uses games to teach users, particularly the youth, how to recognize warning signs of radical Islamic extremism (FBI policy refuses to call it ‘Islamic terrorism’). As partakers collect correct answers to questions, scissors gradually cut away at a puppet’s strings until it is set free.

However, when members of Islamic, Arab, and related groups were invited to a screening of the software a few weeks earlier, most were offended at how it unfairly fixated on Muslims while ignoring religious radicalism of other faiths like the current number of school shootings by White Americans with no Islamic affiliation in Newton, MA and Columbia, SC.

The public outrage from the Muslim community was predictable and united— “The American-Arab Anti-Discrimination Committee demands that the FBI cancel the launch of its controversial ‘Shared Responsibility Committee’ program,” an email read. “Since learning about the program last fall, ADC has frequently expressed serious concerns about the initiative, which is part of the government’s Countering Violent Extremism (CVE) program. The FBI’s job is to protect children of all faiths and backgrounds, not to offer programs that introduce suspicion into their relations with teachers and can lead to stigmatization and bullying by their peers. “We were all on the same page in terms of being concerned,” Hoda Hawa, MPAC Director of Policy and Advocacy, told the Washington Post. “It seems like they’re asking teachers to be extensions of law enforcement and to police thought, and students as well. That was very concerning to us all.”

The Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR), a group with ties to the grandfather of all Islamic terrorist groups, the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt, declared that the “government’s pattern of stigmatizing the Muslim community through its [countering violent extremism] initiative and fails to deal with the main threat to students, that of school shootings.”

FBU must surveil all U.S. Imams and Mosques!

Trump is right that for the survival of America and the protection of our national sovereignty, we must start surveilling all U.S. mosques and where these radical Imams are spewing anti-American hatred and encouraging jihad, they must no longer be allowed to hide behind their religion but must immediately be brought up on federal terrorism and conspiracy charges.

Why are we allowing Muslim terrorist front groups like CAIR, ADC and MPAC dictate to the FBI how to safeguard domestic safety? The public must become aware that both of these organizations are sympathetic to the Muslim Brotherhood. The Muslim Brotherhood’s STATED mission is as follows:

“The process of settlement is a ‘Civilization-Jihadist Process’ with all the word means. The Ikhwan must understand that their work in America is a kind of grand jihad in eliminating and destroying the Western civilization from within and ’sabotaging’ its miserable house by their hands and the hands of the believers so that it is eliminated and God’s religion is made victorious over all other religions.”

It seems self-evident that any organization sanctioned by or affiliated with the Muslim Brotherhood should be on the FBI watch list, placed under surveillance (including Mosques) and NOT taking an advisory rule on Muslim outreach. Since the Bataclan Theater terrorist murders in France (Nov. 13, 2015), even ‘egalitarian’ France has come to Jesus about their Muslim terrorist problem which as reported by the Muslim propaganda media, Al-Jazeera, France is likely to close more than 100 mosques where according to French President François Hollande all unlicensed mosques and those preaching hatred will be shut down under emergency rule.

Former Iraqi MP, Ayad Jamal Al-Din tells the truth about jihad- sympathizing Imams and Mosques in America

Here are just four radical Muslim organizations and Mosques preaching hatred in America today:

There are a total of 2,600 Mosques in France alone and America has over 2,200 Mosques and growing. In a recent interview on MSNBC Trump would not back down on his Mosque surveillance policy— “You’re going to have to watch and study the mosques because a lot of talk is going on at the mosques,” Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump says on MSNBC when asked what should be done to protect U.S. citizens.

“From what I heard, in the old days, meaning a while ago, we had great surveillance going on in and around mosques in New York City and I understand our mayor totally cut that out,” Trump asserted. Asked about possibility of France shutting mosques with radical ties and whether he’d do same as U.S. president, Trump says, “I would hate to do it, but it’s something that you’re going to have to strongly consider because some of the ideas and some of the hatred, the absolute hatred, is coming from these areas.”

While Muslim American groups equate Mosque surveillance programs with FBI trying to turn Muslim community leaders into snitches, or perverting the issue like Rep. Bennie Thompson (D-Miss.) who said, “If you look at who the bad people are in this country right now, they’re not Muslims, they’re not people who identify with Islamic faith. They’re these right-wing fanatics who go to churches, who go to other institutions and do harm to people,”

INTRINSICALLY, if state and local leaders refuse to execute their sworn mandate to protect the citizens – assuming President-elect Trump gives the order – ignore them. Do whatever it takes to get the job done, be it block by block, neighborhood by neighborhood, county-wide, state-wide, and up and down the line.

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MIND you, in “open carry” states (so far, 30…with 15 requiring a permit) patriots should hardly be intimidated by leaders who fail to execute their duties. In other words, they are the ones who are breaking the law, as they violate basic Constitutional rights. In juxtaposition, those who choose to surveil Islamic dangers at hand have every right to do so, indeed, an obligation. Understood?

CONCLUSIVELY, each and every mosque, Islamic community center and attendant school is (more than) fair game – the PC police (official and otherwise) be damned!

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ISIS Embedded In America:PLOTTING MAJOR Terror Attack! Commentary By Adina Kutnicki

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ON December 20, 2014, a huge Islamist-warning flag, re ISIS, waved at this site. It was not for nothing.

CONSEQUENTLY, a growing portion of this site’s readership (well into the millions) are aware that Islam – in relation to its underlying poisonous Koranic fruits – is a mainstay at these pages. That’s just the way it has to be.

IN the main, the (Dec. 20, 2014) commentary zeroed in on Israel’s encirclement by ISIS, a knock-on effect from PM Netanyahu’s submission to Obama Inc’s dictates to support the “rebels”! Resultant, the attendant and explosive blow back became a front and center focal point.

NOW that the Israeli nightmare has sunk in, let’s segue to ISIS and their absolute, concomitant footprints inside America.

FOR the record, this grave situation was also a centerpiece at a tag-team interview given at Inquisitr (Sept. 2014), between this investigative journalist and Dave Gaubatz, America’s premiere counter-terrorism expert. Again, it was another warning shot and it ricocheted – at lightening speed – around the net. Its webstats attest to this claim. 

Wolff Bachner: We have heard so much about ISIS over the last few months, but most Americans still have no real idea what they are facing.

Since you are an acknowledged expert on the Islamic world and have spent a good deal of time in Iraq, you are certainly in a position to give our readers an accurate picture of the vicious Islamist death cult called ISIS.

How great a threat is ISIS to America and the rest of the free world?

Finally, describe for our readers what life would be like for the average American if ISIS actually managed to takeover the United States and create a worldwide Caliphate?

David Gaubatz: ISIS, other Islamic based terrorist groups, and the Islamic ideology are the world’s most dangerous threat. ISIS has money, supporters, world leaders, a military, and a ‘Strategy’ to conquer the world. President Obama even admitted he does not have a strategy to defeat ISIS, so how can we even think about defeating them?

If people want to know what life would be like under an Islamic caliphate, they need only travel to Saudi Arabia, spend a few weeks under the Taliban, or spend some time with ISIS in Iraq. People (both Muslim and non-Muslim) have no rights under Shariah law. Even your life or the life of your children can be taken away with little or no proof you actually violated one of the many aspects of Sharia law.

Islamic based organizations, terrorist groups, and their supporters truly do hate the Jewish people and the American people. When they say they desire to wipe Israel and America off the face of the earth they are being serious. We must all begin to take them seriously. We must always support and align ourselves with Israel. If Israel ever falls, America will also. The people of Israel are our true friends and the American people must demand our politicians never forget this.

I will provide my final analysis on this subject: In a very short period of time America will be attacked by ISIS. The attacks will be simultaneously across America and the terrorists know we do not have the leadership in our government to survive such attacks occurring on a regular basis. We will implode. America has only one chance of surviving if these attacks happen. There are over 22 million American veterans living in America. There are several million non-military who will fight for our country and the U.S. Constitution. Americans will never release our right to own guns. 22 million plus veterans and the several millions of other American patriots will fight like no other people have ever fought. They will fight to the end against enemies both outside and from within who seek to destroy America….

AS readers have grown to expect, more than enough proofs can be found within, backing up this and that claim. Similarly, as to ISIS in America, well…

Proof One:

ON Dec. 3, 2014, a direct warning was blared to Americans, regarding ISIS and their directives to “sleeper agents” in America. Inherently, countless jihadists are scattered throughout the U.S. Therefore, the commentary focused on their specific target; military personnel – whether active duty or vets – and their families. Unfathomable. Reportedly, as per their wretched course, DHS doesn’t have the soldiers’ backs. Beyond the pale.

Proof Two:

AND housed within this site’s Nov. 20, 2014 analysis, U.S. military leaders confirmed: Obama is sabotaging the fight against ISIS! How alarming is that? And if this news doesn’t add to the charge, yes, he is aiding and abetting their terror Caliphate, then nothing will suffice!

Proof Three:

MORE specifically, on Oct. 10, 2014, it was revealed that ISIS is infiltrating through America’s (purposefully) “open sesame” borders -Texas and more!

September’s info mirrored more of the same…a short hike from El Paso, Texas evidenced a compelling ISIS threat! 

Proof Four:

YET, let’s dare not forget the burgeoning threats from jihadi compounds throughout the nation.

BUT if your heart can withstand it and your head isn’t spinning out of control, please read on: the latest terror warning, relative to ISIS in America!

READERS, do pay very close heed, whether living in Tennessee, Arkansas or any other American state on the map:

The FBI is warning of a possible ISIS terror plot to blow up the Memphis-Arkansas Bridge after receiving an “anonymous threat,” FOX13 reports. What most are unaware of is that ISIS does have such ability and technology to carry out such a mission with ease as we shall demonstrate from real footage obtained from Middle East sources the ability to create a bomb with strength of a mini nuclear blast.


Nearly 60,000 vehicles cross the bridge every day, the station reported. The bridge connects Tennessee and Arkansas.

“According to an anonymous complainant, as of December 2014, ISIS instructed an ISIS member, a presumed USPER (U.S. person) in Memphis, with a direct order to blow up the Memphis-Arkansas bridge on an unknown date, activating ISIS terror cells in the United States,” the warning obtained by FOX13 reads.

Memphis cops have been patrolling the area looking for unusual activity, the station reported. Surveillance cameras watch over the bridge 24 hours a day.

But what they are unaware of is that ISIS can use unconventional moving bombs that cannot be stopped with conventional small arms that police carry. In order to protect such infrastructure the U.S. would have to use serious military force. has been warning that ISIS will attack the United States. To understand more on ISIS threat for the United States read our ISIS Manifesto which has been SERIOUSLY WARNING since September of this year that a terror attack by ISIS is imminent  and asked all U.S. citizens to file complaint to the FBI to stop social media, especially Youtube from allowing the training videos terrorists post giving ability to manufacture high explosives, rockets and rocket launchers. Youtube refuses to remove such training material which will enable homegrown ISIS terrorists to carry out such missions. It is only a matter of time and they will when it’s too late.

screen-shot-2014-10-08-at-3-19-59-pm has been reviewing some of ISIS’s abilities in converting trucks into an explosive bomb that would release tremendous destruction equal to a mini nuclear bomb.

Here is a video from Middle East sources explaining how it works.

The tanker truck is built with a shield of iron all around it with an air gap loaded with sand and metals chards. And with 10 barrels of chemical material which is easily made (no thanks to Youtube) it has an amazing destructive force. Such a moving truck is not easily stopped by using conventional weapons like machine guns or RPG and the only way to stop it is by rocket launched by a jet fighter plane. It is what ISIS is using in Iraq and the Taliban used for maximum destruction. ISIS used this method on Baiji Oil Refinery, Tikrit university, Samira and in the Anbar.

Terrorists can even manufacture the explosive material from raw manure which was perfected by Sufi Muslims. warns farmers or any tanker type truck sales to Muslims and yes, do profile.  Its better to be paranoid than sorry.

Prior to perfecting the tanker truck similar designs were used which were not as effective as the new model. Just to show the strength of such an operation we obtained some footage from Afghanistan (start at 3:17), notice at 4:23 even the blimp far up in the sky was downed.

This following footage is against an American military base in Afghanistan. It’s the type of stuff they will never show you. While we were fortunate in the U.S. we have not experienced this type of attacks, but it’s not far-fetched that in the future we could see ISIS carry such attacks in the U.S.:

The Arabic speak of detail explaining the operation before its carried out to deliver the truck and detonate when it hits the mess hall cafeteria where U.S. soldiers gather for breakfast in which in the end they praise Allah for vengeance against the sons of “monkeys and pigs”.

The song was for the truck driver titled Fil-Janna Houriyya “in heaven you will have the virgins”.

AS always, rest assured, between Obama Inc.’s collusion with Islamists – regardless of this or that terror group’s name – and the submissive media, citizens won’t know what hit them, until it is too late. Mark these words.

BESIDES, no well-informed, non-submissive American (westerner) can claim they weren’t warned – they were!!

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