Obama Inc.’s FULL-ON Shield Towards Muslim Brotherhood: CAIR Not A Terror Org!Surrogates Go To Bat…Commentary By Adina Kutnicki

BACK in the day, before Eric Holder (who never met an Islamist/leftist who was guilty of anything, let alone terrorism /subversion/treason/murder and mayhem) took the reins, the DOJ, to a large degree, was an address for American justice.

IN effect, an unindicted co-conspirator to the largest terrorism trial in U.S. history (Holy Land Foundation Trial) would hardly be in a position to ask any Fed agency, let alone the Executive Branch, for “assistance”. But that was then (in 2007/2008) and this is now. 

INTRINSICALLY, the criminal proofs against CAIR are crystal clear, even for those who are (ideologically rendered) blind as bats. However, pathological hatred for America – fueled by leftist/Islamist fixations – is impregnable. Fortress-like.

CAIR is indeed an unindicted co-conspirator in a Hamas terror funding case — so named by the Justice Department. CAIR operatives have repeatedly refused to denounceHamas and Hizballah as terrorist groups. Several former CAIR officials have been convicted of various crimes related to jihad terror. CAIR’s cofounder and longtime Board chairman (Omar Ahmad), as well as its chief spokesman (Ibrahim Hooper), have made Islamic supremacist statements. Its California chapter distributed posters telling Muslims not to talk to the FBI.

Although it has received millions of dollars in donations from foreign Islamic entities, it has not registered as a foreign agent as required by the Foreign Agents Registration Act (FARA), despite spreading Islamic supremacist propaganda within the United States.

And although it presents itself as a civil rights group, CAIR actually has numerous links to hateful and violent Islamic supremacist and jihad groups.

CAIR founders Omar Ahmad and Niwad Awad (who still serves as CAIR’s executive director) were present at a Hamas planning meeting in Philadelphia in 1993 where they and other Hamas operatives conspired to raise funds for Hamas and to promote jihad in the Middle East. CAIR has steadfastly refused to denounce Hamas and Hizballah as terrorist groups.

Several former CAIR officials have been convicted of various crimes related to jihad terror:

  • Ghassan Elashi , founder of CAIR’s Texas chapter, in 2009 received a 65-year prison sentence for funneling over $12 million from the Islamic charity known as the Holy Land Foundation to the jihad terrorist group Hamas, which is responsible for murdering hundreds of Israeli civilians
  • Mousa Abu Marzook, a former CAIR official, was in 1995 designated by the U.S. government in 1995 as a “terrorist and Hamas leader.” He now is a Hamas leader in Syria.
  • Randall Royer, CAIR’s former civil rights coordinator, in 2004 began serving a 20-year prison sentence for aiding al-Qaida and the Taliban against American troops in Afghanistan and recruiting for Lashkar e-Taiba, the jihadist group responsible for the 2008 Mumbai jihad massacres.
  • Bassem Khafagi, CAIR’s former community relations director, was arrested for involvement with the Islamic Assembly of North America, which was linked to al-Qaida. After pleading guilty to visa and bank fraud charges, Khafagi was deported.
  • Rabih Haddad, a former CAIR fundraiser, was deported for his work with the Global Relief Foundation (which he co-founded), a terror-financing organization.

In 1998 Omar Ahmad, CAIR’s co-founder and longtime Board Chairman, said: “Islam isn’t in America to be equal to any other faith, but to become dominant. The Koran should be the highest authority in America, and Islam the only accepted religion on Earth.”

After he received unwelcome publicity as a result of this statement, Ahmad denied saying it, several years after the fact. However, the original reporter, Lisa Gardiner of the Fremont Argus, stands by her story.

CAIR’s spokesman Ibrahim Hooper once said: “I wouldn’t want to create the impression that I wouldn’t like the government of the United States to be Islamic sometime in the future.”

STILL, even with the above in mind, a few visual aids/proofs require additional edification:

Edification One:

THUS, before one views the two upcoming videos, please recognize that its host, Tom Trento, is not a so-called talking head. As such, blow him off at your own (western) peril. The evidence he brings to bear is second to none, and it will frighten you out of your mind. But that’s okay. Besides, it is better to have some mental discomfit now, before it is too late to (help) turn the tide. In any case, it doesn’t hurt that he has this site’s back, in a manner of speaking.

BUT before you click on, a brief synopsis is a must read:

In 2008 the Federal Bureau of Investigation warned America that the self-proclaimed “Muslim civil-rights” group, CAIR, was really part of the Palestinian terrorist organization the HAMAS. In fact, as we have proven, CAIR, the Council on American Islamic Relations actually functions as the “Special Operations Division” (SOD) of the political department of the HAMAS. Part of the CAIR “SOD” functions is to attack with media propaganda any person or organization who analyzes or criticizes CAIR. For several years now, CAIR has been able to maintain their non-terrorist Islamic “hue,” that is, until they have become a subject of our ground-breaking series, “Enemies of the State.” Stay tuned to this unique series as we send our research investigators deeply into the federal files on CAIR and present factual conclusions that will disrupt, disable and destroy the operations of CAIR/HAMAS USA.


TO wit, now that you are scared witless – so sorry for that – is it any wonder why CAIR, aka Muslim Brotherhood Mafia leaders, is inextricably linked to jihad terror-related crimes??

MORE specifically, this investigative journalist is completely up to speed on the intersecting terror hydras accrued under the Brotherhood’s umbrella. CAIR is front and center.

NOT only that, but being less than six degrees separated from a counter-terror expert who has been (and still is) within the belly of the MB beast – having provided much of the critical evidence to indict top Brotherhood terror leaders at the Holy Land Foundation trial – well, let’s just say they were none too pleased with the captured evidence revealed within Muslim Mafia. Poor dears, they still hold a grudge! Hmm…makes you want to shed a tear for their angst…just kidding…

Buy This Explosive Book Today!

The four Congressmen then wrote Attorney General Eric Holder on October 21, 2009, saying that in light of the book’s claims of CAIR attempting to influence national security policy within Congress, they were very concerned about CAIR’s relationships with terrorist groups, and requesting that the United States Department of Justice (DOJ) provide each Congressman a summary of DOJ’s evidence and findings that led DOJ to name CAIR an unindicted co-conspirator in the Holy Land Foundation terrorism trial…


Left: Cartoon posted to Facebook depicting David Gaubatz being beheaded - Right: Gaubatz on duty in Iraq.

{Left: Cartoon posted to Facebook depicting David Gaubatz being beheaded – Right: David Gaubatz on duty in Iraq}

WITH the above info in tow, listen very carefully to the Mafia-like money laundering frauds utilized by the Muslim Brotherhood, with CAIR as “Exhibit Number One”. Yet, please bear in mind, it is not an accident (nor incidental) that the same two counter-terror hunters are housed within these pages.

READERS, grab a snack, put up your feet, get comfy and pay heed to what we (who operate separately, but also in tandem) term – “follow the (jihadist) money”

{a sampling of the monies laundered/exchanged – out of scores – between HLF and CAIR, some of which individually ranged from 100,000 on up, and collectively totaled into the many millions}

BACK to Obama’s “FULL ON” shield…but now that readers are more in the (terror) loop, just listen to his mouthpiece spin, dodge and weave. Good grief.

INCONTROVERTIBLY, the leader of the (heretofore) free world assiduously lends cover for the most dangerous Islamist Mafia, bar none – the Muslim Brotherhood.

AND since it has been demonstrably proven, six ways to Sundays, that CAIR is the Brotherhood’s American propaganda arm – akin to the machine run by Joseph Goebbels during the Nazi regime – it is only due to an Islamist-in-Chief at the helm that they remain under Washington’s protective shield and also “at large” throughout the U.S.

INDICTMENT SEALED….against Obama Inc. and the Brotherhood Mafia in toto!!





This American-Israeli has little interest in Hollyweird stars, they hold about as much appeal, within said confines, as jumping off a bridge. Never mind that many anti-semites/anti-Zionists would approve of said “self-sacrifice”. Don’t snicker. It ain’t gonna happen.

In this regard, it is wildly unusual for this site to mention any of their names, let alone place a specific personality front and center. However, Scarlett Johansson more than merits top billing. Due to her moral stance against vile Israel/Jew haters, inadvertently, she stepped into MEGA doo doo. Righteous actions usually lead to (and reveal) the truth. OXFAM, your rep is now mud! Roll in it. A sexy, highly popular star outed your vile “aid” organization. Sweet.

NEVERTHELESS, their connection to Islamic jihad has been known for quite some time, but they finally ! received a full public tarnishing. So, yes, Hollyweird stars can often reveal much more than they even intended, whether for the positive or the negative. Yippee.

Now, before we seep into the jihadi nest, it is imperative to unmask the penchant for far too many self-proclaimed “human rights/aids” groups to align themselves with terror groups. Not only that, it is inordinately clear, Jews are the only group – although the tiniest minority among minority populations – who are non-deserving of any “human rights”, at least according to so many of these scummy self righteous organizations. Israel/Jews are constantly targeted for having the gall to survive, despite all odds. What the hell.

Specifically, the following is a run down on just some of their jacked-up Islamic“aid partners”….you decide what their end game is.

Oxfam Partners

I. East London Mosque – an extremist institution whose speakers have included
Saad Al Beraik, a hate preacher who calls for the enslavement of Jewish

II. Islamic Relief – a charity which the Israeli government has designated a
“terrorist front”. Ayaz Ali, the head of the charity’s Gaza operations, was
deported after being accused of funnelling money to Hamas. Neo-Nazi images
were found stored on his computer.

III. MADE in Europe – a charity whose staff are linked to the Muslim Brotherhood
and other radical Islamist groups, and whose offices are based at the extremist
London Muslim Centre.

IV. Human Appeal International – a charity identified by the US Government as
one of a number of groups used as conduits for funds to terrorist organisations,
including Hamas.

V. Zaytoun – a trade collective run by members of the anti-Israel, pro-terror
International Solidarity Movement. Zaytoun works to promote the boycott of
Israeli goods.

VI. Palestine Solidarity Campaign – an anti-Israel lobbying group which the BBC
has described as a ‘radical’ organisation that supports Hamas. The Board of
Deputies of British Jews has stated the PSC’s views include “racist conspiracy
theories, the propagation of antisemitic stereotypes and Holocaust denial”.

VII. Muslim Aid – According to its own accounts, Muslim Aid paid £325,000 to the
Islamic University of Gaza, where leading Hamas figures teach; and £13,998 to
the al-Ihsan Charitable Society, designated by the US government as a “sponsor
of terrorism” and a front for the Palestinian Islamic Jihad terrorist group.

VIII. Federation of Student Islamic Societies – a radical student movement which
has, in the past, promoted Al Qaeda recruiter Anwar Awlawki and has provided a platform to hate preachers such as Haitham Al-Haddad, who has said that Jews are “apes and pigs” and that the Gaza war made him happy because “it clearly encouraged Muslims to prepare themselves for jihad, all over the world”.

This report reveals that Oxfam has partnered with groups that
support terrorism, religious extremism, anti-Semitism and advocate
violence against Jews, women and homosexuals. But what exactly defines a partnership? Oxfam has sponsored events,
issued joint press releases, and run campaigns with all these groups.
Certainly, if these were far-Right groups, the criticism of Oxfam’s
associations would be much more loud and severe. And yet some of
these groups listed advocate ideas that are even more extreme than
the evil politics peddled by far-Right. Most importantly, Oxfam itself describes many of these relations as
“partnerships”. It partnered with Islamic Relief and Human Appeal and
Muslim Brotherhood-linked group MADE to produce a ‘campaigns
toolkit’.  Both Islamic Relief and Human Appeal have been accused by
a number of Governments of being “terrorist fronts”. Further, Islamic
Relief’s President, Essam al-Haddad, was the campaign manager for
Egyptian President Morsi, who recently described Jews as the
“descendents of apes and pigs”. In fact, on Oxfam’s website, the blog post acknowledging the
‘campaigns toolkit’ project was written by an Oxfam staff member
called Nina Gora, who was a leading anti-Israel activist while at
University. Working with the Palestine Solidarity Campaign, she
invited Aharon Cohen, the extremist leader of Neturei Karta, to
address students. A few years before, Cohen had said that Holocaust
victims “deserved it”. Gora also wrote this piece, titled ‘Horror of
Occuption’. Oxfam’s relationship with the London Muslim Centre, considered by
many to be one of the most extreme anti-Semitic institutions in
Europe, has also been described as a “partnership”. Oxfam proudly labels itself as the leading supporter of Zaytoun, an
organisation run by the pro-Hamas International Solidarity Movement.
Again, Oxfam calls the relationship a “partnership”. And yet Zaytoun
is one of the leading actors in the movement to boycott Israeli goods. Oxfam’s relations with these groups goes beyond sharing the
occasional platform; it includes running joint events and affirming
support for each other……

ONTO the “good” news, but let’s first offer a huge thumbs up to Nitsana Darshan-Leitner, Founder/Director of Israel Law Center, a woman who (legally) chews up and spits out terror garbage (and their enablers) on a regular basis! Nitsana, rock on.

Oxfam Accused of Ties to Terror Group

Palestinians dance at a rally marking the 46th anniversary of the founding of the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine

Palestinians dance at a rally marking the 46th anniversary of the founding of the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine / AP

February 20, 2014 10:00 am

The aid group Oxfam International is said to be partnering with two Palestinian organizations tied to the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP), according to an Israeli advocacy group that defends victims of terrorism.

Several of Oxfam’s global affiliates are said to be providing financial aid and “additional forms of material support” to two Palestinian workers groups that are deeply tied to the PFLP, a U.S. designated terror organization, according to the Israel Law Center.

The Israel Law Center demanded in a letter sent Thursday that Oxfam end its relationships with these two groups—the Union of Health Workers Committees (UHWC) and the Union of Agricultural Workers Committees (UAWC)—or face possible legal action.

Oxfam, a group known for its harsh criticism of Israel, has been in the news in recent weeks for encouraging boycotts of Jewish state and criticizing actress Scarlett Johansson for her support of Israeli company SodaStream.

“Please be advised that providing services to the terrorist instrumentalities UHWC and/or the UAWC is illegal and may have already exposed Oxfam, its global affiliates and its officers to criminal prosecution and civil liability to Israeli, European, American, Australian citizens, and others victimized by terrorism sponsored by the PFLP, the parent organization of the UHWC and the UAWC,” the letter states, according to a copy obtained by the Washington Free Beacon.

The Israel Law Center requests that Oxfam “immediately provide us written confirmation that Oxfam has discontinued the provision of aid and material support to the UHWC and the UAWC,” according to the letter. “Absent such confirmation, we will seek all available relief and remedies against Oxfam and its officers in all relevant jurisdictions.”

Oxfam, which says it has refuted the Center’s claims, has not been shy about publicizing its work with the UHWC and the UAWC. It provides the groups with financial backing and has described them as “partners” in various press statements, according the Israel Law Center.

However, both groups “were created by the PFLP, and they operate under the direct patronage and in close cooperation with the PFLP,” according to the Israel Law Center, which outlined extensive ties between the organizations.

“The UHWC and the UAWC are the PFLP’s health and agricultural organizations, respectively,” according to the Israel Law Center. “These organizations were created by the PFLP and they operate under the direct patronage and in close cooperation with the PFLP.”

The UHWC has been listed online as a subsidiary to the PFLP and has provided various medical services under the direction of the PFLP, which has also held events at official UHWC facilities, according to the Israel Law Center.

Top UHWC leaders have also held “senior positions” in the PFLP, which has claimed responsibility for the assassination of an Israeli minister and the murder of three Jewish children, according to the letter to Oxfam.

The UAWC also has been listed online as a PFLP affiliate, and the two outfits have been known to jointly hold events together, the Israel Law Center found.

Both groups have also dabbled in “anti-Israel political activities such as land day protests, publicly opposing Israeli-Palestinian peace negotiations, supporting boycotts and divestments of Israeli academia and companies, and the like,” according to the letter to Oxfam.

Israel Law Center director Nitsana Darshan-Leitner said that Oxfam is providing support to the PFLP through its work with these two groups.

“While Oxfam accuses Israel of war crimes, they themselves have partnered with and financially supported a designated Palestinian terrorist organization,” Darshan-Leitner told the Washington Free Beacon. “The Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine is responsible for some of the most heinous terrorist attacks against civilians over the past decades. Its criminal operations and murders continue against Jewish civilians today.”

“Oxfam claims to care about human rights in Gaza but then partners with the terrorist group which was responsible for massacring the Fogel children in the Itamar community,” she said. “There is no difference between providing aid and support to an instrumentality of the PFLP and giving funds to an instrumentality of al Qaeda. Any money given to a terrorist organization advances its ability to carry out murderous attacks.”

Financial support for the PFLP and its satellite groups could violate several European and U.S. laws, according to Darshan-Leitner.

Oxfam’s head of media Matt Grainger said his organization’s officials have not formally seen the Israel Law Center’s letter yet, but pointed to 2012 rebuttals of similar claims.

The Israel Law Center noted the UAWC’s connection to the PFLP in a 2012 suit and named Oxfam, among other organizations, in the claim, Grainger said. Oxfam and these other groups refuted the accusations at the time.

“Without seeing the new [Israel Law Center] letter, I don’t know if they’re the exact same allegations, against UAWC, or different,” Grainger said.

For the record, the PFLP terror group has been in this investigative journalist’s cross hairs for some time, and it had everything to do with their backing of the ISM terror front, a focal point herein:

I am an investigative journalist and independent op-ed contributor to various Zionist andConservative media outlets. I contributed to an in-depth investigative series at FrontPage Magazine with Lee Kaplan from 2003-2007.We are still working together . Go to the 5:59 timeline at –http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6lwBAv7f1Vghere as well– http://www.presstv.ir/Program/320411.html – to listen to him address the current situation in Syria. He is a world class expert on the ISM (International Solidarity Movement), and he utilized my foundation in forensics and investigative journalism to “follow the jihadist money.” Unfathomably, the ISM was able to accomplish the above money laundering, courtesy of their IRS 501(c)(3) tax-exempt status. Specifically, my name appears at the end of the expose’, ‘Does The Pro-Terror Left Violate U.S. Tax Laws’? 

The nexus between the ISM and the PFLP (and their hydra organs) is solid as a rock:

Fayyad SbaihatDon’t let that toothy grin fool you. This is a bad dude. Israeli security has advised that Sbaihat’s entire family is active with the terrorist organization the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP) that murdered Israel’s Tourism Minister and is responsible for the deaths of at least fourteen Americans in terrorist attacks. Sbiahat’s two brothers, Laith and Mohammed, are both PFLP terrorists. Sbaihat recently gave up his role as national spokesman for the ISM conference to Nadeem Muaddi of Temple University.Below is information on Sbaihat who is still active in the ISM and will no doubt be at Georgetown:

Based at the University of Wisconsin-Madison, Fayyad Sbaihat is the national student organizer and leader of the Palestine Solidarity Movement (PSM), which is the campus arm of the International Solidarity Movement in the United States. True to the spirit of these two organizations, Sbaihat has organized – at colleges and universities across the U.S. and Canada – conferences advocating divestment from Israel and promoting the dismantling of the Jewish state.

Full circle. Bulls eye.



UPDATE: Guerilla training of women at Islamberg, Hancock, N.Y.


TEXAS-STYLE ALERT: Will self-proclaimed Conservative patriots stand still for this Islamic invasion – a double travesty – as they abuse America’s Constitution and aim to destroy it, while it lends them (legal and religious) cover? Meanwhile, America’s leaders play deaf, dumb and blind, many of whom despise the Constitution as well!

Readers who are familiar with this site have (likely) come across several commentaries which highlight the absolute, undeniable dangers embedded within America, from the east coast to the west coast and all parts in between. For the record, the following instructive video from 2009 (alongside others) was posted at this site, as one such alarm bell – http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WubEFsN5pk8

But before we get to the latest horror, please internalize that terrorist compounds have been flourishing within America for many years and they operate under “religious” cover, as provided by the U.S. Constitution. Imagine that. So, in the same Orwellian manner in which Islamist groups are afforded tax exempt ! status to plot their jihad, so too they arm themselves (to the teeth) within barricaded compounds throughout many American cities.

Knowing a thing or two about both travesties – their tax-exempt status via hidden “religious” cover, as well as their actual jihadi compounds – well, this site can claim a certain first hand knowledge base:

I contributed to an in-depth investigative series at FrontPage Magazine with Lee Kaplan from 2003-2007.We are still working together . Go to the 5:59 timeline at –http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6lwBAv7f1Vghere as well– http://www.presstv.ir/Program/320411.html – to listen to him address the current situation in Syria. He is a world class expert on the ISM (International Solidarity Movement), and he utilized my foundation in forensics and investigative journalism to “follow the jihadist money.” Unfathomably, the ISM was able to accomplish the above money laundering, courtesy of their IRS 501(c)(3) tax-exempt status. Specifically, my name appears at the end of the expose’, ‘Does The Pro-Terror Left Violate U.S. Tax Laws’? 

That being said, and in line with the above work, an opportunity arose which brought this American-Israeli to the outskirts of a mega terror compound, as evidenced below:

Jamat ul Fuqra are awash in infidel blood. Most infamously, they are the head choppers of Wall Street Journal reporter Daniel Pearl. They are particularly fond of beheadings. Say what? Too close for many fellow New Yorkers (my home state) comfort, the group receives some of their paramilitary training at their Islamberg compound in New York State. Not to get too specific – as part of a “research” project  in 2006 – I accompanied a trusted contact to the outskirts of the compound, knowing full well that this was as far as we would get. No matter. We came, we saw, we went…..hearing constant sounds of gun popping, and intermittent shouts of “allahu akbar” – god is great – in broad daylight !!  Roaming guards dressed in (Islamic) combat fatigues, and watch towers on each side, were clearly visible.

Normal folks surely are wondering – how is it possible that terror compounds can exist in the land of the free, the home of the brave? What is going on here?

In furtherance of the menace ready to explode inside America, the following was noted in March 2013:Islamberg . MUST See Visual Renditions Within America!

YES, jihad here, there and everywhere….

That was then, and here we go again, round and round the Islamist terror tree, but this time in big ole’ Texas-style!


Muslims shoot firearms ‘without interference from law enforcement’

Sheik Mubarak Ali Gilani

Declassified FBI documents confirm the existence of an Islamic jihadist enclave in Texas that is part of a network in the U.S. identified by the Department of Homeland Security as a terrorist organization.

Jamaat al-Fuqra was founded in New York in 1980 by Sheik Mubarak Ali Gilani, an Islamic cleric in Pakistan who at one time was in Pakistani custody in connection with the abduction of Wall Street Journal reporter Daniel Pearl.

Muslims of the Americas says it has a network of 22 “villages” around the U.S., with headquarters at an encampment in the Catskill Mountains near Hancock, N.Y., called Holy Islamberg, as WND reported in 2006. An investigative report at the time found neighbors of Islamberg were deeply concerned about military-style training taking place there and frustrated by an apparent lack of attention from federal authorities.

WND also reported in 2006 that Jamaat al-Fuqra has collaborated with major terrorist organizations, including Hezbollah and al-Qaida.

See the remarkable investigative film that exposed the subversive plans of the Muslim Brotherhood in America, “Jihad in America: The Grand Deception”

The FBI describes the compound in Texas, called Mahmoudberg, as an “enclave” and “communal living site.” Located in Brazoria County along County Road 3 near Sweeny, Texas, it was discovered by the FBI through a tip from an informant in New York, according to the Clairon Project.

The Texas commune, in a heavily wooded area, is estimated by a local resident who spoke to ACT researchers to encompass about 25 acres. It dates back to the late 1980s, the resident said, which is confirmed by the FBI documents.

The FBI reported in 2007 that one commune resident formerly was a leader at the Muslims of the Americas compound in Badger, Calif., called Baladullah.

In March 2001, a Baladullah member was arrested for transporting guns between New York and South Carolina. Another was charged with murdering a police deputy that caught him breaking and entering a home.

The declassified FBI documents show that the enclave is not the only affiliate of the organization that has operated in the state.

In 1991, after a MOA/Jamaat-ul-Fuqra bomb plot in Toronto was foiled, a federal search warrant for three suspects was issued and a nearly 45-acre “compound” about 70 miles south of Dallas was raided.

The location of the compound corresponds to a reference in an FBI document obtained by the Clarion Project that says about seven MOA members purchased property near Corsicana, Texas.

The suspects fled before the raid, and the children at the compound suddenly disappeared from school. Federal officials found four mobile homes; three military, general-purpose tents; and six vehicles. Also discovered were loose ammunition, books on counter-terrorism techniques and weaponry and various items with “Jamaat Fuqra Land” written on them.

Surveillance photos of a post office building and the Greenhead Station in Los Angeles were discovered as well.

The activities of Muslims of the Americas continued after the October 1991 raid, however. Two 1992 FBI documents say MOA members in the state were using false aliases, Social Security numbers and birth certificates.

Murder, firebombing

Muslims of the Americas is identified as a terrorist group in the FBI documents obtained by the Clarion Project.

A 2007 FBI record states members of the group have been involved in at least 10 murders, one disappearance, three firebombings, one attempted firebombing, two explosive bombings and one attempted bombing.

“The documented propensity for violence by this organization supports the belief the leadership of the MOA extols membership to pursue a policy of jihad or holy war against individuals or groups it considers enemies of Islam, which includes the U.S. Government,” the document states. “Members of the MOA are encouraged to travel to Pakistan to receive religious and military/terrorist training from Sheikh Gilani.”

The document also says Muslims of the Americas is now “an autonomous organization which possesses an infrastructure capable of planning and mounting terrorist campaigns overseas and within the U.S.”

A 2003 FBI report states that investigation of MOA “is based on specific and articulate facts giving justification to believe they are engaged in international terrorism.”

The Clarion Project said MOA members believe the holiest Islamic site in the country their Islamville commune in South Carolina. Along with Islamberg, other MOA entities include the International Quranic Open University, United Muslim Christian Forum, Islamic Post, Muslim Veterans of America and American Muslim Medical Relief Team.

An FBI report states the Sweeny, Texas, enclave is in an area “so rural it is quite common for residents to shoot firearms for target practice or hunting on private property without interference from law enforcement.”

ACT said that when its researchers were spotted in the area, they were immediately and repeatedly approached. At one point, a commune resident gave them a final warning to leave, despite the fact that they were not trespassing or harassing any members.

“It was definitely very threatening and menacing,” an ACT member said.

Multiple sources confirmed, according to the Clarion Project, that a resident of the commune is a police officer. Another, a neighbor has said, formerly drove trucks for the U.S. Army in Kuwait.

The commune is also linked to a nonprofit called the Muslim Model Community of Texas. Members, the Clarion Project said, travel to Houston to worship at the Muslims of America Dawah (Outreach) Center that is linked to another organization called First Muslims of Texas.

According to FBI documents and a police report, one of the MOA members was shot and killed by another member in 2002.

The report said the death of Salminma Dawood, also known as Terrance C. Davis III, was an accident. He reportedly was shot by another MOA member who “returned gunfire to unknown individuals who were harassing the MOA commune.”

Law enforcement reported they met about a dozen African-American males at the scene of the shooting. About five of the men lived at the commune, and there were an estimated seven women and children who also lived there.

Police said they were denied access to the trailer homes and were not allowed to directly interview the women, who covered their faces.

Local residents told researchers with ACT that they were aware of a few visits by government investigators to the commune. The locals said the MOA members refused to talk. One neighbor said two ambulances were denied entry into the compound until police intervened. The Clarion Project said Brazoria County criminal records show that two residents of Mahmoudberg were arrested in April 2013 and charged with “interference with public duties.” A trial is pending, the Clarion Project said.

Terror designation

In 2005, the Department of Homeland Security privately agreed to list Jamaat al-Fuqra and Muslims of the Americas as a possible sponsor of a terrorist attack on the U.S.

The State Department, however, has not designated it as a Foreign Terrorist Organization, and it continues to organize in the U.S.

In 1998, the State Department’s Patterns of Global Terrorism report described Jamaat al-Fuqra as an “Islamic sect that seeks to purify Islam through violence.” It said that Fuqra members engaged in assassinations and bombings in the U.S. in the 1980s and still live in “isolated rural compounds” in the country.

A State Department spokesman was asked in January 2002 why Jamaat al-Fuqra stopped appearing in the department’s annual terrorism reports.

“Jamaat al-Fuqra has never been designated as a Foreign Terrorist Organization,” the spokesman said. “It was included in several recent annual terrorism reports under ‘other terrorist groups,’ i.e., groups that had carried out acts of terrorism but that were not formally designated by the Secretary of State. However, because of the group’s inactivity during 2000, it was not included in the most recent terrorism report covering that calendar year.”

The Clarion Project noted that Jamaat al-Fuqra has not appeared since then in the annual report, yet the declassified FBI documents from as late as 2007 discuss the terrorist threat posed by Muslims of the Americas.

Last year, MOA filed a lawsuit against the nonprofit Christian Action Network for defamation and libel after CAN’s publication of the book “Twilight in America: The Untold Story of Islamist Terrorist Training Camps Inside America.”

The book accuses Muslims of the Americas of  “acting as a front for the radical Islamist group Jamaat al-Fuqra.”

Much of the book is based on the investigation of a former NYPD undercover informant who spent eight years posing as a member of the group.

The authors of the book, Martin Mawyer and Patti Pierucci, told Fox News they welcome the lawsuit because it will expose the Islamic group’s activities.

Tied to Daniel Pearl abduction

The Jamaat al-Fuqra leader, Gilani, at one time was in Pakistani custody for the abduction of American journalist Daniel Pearl.

Intelligence sources determined Pearl was attempting to meet with Gilani in the days before he disappeared in Karachi in 2002 and later was beheaded. Intelligence sources also suggest a link between al-Fuqra and Richard Reid, the infamous “shoe bomber” who attempted to ignite explosives aboard a Paris-to-Miami passenger flight Dec. 22, 2001.

Beltway sniper John Muhammad also has been tied to the group, and there is circumstantial evidence that links it to Oklahoma University bomber Joel Hinrichs.

Joseph Bodansky, the former director of the Congressional Task Force on Terrorism and Unconventional Warfare, has affirmed Jamaat al-Fuqra operations in the U.S. have been known to the FBI and CIA for decades.

Gilani was a close associate of 9/11 mastermind Khalid Sheik Mohammed, who sent convicted conspirator Zacarias Moussaoui to live with Jamaat al-Fuqra member Melvin Lattimore and attend flight school in Norman, Okla.

MOST intrinsically, while Obama Inc. rules by fiat and shreds the Constitution into insignificant pieces, the security agencies are ordered to keep their hands-in-their-pockets, due to the First Amendment rights afforded to jihadists! Unfathomably, they are left to plot America’s upending without any law enforcement interference. 

As indicated from the onset, via the linked youtube, some of these (hands off) terror compounds have WMD’s already in their possession.

Patriots, is standing still an option?