
WITH all their harping on Islamic “purity”, covering their women from head to toe, one would think that “jihad by sex” would be out of the question. Out of bounds. If you believed as much, you would be wrong! So much so, now that the truth is seeping out, previous commentaries are coming into sharper relief, try as they might to hide it from westerner’s prying eyes.

BUT for added context, the western world must internalize how women are really viewed in Islam, aside from what is already known: indeed, women’s existence is against Islam, so sayeth the council of Islamic ideology! Really.

ADDING weight to their latest jihadi weapon, this too must be internalized, to understand the catastrophic dangers facing the west: yes, an Islamic fatwa “koshers” the sale of kiddies and wives!

NOT only that, aside from the sexually gratifying component (free of guilt from the prohibition of pre-marital sex), countless jihadi women are completely ready to bed AND roar, all for the sake of satiating their monstrous Allah! Monstrous Islam…

YET, despite the absolute Koranic dictates to kill all infidels, including Muslims deemed apostates, the fact of the matter is that there are sexual roots endemic in “jihad by sex”. Say what? Well, jihad is inextricably linked to repressed sexual rage within the Islamic male psyche, defining their relationship to women. And this is not psycho babble.

SO in light of the above, it makes entire “sense” for “sex by jihad” to become the new rage!

Muslim Terrorists In Iraq (ISIS) Issued A Decree Ordering All Families To Send Their Unmarried Women To Participate in “JIHAD BY SEX”

On June 12, only two day after capturing Mosul and other territories in Iraq, the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria issued a decree ordering the people to send their unmarried women to “jihad by sex.” In the proclamation ISIS threatens to impose Sharia law on all who fail to comply with the decree.
Here’s a translation of the decree, followed by the original in Arabic.

In the Name of Allah the Merciful

Subject: Mandate LOGO The Islamic State of Iraq and Syria
The State of Nineveh

In the Name of Allah the Merciful

After liberation of the State of Nineveh, and the welcome shown by the people of the state to their brotherly mujahideen, and after the great conquest, and the defeat of the Safavid [Persian] troops in the State of Nineveh, and its liberation, and Allah willing, it will become the headquarters for the mujahideen. Therefore we request that the people of this state offer their unmarried women so that they can fulfill their duty of jihad by sex to their brotherly mujahideen. Failure to comply with this mandate will result in enforcing the laws of Sharia upon them.

Allah we have notified, Allah bear witness.

Sha’ban 13, 1435
June, 12, 2014
ISIS decree calling on women to report for “jihad by sex” duty.

Translated for by Dr. Samir Johna.

Here is the original proclamation in Arabic:



The word for marriage in Arabic is zawaj. The word Nikah literally means “legal copulation”. Jihad Nikah is simply sending the girls for “legal copulation” in order to have sex with Jihadists.

Jihad Nikah is one of the many Muslim decrees that came out within the last decade which included some bizarre fatwas as the Adult Breastfeeding fatwa (a Muslim male suckling milk from his wife’s breast), Sex with Infants (amongst Shia), Pedophilia, the popular Misyar marriage (traveler convenient marriage), Mut’a Marriage (Temporary marriage), Marriage with Intent to Divorce (Summer vacation marriage) and Jihad Nikah (marriage to advance warfare).

The idea of Jihad Nikah is simple. Women who want to participate in holy war (Jihad) can tend the battlefield by providing the gift of their bodies for Muslim veterans, especially in Iraq and Syria where the heat of Jihad is highest.

In every report of this sort, Muslims worldwide deny the phenomenon. However, Islamic Muruna which was issued by Sheikh Yusuf Qaradawi, the most prominent Sunni theologian in the world explains not only the sanctioning of Misyar Marriage, but “the process of permitting evils”, altogether by “sanctioning prohibitions for the sake of an interest”. This “interest” regards Jihad, which is very well documented in his volume Fiqh Al-Muwazanat (The Jurisprudence of Balance) on his own website. This jurisprudence, as mad as it sounds, permits “reversing Sharia rulings” in order to “gain interests”. Imagine what “sanctioning prohibitions” means. If it says, “thou shall not kill” now it’s “thou can kill” for an “interest”.

Qaradawi explains that Sharia under war can permit almost anything:

“Sharia’s ability to be flexible and inclusive is that it cares for their needs while excusing the burdens Muslims have to endure. For the sake of their destiny, it was made lawful for them to have exceptions from the law that are appropriate for them since these exceptions match their general goals to make it easy for humanity by removing the chains of [Sharia] rules they were made to adhere to in previous Sharia rulings.”

By reversing Islamic law, Muruna concludes an amazing doctrine that sanctions all prohibitions:

“When evil and harm conflict as necessities demand, we must then choose the least of the two evils or harms. This is what the experts in jurisprudence decided … if interests and harms/evils conflict, or benefits conflict with evils, what is then to be decided is to review each benefit and each harm and its consequences, so the minor evils are forgiven for the sake of the greater long-term benefit. The evil is also accepted even if that evil is extreme and normally considered deplorable.

And this is how Jihad and prostitution becomes sanctioned.

Misyar marriage, for example, is nothing more than legalized call girls and has branches globally including in the U.S. It was first sanctioned in Egypt and Saudi Arabia to only spread to several other Muslim nations. There are many websites used to facilitate the transactions. The most popular is click here for ‘lonely’ Muslim men who are on the road and are allowed to have sex with local Muslim women (who advertise themselves) in the area where the lonely Muslim male is traveling in which he can order his bride in the comfort of his hotel room by the touch of his keyboard.

Mesiara Online screenshot.

Call girls are permitted in Islam and even with Muslim women donned with Hijabs. Misyar means sex for the travelers. While prostitution exists in every corner of the globe, its sanctification with fanciful words is what is particularly at issue here. The word prostitution is stealthily removed since there is a transaction established that says “marriage” instead.

Misyar is all over the Middle East and is sanctioned by many top Imams. The Muslim “conservative” world is much more disgusting than one can imagine. It’s actually far more like western liberalism than western conservatism. Misyar marriages are rarely if ever discussed in Western mainstream media, perhaps – at least in part – for that reason.

Misyar literally means the traveler marriage in which women must relinquish the care owed to them by a husband. Sheikh Ahmed al-Kubaissi, from the United Arab Emirates, thinks there is no formal problem withmisyar marriage. After all, it fulfills all the demands of Islamic law. Wealthy Muslim men sometimes enter into a Misyar marriage while on vacation, in order to have sexual relations with another woman without committing the sin of adultery. They usually divorce the women once their holiday is over.

However, if this is understood by both parties at the time of concluding the marriage contract (and this is usually the case), this would constitute a fixed time period.

The Sheikh of al-Azhar Mosque – Muhammad Sayyid Tantawi – and theologian Yusuf Al-Qaradawi note, in their writings and in their lectures, that a major proportion of the men who take a spouse in the framework of the misyar marriage are already married men.

Many of the men involved would not marry a second wife within the regime of normal Islamic polygamy because of the heavy financial burdens, moral obligations & responsibilities placed on the husband. Instead, they opt for the option of Misyar marriage when the theologians declare it licit. Amongst the Shia Muslims, according to a Fatwa for Ayatollah Sistani, Mut’ah is permitted but Misyar is considered to be prohibited by Sunnis. While both condemn the other sect accusing the other side of immoral acts, there is much similarity between Mut’ah and Misyar. Both require all the conditions applicable to Nikah (marriage) with the exception of fixed expiration date in Mut’ah. Every marriage by Sunnis requires two adult male witnesses, whereas in Shī‘as, the two witnesses required in either nikah-e-Mut’ah or in ordinary marriage may be just Allah and the Qur’an.

Websites in the English amount to a few thousand hits on Misyar with the usual Muslim discussion groups but the Arabic has over a million hits with a litany of services that facilitate the process with the blessings by the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.

To be fair, several Muslim theologians object. Muslim Saudi writer Dr. Zuhair Mohammed Jamil Kutby laments (I translated from Arabic) regarding the sexual revolution in the Muslim world, but argues that such deviant behavior stems from the Muslim history itself:

“The Arab Nation and through its scholars, jurists and intellectuals, think it is one of the best nations, and it is a nation like no other in the universe. But the fact is it went through periods of physical and moral degeneration that even history is embarrassed of. (Arab Vanity and Corruption)”

He added…

“When we come back to read some pages of our history—not the history written by Orientalists—this way we do not claim they are antagonistic. We find that our Arab history is full of conflict, crowded with a culture of lying and exposed by sexual and moral deviation … Is it not wrong and shameful the spread of corruption and sexual deviation in the corridors and palaces during Arab rule? Plentiful were these [deviations] written in our history books, novels and stories. For example, The Abbasid Caliph Harun al-Rashid spent his nights with Al-Majin and the immoral poet Abu Nawas…Here are the verses that indicate sexual decadence and corruption in which Abu Nawas says:

‘Adela blames my choice,
a boy smooth as an Oryx …
leave me alone, I said
do not blame me,
I am committed to what you hate
and until death do us part
Did not the book of Allah instruct?
To prefer boys over girls…’”

Pedophilia stems from the Qur’an and Muhammad. Muslim doublespeak artists cover up Muhammad’s marriage with Aisha, his six-year old wife and argue that he waited to consummate his marriage when she was nine. This waiting has nothing to do with Aisha’s maturity but with payment:

“…then Abu Bakr asked [the Prophet] ‘O Messenger of God, what prevents you from consummating the marriage with your wife?’ The Prophet said ‘The bridal gift (sadaq).’ Abu Bakr gave him the bridal gift, twelve and a half ounces [of gold], and the Prophet sent for us. He consummated our marriage in my house, the one where I live now and where he passed away.” [The History of Al-Tabari: Biographies of the Prophet’s Companions and Their Successors, translated by Ella Landau-Tasseron, SUNY Press, Albany, 1998, Volume XXXIX, pp. 171-173]

Muhammad’s companions and old geezers married underage girls. Ali gave his daughter to Umar:

“Umar asked ‘Ali for the hand of his daughter, Umm Kulthum in marriage. ‘Ali replied that she has not yet attained the age (of maturity)… Thus ‘Ali gave his daughter Umm Kulthum a dress and asked her to go to ‘Umar’ ‘Go and tell your father that you are very pretty …’. With that ‘Ali married Umm Kulthum to ‘Umar’.” [In Tarikh Khamees, Volume 2, p. 384 (‘Dhikr Umm Kalthum’) and Zakhair Al-Aqba, p. 168]

The Summary for The Message of Prayer, How To Teach Our Children Prayer by Sheikh Yousuf Al-Asfuri AlBahreini, First Edition, 1989.
This book is for the elementary schools in Bahrain (photo of page in Arabic here). In it, it gives the etiquettes of washing from ejaculation. Page 53 discusses the necessity to cleanse oneself and the conditions for washing

“1—intercourse with the vaginal part of a woman…intercourse after ejaculating in her anus…intercourse after ejaculating in a boy’s anus…after intercourse with an animal…”


Moroccan journalist Hamid Tulist, in addressing the pedophilia problem in the Middle East, laments:

“Even the prince of the faithful Caliph Al-Amin, son of Caliph Harun al-Rashid, bought his eunuchs and dedicated them for his private use and refused women and slaves, and anguished over his love for a boy named Kauthar, and sang for him love songs and poetry. Caliph and Commander of the Faithful of Allah, al-Wathiq bin Khalifa Mu’tasim and Caliph Harun al-Rashid’s grandson, longed for a boy called Mahj. He dedicated sweet and delicate poems for him. Commander of the Faithful and Caliph al-Walid ibn Yazid ibn Abd al-Malik was even said that he enticed his brother to sodomize him.”

Tulist reverts not to the Quran, Hadith or Islamic jurisprudence to solve the problem of pedophilia in the Arab-Muslim world, but to the Jewish faith:

“The first mention of a type of sexual perversion (homosexuality) stated in the first religious book known in the Arab East was Genesis, a Jewish book and the first book of the five books of the Torah. In the story of Lot were God punished sexual perversion. In fact the Arabic word ‘Luat’ (sodomy) came from the Hebrew ‘Lot’ and not from the Arabic.”

What the Muslim world accuses the infidel of is exactly what the Muslim world is actually guilty of. But they have ways of passing their guilt. Of course, in the Middle East, the worst thing to be is a Jew and a woman. These are evil since hell is filled with them. Every evil is sanctioned in the Muslim world.

Adultery is cloaked in Muta and Misyar. Rape is cloaked in the right to own concubines. Murder is cloaked in Jihad against the collaborators and the Zionist enemy whom corrupted God’s Word, the Bible. Everything is twisted upside down.

AS in other religions, the faithful often attempt to live up to certain standards of conduct, try as they might. Now, it is no secret that Muslims believe that Abū al-Qāsim Muḥammad ibn ʿAbd Allāh ibn ʿAbd al-Muṭṭalib ibn Hāshim (Arabicابو القاسم محمد ابن عبد الله ابن عبد المطلب ابن هاشم‎; c. 570 – c. 8 June 632),[1] also transliterated asMuhammad (محمد), was a man from Mecca who unified Arabia into a single religious polity underIslam. Believed by Muslims and Bahá’ís to be a messenger and prophet of God, Muhammad is almost universally[n 1] considered by Muslims as the last prophet sent by God to mankind.[2][n 2]While non-Muslims regard Muhammad as the founder of Islam,[3] Muslims consider him to have restored the unaltered original monotheistic faith of AdamNoahAbrahamMosesJesus, andother prophets.[4][5][6][7]   

BE that as it may, this American-Israeli goes on record, stating: he was also a pedophile, rapist and polygamist! It is what it is. And though there are many citations to prove as much, the following is more than resonant, being that it pulls no punches: Mohammed was a paedophile, but hush, you can’t say that….


IN this regard, why is it at all shocking to hear that young girls – virgins to boot – are being (ab)used as nothing more than whores, even as their fatwa-laden pimp daddies regularly opine: girls/women must be covered from head to toe; virginity is a must; and Islam is a religion of peace, as inculcated by its psychopathic “prophet” !

Muslim child brides

BUT, “servicing” males for jihad, while they plunder, pillage and blow up everyone in their path, gives Islamic she-devils an exemption to said laws – not unlike their role model, many centuries ago.

YES, males AND females, emulating his bloody footsteps!


  1. Great article! Thanks. Let’s not forget the cult of sexual jihad by adnan oktar (spelling) by using Muslim models for sex blackmail against all those who are not Muslim. What are the terrorists waiting for in sex when they can get 72 virgins instantly at the press of a button.

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