Facebook (Social Media),Once Again, Pledges To Rein In ‘Extremist’ Content & Incitement To Terrorism.Liars!! Commentary By Adina Kutnicki

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AS the kiddies are wont to scream: liar(s), liar(s) pants on fire! 

ALAS, whenever the heat is turned up against social media giants via do-nothing government types (merely seeking to cover their useless butts for failing to protect the public against Islamic jihad), par for the course, voilà, Facebook’s denizens – in reality, censors – lead the pack and trot out the so-called big guns: yes, we are on the job! O RLY??  Meanwhile, truth tellers in alternative media are busy exposing Facebook’s enabling, relative to the continuous stream of heinous acts exploding within America, Israel, and Europe.

Web giants YouTube , Facebook , Twitter and Microsoft will step up efforts to remove extremist content from their websites by creating a common database.

The companies will share ‘hashes’ – unique digital fingerprints they automatically assign to videos or photos – of extremist content they have removed from their websites to enable their peers to identify the same content on their platforms.

“We hope this collaboration will lead to greater efficiency as we continue to enforce our policies to help curb the pressing global issue of terrorist content online,” the companies said in a statement on Tuesday.

Tech companies have long resisted outside intervention in how their sites should be policed, but have come under increasing pressure from Western governments to do more to remove extremist content following a wave of militant attacks.

YouTube and Facebook have begun to use hashes to automatically remove extremist content.

But many providers have relied until now mainly on users to flag content that violates terms of service. Flagged material is then individually reviewed by human editors who delete postings found to be in violation…..

OKEY dokey.

TO wit, simply knowing about Omar Mateen‘s (June 2016) jihadi barbarism at Orlando’s Pulse Club  whose intentions to kill as many ‘infidels’ as possible were in plain view via Facebook, akin to an endless stream of others – why would anyone believe the tech giant intends to cease its enabling now? Rhetorical.

In the hours after he blasted his way into a Orlando gay nightclub, and with his victims lying dead or wounded around him, Omar Mateen took to Facebook to pledge his loyalty to ISIS and threaten more attacks on the civilized world, a key lawmaker privy to the gunman’s posts told FoxNews.com Wednesday.

Mateen, who killed 49 people and wounded 53 inside Pulse early Sunday, died when a SWAT team stormed the club. But in the roughly four hours between his initial rampage and his death, the 29-year-old radicalized Muslim broadcast his twisted message of hate on social media, according to Senate Homeland Security Chairman Ron Johnson, R-Wisc.


“I pledge my alliance to (ISIS leader) abu bakr al Baghdadi..may Allah accept me,” Mateen wrote in one post early Sunday morning. “The real muslims will never accept the filthy ways of the west” …“You kill innocent women and children by doing us airstrikes..now taste the Islamic state vengeance.”

Mateen’s social media accounts were taken down before they could be widely viewed by the public, but Johnson’s committee investigators have uncovered some or all of them. The senator has also written a letter to Facebook executives expressing concern about Mateen’s postings and asking for more information on his activities.

“It is my understanding that Omar Mateen used Facebook before and during the attack to search for and post terrorism-related content,” read Johnson’s letter. “According to information obtained by my staff, five Facebook accounts were apparently associated with Omar Mateen.”

The posts uncovered by Johnson’s committee shed light on Mateen’s actions in the hours that followed his 2 a.m. raid on the nightclub. Mateen, armed with a Sig Sauer MCX rifle and a handgun, shot his way past an off-duty cop and sprayed bullets throughout the club, which was packed with more than 300 revelers when he arrived. Some escaped, many died or were wounded and scores more waited out the horrific ordeal, knowing each moment could be their last.

As survivors cowered in darkened rooms, praying and texting police and relatives, Mateen accessed his Facebook account to search for media reports, using search words such as “Pulse Orlando” and “Shooting.” An FBI source told FoxNews.com he also made 16 phone calls from inside the club after the bloody spree began. Investigators are tracking down each of the recipients of those calls.

Mateen proclaimed his hatred for Westerners in one Facebook post uncovered by Johnson’s committee.

“America and Russia stop bombing the Islamic state,” Mateen wrote.

In his final post, Mateen made an ominous prediction.

“In the next few days you will see attacks from the Islamic state in the usa.” 

Besides looking for information on himself, Johnson noted Mateen used Facebook to search for information on the jihadist couple behind the Dec. 2 San Bernardino attack, used the search term “Baghdadi Speech,” and scouted for posts by local law enforcement and FBI, Johnson told FoxNews.com.

Johnson called on Facebook to hand over all information the company has on Mateen for review and to brief his committee on all of Mateen’s activity logs, Facebook timeline information, Facebook messages, photos, and posts by June 29.

Facebook officials confirmed to FoxNews.com they have received Johnson’s letter.

SO fast forward five months later to Ohio State’s jihadi, Abdul Razak Ali Artan, and guess what? It happened again!

The Israel-based civil rights organization, Shurat Hadin, today released a YouTube video in a campaign to support its two major lawsuits against Facebook for inciting terrorism.

The video comes shortly after a stabbing and car-ramming attack by a Muslim Ohio State University student last week which closely followed the student’s posting a rant on his Facebook page.

That attack and video underscore Shurat HaDin’s lawsuits against Facebook, pending in a district court in Brooklyn, New York. A hearing to decide whether those cases can proceed to trial is scheduled for January 19, 2017.

The video, “Who’s Behind Terror? Rewind!, inspired by the movie “Memento,” opens with a slow-motion replay of a terrorist bomb attack in New York City, then rewinds time 10 minutes, then two hours, then 24 hours, then three months, to show the key moments when Facebook helped incite the terrorist to act.

“Facebook and other social media platforms have become a crucial component for international terror, the same as guns, bombs and money,” said Nitsana Darshan-Leitner, the founder of Shurat HaDin – Israel Law Center. “For years now, Facebook has continued to provide a platform for terrorist incitement despite repeated warnings. This has become one of today’s top global threats. Social media platforms want to believe terror has nothing to do with them and that they have unlimited immunity and can do whatever they want. We are going to put an end to it.”

Shurat HaDin’s first case against Facebook, Cohen v. Facebook, was filed after the wave of stabbing attacks in 2015 to stop allowing Palestinian terrorists to incite for violent attacks against Israeli citizens and Jews on its internet platform.

In this case, Shurat HaDin seeks to shut down terrorist pages on Facebook not because of their content but because by allowing this content, Facebook allegedly facilitates terrorism by providing services to terrorists. The case seeks an injunction forcing Facebook to actively monitor and block such pages, similarly to the way banks block transactions with known terrorists.

In a second lawsuit, Force v. Facebook, Shurat HaDin seeks $1 billion in damages on behalf the families of five Israeli victims of the terrorist group Hamas. This case, under the U.S. Antiterrorism Act, charges Facebook with providing material support and resources to Hamas – a “foreign terrorist organization” – in the form of Facebook services that the group used to carry out terrorist actions.

“One cannot transfer even one dollar to Hamas because banks know not to permit transactions with terrorists, but Hamas and known Hamas officials can open Facebook pages, and use Facebook to recruit terrorists and aggrandize terrorism,” said attorney Robert J. Tolchin, who represents the plaintiffs in Brooklyn as the local counsel for Shurat HaDin.

“Facebook’s sophisticated platform and services are used by terrorists for communication, logistics, intelligence, fundraising and even prestige,” Shurat HaDin said in filing the first lawsuit. “Facebook has the data and the capability to cease providing services to terrorists, and it has chosen not to do so.”

Shurat HaDin, the Israel Law Center, is an Israel-based civil rights organization which combats terrorist organizations and the regimes that support them in the courtroom via lawsuits on behalf of the terror victims. Shurat HaDin seeks to bankrupt the terror groups and grind their criminal activities to a halt – one lawsuit at a time.

BUT if more evidence is required as to past being prologue, well, there are so many examples that it would require a sequel to ‘BANNED: How Facebook Enables Militant Islamic Jihad’! However, if one is a prime exemplar, this is it because it goes back to 2014 and is a mirror image of countless others! 

Users of Facebook have reported this week that the website is refusing to take down a known ISIS terror group fan page titled “Shia Ibn E Mutta” (a derogatory term for Shia marriages). The fan page has nearly 6,000 members, and adoringly quotes Abu Musab al-Zarqawi, founder of al Qaeda in Iraq who was killed by U.S. forces in 2006.

The most recent quote from al-Zarqawi is an exhortation for followers to attack the Iraqi government. The United States believes that al-Zarqawi was responsible for more than 700 deaths in Iraq alone, and has designated his group as a Foreign Terrorist Organization (FTO).

In attempts to report the fan page as hate speech, Facebook responds with a nondescript message simply saying “This page wasn’t removed.” In the response, Facebook says “We reviewed the page you reported for containing hate speech or symbols and found it doesn’t violate our Community Standards.” No further explanation is provided, and users are thanked for their contribution.

WHAT else is there to say?

IN a nutshell, if selling a pig in a poke has become the acceptable barometer, norm, and standard for truthfulness, well, Facebook (et al.) is to be believed. On the other hand, if truth has any meaning left, suffice to suggest that Facebook’s honchos wouldn’t know it if it smacked them upside their collective heads.

INDEED, one only has to read Chapter 7 from ‘BANNED: How Facebook Enables Militant Islamic Jihad’ – ‘Facebook’s Counter-Terror Efforts: Closing The Barn Doors After The Horses Have Escaped’ – to understand the depth and extent of Zuckerberg’s bold-faced tall tales.



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Israel’s Fire Jihad, Intifada, A Weapon of Mass Destruction:(Past)Time To Place Arab/Islamic Sector On Notice.What Are Israel’s Leaders Waiting For? Commentary By Adina Kutnicki

(Haifa on fire, Nov. 2016!)

FEW could argue – most of all, their counterparts in the intelligence security realm – that Israel’s Shin Bet, aka Shabak….GSS, its internal domestic security agency, isn’t up to snuff. Indeed, generally, they nab their targets before they strike, or soon thereafter.

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MOREOVER, relative to jihadi terror, it must be noted that Allah’s Muslim Terrorists are adept at waging jihad by arson, and on a yearly basis. Specifically, they honed this terror tactic back in 2010. Who recalls the devastating wreckage from Haifa’s Carmel region forest fires? If not, time to catch up to speed!

IN this regard, how believable is it that said internal security forces had no clue as to the internal fifth column’s plans to wage a COORDINATED intifada via jihadi arson, and on a scale heretofore unseen in Israel’s history? Come on….

NOT only that, unarguably, plans to use a WMD – yes, indubitably, arson on a mass scale is a weapon of mass destruction – to burn down Israel is hardly something that a hard-charging security agency would miss. This is especially the case in a country that it is not that much bigger than New Jersey, the 5th smallest state in the U.S. Extrapolating further, if their U.S. counterpart, the FBI, only had New Jersey (or a similar sized state) to guard over, would anyone believe that their agents failed to hear whispers relative to said fiery plot, even within the lowest level of chatter? Hogwash.

AND if proof of the same is required as to how adept, creative and agile they are, how many know that their agents get wind of every fart that Jewish nationalists make – regardless of their locale in Israel – in so far as when they assert their righteous claims, birthright, to the so-called “settlements” in Judea and Samaria? Believe it.

MIND you, this is not to suggest that Israel’s security agency ignored said “chatter” from orders at the tippy top. Not at all. But it is not for nothing that some birdies within these pages – those who operate within the deepest underbelly of the national landscape – have suggested that murmurs, suspicions, or what not went in one ear and out the other. As to why, well, there is speculation, most of which revolves around leftist and Arabist-bent agents who are not exactly operating in Jewish nationalist interests. Cogitate.

AND while some feathers will surely be ruffled with this and that line of disinfectant, so be it. Even so, and in no uncertain terms, the fire services, IDF, police and attendant agencies worked heroically to save lives and stamp out the wildfires. Kudos to one and all.

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AS to Israel’s domestic jihadists – in line with PA/Hamas brethren – they understand that they haven’t a prayer in Allah’s fiery hell to win a conventional war against Israel. Therefore, they hurtle from one method of terror to another, hoping to cause as many Jewish deaths and destruction as possible. So as they jump from knife-jihad, to stabbings, to car-jihad, onto shootings, bombings, and lobbing rockets in between, lo and behold, they have now reached their peak via an arson intifada! 

Homes were evacuated in one residential neighborhood after another Thursday, Nov. 24, ahead of the huge flames and thick smoke enveloping Israel’s third city, Haifa, three days after hundreds of wildfires, most caused by arsonists, began spreading across the country.  At least 100 people suffered injuries in Haifa, most from smoke inhalation, and dozens of shock victims were taken to hospital. Haifa University and the Technion was cleared and closed. as flames consumed buildings around the campuses. The Damon and Carmel prisons are being evacuated. Efforts were made with volunteers to help inmates of nursing homes and hospitals to safety…..

The Israeli government was called into emergency session Thursday night, as the fires continued to blaze out of control, whipped up by dry winds which are forecast to last another six days.

Five Palestinians were detained on suspicion of arson. A contraption used by arsonists was discovered at the scene of one of the fires. The Shin Bet and fire brigade’s investigators have gone into action to put a stop to the wave of arson attacks, which are encouraged by Palestinian social media..

As the fully mobilized fire teams rushed from scene to scene, backed by Homeland Security Ministry reserve firefighters and soldiers, it became apparent that there was no clear organization in place for mass evacuations, especially of citizens without private cars, the elderly, handicapped and families with small children. The emergency services issued conflicting guidelines to the public causing chaos. Families told to evacuate in their own vehicles gridlocked the roads needed to stay open for fire engines and other emergency traffic, instead of the city hall commandeering buses. Haifa is an industrial city with petrochemical industries and an oil refinery with abundant woods and parks, especially on the Carmel. Yet the central operations room for managing the emergency was set up too late to control the town as fires sprang up in five places..

The outskirts of Modi’in, a town between Tel Aviv and Jerusalem caught fire again Thursday after the flames were brought under control during the night. There were signs of arson. Schools and kindergartens were closed early morning….

STILL yet, despite the horrific lethality of arson jihad as a weapon of mass destruction, as always, the key and core lies with officialdom and their responses, or lack thereof. As to Islamic Jew-killers – wherever they are – they will never stop their quest to destroy the Jewish homeland and murder as many Jews as they can. We get that. 

Nearly 2,000 fires, many which began simultaneously, blazed from November 18-26. Many of them were arson, in which victims saw the fires being set and the suspects fleeing, or saw Molotov cocktails being thrown at the site. However, only 10 people are currently being held and only 2 indictments have been filed. Meanwhile, the government has agreed to treat 29 of the largest fires as arson terror attacks, paying billions to victims but still refusing to name or punish perpetrators.

RESULTANT, what is of dire concern is the usual huffing and puffing ala officialdom, almost as if on robotic cue. Déjà vu too. To wit, each time another wave of terror envelops Israel, the leadership raises its collective roar that they will NOT tolerate this and that, as if THAT will cause the fifth column (some of whom sit in Israel’s Knesset to shake and quake! Blowhards – Israel’s leadership. 

SO just like during the start of last year’s knife jihad in the Fall of 2015 – and it is ongoing – Israel’s huffers and puffers had this to say:

The Israeli authorities erected roadblocks and checkpoints in some Arab neighborhoods of East Jerusalem on Wednesday and deployed hundreds of police officers and soldiers on the roads and buses, a response to a series of Palestinian knife assaults that the government called a “wave of terrorism.”

Even with the intensified security, at least two assaults were reported Wednesday.

A few hours later, an attacker stabbed and wounded a woman about 70 years old as she was about to board a bus near the central bus station in West Jerusalem, according to the police. A police officer saw the assailant with a knife and shot him, the police said. It was not immediately clear if he was killed.

Seven Israeli Jews have been killed this month by Palestinian assailants, including three on Tuesday in Jerusalem: two in an attack on a bus at the juncture of Jewish and Arab areas, and one pedestrian in an ultra-Orthodox neighborhood who was rammed by a vehicle and then hit with a meat cleaver…..

Hmm….you got that? Not only did their pithy fist-waving fail to deter Israel’s internal fifth column, but they raised the ante through arson jihad!

SIMILARLY, at the same time that so-called right-wing leaders are promising to quell the latest fiery terror, guess what? Par for their course, they reverted true to bloviating form! For crying out loud, MK Bennett, one who surely knows what’s what – understanding full well that carving out a PA terror state from the heart of Israel is a non-starter – intoned at the Jerusalem Post Conference, trenchantly, which happened to coincide with the start of the wildfires.

Regarding what to do with the Palestinians instead of forming a state, he said Israel should take steps to improve the Palestinians’ quality of life, such as giving them full freedom of movement, tourism projects, and helping them reach jobs in Israel easier. For the first time in a public speech, Bennett called for the creation of a “land-port” to help Palestinians enter Israel.

“We should seek to manage the conflict in a reasonable way,” he said. “We can’t create them a state, but let’s see what we can do. We can give them a Marshall plan to boost their economy and an autonomy on steroids.”

WRAP your brains around his “solution.” Effectively, in so far that PA Arabs are wholly nourished on Jew-hatred and have aided and abetted terror for decades on end – in tandem, Israel’s own internal fifth column consider themselves part of the “Palestinian” people – why in heaven’s name would Bennett babble about “improving” their lives and making it easier for them to enter Israel, be it for work or anything else?? Mind blowing.

IN other words, are the lunatics running the asylum – or not? You decide. 

SO in light of the above, how much credence should be given to the following announcement by PM Netanyahu, as well as another blowhard in Israeli officialdom?

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said that any of the fires plaguing northern and central Israel this week found to be the work of arsonists will be considered terrorism.

“Every fire that was the result of arson or incitement to arson is terror in every way and we’ll treat it as such. Anyone who tries to burn parts of the state of Israel will be severely punished,” Netanyahu said.

About 1,500 fires have broken out in Israel since Tuesday, and it is now believed that at least 60 percent of them were caused by arson.

Public Security Minister Gilad Erdan, who joined Netanyahu in Haifa, along with Interior Minister Arye Deri and Construction Minister Yoav Galant for a briefing on the situation, said it is clear that a large part of the fires were caused by arson.

He also reported that a number of suspects have been arrested, and that teams have been set up to investigate each fire.

Erdan pledged that the investigations will be thorough, and punishment will be meted out in order to create deterrence – not only to those lighting fires, but also to those on social media inciting others to set them.

AND speaking of incitement to jihad via social media, well, no one has to school in this direction, after all, this expert wrote the book!  

CONCOMITANTLY, as Shurat HaDin is acutely aware, the following must be internalized and treated as the gospel truth:  

Horrifically, thousands of Arab internet users have been gleefully applaudingthe arson attacks and calling for additional fires to be set in Israel. The social media messages have been posted by Arab government officials as well as regular Arab citizens from Jordan, the Palestinian Authority, Egypt and Qatar.

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Meanwhile, the Arab language social media networks have been ablaze with postings encouraging additional arson attacks. “#Tel_Aviv_IsBurning” was the most common Arabic hashtag trending on Arab social media platforms this morning.

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These postings continue to incite terrorist violence on the Internet against Israel without the social media companies taking any steps to block the messages nor terminate the accounts of those calling for attacks.

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Once again the social media companies are turning a blind eye to this dangerous incitement and becoming a tool in the hands of those urging violence against innocent Jews.

WATCH: Palestinians celebrating fires in Israel by singing: “They tried to ban the muezzin’s call, and Allah rained fire on them.”

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MOST significantly, one has to honestly and urgently inquire: why should anyone believe that Israel’s mentally besieged leadership will finally raise an iron fist…barzel…בַּרזֶל …against them, and that this time the punishment will be swift and shockingly severe?

INESTIMABLY, rationally speaking, revoking the citizenship of all terrorists and their families should be the first step. And one would think that stripping them of all benefits – yes, terrorists and their families still receive state benefits! – as well as those found to have ANY hand in aiding and abetting, would be automatic!

FOR if punitive measures and deterrence are to factor in at all – as the leaders continuously and shrilly exclaim – why aren’t the forces ordered to lay siege to each and every village which houses them, so-called “collective punishment” be damned? Besides, what about the continuous punishment meted out to the Jewish majority by the Arab minority, as their towns are burnt to the ground and its residents forced to flee for their lives! Is it normal to allow the Arab sector to live in their homes, while Jews are relegated to refugee status in their homeland? Pray tell, who are the crazies? 

LET’S get real: how many times have Allah’s Muslim Terrorists been threatened, only to realize that they can literally get away with killing Jews, still yet, look forward to one gift after another by Israel’s demented leaders? Readers, know that goodies are not only offered to PA Arabs to placate the savage beasts and to quiet down international anti-Semites, but to the entire Arab sector in Israel! Yes, the aforementioned increasingly growing fifth column.

Israel’s minister of construction signed a deal last week to build thousands of public housing units for the country’s Arab population.

MK Yoav Galant (Kulanu) agreed to allocate 1.41 billion shekels ($374 million) toward building public housing for Israeli Arabs and to lift restrictions from construction on private land, Ynet reported. The deal, which was reached with the heads of 15 local municipal Arab authorities, is set to facilitate the construction of 30,000 housing units on private and public land.

“Over the next 20 years, the Arab sector will require 200,000 apartments. During the last few weeks, we have made it a point to work side by side with the Arab leadership in a quick, transparent and equality-conscious process, the effects of which will shortly be visible on the ground,” said Galant. “Strengthening the Arab sector is a national interest.”

CONSEQUENTIALLY, why shouldn’t they wage jihad, knowing full well that nothing will be done to tamp down their quest to destroy Israel as the Jewish homeland? Rhetorical.


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Social Media’s Intersection With Slaughter of Israeli (Jewish) Mother Of 6: The Nexus. Commentary By Adina Kutnicki

HISTORICALLY, militant jihad predates Facebook and social media in general. Inherently, its basis wends back to time immemorial. However, the fact remains that its explosive effects have ratcheted up to an exponential degree since its piggyback onto Facebook. With over 1.1 billion users worldwide, it reigns supreme. A fiefdom unto itself.
NOT only that, if empirical data is required to prove that Facebook is inextricably linked with the “sensibilities” of those who adhere to militant jihad – with the destruction of Israel as “sacrosanct”, and with America and Europe as concomitant goals – look no further than to Shurat HaDin’s (Israel Law Center) “Facebook experiment.” 

MOST significantly, the video data evidence presented above evolved as a result of a precedent setting lawsuit lodged against Facebook, for the part it continuously plays in the pile up of Jewish bodies – from militant jihadists – in Israel. Cause and effect.

MORE specifically, the charges are:

On October 26, 2015, Shurat HaDin-Israel Law Center filed an unprecedented lawsuit against Facebook on behalf of some 20,000 Israelis to stop allowing Palestinian terrorists to incite violent attacks against Israeli citizens and Jews on its internet platform. The Complaint seeks an injunction against Facebook requiring it to monitor incitement and to respond immediately to complaints about inciting content.

The Complaint was filed in response to a wave of terror attacks beginning in October 2015 by which Palestinians attacked people with knives, axes, screwdrivers, cars and Molotov cocktails for no reason other than a perception by the attacker that the victims are Jewish. Many of these attackers were motivated to commit their heinous crimes by incitement to murder and the glorification of violence against innocent civilians they read on Facebook. 76-year-old Richard Lakin, the lead plaintiff in the case, was brutally attacked by two such Palestinian terrorists, as he rode Bus 78 in Jerusalem’s Armon HaNatziv neighborhood on October 13, 2015. He was left with life threatening injuries after being shot in the head and stabbed in the stomach and died of his wounds two weeks later. The 20,000 Israelis that joined the lawsuit all live in fear of their personal safety and security as a result of this violent incitement and want to see Facebook change its policies.

The Complaint alleges that Facebook is much more than neutral internet platform or a mere “publisher” of speech because its algorithms connect the terrorists to the inciters. Facebook actively assists the inciters to find people who are interested in acting on their hateful messages by offering friend, group and event suggestions and targeting advertising based on people’s online “likes” and internet browsing history. Additionally, Facebook often refuses to take down the inciting pages, claiming that they do not violate its “community standards.” Calling on people to commit crimes is not constitutionally protected speech and endangers the lives of Jews and Israelis. Shurat HaDin will pursue the claims against Facebook on behalf of its 20,0000 clients until Facebook makes it will not allow itself to serve as a tool for terrorists to transmit their rabble rousing messages to their followers and that incitement to anti-Semitic violence will not be tolerated on its website.

ONCE the above nexus is ingested, pray tell, is there any wonder why a loving mother of six, Dafna Meir, z”l, of blessed memory, was slaughtered? You decide.

Murdered: Dafna Meir (left)

( Murdered: Dafna Meir, z”l, may G-d avenge her blood!)


An Israeli woman was murdered in a stabbing attack late Sunday afternoon in Otniel, a town in the southern Har Hevron region of Judea.

The woman has since been identified as 39-year-old Dafna Meir, a mother to six children, two of them foster children. She was initially critically wounded in the attack and succumbed to her wounds shortly after.

The Arab terrorist who carried out the attack succeeded in breaking into the town, entering the woman’s home and murdering her before fleeing the scene.

The woman, who works as a nurse, fought with the terrorist at the entrance to her home as her children were nearby, according to testimony. The children did not see the attack but heard her shouts and came running, and then called up security forces to hunt the murderer.

Security forces are currently pursuing the terrorist, aided by a helicopter, and residents of the town were asked to stay in their homes during the manhunt. The IDF has clarified that the terrorist is no longer in the town.

Witnesses of the attack have said the terrorist worked in the town and used his familiarity with the community to carry out the attack.

Meir will be buried on Monday morning. The funeral procession will leave from Otniel at 9 a.m. towards Jerusalem, and will arrive at 11 a.m. at Har Hamenuhot Cemetery in the northwestern Givat Shaul neighborhood of the capital.

Noam Bar, a senior Magen David Adom (MDA) paramedic, said, “the sight was difficult, we saw an unconscious woman aged around 40, who was not breathing and had no pulse.”

“She suffered from stab wounds to her upper body; we performed continued resuscitation but in the end we were forced to pronounce her death,” said Bar.

Former Interior Minister Eli Yishai, chair of the Yachad party which narrowly failed to enter the Knesset, responded to the murder by blaming the radical leftist groups B’Tselem and Breaking the Silence.

“I am shocked by the murderous attack in Otniel. The cruelty of the  murderers knows no bounds,” said Yishai. “Again we come across the face of uninhibited evil. An awful murder of a Jewish woman hy”d in her private home, with her only ‘sin’ being that she was an Israeli Jew.”

“The struggle against incitement needs to be escalated. The Palestinian incitement at the side of the Israeli (incitement) managed by leftist organizations B’Tselem and Breaking the Silence is responsible for another despicable murder. God will avenge her blood.”

The attack came just minutes after a stabbing was thwarted at the western gate of Kiryat Arba, which leads to Hevron. In that incident, a female Arab terrorist was apprehended with a knife in her handbag before she was able to inflict any wounds.

Video from the terrorist’s arrest shows security forces neutralizing her. To watch click the image below.


That thwarted stabbing was the third of the day; earlier an Arab terrorist attempted to carry out a stabbing attack at the Samaria Regional Brigade Junction in Samaria (also known as Bahad 3), but was shot dead by soldiers before he was able to harm anyone.

Before that attempt, a potentially major serious attack was thwarted outside a Jerusalem synagogue, as three Arab youths were arrested after having been found armed with knives outside the Heichal Yaakov synagogue in Kiryat Moshe.

The three are believed to have planned to carry out an attack on the synagogue as it was packed with worshipers attending morning prayers.

CONSEQUENTLY, it is not for nothing that this American-Israeli repeatedly features – at this site and elsewhere – the bloody knock-on effects of militant jihad within Israel. And if proof of the same is required, so be it. Bear in mind that the following “only” involves the last few months of 2015!


YES, Israel is on fire, Arab Israelis wage militant jihad against Jews. What’s to be done?

(Teacher’s FB page inciting to murder Jews, a UNRWA paid agitator within Abbas’s terror enclave!)



ALAS, building a case against militant jihadists and their enablers (whether passive or otherwise) is more than necessary. It is mandatory. Life saving.


INDUBITABLY, ISIS’s catapult into Israel drew its opening shot in Tel Aviv. What’s the upshot?

TO wit, if the most recent slaughter of a Jewish mother of 6 – in the hills of the cradle of Judaism, Judea and Samaria – is not a byproduct of militant jihad’s “marriage” with continuous incitement on Facebook, well, just prove otherwise.

UNTIL then, it behooves EVERY person of conscience (whatever their religion, or lack thereof) to shout from the rooftops: When will enough be enough, before those who aid and abet Jewish slaughter are held to account?

RESULTANT, the following ad campaign is more than resonant, it is LIFESAVING!

Putting an end to terrorist incitement against Jews on Facebook – a crowd funding project to place billboards in the California neighborhood of Facebook’s CEO, Mark Zuckerberg

 What’s the most effective way to murder Jews? The answer to this shocking question can be found on many Arabic Facebook pages: “spray the knife with anti-insect poison before stabbing” and other anatomic directions for more effective stabbings are being posted daily.

On countless other pages it is also very easy to find incitement to murder of Israelis and praises for Jew killers that become cultural heroes. For example, a 19-year-old Palestinian terrorist, Muhand Halabi, shared a post on his Facebook page stating that the third Intifada has just started and that the current war is a struggle for Al-Aqsa. A day later, Halabi stabbed Israelis Aharon Benita and Rabbi Nehemya Lavi z’’l. These are only some of the many examples of Facebook’s refusal to monitor its platform that permits such dangerous and incendiary content.

We at “Shurat Hadin” have fought against incitement on Facebook for a long time. Recently we even sued Facebook on behalf of 20,000 Israelis for allowing incitement to violence on their platform. Today, Facebook has turned into the central online hub for incitement against Jews. Facebook refuses to take any meaningful action to confront this dire situation. Tens of thousands of requests to delete Palestinian posts that call for murder and terror against Jews were simply answered by Facebook with the following response: “Thank you for taking the time to report something that you feel may violate our Community standards…we reviewed the page you reported for containing a credible threat of violence and found it doesn’t violate our Community standards.”

We simply cannot allow this to continue any longer. Jewish and Israeli blood will not continue to be spilled as a result of terrorist incitement on Facebook’s social media platform. We want to make sure to raise the public’s awareness of the calls to violence that are nurtured on Facebook. We need your help with placing billboards in Mark Zuckerberg’s neighborhood – in order to make it impossible for him to ignore the incitement that his platform enables. We will not allow him to close his eyes to the violent incitement against Jews. This campaign will also highlight to Zuckerberg and the public that Jewish blood is not cheap and that criminal incitement to murder on Facebook will not be permitted to continue.

The cost of 1 billboard is $30,000. Together, we will stop the incitement on Facebook. *In the event that billboard vendors refuse to publish our message on their billboards, we will publish print ads in California newspapers.


Gaynor Caldwell's photo.

The knife used in one of many recent Palestinian stabbing attacks against Israelis. Photo: Magen David Adom.

(The knife used in one of many recent Palestinian stabbing attacks against Israelis.)

{re-blogged at The Homeland Security Network}

{re-blogged at Islam Exposed}