WARNING: FBI Unable To Prevent Islamic Onslaught, Reactive “Mop-Up” Its Forte: What’s The Upshot? Commentary By Adina Kutnicki

ACCORDING to public consumption, the FBI is designated the most effective domestic law enforcement arm in the west, and perhaps in the world. Yes and no.

YES, it is, if said ranking is judged by the following yardstick: which agency possesses an endless list of highly advanced tech tools, coupled with the most rigorous training available to solve major crimes, whatever the category within the criminal or civil arena? Indeed, under the aforementioned rubric, the FBI is certainly in the lead. On the other hand, NO, it is not, when the measurement falls under preventative action, notably, vis-à-vis domestic militant Islamic jihadi terror. 

ADVISEDLY, this assessment is not smack-talk, nor judged without authoritative basis. If only.

IN reality, there are two parallel tracks which render said ominous verdict.

ON the other hand, it is the case that the FBI (with assistance from local law enforcement, particularly, the NYPD) is adept at (what is known as) “mop-up” operations, that which includes tracking, tracing, and subsequently arresting jihadi perpetrators AFTER the fact. In real terms, they must execute their terror plot(s), before they can be brought to heel! Yes, the FBI has been reduced to being a reactive agency, in juxtaposition to an offensive domestic intelligence force.

IN this regard, it is instructive to take a look-back (September 2014) at an excerpted threat analysis entitled, ISIS, Islam And Obama: Understanding The Threat To The Free Worldthat which foretold the inability of the Federal and State policing agencies to prevent Islamic jihadis from exploding within America.

Wolff Bachner: Since Obama took office in 2009, U.S. law enforcement has been under constant pressure from the White House to restrict their efforts to examine Islam as a source of terrorism.

How has Obama changed law enforcement’s ability to detect and control Islamic terrorism and why on earth would our President try to restrict law enforcement’s ability to get to the root of terrorist activity?

Are the American people properly protected from a potential terrorist attack under Obama’s new rules and regulations?

Why are Obama and his administration so unwilling and / or unable to acknowledge the absolutely unavoidable connection between Islam and the vast majority of the violence in the world today?

David Gaubatz: U.S. law enforcement are not properly trained to conduct adequate Islamic based counter-terrorism operations. Obama and his staff have restricted the training our law enforcement receives. The training can never discuss the Islamic ideology itself. The trainers can only discuss individual terrorist organizations such as Al Qaeda, ISIS and Hamas. Their training does not focus on Islamic groups only; they must equally discuss U.S. militia (non-Muslim) groups.

I think most Americans believe Obama although maybe not a full-fledged Muslim, but a man who puts Islam and Shariah law ahead of the U.S. Constitution. Our national security is more vulnerable in 2014 than it has ever been in history. Obama and his senior Muslim leaders whom he has appointed to important government positions are destroying America from within.

Our first line defenders (U.S. law enforcement) are not protecting our country. They are great at reacting to terrorists attacks, but fail at conducting proactive terrorist investigations before an attack. Our liberal media will hype a FBI investigation involving a couple of very low-level Muslims threatening America, but they can never stop major attacks like 9-11. Americans are becoming tiresome when it comes to our law enforcement responding to terrorist attacks, they demand protection that prevents attacks. If our law enforcement and military had the same rigorous and valuable training the Israeli police and military receive we would be able to protect our country……

MORE specifically, two years onward, the sobering threat analysis from September 2014 is that much more terrifying. Not only have Allah’s Muslim Terrorists become more deeply entrenched within officialdom, but their battle- hardened brothers and sisters are coming in as force multipliers through HUSSEIN’s open-door “refugee” resettlement program.

THUS, the following threat analysis from the very same counter terror/counter intelligence expert, Dave Gaubatz, should be considered as a last chance clarion call to the patriotic community in America. The threat is that dire. Listen up. Pay heed.

UPDATES:  I have focused on collecting first-hand counter-terrorism intelligence from various mosques across America.  Recently, I was in Florida, Mississippi, and Alabama.  It is apparent the influence of ISIS and the other Islamic terrorist groups are making a major influence in the mosques.  They are controlled primarily by Saudi Arabia and Pakistan and the materials they have inside are violent, anti-America/Israel, and anti-Christianity/Judaism.  Of course, and they still have materials calling for killing innocent people all over the world, yes, my friends right here in America.  They still advocate child marriages and slavery, especially young girls.  There is something important we must keep in mind: Not all people who pray in mosques will commit violent acts, but all Muslims who have committed violent acts have worshiped at a mosque.
Mosques in America are safe havens for Islamic terrorists and are the breeding grounds for future terrorists.  Our law enforcement are ignoring the mosques for two reasons.  First they have their hands tied by the federal government led by Obama.  Second, they have no idea on how to investigate a mosque or what to even look for inside the mosque.
There are over 2300 mosques in America.  I have been inside over 280.  Unless our government completely closes down each and every mosque we will never be safe from Islamic terrorism.
The pic on the right is from an Islamic manual that is prevalent in mosque Sunni mosques.  The manual discusses the hatred the Muslim community has for our law enforcement and encourages violence against them.

The role of our FBI must be changed.  They are poor at being proactive.  They are not trained to prevent Islamic terrorist acts.  Our FBI are the greatest investigators in the world at resolving a crime once it has been committed, but are failures at preventing the violent acts.  The majority of cases the FBI claims to have prevented are actually instances in which they entrapped low level Muslims with anti-American sentiment.  Americans no longer are satisfied with our law enforcement showing up at Islamic terrorist events such as recently in NY and NJ, and blasting their sirens, taping off crime scenes, and then boasting on all the media networks at how fast they responded.  Responding to a terrorist scene is not defeating Islamic terrorism.  Responding is a failure of our security system. Our FBI needs to be restructured so they simply solve crimes and not proactively tries to prevent them.

America needs a separate department to work solely on stopping Islamic terrorism before it happens.  They must be properly trained by American counter-terrorism professionals who understand that the Islamic ideology itself is the enemy we are facing and not individual terror groups.

I continually watch our inadequate news networks inform Americans to report all suspicious activity involving possible terrorism to our FBI.  In reality this is how it works.  Americans across our lands report suspicious activity to Law enforcement on a daily basis about Muslims suspected in criminal activity.  In the vast majority of cases the FBI makes the American feel as though he/she is an Islamaphobe, bigot, and hater of all Muslims.  I get letters of frustration from Americans on a regular basis who have tried to do their civic duty.  Just as with the recent Muslim terrorist in NY, his father had informed the FBI he was involved in terrorist activity and was a bad person with anti-American feelings.  The FBI ignored the father!  If the FBI will ignore the father of a suspected terrorist, do you honestly believe they will listen to an American citizen with no connection to the alleged suspect?  Of course not.

A POINT TO PONDER: As parents we have enough common sense to warn our children not to talk with strangers, get into a car with a stranger, or invite a stranger into our homes.  Our law enforcement emphasize this as well.  It is common knowledge many of our children have been raped and murdered by the hands of strangers. On the other hand the government of Obama informs the American people to do just the opposite.  They tell parents and our children to welcome strangers from a part of the world and from a religion (Islam) that has tried to destroy non-Muslim countries for 1500 years and who to this day advocate the destruction of Israel and America.  These strangers (refugees) are invited into our neighborhoods with no vetting and no supervision and Obama wants our children to open the doors of their sacred homes and allow the strangers in.  Advice:  Listen to your parents and not Obama’s government.

WITH the above life and death analysis out in the open, to wit, is it inaccurate to finally assess: truth dare be told, FBI training more than falls short, misses the mark, when it comes to protecting Americans from jihadi terror. If not, why not? 

EXTRAPOLATING further, if the evidence presented is brought to its most logical and rational end-point, the question becomes: how long will it take before the following takes place within America, and on a more than intermittent basis?

A gunman killed Sunday the prominent Christian Jordanian writer Nahed Hattar outside a court where he was facing charges for sharing a cartoon deemed to be offensive to Islam.
Mr Hattar died after being shot three times and the gunman was reportedly arrested. Witnesses said that the shooting took place in front of the court-house in Amman, the Jordanian capital.
The 56-year-old writer was arrested in August after posting a cartoon mocking jihadists on his Facebook account.

CONCLUSIVELY, if there are still Americans, you know, the doubting Thomas types, who believe that the FEDS wouldn’t dare to ignore reports on active jihadi planning, well, they would be wrong!

AS previously stated for the record, this investigative journalist possesses first-hand knowledge re a long-standing, currently active, mega jihadi operation, that which was reported to the FEDS, but willfully ignored. In fact, the amount of intelligence handed over was enough to catch them red-handed. No doubt.

YOU got that?

STIPULATED, the FBI is unwilling and unable (whatever the case, it doesn’t much matter a damn “who’s on first”, the results are still dead Americans) to secure the nation from jihadi terror attacks. 


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{re-blogged at Conservative Firing Line}

{re-blogged at The Homeland Security Network}