Islam’s Invaders NOT Welcome In Wyoming, Patriots Take A Stand. What’s The Game Plan? Lessons Learned. Commentary By Adina Kutnicki

LET’s play geography. Wyoming is situated in the mountain region of the western U.S. Its land mass is the 10th largest in the nation, albeit, vastly underpopulated. Hmm. Not only that, the FEDS own massive amounts of land in the state. Double hmm.

NOW, it is not for nothing that the top conservative states are: Wyoming, Mississippi, Idaho, Utah, and Montana. Even so, said designation does not disqualify others – within left leaning states alike – from advancing the same prescriptive measures that conservatives are opting for. In fact, patriots in center leaning states will likely hop on board, if hopeful countermeasures spread like wildfire via the internet. GET BUSY. This is the case because life and death matters are at stake, leaving only a small percentage of die-hard leftists willing to sacrifice themselves on the Islamic altar. 

BUT before we head to Wyoming, let’s review (just a few templates) what has been done, so far, to keep Allah’s Muslim Terrorists at bay.

SO, at year’s end, some patriots were less inclined to sit still – waiting for the jihad to come to them – thus, Texans, as always, led the charge. Indeed.


OH dear, how shocking was it that a main ISNA “barracks” within Houston, Texas went up in flames??

The fire started around 2:45 pm at the Islamic Society of Greater Houston in the 1100 block of Wilcrest Drive. So far, no injuries have been reported. According to the Houston Fire Department, firefighters arrived on scene and found heavy flames inside the center….continue reading….

SIMILARLY, as reported in Aug. 2015, Texas was in the mix, but that’s to be expected. Specifically, “one pig dousing at a time” was developed by Franklin R Lacy, a Floridian. Woo hoo! Gotta love this guy for his out-of-the-box thinking. Still yet, the first to “take advantage” of said tactic was….you guessed, Texans! Not only will his device keep Islam’s barbarians at arm’s length, but it (even before the system is on the market) is driving the Islamophobia” industry insane. A win-win. 

He has applied for a patent on a “system for protecting against terrorist and illegal invasion” which cruelly exploits the Islamic ban on eating or even handling pork.

Inventor tried to patent controversial anti-terror device which sprays Muslims with pigs blood

ALONG this take charge offensive (no pun intended) measure, this is where kick-ass, conservative, take-no-prisoner Texans come in, in their decision-making re how to deal with Muslims – who want to gain a foothold into their community, as they do everywhere else – in a way which will stop them cold: Pig’s blood! 

Texas Muslim Cemetery 1

Muslims say they’re looking for a place to bury their dead but locals in Farmersville say it’s a plot to gain a foothold in their small Texas town and are threatening to stop the plan by using pig parts.

A proposal to bring a Muslim cemetery to the rural town has stoked fears among residents who are vehemently trying to convince community leaders to block the project.

The sentiment reflects an anti-Muslim distrust that has been brewing over the last year in parts of Texas, most notably 25 miles away in Garland – the scene of a deadly May shooting outside a cartoon contest lampooning the Prophet Muhammad.

  • Farmersville locals say cemetery is way for Muslims to get foothold in town
  • Considering 35-acre request from the Islamic Association of Collin County
  • Residents are trying to convince community leaders to block the project
  • Some of town’s 3,000 residents spoke at City Council meeting this month
  • Woman said cemetery idea was ‘appalling’ and man threatened to ‘dump pigs’ blood and put pig heads on a post’ so Muslims ‘won’t buy the land’
  • Anti-Muslim distrust brewing in parts of Texas since deadly May shooting in Garland outside a cartoon contest lampooning the Prophet Muhammad
  • Some have said project presents health risks because Muslims don’t traditionally bury their dead in caskets which burial experts call nonsense

continue reading

AND piggybacking (again, no pun intended) said proactive tactic, Iraqi-American Christians – Chaldeans, for the most part – took the lead (Sept. 2015) in Sterling Heights, Michigan, as they beat back against a mosque being forced upon their community! Mazal tov.

CHALDEANS are a Catholic sub-group within Iraq’s Christian minority. Yes, they’re a growing, visible presence in the Sterling Heights, Michigan community, approximately 30 minutes from Dearbornistan! Got that?

TO wit,


MUSLIMS SHOCKED as members of the public,especially Iraqi Christians, cheered loudly when the 9-0 vote was announced last evening. More than 200 residents protested the planned mosque last Saturday. Planning Commissioner Jeffrey Norgrove said the proposed mosque is “excessive, not compatible” and that it “violates ordinances.”

Designated Terrorist Group CAIR will be demanding that Obama send in his DOJ thugs to reverse the decision in 3…2…

The Sterling Heights City Planner recommended that the council deny a special land agreement to build the mosque in a residential area. The mosque developer said his constitutional rights are being violated, but the city said the proposed mosque is too big and doesn’t meet code.

Please leave a message of support here: …continue reading

NOW, there have been more than a few measures to “discourage” Islam’s barbarians from invading American communities, but the ones which are MOST effective involve halting new mosques (attendant “community centers”, cemeteries, etc) and dismantling those already plaguing the landscape. As oft-stated, they are their barracks; the cancer within. A scourge. 



ALAS, this is where Wyoming comes into play. Increasingly, many pro-active prescriptive measures commence as lone initiatives by patriots who understand what is at stake, even when the outcome appears to be hopeless. Think of them as prophylactic for what lies ahead, if allowed to fester within the community. Besides, once action(s) is taken, it spurs others to jump on board. Blessedly.

A newly opened mosque in Gillette, Wyoming, is drawing protests from residents of the area, with one of them setting up an anti-Muslim page on Facebook.

Wyoming Public Media “Stop Islam in Gillette” Facebook page creator Bret Colvin said, “I don’t want jihadis in my neighbourhood” in an interview with Wyoming Public Radio’s Miles Bryan, Raw Story reported. The townsfolk also said they are afraid the federal government would put Syrian refugees in their community.

“We don’t want to take the chance of having a problem. Why let them all in and then see what happens when you can just nip it in the bud?” said Colvin. Bryan said in November, Colvin confronted the local mosque-goers. Members of his Facebook group even threatened to throw bacon at the mosque to show their displeasure.

Bret Colvin

Bret Colvin

Colvin is a Catholic, and an ex-Marine. His wife passed away last year, and last month he lost his job as an oil field mechanic. Now he runs a home electronics repair business out of the small Gillette house.

Colvin’s afraid that refugees from Syria and other war-torn countries could be resettled in his community. His fear is shared by many—recent polls show Americans fear of another terrorist attack is as high as it was in the weeks after 9/11. But refugees, from Syria or elsewhere, will not be resettled in Wyoming any time soon.

Wyoming is currently the only state without a refugee resettlement programalthough Wyoming Governor Matt Mead has recently indicated he would support developing such a program in the future. Bret Colvin says he would oppose that.


But without any refugees in Wyoming to focus on,  Colvin’s group’s biggest effect has been on GIllette’s first mosque, which opened in September. Last month Colvin confronted local mosque-goers during Friday prayer. Since then his Facebook group has grown to about 350 members. In online posts, group members have belittled local Muslims and threatened to throw bacon at the mosque.

Gillette Mayor Louise Carter-King released a statement condemning Anti-Muslim sentiment in the community after Colvin’s group protested outside the Campbell County Courthouse. “I have been asked what are you going to do about the mosque and the Muslims?” Carter-King says.  “Well, I feel that we are here to protect them just as we do anyone else.”

Why do they need a mosque for a handful of muslims?

Why do they need a mosque for a handful of muslims? Expecting a lot more?

Other Gillette residents have more mixed feelings. James Hance says he is suspicious of all Muslims. “It’s basically a terrorist group,” he says. “Their religion don’t like us.”

“We definitely shouldn’t refuse any religious beliefs to anyone,” says store clerk Caitlin Black. “On the other hand, with everything that has been happening, I don’t blame people who are nervous about the mosque.”

Aftab Khan is one of Gillette’s few Muslims.  “The rhetoric has gotten so bad, so negative, so harsh. It’s never been that way for us. Even after 9/11.”


Bret Colvin says he founded the “Stop Islam in Gillette” Facebook group for one reason.

“I don’t want Jihadis in my neighborhood.”

“We don’t want to take the chance of having a problem,” he says. “Why let them all in and see what happens when you can just nip it in the bud?”


INDEED, once they gain a foothold into a community, it takes concerted heavy lifting to get rid of their Shariah-induced infection. Think about it. Mind you, as reported at this site, even Alaska, the last frontier, isn’t safe from their grasp!


EXPANSIONIST, as prescribed by Islam!

The religious duty of immigration was stated in numerous Koranic Surahs: 2:218, 8:72,74,75; 9:30,; 16:41; 16:110…They all start with the same words: “Those who believed and emigrated, and strove hard and fought in Allah’s Cause…” Immigration goes as a step stone for Jihad; where you cannot establish Islam by force is where Immigration enters. And in practice, it looks like that: Islam in Egypt, Palestine and Persia was spread by the sword; but many other countries- Indonesia, Malaysia, Central Asia, some parts ofIndia– were gained through “immigration.”


AGAIN, why would Muslims seek out Gillette, a tiny community in “nowhere’s” land, almost as if they prefer to be pioneers?? Rhetorical.

SO, it should go without saying that most tend to react despairingly and turn inwardly, as a result of the ever-increasing carnage perpetrated by Allah’s Muslim Terrorists. Understood. In fact, they count on said deer-in-the-headlights mindset, thus, giving up in the process. 

PATRIOTS, don’t fall into the traps set by Islamists and their leftist enablers. Once succumbed to, it will take generations, if ever, to turn the tide. No doubt.


Gillette’s first mosque is a converted house near a golf course.

8 thoughts on “Islam’s Invaders NOT Welcome In Wyoming, Patriots Take A Stand. What’s The Game Plan? Lessons Learned. Commentary By Adina Kutnicki

  1. Pingback: Islam’s Invaders NOT Welcome In Wyoming, Patriots Take A Stand. What’s The Game Plan? Lessons Learned. Commentary By Adina Kutnicki – Right Wing Conservative News Web Site (Sight) – “Freedom of religion” does *NOT* extend to murder, r

  2. Pingback: Israel's Voice | Islam’s Invaders NOT Welcome In Wyoming, Patriots Take A Stand. What’s The Game Plan? Lessons Learned.

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  7. Pingback: Islam MANDATES Jihad Against Non-Muslims:Poisonous Teachings Via Mosques.Patriots, Get Busy!! Commentary By Adina Kutnicki | Adina Kutnicki

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