HUSSEIN Obama’s WAR Against Christianity & Judaism/Israel Alike. What’s His End Point? Commentary By Adina Kutnicki


SOME of us recall the Jihadi-in-Chief’s bizarre statement that “Islam has been woven into the fabric of our country since its founding.” And as recently as Oct. 13, 2014, adding insult to injury, he opined: “that the American people need to be better educated about Islam, since the US could and should be regarded as a Muslim country. He said that the number of Muslims residing in the US makes it “one of the biggest Muslim nations.”

YES, the only truthful kernel within his outlandish exhortations is that “Americans should be better educated about Islam”! That’s for sure. Indeed, in a most mendacious ahistorical perversion, what HUSSEIN Obama omitted to state was that the US launched its first international war due to Islamic barbarism, which later led to the establishment of the US Marine Corps! Barbary Pirate Wars, anyone?? 

BUT no matter, time and again, HUSSEIN Obama rails against Christianity, as well as works tirelessly to destroy Israel, the Jewish homeland. 

IF additional evidence is required to prove that HUSSEIN Obama is Allah-bent on destroying Israel – an anchor to the west’s underpinnings – peer within, as he props up Iran’s genocidal goals, even as he shores up Sunni Brotherhood interests.

AS always, one assist does not obviate the other, in as much as Iran’s Shia are seeking the destruction of the west, in tandem with Sunni jihadists. They are fighting one another for hegemonic rule, but come together when Israel and America are in play. 

IN effect, his main focus is to undermine the pillars of western civilization, Christianity and Judaism. Thus, he anticipates handing victory to his Islamic brothers and sisters. Evil, thy name is HUSSEIN Obama!


AS Islam lays waste to the last vestiges of Christianity in the Mid East and parts of Africa too, he cannot bring himself to mention Islam’s direct role in the recent slaughter of Coptic Christians in Libya, even as he uplifts Islam as a “religion of peace”! Beyond a shadow of a doubt, only a purely evil person – Satan-like – would behave in such a vile manner. Without any equivocation, this site charges that HUSSEIN Obama is a committed and highly dangerous Islamist. No doubt.

obama satan photo: obama obamaAlien3.jpg

ALAS, as his war against western civilization heats up, he can’t even bring himself to pay lip service to the victims of Islam’s genocidal purges. Behaving lower than pond scum, like jihadists are wont to do, he actually blames the dead for their own slaughter! 

SIMILARLY, just as ISIS points their one-finger salute at crusaders before beheading 21 Coptic Christians, so too does HUSSEIN Obama pump them on. Less than 3 degrees separated….

ISIS blames crusaders before beheading 21 Coptic Christians (like Obama)

IT is within this context – housed under his Islamic umbrella – that one must internalize why HUSSEIN Obama excluded all other faiths, other than followers of Islam, from a White House summit on “violent extremism.” 

Obama’s speech included repeated references to Islam and Muslims as he laid out his argument — but he didn’t budge on how he would refer to the self-styled Islamic State.

U.S. President Barack Obama, speaking Wednesday at his White House summit on “combating violent extremism” made it clear that he’s at war with violent ideologies. And he concluded with a Valentine.

An actual Valentine card he received from an 11-year-old girl, Sabrina, who asked him to tell the world that Muslims are “good people and just like everyone else.”

Sabrina, Obama said, is “our hope” and “our future.”

“That’s how we discredit violent ideologies: by making sure her voice is lifted up, making sure she’s nurtured, making sure that she’s supported. And then recognizing there are little girls and boys like that all around the world,” the president continued. “And helping to address economic and political grievances that can be exploited by extremists. And empowering local communities. And us staying true to our values as a diverse and tolerant society even when we’re threatened.”

What Obama said

He acknowledged, almost in passing, that “there will be a military component to this,” and he denounced the “savage cruelties” of the Islamic State extremists whom the U.S. and its allies are bombing. Even before he got to Sabrina, though, he defiantly devoted much of his speech to the kind of empathetic “root issues” analysis that gets him lambasted by hawkish conservatives as weakly professorial.

Instead, he simply referred to ISIS and al Qaeda as “groups” and talked about the need to “vanquish these organizations.”


The summit itself didn’t have Islam in the name.

Although the White House didn’t make the guest list public, attendees at Tuesday’s session with Vice President Joe Biden were mainly from Muslim groups.


SO too must one also understand his vicious war against Israel, the Jewish homeland. 

IN this regard, as Iran’s mullahs plot and plan the next Jewish Holocaust, the Jihadi-in-Chief is gifting them the tools to ensure they can finally get the job done – nuclear weapon-wise!

MOREOVER, Iran’s genocidal mullahs have threatened, time and again, to wipe Israel off the map! Now, why would the Islamist-in-Chief withhold crucial details about the negotiations, thus, leaving Israel out of the loop?

NOT only that, but as Israel’s PM rightfully embarks on warning the world – one last time – to prevent the biggest state sponsor of terrorism from possessing the world’s most lethal weapons, HUSSEIN Obama is busy lobbing a two-pronged attack: one via “accommodating” Iran, the other through foot soldiers deep inside Israel, as they aim to topple Netanyahu at all costs. This is blatant foreign interference in a sovereign nation’s electoral politics!

 A consulting firm almost entirely composed of former staffers of President Obama’s re-election campaign has been hired to run an election effort in Israel aimed at defeating Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.

The conservative blogosphere is reporting Jeremy Bird, national field director for Obama’s 2012 campaign, is now working for a new non-profit group, V15, that is running an effort to defeat Netanyahu in the upcoming election.

A closer look at Bird’s consulting firm as well as its working relationship with the Israeli groups finds he is just one of scores of former senior Obama election campaign staffers now working on the anti-Netanyahu effort.

Last week, the Obama White House rejected an opportunity to meet with Netanyahu in March when he is in Washington to address a joint meeting of Congress, saying it didn’t want to influence the Israeli elections. The White House criticized House Speaker John Boehner for inviting Netanyahu, accusing him of “breaking protocol.”

The left-leaning Haaretz daily in Israel reported V15 is “trying to replace Israel’s government” and cause “nothing less than an electoral upset” in elections here in March.

Haaretz reporter Roy Arad writes that he directly asked V15 founder Nimrod Dweck whether his group’s goal was “anyone but Bibi,” referring to Netanyahu by his popular nickname.

Dreck replied: “We say ‘replace the government,’ it’s not directed at specific individuals. There have been many years of right-wing governments during which little happened, it’s time to change course and give people hope.”

CONCOMITANTLY, Israel’s own twisted leftists essentially attempt their own coup d’état, as they reap MEGA assists from HUSSEIN Obama’s surrogates. Pincer-like. In conjunction, Israel’s rancid “fourth estate” serves as the left’s post/anti-Zionist cheering squad, throwing the will of the majority public (religious and secular Zionists) to the wolves.

REGARDLESS of where they reside, leftists hold hands and seek to implant totalitarian constructs, even as they opine that they are the guardians of democracy! 

UNFATHOMABLE, UNSPEAKABLE & UNFORGIVABLE – the whole damnable lot of them!!

U.S. Military Leaders Confirm:Obama Sabotaging Fight Against ISIS!America’s Streets Will Become Rivers Of Blood…Commentary By Adina Kutnicki


{re-blogged at Islam Exposed}

{re-blogged at Joe For America}

THOSE who believe that there is a whit of diff between the Islamic monsters who are hacking, bombing, or otherwise slaughtering Jews in Jerusalem/Israel, when juxtaposed against the head chopping ISIS, yes, they are the ones who are hallucinating. Delusional.

INDEED, ISIS is part of the core Islamic terror tree; the Muslim Brotherhood Mafia. And the very fact that Israel’s leadership have been taking a supine position against jihad in their midst, well, that clearly whets their appetite even further, as evidenced by the increase in terror attacks. Cause and effect.

BUT let’s get back to the root reason why ISIS will NEVER be defeated with a Jihadi-in-Chief at the helm of the free world. Just listen to his reaction to the LATEST Islamic carnage in Jerusalem, and you will realize, once and for all, that he sees barbarians as morally equivalent to those they slaughter in the name of Allah! Therefore, relying on him to save America from ISIS (or another hydra from the jihadi tree) is akin to expecting serial killers to take pity on the victims they butcher, but on steroids.

NEVERTHELESS, there are some, though a paltry few, American leaders who see things for what they are; good vs evil; light vs darkness; east vs west…

This morning, during prayers, a horrifying terrorist attack was perpetrated at a synagogue in Jerusalem.  Using guns, knives and axes, two Palestinian terrorists killed four and wounded over a half-dozen others, before they were shot by Israeli police.  Three of the slain victims were American citizens; one of them reportedly had his arm taken clean off by an axe blow.

Senator Ted Cruz (R-TX) issued a powerful statement on the attack, in which he made the point that Israel needs more than just sympathy at a time like this; they need to know the U.S. government is on their side against savagery, rather than taking an impartial, disinterested brokerage position:

“Evil was unleashed in Jerusalem today, as two Palestinian terrorists armed with handguns, knives and hatchets attacked a morning prayer service. They worked at close range, shooting into the crowd and hacking at heads and arms of worshippers with their axes while shouting ‘Allahu Akbar.’ Witnesses reported that the blood of the victims ‘flowed like water.’ Some dozen people, including two policemen, were wounded in the onslaught before the terrorists were neutralized, and four men lay dead.  Prayer shawls and tefilin have become shrouds for the devout, whose only crime was the peaceful practice of their Jewish faith.

“Israel mourns for Rabbi Moshe Twersky.  For Rabbi Avraham Shmuel Goldberg. For Rabbi Kalman Levine. For Rabbi Aryeh Kupinsky.  But Israel does not mourn alone, for all four were not only Israeli—Rabbi Avraham Goldberg was a dual Israeli-UK citizen while Rabbis Moshe Twersky, Kalman Levine and Aryeh Kupinsky were all dual Israeli-US citizens.

“These men were not victims of a senseless tragedy, they were deliberately targeted in carefully-planned attack. The Palestinian terrorists, incubated in a culture of violence and hate, were intent on killing Jews and they singled out men of deep religious faith who would not be armed to ensure maximum casualties. Their despicable actions have been hailed as ‘heroic’ by Palestinian groups such as Hamas and Fatah that are actively inciting these attacks.

“All our friends in Israel have our sympathies in the aftermath of this atrocity, but they need more than that. They need an unequivocal statement of solidarity, a recognition that America is not a disinterested bystander in this battle.  Our citizens are dying too, targeted by these same vicious murderers, and our good friend and ally should have not only our prayers but also our unequivocal support as the Israeli people continue the fight against the terrorists who have declared war on both our nations.”

JUMPING from there to here, how exactly is ISIS making headway in the U.S., and under the watchful gaze of Barack HUSSEIN Obama’s DHS too?

Headway One:

 HOW worrisome is it that Jeh Johnson, DHS’s head, has been downplaying to the American public the inherent threats stemming from terrorists infiltrating into America’s borders? Beyond the national pale.

Headway Two: 

AND it is this same DHS head who is totally non pulsed when military families are publicly threatened by jihadi terrorists! Does that sound like a leader the citizens can trust?

Headway Three: 

CONSEQUENTIALLY, when the fish stinks from the head up – as demonstrated through an Islamist top honcho at DHS, Mohamed Elibiary …yes, supposedly he “resigned” from DHS, but let’s not digress – there isn’t a snowball chance in hell that every manner of Islamic jihad hasn’t been granted open sesame. You see, within an Islamist’s mind’s eye, jihad is jihad is jihad, regardless which hydra or “lone wolf” carries it out. Mind you, beheading is okey dokey, as long as it is done for the establishment of the ummah.

SAY what? Absolutely, in order to terrorize the infidel into accepting their subjugation or death, said methods are prescribed. As such, this Shariah mandated tactic is not gonna make Obama Inc. turn squeamish, nor have second thoughts. Get this straight.

BUT make no mistake, U.S. military heads are beginning to raise their heads out of the sand, and few really know what the end result will be. After all, this is the first time that the military has been abandoned by its Commander-in-Chief, and such a (betrayal) scenario is not a recipe for “yes sir” responses.

IN light of the above and the thesis at hand, what exactly is going on? Well, slowly, but surely, even Pentagon officials are stepping forward and raising alarm bells.

A senior Department of Defense official says President Obama and his administration are giving the public inaccurate information about his foreign policy strategy, particularly with regards to Iraq.

Joseph Miller, the pseudonym for a ranking Department of Defense official who has served in Iraq and Afghanistan, wrote in The Daily Caller Tuesday, partially in reaction to a statement released by White House Press Secretary Josh Earnest which said that the decision for American military forces to leave Iraq “was predicated on the will of the Iraqi security forces to fight for their country…….”

DRIP…drip…and even more so, retired Generals are getting in on the act:Obama’s ISIS strategy doesn’t have a snowball’s chance of working. Them’s fighting words….

IN tandem, so-called foot soldiers, the boots on the ground, are becoming increasing agitated at the lawlessness of the regime. Hence, there is talk about a coup against the Commander-in-Chief, and this is something which is unheard of in U.S. military circles. Rest assured, when a leader’s legitimacy is questioned, all options are on the table.

It is clear that opposition against President Obama is growing stronger each day, especially among men and women in uniform. Those fighting for our country are starting to feel that they have a Commander-in-Chief that blatantly disrespects them, and that does not understand foreign policy in the slightest.….

IN this regard, the following should be taken as more than food for thought: 

The war against the Islamic State could be one of the most important wars America will fight, as there’s not much doubt about their intentions to eventually carry out attacks against Americans and other Western countries on their own soil. With that being known, especially and obviously to the Obama administration – why are they making it so difficult for U.S. military leaders to fight the Islamic State? 

According to a growing number of U.S. military leaders, the White House is making sure that the commanders conducting the air campaigns against the Islamic State and other top brass who are attempting to train Syrian rebels are being kept within ridiculously tight constraints by micromanagement tactics from the National Security Council, led by Susan Rice. According to multiple reports, the NSC and the White House are doing more harm than good by their lack of ability to make what should be easy, straight-forward decisions – essentially crippling military leaders’ ability to be successful in fighting Islamic State terrorists on the ground…..

MOST significantly, the fact of the matter is that military honchos are becoming increasingly restless, and for more than one reason. But regardless of anything else, the ones on the steadiest march are jihadi killers and they will not cease on their own. Not only that, but knowing that the Jihadi-in-Chief has their backs, well, it makes the following threats VERY doable and ominous:

“We Will Begin To Slaughter Your People On Your (American) Streets.”

 ISIS is proud of perfecting slaughter to instill terror in the hearts of their enemies.


Islamist-in-Chief Allah-Bent On Nuclear Iran:Second-Term Nail In Israel’s (West’s) Coffin! Commentary By Adina Kutnicki

{re-blogged at Islam Exposed}

{re-blogged at Joe For America}

FIRST things first….

WHILE the U.S. Congress is now firmly in the hands of Republicans – and this is certainly something to celebrate –

the fact of the matter is that too many RINOS are equally embedded. In other words, par for their “accommodating” course, they will hardly vote Conservative, especially on key issues. Forewarned.

THAT being the case, we must also recognize that the Islamist-in-Chief has admitted to the following (albeit through his mouthpieces), thus, he must be taken at his word: 

Deputy National Security Adviser and MFA in creative writing Ben Rhodes likened an Iranian nuclear deal to Obamacare in a talk to progressive activists last January, according to audio obtained by the Washington Free Beacon.

The remarks, made at a since-discontinued regular meeting of White House personnel and representatives of liberal interest groups, reveal the importance of a rapprochement with Iran to President Obama, who is looking to establish his legacy as his presidency enters its lame-duck phase.

MIND you, the Executive Branch must have Senate approval, as “equal partners”, to execute a “deal” with the genocidal mullahs. We know that. However, this is a Renegade-in-Chief who has bypassed Congress on key major policies, regardless of the accrued illegality. A Rogue-in-Chief.

Sounding more like a third-world dictator than a U.S. president who took an oath to uphold the Constitution, Obama announced that he would no longer wait for Congress or legislation to impose his radical agenda to “fundamentally transform” America. Instead, in January 14 remarks about making 2014 a “year of action,” Obama declared that his administration would expand its rule-by-decree machinations through the use of even more anti-constitutional “executive orders” and “executive actions.” The radical plan, analysts say, is setting up a potential showdown of historic proportions with lawmakers and an increasingly outraged American public.

Of course, over the last five years, the Obama administration has usurped unprecedented amounts of legislative power through the use of more than 150 unconstitutional executive decrees — far worse than the very real abuses perpetrated by his predecessors. On everything from gun control and “education” to “global warming” and energy — all areas that are constitutionally off-limits to Washington, D.C., even with legislation — the executive branch has stepped way outside the bounds of legitimate constitutional governance and into the realm of lawless tyranny. Last year alone, the Obama administration imposed more than 80,000 pages of new regulations on America. He also started a war without even informing Congress.

Instead of undoing the damage, however, Congress has allowed it all to happen. Despite some occasional rhetoric, lawmakers have even been providing taxpayer funding for the administration to implement its extreme and unlawful schemes. With a never-ending parade of major scandals, the public, of course, has had just about enough of the lawlessness, with more than two-thirds of Americans saying that the federal government is now “out of control” and threatening basic liberties. Surveys have even shown that a majority of voters support impeachment….

NO matter.

BUT to truly understand the unfolding nightmare(s), one must internalize two central and compelling factors: as stated, Barack HUSSEIN Obama views a “deal” with Iran as a central component to his second-term foreign policy, his legacy. Concomitantly, he will stop at NOTHING to get it done. Never forget this. You can hold this site accountable for its assessment.

IN tandem, losing face, via the most stinging rebuke to a second-term POTUS in decades, is a death-blow to his narcissistic personality. He is beyond inflamed. In essence, little is more dangerous, when compared to a narcissist’s rage, than a wounded ego, especially when feeling like a caged tiger. Yes, ego-driven to the max, narcissists will NEVER back down from their plans, and even more so when their power is threatened. Indeed, being foisted into the minority – no less, with a stinging rebuke from the “unwashed masses” – causes said dangerously afflicted personality to lash out in uncontrollable fury.

Narcissistic rage is a reaction to narcissistic injury, which is a perceived threat to a narcissist’s self-esteem or self-worth. Narcissistic injury (ornarcissistic scar) is a phrase used by Sigmund Freud in the 1920s; narcissistic wound and narcissistic blow are further, almost interchangeable terms.[1] The term narcissistic rage was coined by Heinz Kohut in 1972.

Narcissistic rage occurs on a continuum from instances of aloofness, and expression of mild irritation or annoyance, to serious outbursts, including violent attacks.[2

EVER more urgent, this site has accrued much evidence to point the readers where Barack HUSSEIN Obama is heading in regard to Iran, the west’s GLOBAL horror show. The following is just a small recap, amassed from many citations within this site:

Recap One:

YES, the Islamist-in-Chief has been shielding Iran, Islam, and this is no longer up for debate.

AND the fruits of his Islamist (Sunni and Shia) labors were accelerated during Israel’s fiery war, this past summer, with Hamas, ensuring that Hamas remained standing too. Regardless, said truth does not vitiate PM Netanyahu’s cowardly dereliction of duty, as it was his duty to ignore BO’s diktats! His onus.

The Iran Talks’ Gaza Connection

Lost amid the understandable focus on the fighting in Gaza was a major Middle East news story. On July 18, the U.S. and its Western allies agreed to extend the Iran nuclear talks for four months. But rather than the fighting between Hamas and Israel allowing the negotiations to continue under the radar, the events unfolding in Gaza ought to make it harder rather than easier for the Obama administration to evade its obligation to deal with this threat.

The leaders of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee groused in public yesterday about the way the Iran talks are proceeding with little public accountability. Both Democratic Chair Senator Robert Menendez and ranking Republican Bob Corker expressed dismay about the way the supposedly finite period for negotiations with Iran had effortlessly transitioned into injury time with every possibility that the four-month period could be extended again in November. There was no appetite on the committee for a rerun of the bruising and losing fight Menendez waged against the administration on behalf of tougher sanctions on Iran in order to strengthen the West’s hand in the talks. Yet the frustration about the P5+1 process is clear…..

Recap Two:

MOST significantly, we must get to the heart of the Shia axis within his anti-American regime; Valerie Jarrett. A clear and present danger.

Warning: Western Center For Journalism – This video contains images that may be disturbing to some viewers.

Valerie Jarrett is Barack Obama’s closest adviser.

According to Barack Obama himself, no presidential decision is made without her, creating what amounts to a co-presidency shared between Obama and Valerie Jarrett. According to insiders, she is often seen walking the halls of the White House late into the night, being dubbed “The Night Stalker” by Obama’s Secret Service detail.

But this “Night Stalker” moniker may mean more than sneaking into Obama’s chambers to secretly discuss what the “co-presidency” is planning. The “Night Stalker” may be planning the destruction of a country she abhors: the United States. 

Watch this groundbreaking video to learn of the claim that Jarrett was behind the botched plan to kidnap ambassador Chris Stevens on September 11, 2012, as part of a plan to eventually destroy the United States!

IN reality, as night follows day, Valerie Jarrett is the main deal maker with Iran’s genocidal mullahs via her mobbed up familial connections to their top leadership! Say it ain’t so…

But if not for a highly trusted contact in mid 2012, at the inception of this site, the reportage on Val would have been minimal, if at all. A heads up from an “in the know” Washington, DC associate who kept dropping hints….again and again. It is important to give credit where it is due. No one is an island.

That being said, a starting point was documented, one which included Valerie Jarrett’s crimes against America and Israel in particular and the west in general.

Exhibit A: Valerie Jarrett’s Communist Leanings & Why She Matters…Serving As Barack Hussein Obama’s Alter Ego…Cementing The Red/Green Alliance

Exhibit B: Valerie Jarrett…Barack HUSSEIN Obama’s Communist/Hidden Hand…Familial & Ideological Ties That Bind

Exhibit C: Valerie Jarrett & Her Mischief Making: Capable of Upending Western Civilization…The Unofficial Buck Starts/Stops At Her Door

Exhibit D: DHS & America’s Planned Deconstruction Via Valerie Jarrett: Domestically & Foreign Policy-Wise…Addendum To: Barack Hussein Obama’s Deconstruction Plans

Exhibit E: Valerie Jarrett Reigns Supreme, Even Regarding The “Kill” – Or Not – Of Osama Bin Laden…..

IN light of all the above, plus so much more, does anyone in their sane mind want to give the mullahs the path, the freedom, to detonate a nuclear mushroom cloud over Israel, as well as the ability to do so inside America and beyond? And until they decide to actively EXPLODE their nukes they will – for a certainty – use their WMD status to blackmail the west into suicidal policies!

INDEED, a dangling nuclear sword. What could go wrong? Be worse?

AS a foretaste, just consider their decades of murderous jihad across the globe – mainly via Hezbollah, their proxy arm and Iran’s revolutionary Al Quds force – and this was without a WMD protective umbrella!

MORE specifically, one might query: hasn’t Barack HUSSEIN Obama thought of the above dangers? Rhetorical.

OMINOUSLY, it is precisely due to Iran’s aims to destroy the west (with or without their Sunni Brotherhood partners) that the Jihadi-in-Chief is strengthening them. The point being, Jarrett, as his point woman, his hatchet, is key!

SECOND-term…coming full circle…the west is on notice!

Jihadi-in-Chief Aids Islamic Butchers:Urges “RESTRAINT” In Fighting Them! Commentary By Adina Kutnicki


{re-blogged at Islam Exposed}

{re-blogged at Joe For America}

EVERYWHERE one turns the Jihadi-in-Chief is busy propping up Islamic jihad. The essence of this charge sheet surpasses even the highest burden of proof in U.S. criminal law via onus probandi…clear and convincing…beyond a reasonable doubt. Beyond the pale too. One can imagine, in the mind’s eye, Barack HUSSEIN Obama giving fist bumps all around, plus more of the same with high fives. No exaggeration.

AND for the actual record, if not for the Jihadi-in-Chief’s insistence (what’s the Bastard-in-Chief’s game plan??) in arming the Sunni “rebels”, Al Qaeda and its offshoots (Islamic State in toto) would not be recipients of America’s weaponry largess!

Still from Dailymotion video


IT is with this recognition and insight that one must focus one’s attention, respective to Obama Inc.’s foreign and domestic policies and resultant wildfires. They are inextricably linked. Inexorably.

NOW whether the barbarism involves Al Qaeda, Islamic State, Boko Haram, Hamas, PA/PLO, PIJ, Hezbollah et al., it matters not a whit. They are one and the same – offshoots of the global Muslim Brotherhood Mafia – as are the Shia factions, even though often at odds while they fight for hegemonic rule. Regardless, pay no mind to their inner Muslim cockfighting! And the following was posited when Iraq’s implosion commenced, and it is in line with today’s thesis:

FROM the get go, it is imperative to understand that the current disintegration of Iraq -even as this is being written – into the hands of Al Qaeda should have been a jihadi no-brainer. And don’t bother scratching your head, pondering: how did this happen? In fact, had this not come to pass, well, that would have been a head scratcher!

In reality, the nanosecond that Barack HUSSEIN Obama announced the end of U.S. troops in Iraq, back in October 2011, just in time to use as a sound bite for his 2012 propaganda campaign, Iraq became the primary target for Al Qaeda’s mega thrust. He understood as much. Yes, he did.

Mind you, while some Americans (other westerners too) understand the geo-political gravity of the situation, the fact of the matter is that this American-Israeli understands what is taking place, not just from an overall geo-political perspective, but from one whose own borders are, to a maximum degree, threatened. And so much more.

ALONG this thread of thinking, most recently, BOKO HARAM Islamic killers joined forces with Islamic State jihadis.

Boko Haram leader Abubakar Shakau and ISIS leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi

The Nigerian jihadist group Boko Haram, known for its kidnapping of more than 200 schoolgirls, has deepened its connection to the Middle East terror army ISIS by forming an information and materiel-support alliance, according to sources.

A former analyst for the International Foundation for Electoral Systems, a non-profit foundation promoting democratic institutions, says leaders Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi of ISIS and Abubakar Shakau of Boko Haram “have been sharing military strategy and other information back and forth….”

SIMILARLY, Hamas is intertwined with the Islamic State, as are other Brotherhood offshoots. The proofs are manifest:

Such is the hyper-induced case with Hamas and ISIS, as ISIS is planning a key role ( ‘s), on the Brotherhood’s behalf, in Hamas’s war against Israel. In fact, they are already doing so, but more on the “down-low.”

Trenchantly, the facts on the ground are visible for all who wish to live in reality, juxtaposed against believing lullabies recited by deceitful leaders. Pay heed:

“The Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS) has asked the Palestinians to be patient and stressed that the group will come to fight the “barbaric Jews”.

In a statement released on Twitter, through an account affiliated to the ISIS, it stated that it was aware of the “massacre” of Muslims in Gaza.

“As for the massacres taking place in Gaza against the Muslim men, women and children, then the Islamic State will do everything within its means to continue striking down every apostate who stands as an obstacle on its paths towards Palestine,” the group said.

The statement from ISIS seems to be a response to critics who have questioned why the group and its leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi aren’t coming in support of the Palestinians.

Replying to that, the statement said: “It is not the manner of the Islamic State to throw empty, dry and hypocritical words of condemnation and condolences like the Arab tawaghit do in the UN and Arab League.” The ISIS militants instead promised that actions speak louder than words…..

It is only matter of time and patience before it (Islamic State) reaches Palestine to fight the barbaric Jews and kill those of them hiding behind the gharqad trees – the trees of the Jews,” the statement concluded.

Earlier this month, the ISIS spokesperson had stated that while Palestine was an important agenda, but before taking on Israel it wants to consolidate its position in north.

According to Israel National news, ISIS spokesperson Nidal Nuseiri reaffirmed that group’s priority was conquering “Bayt el-Maqdis” [Jerusalem] and destroying the State of Israel. He noted that it was the central agenda of their “jihad”.

#IS #ISIS The Islamic State’s comment on Gaza in Dabiq Issue #2:

— أبو مصطفى الأنباري(@amustafaanbari1) July 29, 2014

While ISIS has claimed that it has no plans as of now for Israel, a recent video released on YouTube claimed an Islamic State fighter group has been formed in Palestine.

In the video, the supposed-to-be Islamic State fighters can be seen firing rockets towards Israel, before they are spotted by an Israeli fighter jet, which then starts a counter attack.”-

IPSO facto, the fact that the Jihadi-in-Chief is up to his neck with Brotherhood operatives in his administration, one must deduce that his assistance to one benefits them all.

An Egyptian magazine has claimed that six American Islamist activists who work with the Obama administration are Muslim Brotherhood operatives who enjoy strong influence over U.S. policy.

The December 22 story was published in Egypt’s Rose El-Youssef magazine and was translated into English for the Investigative Project on Terrorism (IPT). The story suggests the six turned the White House “from a position hostile to Islamic groups and organizations in the world to the largest and most important supporter of the Muslim Brotherhood.”

The story is largely unsourced, but its publication is considered significant in raising the issue to Egyptian readers, IPT said.

The six named people include: Arif Alikhan, assistant secretary of Homeland Security for policy development; Mohammed Elibiary, a member of the Homeland Security Advisory Council; Rashad Hussain, the U.S. special envoy to the Organization of the Islamic Conference; Salam al-Marayati, co-founder of the Muslim Public Affairs Council (MPAC); Imam Mohamed Magid, president of the Islamic Society of North America (ISNA); and Eboo Patel, a member of President Obama’s Advisory Council on Faith-Based Neighborhood Partnerships.

BUT leave it to a Brotherhood dissident to let the jihadi cat out of the bag, so to speak:

Abdul Jalil al-Sharnubi, a former Brotherhood leader, made his statements during a satellite interview on the Arabic language program “New Evening” with journalist Jamal ‘Anayat.

His point was that the revelation that al-Baghdadi was in the Brotherhood should be no surprise.  To make his point, he even added that “established lawyers and doctors [from the ranks of the Muslim Brotherhood] were among the first to volunteer to fight [for the Islamic State].”

More diplomatically but making the same point, Egyptian Minister of Religious Endowments (Awqaf), Dr. Muhammad Mukhtar Gom‘a earlier said that the fact that al-Baghdadi was with the Brotherhood proves “that the Brotherhood is the spiritual father to every extremist group.”

EVEN more so, Barack HUSSEIN Obama directly gives the Islamic State various legs up. Yes, he does. Is the pattern of the Jihadi-in-Chief’s aiding and abetting clear yet?


AS to the charge that the Islamist-in-Chief is demanding a “soft” hand against the Islamic State and to show “restraint”, what more needs to be said re his allegiances?

On May 18, Nigerian war planes “struck militant camps in the northeast” in an attempt to stem the growing tide of Islamic terrorists in the area. The U.S. quickly warned that Nigeria needs to be sure “to respect human rights and not harm civilians.”

Reuters reports that Nigerian troops used “jets and helicopters to bombard targets in their biggest offensive since the Boko Haram group launched a revolt almost four years ago.”

The situation in northeast Nigeria has become so bad that President Goodluck Jonathan declared a state of emergency there days ago.

Since that time, as Nigeria has used jets and helicopters to try to rein the Islamists in, U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry says he has “credible evidence” that Nigeria has committed “human rights violations” in retaliating against the Islamists.

Kerry said he condemns “Boko Haram’s campaign of terror in the strongest terms,” but he wants Nigeria to show “restraint” in their response.


IN the main, one must understand that many forces are at play, in regard to Barack HUSSEIN Obama’s helping hands to Islam. Extrapolating therein, his fealty to jihad is both demonstrable and overwhelming.

FIRST and foremost, to aid his Caliphate-driven brothers and sisters, the Mid East (and beyond) must be set alight. As of now, his actions (and lack thereof) have been wildly successful. Atta jihadi…

MOREOVER, their inroads into America had to be strengthened, and this too has been a resounding achievement via their leading patron, at least for Shariah law advocates. But in the midst of all this chaos, one must internalize where Israel fits in.

BASICALLY, there has been no greater enemy to Israel than Obama. So when one carefully weaves together the threads one can view the emerging patterns very clearly. To wit, aside from the “Big Satan”, the “Little Satan” is the Brotherhood’s main target. Therefore, the question becomes: is there any way that their goals are out of sync? Not in a pig’s eye.

Appearing on “Justice with Judge Jeanine” on the Fox News Channel, Trump blasted the administration’s “concessions” to Iran and its relationship with the Jewish state.

“Probably, maybe from the beginning, there has never been a greater enemy to Israel than Barack Obama. It’s incredible the way he treats them, the way he’s speaking to them. I think he treats our known enemies much better.” said Trump.

Pirro noted that U.S. Ambassador to the U.N. Susan Rice had walked out ahead of Israeli Prime Minister Bibi Netanyahu’s speech to the global body, and an unnamed administration official had referred to Netanyahu as “chickensh*t.”

“Why would they call him that?” asked Pirro.

Trump replied, “Look, they don’t like him and they don’t like Israel … [Obama’s] the worst thing that has ever happened to Israel. Now what’s going to happen is, the way it’s going, Iran will have a nuclear weapon. And it’s very close. As soon as that happens it’s a whole new ball game.”

MOST significantly, if the U.S. (west) dealt with Hitler in the same “restrained” manner, suffice to say that Americans (Europeans) would still be under Nazi rule, regardless of the passage of time. For when the mantle of leadership of the free world aligns with the most retrograde and barbaric forces known to man (Islam and Nazism), rest assured, the result is “pre-ordained”.

He who becomes compassionate to the cruel will ultimately become cruel to the compassionate. – Midrash Rabba, Ecclesiastes 7:16…קֹהֶלֶת.

Jihadi-In-Chief’s Outreach To U.S. Islamist Mosques/Leaders:”Islam Is A Religion Of Peace”.Piercing The Islamic Veil Of Deadly Deceit…Commentary By Adina Kutnicki

in the name of allah

{re-blogged at Joe For America}

FOR the umpteenth time, without piercing the veil upon the most deceptive weapon of all time, “Islam Is A Religion Of Peace” (fully elucidated within this linked interview), its adherents will continue – without pause – to devastate the world upon its altar. Free rein.

British aid worker Alan Henning has been beheaded by Jihadi John in an ISIS video posted online 

At the end of the footage American war veteran Peter Kassig is shown and threatened with the same fate

NOW, before we go to the crux of the matter, it is important for you to view the following short clip. Why? It will pierce the veil even further! Promise. 

ALAS, from the get go, the Jihad-in-Chief is hardly the sole White House resident who lies about this worldwide danger. So too did President Bush, and it was right after 9/11/01! However, there are many important distinctions between the two, least of which is that Bush is (basically) a patriot, regardless of his disgraceful Allah-wash re Islam. Let’s leave that for another discussion. But do recall, he is a deep aficionado of the New World Order, as is his father, a real anti-nationalist. One dovetails the other.

MOST trenchantly, it has been reported that Barack HUSSEIN Obama became enraged (what a shock…) at a recent Pentagon briefing, when he perceived Islam was faulted for this and that. Okay now.

Within seconds, Barack Obama returned again to the just concluded briefing, pointing at the still seated Pentagon staff and indicating how “inappropriate” it was to try and paint all of Islam with the same brush.” The president repeated similar remarks, his mood going from agitation to outrage. His voice carried to several other West Wing offices.

The senior adviser, who did not originally return with the president into the briefing, suddenly re-appeared alongside him,  as well as the president’s personal aide. She was smiling, and telling everyone “we’re done here” which she repeated several times and then led the president back out into the hallway…..

IT gets worse, if your heart can withstand it. Just stiffen your spine, and then deconstruct his Orwellian U.N. speech, another atrocity, none of which resembled reality :

At the same time, we have reaffirmed that the United States is not and never will be at war with Islam. Islam teaches peace. Muslims the world over aspire to live with dignity and a sense of justice. And when it comes to America and Islam, there is no us and them – there is only us, because millions of Muslim Americans are part of the fabric of our country.

So we reject any suggestion of a clash of civilizations. Belief in permanent religious war is the misguided refuge of extremists who cannot build or create anything, and therefore peddle only fanaticism and hate. And it is no exaggeration to say that humanity’s future depends on us uniting against those who would divide us along fault lines of tribe or sect; race or religion….

AS to the remainder of his scripted lies, nothing more than lipstick on a rotting pig. Thus, when the leader of the heretofore free world views his role as an apologist for Islam, and insists that America IS a Muslim nation, well, what else needs to be said? 

Pointedly, the Jihadi-in-Chief dispatched a White House rep to reassure – sending them a THANK YOU NOTE – the mosque’s adherents in Oklahoma City, you know, those who indoctrinated the recent beheader! He is letting them know that they are an integral fabric of the American landscape and to have no worries. He has their backs. You got that? Are you feeling woozy yet? 

THEREFORE, is it any wonder why paying heed to the likes of Prof Paul Eidelberg, a true patriot (an American-Israeli), an absolute scholar, a renaissance man to boot, is necessary for the west’s survival? No exaggeration.

On Muslims and Islam

Prof. Paul Eidelberg

Part I. A Candid View of Muslims and Islam

Professor Bernard Lewis, the doyen of Islamic studies, recognized that overweening arrogance is characteristic of Muslim culture. From Lewis we learn that the worshippers of the Quran are so proud of their own perfection that Islam is “impervious to external stimuli.”

Thanks to Islam’s theological mentors, even illiterate Muslims despise non-Muslims as “dogs.” Of course, not every Muslim has been corrupted by Islam.

Islam did not distort the mind of the great Arab philosopher al-Farabi (d. 950), who was a Muslim in dress only. To avoid the punishment of death as an apostate, al-Farabi wrote a book on Plato and Aristotle in an esoteric form to conceal his contempt for Islam on the one hand, and his admiration of those Greek philosophers on the other.

In the present age, however, despite our vaunted freedom of speech and press, hardly any scholar questions the veracity of Islam. The typical academic translates Islam into “Islamism,” and to avoid harassment, he obscures the true nature of Islam by speaking of “radical” Islam as if the adjective and noun were separable.

Hence it’s surprising that Wikipedia had the candor and courage to report: “In an attempt to polish Islam’s image, Muslim activists usually quote verses from the Qur’an that were written … while Mohammed lived in Mecca. Those passages make Islam appear loving and harmless because they call for love, peace and patience. Such is a deception. The activists fail to tell gullible people that such verses, though still in the Qur’an, were nullified, abrogated, rendered void by later passages that incite killing, decapitations, maiming, terrorism and religious intolerance. The latter verses were penned while Mohammed’s headquarters was based in Medina.”

Islam has been sanitized by academia. Despite the murderous hatred purveyed in the Qur’an, which exalts the Muslim who “slays and is slain” for Allah (Sura 9:111), Islam is usually painted with linguistic camouflage to safeguard the reputations of professors, journalists, and politicians who fear being accused of racism, bigotry, or Islamophobia – perhaps of being beheaded.

To his great credit, the illustrious al-Farabi renounced Islam because of its contempt for reason and violent theology.  This is why Islam was rejected by the outstanding and exceptional Arab historian and sociologist Ibn Khaldun (1332–1406), who dared write that Arabs are a savage people, and that “savagery” describes their inherent character.

Al-Farabi and Ibn Khladun merely affirmed the judgment of two of the greatest philosophers of the Middle Ages, Maimonides and Thomas Aquinas.  Given the superlative credentials of these theologians and philosophers, what are we to say of Maimonides’ “Epistle to Yemen,” where he refers to Muhammad as a “Madman and an imbecile”?

And Aquinas, who says this of Islam’s prophet in the Summa Contra Gentiles: “He seduced the people by promises of carnal pleasures … His teachings also contained precepts that were in conformity with [such] promises … the truths that he taught [in the Quran] were mingled with many fables and with doctrines of the greatest falsity… he perverts almost all the testimonies of the Old and New Testaments by making them fabrications of his own, as can be seen by anyone who examines his law. It was, therefore, a shrewd decision on his part to forbid his followers to read the Old and New Testaments, lest these books convict him of falsity.”

Were Maimonides and Aquinas afflicted by Islamophobia? Were al-Farabi and Ibn Khladun?

What is it but fear or a lack of intellectual integrity magnified by the contemptible academic doctrine of moral and cultural relativism that stifles the truth about Islam, which Winston Churchill the greatest scourge of mankind, a scourge not to be obscured or minimized by gracious acknowledgment that, thanks to God, not all Muslims are jihadists?

Part II. Obscuring the Truth about Islam

Ever since he became Israel’s Prime Minister in 1995, Benjamin Netanyahu has taken the easy path of “political correctness.” Like countless others, he has obscured the plain truth that peace between Israel and the Palestinian Authority (PA) is not possible. Not possible because the PA consists of Muslims, disciples of Muhammad, who taught his disciples, there can be no peace between Muslims and “infidels.”

But all of a sudden ISIS, the Islamic State of IRAQ and SYRIA, removed the veil of lies. At last our opinion makers have begun to reveal the truth – or as much as they can grasp of the truth. They are beginning to identify the enemy of civilization.

The identity of that enemy was obscured the day after 9/11, thanks very much to the President of the United States, George Bush, who called Islam as a “religion of peace.” This he said about Islam while Muslims throughout the world were gleefully celebrating the cruel deaths of the 3,000 victims of 9/11 in the name of Islam’s deity “Allah the compassionate,” to quote the words of what President Barack Obama calls the “Holy Qur’an.”

It took ISIS and its decapitation of James Foley, an American journalist, to arouse in the timid enough courage to identify America’s enemy, Islam – twelve years after the beheading of Daniel Pearl, theWall Street Journal reporter executed in Pakistan in 2002.

Yes, the enemy is Islam is ISLAM – ISLAM pure and simple, and not any of the abbreviated or “politically correct” versions of ISLAM used by academics, journalists, politicians, and political scientists to avoid being accused of “Islamophobia” or racism.

ISIS has revealed that the “religion of peace” is unadulterated barbarism that uses the veneer of monotheism to avoid being identified as paganism.

One scholar has come close to defining Islam as “monotheistic idolatry,” which makes Allah so absolute that there is no room for human freedom or human creativity, as we learn from Genesis 1:26-27 of man’s creation in the image of God – a concept that Muslim theologians deem blasphemous.

Given its mantra of death, Islam may be defined as the “religion of nihilism,” of nothingness or of absolute darkness.  It is the light of reason that separates and distinguishes one thing from another. Death is the dissolution of all distinctions.

Islam’s mantra of death is the deadliest form of nihilism. Nihilism rejects the role of reason in human affairs because reason, as Whitehead has said, is the “organ of emphasis on novelty.”  “Throw reason to the dogs,” said a placard of Taliban, thus denying that which distinguishes the human from the subhuman. The logic is inescapable: Islam’s rejection of reason renders Islam subhuman! If empirical evidence is wanted, enough to mention Hamas’ use of its own children as human shields, surpassing the evil of the Nazis.

When President Ronald Reagan called the Soviet Union the “Evil Empire,” he deflated Communism. No longer was it deemed worthy of respect and admiration; it was an abomination. Islam should also be treated as an abomination. For evidence, enough to cite the February 21, 2007 issue of FrontPage Magazine, which reported that Muslims have slaughtered approximately 270 million people – Christians and Jews, Hindus and Zoroastrians and countless other “infidels” – since the ascendancy of Islam’s role model, Muhammad.

Urgently needed, especially in Israel, is the truth about Israel’s Islamic enemies. Israeli prime ministers prefer to obscure the truth lest it shatter their “politically correct” drivel about the “peace process” with an enemy that exalts war and the shedding of Jewish blood.

Prime Minister Golda Meir is famous for having been “the only man in her Cabinet.” Why? She shunned “political correctness.” Truth was her strong card, especially the truth about Israel’s sworn enemies: “I have never doubted for an instant that the true aim of the Arab states has always been, and still is, the total destruction of the State of Israel, or that even if we had gone back far beyond the 1967 lines to some miniature enclave, they would not still have tried to eradicate it and us…. It is our duty to realize this truth; it is our duty to make it clear to all men of good will who tend to ignore it.  We need to [face] this truth in all its gravity, so that we may continue to mobilize from among ourselves and the Jewish people all the resources necessary to overcome our enemies” (My Life, 1975). That was Golda, the only man in her Cabinet. Now we have BB.◙

NOW that Prof Eidelberg’s pearls of wisdom have been absorbed (recall his association to this blog), it should be beyond obvious what has to be done: Islam, as a “religion”, must be deconstructed. As such, eradicating Shariah law from western soil – initially within the court of public opinion – is mandatory. Let them do whatever the hell they want in Muslim nations, who cares… What matters is that its basis is diametrically opposed to America’s Constitutional laws of the land, regardless of what the fifth column thinks. Beyond a doubt, Islamic leaders in America (those who are pulling the strings at the White House, no less) are VERY overt about their lack of loyalty. Are they NOT the definition of a fifth column?


ONCE Islam is revealed for what it is – a clear and present western danger – wiping out its terror havens will become a necessary response to save western civilization. What could be more important? Not much.

ASSUREDLY, it’s a Herculean task. However, saving the west is not for the weak-willed or weak-kneed. It requires millions of dedicated patriots to forge ahead, despite all obstacles.

SIGNIFICANTLY, once Islamists realize that the west will no longer be held hostage to the idée fixe, Islam is “peaceful” – let alone being anything but a war-like political weapon masked under the guise of religion – they will have little option but to cease and desist. It will take years, but it will happen.

BESIDES, what’s the alternative? And will history forgive this generation for handing America’s keys to freedom and liberty over to monstrous barbarians – the likes of which are unparalleled in history – only to destroy the west in the process?  

ISIS MAIN Beneficiary Via Benghazigate’s Poisonous Fruits:Obama’s Knock-On Libyan War Places America (Israel) In The Cross Hairs…Commentary By Adina Kutnicki

WHEN it comes to matters of grave national import (security, first and foremost), it should be a given that leaders of high moral character and outstanding patriotic ethos must stand at the helm. This should be a non-negotiable criteria.

HOWEVER, much to America’s and Israel’s national shame, this is currently not the case. And if anyone believes that the following indictment is mostly reserved for the Islamist-in-Chief, think again.

ABSOLUTELY, Israel’s top leadership is gravely lacking in national responsibility. They will (eventually) be held culpable for major malfeasance against the majority Zionist public, especially due to their “negotiating” illegal “cease-fires” with a designated terror group, Hamas. Indeed, this deleterious, craven outgrowth is a direct result of serving “foreign masters” (especially Obama, Egypt’s El Sisi & a PA/Hamas terror tag-team), to the detriment of the majority of citizens who ushered them into power. Unconscionable. Unforgivable. As an American-Israeli, well, let’s just say that this is a sad nadir within both nation’s histories. A crying shame and stain. An actual blight.

THAT being out in the open, one recognizes that America’s leaders have gone over to the dark side, championing evil, even when not readily apparent. One just has to juxtapose their “order of priorities” in least expected arenas – to honor the dead, or not.

NOW, regardless of which side one came down on (when wading into the circus-like spectacle surrounding the Ferguson case…as if White boys never get shot…oh yeah), the fact of the matter was that Obama Inc’s reps came to pay their respects at his funeral as if he was a national treasure! What made his death so noteworthy, other than the fact that it was abused, Trayvon-like, by Obama and crew’s race-baiters?

Then, jump on over to the death of the highest ranking military official to die in Afghanistan, and take note of his funeral: hide nor hare! 

BUT why the fuss? Well, again, it attests to the character, or the lack thereof, of the Commander-in-Chief and whether or not he is capable of having America’s back. And, if so, why aren’t the following national warnings in place?

General warns “We Should Be at DEFCON 1; over ISIS and prepare for multiple cities to be attacked…linked-video!!

LEST there be any misunderstandings, if not for the knock-on effects of Benghazigate, Sunni Brotherhood jihadists – of which ISIS are part and parcel of, on whose behalf Barack HUSSEIN Obama ordered the largest weapons-running operation in Mid East history – would not be knocking on America’s door, nor Israel’s. Others as well. Nevertheless, as an American-Israeli, both nations are my top priorities. Hands down.

OMINOUSLY, a major outgrowth to Obama’s illegal war in Libya (the main goal of the weapons running was to destabilize Syria for the benefit of Syria’s Brotherhood Mafia) allowed countless man-pads to awash Syria and beyond. In this regard, isn’t it likely that this is how ISIS got their hands on said weapons and then some? 

Islamic State militants stormed a Syrian airbase over the weekend, routing the remaining elements of the country’s army from northern Raqqah province and reportedly seizing a cache of shoulder-fired surface-to-air missiles.

The seizure of Tabqa air base, while not the first installation of its type to fall to militants, highlights the Islamic State’s gains in the region and the group’s continued pilfering of advanced military equipment, particularly the surface-to-air missile systems known as MANPADS, short for Man Portable Air Defense Systems.

Matt Schroeder, a senior researcher at the Switzerland-based research group Small Arms Survey and author of a recent report on MANPADS in Syria, believes that the takeover of Tabqa airbase could mark a “significant proliferation” of the weapons across the region.

BARACK HUSSEIN OBAMA, thou art an Islamic devil!

EQUALLY culpable is the disgraceful dinosaur-like Senator John McCain, as he championed the “rebels”, now terrorizing Tripoli on behalf of the ISIS! He too has much to answer for, as this site already noted.

AS is said, a picture is worth a thousand words and the following is priceless. Infamous.


So here’s a heck of a thing: Back in May 2013, Forever Warmonger John McCain was really excited about the prospects of arming the Syrian “moderates” who were fighting to free that country from the iron grip of Bashar al-Assad. He even sneaked into the country to meet with the head of the Free Syrian Army, Gen. Salim Idris, the fellow in the striped shirt there (Idris was ousted in February of this year).

Only one small problem with the little photo-op: In addition to Idris, some of the other guys in the pic are apparently members of a slightly less “moderate” group: ISIS, the guys who are currently bringing down Iraq, and the photo is reportedly being circulated by ISIS as proof of their legitimacy. Oops.

RESOLVED, the best result would be the impeachment of the Islamist-in-Chief. Tried for treason is more than supportable too.

ATOP all of his crimes against the American people, consorting with the enemy takes on special significance. Resonance. It reaches the HIGHEST bar in national crimes. So if operating under the premise that ISIS/ISIL/Hamas (and the entire Brotherhood Mafia…their Shia helpmates in toto) are avowed enemies of the U.S. (by extension, the entire west), surely treason is more than supportable. It rises to the occasion – on steroids!

BUT to connect the Jihadi-in-Chief to ISIS one must resurrect the roots of his Mid East wildfires. Upheavals. Alas, from the moment that he PLANNED the ouster of Egypt’s Mubarak all hell broke loose, as intended. Say what? 

WELL, as a result of his “meddling” and his championing of the Brotherhood Mafia, Egypt’s leaders filed an indictment against Barack HUSSEIN Obama and Hill too. Interesting. Congress has yet to do the same. Orwellian.

The underlying theme of the trial seems to be a case being made against the Obama administration. Testimony by Mubarak administration officials is that the Obama administration had a direct hand in the 2011 revolution in Egypt. In reality, according to testimony, it wasn’t a revolution at all but a conspiracy.

KNOW this to the nth degree: Egypt’s toppling was designed as a knock-on effect to lead into Libya; ipso facto as a gateway to topple Syria via MASSIVE weapons-running – MAN-PADS as prime booty – resulting in Benghazigate. The operational end point involved transfers to the “rebels” in Syria. Basically, said fires were meant to assist the “rebels” – via the Islamist-in-Chief’s mischief – to install the Brotherhood Mafia into power, even though Obama Inc.’s thrust into Egypt didn’t go as planned. Machiavellian. 

MORE specifically, ISIS is an outgrowth of said “rebels” and Obama Inc. helped to arm and train them! Sounds like conspiracy-talk, but no less true.

Agreed, having Joe-foot-in-the-mouth-Biden as his stand-in hardly sounds appealing. But one has to look beyond the obvious.

TO wit, at the very least, the shock of his impeachment (or charge of treason) would have a rippling and cascading effect. So much so that Biden – or any other miscreant from Obama Inc’s malignant crew – would be deeply traumatized, basically halting their behind-the-scenes machinations. Don’t underestimate the self preservation factor. It has a way of kicking in, when unexpected.

NOT only that, but certain crimes committed under his anti-American leadership would be up for reversal, through whichever mechanism is provided for under the Constitution. Let’s leave that to the experts. Isn’t the above enough reason to push for impeachment, a trial for treason, among countless other factors?