Leftist Dogma The Same World Over; Freedom Loving People Beware…Commentary By Adina Kutnicki

Leftist bullying (usually mental, but it crosses into the physical realm too) knows no bounds.(see- http://mail.aol.com/36515-112/aol-6/en-us/Suite.aspx). Their leaders and their shock troops are relentless, merciless and unparalleled in their shamelessness (see here too- http://www.jpost.com/NationalNews/Article.aspx?id=275826). Thereby, the ends always justifies the means, regardless of the cost to human capital.

Their tactics have been honed to an art form, and have evolved over many decades throughout the US, but most especially since the early 1960’s. Israeli leftists are very eager pupils -ape-like- they mimic their US mentors. They also understand the intrinsic value of infiltrating every sphere of public discourse and opinion. In general, leftists leave little to chance, operating faithfully to certain prescribed guidelines, but also ready to pounce when a crisis emerges, whether of the spontaneous, or manufactured variety. Never let a good crisis go to waste, where have we heard that before?

Is it any wonder that “occupy Wall Street” is being played out in Israel, tents and all? The notion that citizens (and even illegals ! ) are entitled to “cradle to the grave” goodies is a centerpiece within the US “social justice” movement, as well as its Israeli cousin. A preposterous notion. How can this be?

Simply put, leftist dogma can leap tall buildings, swim across oceans, and implant its poisonous seeds on the other side of the world. This is a result of the “religious” and fixed component to their ideology. Of course, without the generous assistance of George Soros’s maze-like pyramids-radical revolutionary entities – much less damage would accrue, at least on a global scale. While it is an open secret that his above tentacles are spread out all over the US, so too are they embedded within the Israeli leftist scene – domestic interference, from foreign funded entities, at the highest levels.

Specifically, Stanley Greenberg (a highly paid Democratic operative), in tandem with the radical New Israel Fund, is busy as a beaver, creating mayhem wherever he can, hoping to upend Israel’s economic viability to effectuate leftist political ends. A chief suspect in Israel, within the radical left movement, is Daphne Leef, a paid operative (pretending to be a nobody, someone just outraged over the cost of cottage cheese and apartment rentals. If only….) of New Israel Fund, one of Soros’s many pet projects. Leef’s machinations are best described here – http://mail.aol.com/36515-112/aol-6/en-us/Suite.aspx. Though much younger, she would be proud to be a Van Jones clone when she reaches the pinnacle of her revolutionary career.

Most perniciously (and of intrinsic importance), the left’s tentacles are burrowed deep within the education system, the media, legal venues, cultural forums, and policy making spheres of government, both in the US and Israel. At the same time, they pretend to take the high road, and insist it is the only moral road to tread. They brook no dissent, yet feign the mantle of liberalism.

Nonetheless, due to the advent of alternative media, their hegemony is slowly coming to a halt. Educating the public on the arsenal utilized by the left, (via emotive, clique-driven propaganda, see -http://www.americanthinker.com/2012/06/review_the_tyranny_of_cliches_how_liberals_cheat_in_the_war_of_ideas.html) has never been more urgent. Freedom loving people must avail themselves of the “new media”, to better discern when smoke is being blown in their face. The left is becoming desperate, but make no mistake, desperate people often become very dangerous. Cornered like rats, they will likely attack anything/anyone standing in their way, as they attempt to grasp onto the levers of various power centers. The unbridled takeover of the US Federal government by committed socialists, Marxists, communists, who behave as if freedom of choice is yesterday’s news, intend to control as much as they can (while they still can), regardless of the people they have to mow down in the process.

The only way to viably organize an effective push back, against committed opponents, is to understand the method to their madness. Doing so requires much more than showing up at a rally; it requires being able to speak their language, knowing how to counter punch effectively, to deconstruct their subliminal messaging and their laser focused precision.

Thus, I can offer no better primer than Saul Alinsky’s Rules for Radicals”It is the left’s playbook, their bible of record. Heck, Hillary Clinton wrote her senior college thesis on Alinsky, deifying him in the process! In fact, Obama is so in tune with Alinskyite tactics he uses them chapter and verse. The trick is, you have to understand them (the tactics and ideas) to challenge them.

32 thoughts on “Leftist Dogma The Same World Over; Freedom Loving People Beware…Commentary By Adina Kutnicki

  1. Pingback: What Happens When A Compliant Media Ceases Their Due Diligence..Thus Parroting Officialdom’s Narratives?..Commentary By Adina Kutnicki | Adina Kutnicki

  2. Pingback: When Is A Terrorist NOT Really A Terrorist….At Least According To The Radical-in-Chief & His Surrogates…Media Too…Commentary By Adina Kutnicki | Adina Kutnicki

  3. Pingback: The Paradox & Pitfalls of Liberal Democracies…In A time Of (im)Moral Relativism…The Havoc Wrought By Leftist Academia…Commentary By Adina Kutnicki | Adina Kutnicki

  4. Pingback: The Dangerous Morphing/Twinning/Sell-Out Of Israel’s Leftist Media…With A Lethal, Leftist Washington Regime…Commentary By Adina Kutnicki | Adina Kutnicki

  5. Pingback: What Will It Take For American Jews To FINALLY Understand What Barack HUSSEIN Obama Has In Store For America…As Well As For Israel? Commentary By Adina Kutnicki | Adina Kutnicki

  6. I liked your suggestion about reading Alinsky. I linked here from your comment on the Roger L. Simon article covering Mitt’s crushing defeat of that other guy whose name need not be repeated. Hoorah!

    • That’s why I miss Andrew Breitbart.. he was reared breathing their air and fully understood them… and used their tactics against them… fearlessly!

  7. Secular, Progressive, radical, Marxist, Reformed Jews are Israels worst enemy, the enemy within. They are sick, narcissistic and even sociopathic. It’s like a genetic disorder. South Florida Jews re-elect a despicable liar like Debbie Wasserman-Schulz and vote against Allen West, the strongest supporter of Israel that exists anywhere.

  8. This has always been about winning, overcoming and replacing freedom with Marxist principles and programs and so they have sought to control the minds of man. Lying, cheating, intimidating, assaulting and killing their way to power. The media and entertainment TV are simply tools to be used to achieve their goals and then maintain their power.

    Obviously truth was always their enemy as well as open and uncontrolled discussion.

  9. I didn’t read the the whole article knowing the union is involved its gotta be BAD!! Unions are not like they used to be really helping the workers. Now its thugs at work these days!! Even the president had something to say, he was for the unions NOT THE PEOPLE!!

    • “Unions are not like they used to be really helping the workers.” I don’t know how many times I have heard this comment, but I assure you it is completely untrue. From the first, unions in the United States and Canada have been violent, radical, and communist. They have bombed, murdered, beaten up, threatened, intimidated, and lied their way to power. The history is largely suppressed by academics hostile to Capitalism. It appears your heart is in the right place, but the line is untrue.

      • I am currently a U.A.W. member in Ohio, and work for one of the big three. The union is now on it’s knees, not helping the workers, but only itself. Big changes have come in the last ten years, and the shrinking membership is not nearly as collective as it used to be. Members hardly show up for meetings, and the propaganda that the leadership tries to dish out, is not being swallowed anymore.

      • Rick, the best a worker can do is separate themselves from union bosses and their designs, most are thugs. If enough workers do so, the union heads will have a harder time taking them to the financial cleaners.
        Having co-owned a corporate tax practice, let me state this – the practice turned away union audit work, on the basis of their thug-like behavior. Enough said.

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  12. Pingback: Naomi Chazan, Retiring President of The New Israel Fund, A Dangerous & Unrepentant Enemy of Jewish Patriots……Commentary By Adina Kutnicki | Adina Kutnicki

  13. Do you really believe the leftists hegemony is slowly coming to a halt, due to alternative and social news sources? I’d like to believe that. After Obama’s re-election, they seem to have gained momentum.

    • One of the reasons-but there are others-that Obama and crew started floating trial balloons, possibly to “tax/monitor” the web, is because of alternative media who alert the general public to what is really going on.

      However, their hegemony has more to do with what Americans are willing to put up with. In other words, in leftist, big city bastions, most will just sit still for whatever shakes out. This will not be the case in Middle America, or in rural areas. Let me put it this way – I have been in contact, over the years, with enough “good ole’boys”, even though I spent most of my life within the confines of the NYC area. That being said, these guys know the score (as do many, many others) and will never allow Washington to take their guns and their freedom.

      It is through the alternative media that they too know what is going on, and they are NOT amused.Extrapolate therein.

      • I understand gun owners are not about to be herded like cattle. However, with their wholesale ownership of our young minds from grade school through college, and now with immigrants illegal or not, along with low income people who are just frightened by their scare tactics. Not to mention the entire entertainment industry and almost all of the media, it’s difficult to see how Obama’s regime could screw this up, especially with the Dow gaining ground now as well.

  14. Pingback: The Convergence Of Obama’s Diety, Saul Alinsky, & His Channeling To Israeli Students…Commentary By Adina Kutnicki | Adina Kutnicki

  15. Pingback: Obama & Crew March In Lock-Step With UN Thugs, Chiefly To Disarm Americans…Commentary By Adina Kutnicki | Adina Kutnicki

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  23. Pingback: Leftist Christian & Jewish Leaders Enable Islamic Slaughter:Silencing Truth-Tellers…Commentary By Adina Kutnicki | Islam Exposed Online

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