Adina Kutnicki

A Zionist & Conservative Blog

Adina Kutnicki

WARNING TO US PATRIOTS: PA Governor Fast-Tracking ISLAMIC COMPOUND In Shenango Township! The End-Runs. National Danger Too. Commentary By Adina Kutnicki

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WHEN it comes to the arena of Islamic infiltration and penetration, what burrows within one state infects and affects the entire nation. A cascading reverberation. Fact-based. Resultant, the dangers couldn’t be more acute. By the way, ignorance is not an excuse, especially, when warnings and alarm bells are blaring at the highest decibel!

INCONTESTABLY, its knock-on effects catapult from one coast to the other, and to all the states in between – whether on a slow-boil or full-steam ahead. And, Exhibit Number One is none other than 9/11/01, in so far that the plot was hatched throughout the nation.

IN fact, al-Qaeda’s Islamic jihadis (with assists from related hydras) hunkered down within various safe-houses in California, inside mid-states along the way, and were given material and secondary support by networks spread throughout the east coast. Key cells were burrowed in Paterson and Jersey City, NJ, and with many scattered throughout NYC – with Brooklyn and Queens in the forefront. Ominously, almost 16 years after the largest terror attack in U.S. history, Islam’s jihadis are more ensconced than ever! 

THAT being established, let there be no argument: what happens at point A will, sooner than later, become a cancer within all points in between. Indeed, patriots have NO choice but to step up to the challenge of our time. At hand.

AS reported, readers are aware that HIRA (a shadowy – emphasis placed – Islamic entity) is Allah-bent on “setting up shop” inside an almost 150 acre fortified compound in the midst of Shenango Township, Pennsylvania. By the way, when clicking on the above link, ignore the smiling pics of all-American looking kiddies. A smokescreen.

BUT do pay heed to this site’s (June 18, 2017) initial analysis. Its core dangers were laid out as follows:

A highly shadowy Islamic group (fronted by HIRA Educational Services, aka HESNA, via Asif Kunwar, founder and president, and Abdul Basit, vice-president, of which NOTHING is known about their professional bonafides, nor their associations thereof) is in the process of buying a property which is almost 150 acres, one which – up until Feb. 2013 – housed the Youth Development Center, aka YDC. As of this writing, their bid met the state’s deadline, and it was handed over for final approval. Yes, it is state-owned. Even so, where’s the meat and beef?

ASIDE from the alarming red flags pointed out here, here, here and elsewhere, patriots (wherever they reside in America) must promptly inquire: why would an Islamic so-called educational consulting company (never mind the smiling pics of all-American kiddies at their rabbit-hole site), one which is, no less, shrouded in secrecy, require a facility which resembles a “fortified compound?” Ominously, the property has underground tunnels, jails, 13 buildings, etc., all of which are enclosed within barbed wire fencing!!

CURIOUS and curiouser….

ADDING fuel to the jihadi fire, what should one conclude from HIRA’s association with – and dependence upon – the Federal Erate program, in so far that the potential for fraud (in this case, read: jihadi money laundering) presents a clear and present danger? Know that Erate has a rampant history of fraud. Moreover, trust, this whistle-blowing connector can properly assess what is what. Take it to the bank….heart….

CONCLUSIVELY, since YDC is rural-like – coupled with the above alarm bells – doesn’t it mirror the set-ups of a growing laundry list of Islamic jihadi compounds spread out all over America? If not, why not? continue reading….

MORE specifically, HIRA is linked to ZAYTUNA Islamic College (and other similar “concerns”), and this is no small jihadi matter! It is not for nothing. Along this trajectory, one has to follow the trail to connect the dots. The twists and turns. They are laid out thusly:

  • Firstly, HIRA, as an Islamic “educational” consulting service, must fill out form USAC 471 for “Schools and Libraries Universal Service Description of Services Ordered and Certification.” Essentially, it is a highly valued reimbursement form for educational entities. Mind you, all manner of fraudulent information can be written, and with none the wiser. This is particularly the case when it comes to the “hands-off” approach concerning Islamic entities. Not only that, HIRA’s form is full of jihadi connected fronts which are “hiding in plain sight.” Besides, Islamists understand that uninformed bureaucrats have no idea what any of these “exotic” named so-called educational entities represent. Herein lies the danger.
  • Secondly, there are 10 names listed within HIRA’s form under the category of “Name of Eligible Entity” at line-item Box 1. As part of due diligence, this investigative journalist (whose expertise lies in Islamic jihad in general and the Muslim Brotherhood Mafia in specific) internalizes that digging beneath the surface, aka the dirt, is imperative. It is with this in mind that TARBIYAH INC the 2nd name listed under eligible entities – must be examined. Very closely. In the interest of time and space, it is used as “Exhibit Number One”, and for a very compelling reason; to deny HIRA a foothold in Shenango Township, or within any place in America!
  • Thirdly, in a nutshell, see the “About” tab at TARBIYAH. To wit, ZAYTUNA Islamic College is proudly displayed. OMG! But for those who aren’t duly familiar with ZAYTUNA – along with its jihadi collaborators and apologists for the 9/11/01 terrorists – trust, the linkage between HIRA + TARBIYAH + ZAYTUNA is NOT good news. Nor is it coincidental or incidental. For all intents and purposes, it is a terror-aligned “college” incubator, and that’s putting it mildly. Read its dangerous basis here….

AGAIN, aside from all else, HIRA is “advising” TARBIYAH INC. (among others that are similarly aligned), and TARBIYAH is inextricably associated with a jacked-up jihadi Islamic college in California, ZAYTUNA! If  1 + 1 still equals two….

CONSEQUENTIALLY, they are less than three degrees separated, never mind six degrees of separation. As always, this is the case with Islamic front groups – one overlaps the other. Hence, the Muslim Brotherhood Mafia is coined: an Islamic hydra!

AND, skate past TARBIYAH’s high-profile Islamic supporters, some of whom are docs. After all, the terror fiend behind Osama Bin Laden was Dr. Zawahiri! In other words, don’t be fooled by the all-star professional (Islamic) line-up of supporters for TARBIYAH. For, in reality, many within Islam’s top-tier are financially flush and professionals alike.

ALAS, the following news should set patriots in America on edge, even those who are nowhere within proximity of Shenango Township and its incipient danger.


Over Objection, Sale Of Shenango Property Moving Forward

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NOW, to make matters worse – if even possible – and more inexplicable, PA Governor Tom Wolf is tone-deaf to the increasingly vociferous pleas of the community. His cognitive dissonance is, seemingly, unfathomable. It extends to his resistance against questions from a growing list of State Legislators, Shenango Township Council members, and community activists alike – beseeching answers to some VERY legitimate concerns, to say the least! Inherently, since the fortified compound is state-owned, suffice to suggest that he can do “this and that” without paying them no mind, come what may, until his term is up in November 2018.

TELLINGLY, a few urgent queries must be asked, but in no order of import.

  • Is Tom Wolf shepherding HIRA through the process due to a possible “pay for play” arrangement, one which is not unheard of in politics, and which is more than operative in PA? Inquiring minds want to know. PA citizens have a right to know.

“Recent studies consistently put Pennsylvania in the Top 10 of most corrupt states with the likes of Illinois, New York and Mississippi. A report last year said corruption in the 10 sleaziest states costs each citizen about $1,300 a year.

In Pennsylvania, we tut-tut about it, maybe make a gallows-humor joke, then go back to the sports page. It’s expected. It’s understood.”

  • ON the other hand, could it be that he is petrified of being labeled an “Islamophobe” – a made up out of whole cloth so-called phobia? And, let’s be honest, it was a brilliantly designed tactical bludgeon to silence and intimidate non-Muslims. For the record, it was conceived by the International Institute for Islamic Thought. Along the same track of PC-induced hysteria, perhaps, he is scared of being tarred a racist, never mind that Muslims aren’t a race!

OH my, not one to forget a most intrinsic dot, dear (patriotic) reader, another proposal is yours for consideration:

  • WHAT are the chances that the “elephant in the room” is all about “refugee” resettlement, not of the Christian (or another minority fleeing Islamic persecution) persuasion, but extended to followers of Islam? Think about it.

AS other states close their borders, Governor Wolf is all in. Hmm. In this regard, is it possible that HIRA – along with tight-lipped Wolf – is fronting for eventual construction of a mega mosque, one which will be in place for scores of Islamic “refugees”, many of whom will also live within its fortified compound? Voilà, another “Refugee” Resettlement Center is born!

CONSIDER: once HIRA owns the land, the Governor and his AG will legally be able to utilize the federal Religious Land Use Act of 2000 (42 U.S.C. §§ 2000cc) to sue Shenango Township into acceptance. A fait accompli.

MORE specifically, Shenango’s current zoning laws would prohibit a “refugee” resettlement camp! Talk about a (federal-based) end-run, courtesy of the guv and HIRA Islamists. 

BUT know this: once HIRA’s foothold (akin to countless jihadi compounds across America) and footprints embed within Shenango Township, let’s be very clear: it will take decades, if even then, to “evict” them from their fortified compound. This will be the case, regardless of any rat-a-tat activities beneath the property’s maze-like tunnel system, aside from whatever “activities” transpire above ground! Coupled with close to 150 acres of barbed-wire fencing – to keep out “infiltrators” and prying eyes, etc. – well, nothing will be off-limits. You got that??

URGENTLY, ask yourselves: why would any educational consulting service require such vast acreage, never mind the fact that HIRA has 1 employee operating out of an apartment in New Jersey, and with an income showing under $ 50,000? Rhetorical. Finally, is it easier to eradicate cancerous cells before they metastasize or afterwards? 

SAME thing.

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BY extrapolation, could it be that those fronting for the $ 400,000 property have other “uses” for it, none of which are even remotely on the up and up? 

Just asking….

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{POSTSCRIPT} A “BOLO” (from this investigative journalist/counter-jihadist to the patriotic community at large) is being issued for Harish Kumar Tony, and his page can be found at –….he is the clean-shaven dude, sporting a white headband, and standing next to an associate. This “person of interest” is, one way or another, the “eyes and ears” of HIRA’s Founder and President, Asif Kunwar.

{UPDATE TOO} You know you are on the right track when CAIR, the Muslim Brotherhood Mafia’s propaganda arm, picks snippets out of a township meeting to label everyone fighting back against HIRA’s Islamic infiltration and penetration part of a “hate group!” Yes, this IS their modus operandi.

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{re-blogged at The Homeland Security Network} click on Archives icon to read, dated June 30, 2017}

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ALERT:Michigan Overrun With Syrian Jihadis, Atop A Burgeoning National Infestation.A Clear & Present Danger. Commentary By Adina Kutnicki

STIPULATED, this investigative journalist and Muslim Brotherhood expert knows the ins and outs of Islamic jihad, to a degree that chapter and verse is more apropos a descriptor.

THAT being established, this arena includes keeping abreast of where an increasing amount of non-publicized – emphasis placed – jihadis are hiding (some of whom are in plain sight) within America. Now, it is not as if the desire isn’t there to publicly name them. To the contrary. But having alerted the authorities (on multiple occasions) to this and that plot – with the understanding that they are tasked to see no Islamic evil and hear no Islamic evil – well, “others” are forced to step in to rattle some cages. And it is these “others” who are the real American heroes. Patriots. That’s all you need to know about that.

MIND you, when given the go-ahead to out them, it’s always a top priority within these pages. Be that as it may, as will be seen (and in the overall scheme of the dangers at hand), the fact that the FBI raids this and that home/business means squat. In fact, the case agents aren’t the issue. For the most part, they too are furious over their hands being hog-tied. On the other hand, their superiors are hamstrung by an Islamic captured DHS. This is beyond dispute. Incontrovertibly, its stepped-up basis is a direct by-product of HUSSEIN’s handiwork.

Mohamed Elibiary Twitter bio

RESULTANT, the urgent question isn’t whether or not jihadis are embedded within officialdom, THAT ship has sailed

CONCOMITANTLY, their infiltration and penetration has exploded exponentially under his wings, not that their presence wasn’t worrisome beforehand! Regardless, this is where it’s at. So patriots should be particularly laser focused on two parallel tracks. Locked on. 

  • Where exactly are militant Islamic jihadis present within ones state and community? Pin point them via mosques and community-based centers.
  • With this in mind, consider: how can patriots pre-empt the dangers, irrespective of what security agencies/law enforcement are doing or failing to execute?

IN this regard, some facts must be internalized due to the MASSIVE dangers that they present. It is along this treacherous trajectory that the following becomes highly germane:

  • As noted above, the FBI may raid – from time to time – this and that Islamic home/business, but it’s hardly the tip of the jihadi spear. This is the G-d’s honest truth, as discomfiting as it is. Still, those which are reported must be examined by the patriotic public (the rest couldn’t care less), and with a discerning eye. Nevertheless, know that media spinmeisters have hardly pierced to the heart of the jihad. They too are captured; scribblers who are feckless and clueless to boot.

Interviews found in court records portray Sebastian Gregerson, aka Abdurrahman Bin Mikaayl, as a “homegrown violent extremist” who amassed an arsenal to carry out an attack while cheering mass killings in Paris and Orlando, the Detroit News reported.

Both the FBI and the Detroit newspaper parroted the language of the Obama administration, referring repeatedly to Gregerson as a “home-grown violent extremist” who seemingly just randomly fell into a state of allegiance to the Islamic State, also called ISIS.

Near the end of the Detroit News article the newspaper finally gets around to telling its readers that Gregerson, 29, converted to Islam after high school and worked as an employee of the Minneapolis-based Target store chain.

The FBI obtained a search warrant July 31 listing probable cause to search Gregerson’s home and vehicle following 16 months of taped discussions Gregerson had with an undercover FBI agent who he thought was a fellow ISIS supporter. Agents were reportedly looking for evidence Gregerson was providing material support to ISIS, a designated foreign terrorist organization.

They raided Gregerson’s Detroit home after he allegedly bought five illegal grenades that same day from the undercover FBI agent.

MOST significantly, Dearborn is the eighth largest city in the state. In fact, it is part of the Detroit metropolitan area. Hmm. But the full truth is far more dangerous than is being reported by the so-called mainstream media. And this is precisely why Dearbornistan, repeatedly, has been featured at this site. 

MORE specifically, Michigan is the tenth most populous state in the U.S., having the eleventh largest area of land mass. And this is relevant because it is hardly an anomaly in relation to the infiltration and penetration of Islamic jihadis throughout America.

EVEN so, the national nightmare has been raised to the nth degree. Unequivocally, all “credit” should be given to HUSSEIN – the anti-American traitor – Obama! Mind you, Michigan and left-ward California are vying for top stops for Syrian “refugees”, you know, those who are flooding America (and Europe) via the Islamic hijrah, the migration for Allah! 

PATRIOTS, pay no attention to the sob stories presented by officialdom and its mouthpieces, yarn-like, as they evoke enough gobbledygook via a “humanitarian” lens. Never mind the fact that Islamic, oil rich, nations are refusing them entry, fellow brethren beside the point. Understood?  

The top destination for Syrian refugees arriving in the U.S. is the state of Michigan.

More than a 10th of the 10,000 Syrians admitted this fiscal year at the urging of the Obama administration are headed there, according to State Department figures.

Most of the 1,036 new arrivals are likely to settle in and around Detroit, which has long been a magnet for Arab immigrants.

This despite the fact that Michigan’s Republican Gov. Rick Snyder suspended efforts last November to bring more long-suffering Syrians to his state after the deadly terrorist attacks in Paris.

Snyder spokeswoman Anna Heaton told NBC News the governor “never suspended refugee resettlement” and is not opposed to more Syrian refugees settling in Michigan.

Where in the U.S. Have Syrian Refugees Settled?

“The governor suspended efforts to bring in additional refugees above and beyond the amount Michigan normally receives,” Heaton said in an email. “This increase in Syrian refugee resettlement is not surprising as our state continues to be a welcoming home for refugees who go on to contribute to our economic comeback and Michigan’s overall quality of life.”
The Jouriyeh family poses for a photo in Jordan office on Aug. 28. The family will head to San Diego as part of a year-long program to resettle 10,000 Syrian refugees in the United States. Nadim Fawzi Jouriyeh, 49, and his wife Rajaa Abdo Altaleb, 42, sit with their children, from left, Hanan, 13, Farouq, 8, and Hamzeh, 12. Raad Adayleh / AP

{Ain’t this pic a pull-on the heartstrings photo-op, and with the U.S. flag as a backdrop too. Never mind that those who adhere to Shariah Law can NEVER adhere to the Constitution, the law of the land!}

Close on Michigan’s heels is California, which has taken in 1,030 Syrians between Oct. 1 of last year and Aug. 29, the federal figures show.

Arizona and Texas, two red states led by Republican governors who have flat-out said they don’t want Syrian refugees because they supposedly pose a security risk, are next on the list having taken in 766 and 735 people, respectively, the figures show.

Those states were followed by Pennsylvania (600), Illinois (569), Florida (542) and New York (538), the figures show.

Several states have not taken any. Those include Alabama, Alaska, Arkansas, Delaware, Hawaii, Mississippi, South Dakota, Vermont and Wyoming.

AGAIN, ignore the spin, and see the (jihadi) forest from the trees. Yes, your very lives depend on it. No ifs, ands, or buts. 

ALAS, as should be patently obvious by now, HUSSEIN is Allah bent on creating the Shariah States of America. Yes, this is precisely where the facts line up. In other words, what better way to import Shariah adherent Muslims than from the hottest Islamic spots in the Mid East and Africa alike?

NOT only that, the very fact that Christians are being decimated throughout Syria and the wider Middle East (again, Africa alike), still yet, ask yourselves: how come only a handful are being allowed in, while the rest are Muslims?? Rhetorical. 

OH yeah, there is an Islamic agenda afoot. A global re-ordering.

CONSEQUENTIALLY, the same advice that has been given, ad nausea, at this site is being raised again. Reared. Besides, if only a fraction of the tens of thousands of “refugees” take up jihad – and the rest act as a supportive network – well, the amount of damage accrued to the nation will be more than it can bear. And this doesn’t even include (a preponderance of) Muslim-Americans, already primed to wage jihad!

BOTTOM LINE: For if one is at all invested in saving America as a free Republic, suffice to state that the battle lines (with Islamists and their Marxist enablers) have been drawn. On fire.

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{re-blogged at Conservative Firing Line}

{re-blogged at The Homeland Security Network}

U.S. Academia Fetes Islamic Infiltration Via Taxpayer Funds: An Inside Report. Commentary By Adina Kutnicki

THIS investigative journalist expends a countless amount of time, energy and resources to expose Islamic infiltration and penetration inside America, Israel and beyond. No doubt.

RELATIVE to the aforementioned infestation, American academia (the so-called ‘gold standard’) plays a key role. Incalculable. Consider:

MOST recently, two universities were exposed as ‘sympathetic’ to ISIS. You got that?

AS revealed on March 29, 2015 via ‘America’s Academic Cesspools: Full-On Support For ISIS & Appendaged Groups. Parents, Donors Beware’, a spotlight was featured on Cornell University and Barry University, with a hint of more to come.

  The only objection? Asking students to support a group with 'ISIS' in its name, a multicultural program coordinator thought, might hold the organization back – so why not rename it?

When an honors student at Barry University in Florida asked campus administrators about getting college funds for a club supporting the ISIS terror army, her idea was met with approval


SIMILARLY, on June 29, 2014, the following was noted: ‘UC Berkeley’s Pro Terror Prof Hatem Bazian: ‘Islamophobia’ Rises To ‘Thought Crime’ Status’, and it exposed his direct linkage to Hamas and the Brotherhood Mafia! Smoking guns, aside from his associates and their signature neck-wear.

 NOTE: Hamas scarves in the background! 








Hatem Bazian:Co-Founder of the Violently Anti-Semitic/Anti-Israel Group Called Students For Justice In Palestine (SJP)

TO wit, it is within this dangerous (familiar) terror landscape that this investigative journalist intersects with a network of specialists, most of whom operate in the counter-terror arena. And it is into this mix that a cooperative effort is made with fellow investigative journalists too.

RESULTANT, said linkage with Lee Kaplan comes into sharp relief ala his world class credentials re the unmasking of the International Solidarity Movement. It is a U.S. based (with offshoots all over the west and the Mid East) non-profit which raises funds on behalf of Islamic jihad to destroy Israel. Incontestably, its knock-on effects blow back against America.

SO without further ado, this site presents Lee Kaplan’s latest investigative report….

Taxpayers Made To Pay For Islamic Indoctrination In US University

By Lee Kaplan Contributor to

Hatem Bazian is a senior lecturer in Near East Studies at UC Berkeley. A Palestinian Arab, Bazian is also a supporter of Hamas and one of the terrorist group’s apparatchiks in the United States. Bazian was the founder of the Students for Justice in Palestine which has chapters on over 80 campuses in the United States and that operates as a Hamas support network in the United States. Bazian also co-founded American Muslims for Palestine which also links to Hamas and functions as a propaganda and fundraising mechanism to Hamas in Washington and is active with the Muslim Students Association on over 150 campuses in the United States and Canada. As an organizer, Bazian is tough to equal and he has used the California college educational system and its taxpayer-funded deep pockets to help facilitate massive propaganda events and fundraising not only for the Palestinian terrorist group, but for pro-jihadist groups across American campuses and Europe as well.

It is through his bully pulpit at UC Berkeley that Bazian also created his Islamophobia Research and Documentation Project at UC Berkeley’s Center for Race and Gender Project. Racism and Sexism are hot topics on college campuses today. The fact that Islam is not a race, nor is a concept of Palestinian nationalism one, both of theories are being sold by Bazian and his acolytes in the university sphere worldwide. Thanks to UC Berkeley and surrounding colleges like San Francisco State (where Bazian did his undergraduate studies and led a Palestinian takeover of that campus as class president), Bazian’s campaign keeps gaining legitimacy as it aids the endless war against both the United States and Israel by militant Islamists including those who are fighting U.S. troops abroad.

A perusal of the websites for Baizan’s “documentation project” and the Center for Race and Gender events page at UC Berkeley reveals endless programs, lectures, events and other promotions dealing with alleged prejudice against all Muslims and “Islam” in America as endemic racism. On May 7th, the Center offers a book signing and lecture by a colleague of Bazian’s at Cal who claims American racism is the result of a refusal to establish a Palestinian state that would be led by notorious terrorists who support America’s and Israel’s downfall, such as Hamas.

“Islamophobia” refers to an irrational fear of Islam. It is supposedly to counter this irrational fear that Bazian staged April 23-25, 2015 his sixth annual “International Conference on Islamophobia: The State of the Islamophobia Field.” As done last year, the event was staged at UC Berkeley’s prestigious Boalt Hall Law School. Aside from providing a free venue at a distinguished law school, the event gets the entire imprimatur of one of the most distinguished universities in America. Other “sponsors” of the event included the Council on American Islamic Relations (CAIR), who members of Congress and terrorism experts have declared a Hamas front group in America. The “Ethnic Studies” department at San Francisco State was also a sponsor, a professor of “Resistance Studies” named Rebab Abdulhadi in attendance and one of the conference lecturers who had gained notoriety by spending $6,000 of California taxpayer’s money for a sabbatical to visit female terrorist Leila Khaled in jail in Jordan to “show solidarity.” It should also be noted Hatem Bazian posted personally the conference’s schedule on the website of Bay Area Intifada, a blog that claims to promote “News, Updates, Analysis & Action Alerts for 3rd World Liberation & Decolonization from the Bay Area & Beyond.” An Intifada refers to Palestinian terrorist attacks that have killed thousands of Israeli civilians. The blog features photos attacking Israel and the United States.

I attended this latest conference with a video camera and tape recorder. I did the same thing last year and sat almost next to Hatem Bazian the entire time. Bazian was very cocky back then during last year’s event and joked about my having recorders. I wrote anarticle about that event. Only last March, Bazian staged yet another “Islamophobia” conference where he claimed Muslims were being denied a voice for their “studies” in the American university system despite his constant conferences and demonstrations to the contrary that I previously reported on and recorded.

Things were to be different at this conference. Bazian had me watched closely. On the second day, he approached me in the audience and told me I had to turn off my recorders. On two more occasions during that day, two goons came to my seat and ordered me to turn off my recording equipment , the last one threatening to “call the police.” It is against state law in California universities to hold private meetings and prevent recordings and a quick cell call to the Chancellor’s Office who contacted the campus police prevented any problems. I noted this occurred after one of the attendees during a question and answer period addressed the current panel and asked to discuss how the “Zionists” (Jews) were responsible for contributing to Islamophobia in America and how a Jewish organization was sending people to Israel to learn public relations that could be deemed as contributing to Islamophobia and how the New York police department was being propagandized by Jews.

From the get go, the accusation that criticism of Islam was racism was a central theme of the entire conference. Discrimination of women was also frequently discussed, but never in the context of Islamic exclusion of women or issues such as honor killings.

Bazian kicked things off accusing certain reporters and writers of contributing to Islamophobia. He dropped the names of Steve Emerson, Frank Gaffney and Ayan Hisri Ali, Brigette Gabriel and Pamela Geller as well as Fox News as being responsible for what he claimed was a smearing Islam to the public. Ayan Hirsi Ali’s speeches on discriminatory practices against women were all branded as “lies.” All the opening panels suggested that Islam is in no way linked to terrorism and it is the misrepresentation by such “Islamophobes” and it is racism to suggest so. What struck me was that as the conference progressed over three days it became more like a meeting of the German-American Bund in support of the Third Reich before the Second World War.

Baizan and company discussed only fleetingly the attack on 9/11 and how the Patriot Act supposedly had a deleterious effect on Muslims in America. But there was no logic to this. The fact is, the day after 9/11 the President and the US government declared that Islam is a peaceful religion and that the US was not at war with Islam itself, only militant Islamists and terrorists. This is still the US government’s position, yet the “academics” at this conference chose to suggest that any opposition to terrorism at all was just another manifestation of “Islamophobia.”

Of interest also was that Islam was not defined as a major religion, or idea, with different sects at this conference . What about Wahhabism? Or Sufi Islam, Shiism or Sunni Islam? None of these differences were discussed or explained, nor the fact that different sects of Islam sometimes fight wars between themselves. The entire conference was a “them v. us” event where any criticism or negative discussion of Islam was branded “Islamophobia,” particularly in the US or Western Europe. Terrorism wasn’t discussed at all unless to accuse the US and West of terrorism, or of false accusations against all Muslims, and no mention was given of terrorism where Muslims killed other Muslims. ISIS was not discussed at all. The Charlie Hebdo attacks in Paris were mentioned, but not in terms of their relationship to Islam as much as something westerners brought upon themselves.

Almost fifty presentations were made as examples of Islamophobia from presenters from across the United States and some even from Europe. But not all were academics or college professors or PhD candidates. Some, like Ramah Kudaimi from the US Campaign to End the Israeli Occupation, which is the renamed International Solidarity Movement in the US, another pro-Hamas organization whose activists devote their full-time calling for the destruction of Israel and who support terrorist groups, promoted what she called the Adab, or Muslim-American etiquette to promote Islamic activism against the West and American support for Israel. Sana Saeed, a producer for Al Jazeera, the television network funded by Qatar, a Hamas funder, lectured on “The New American Muslim and Faithwashing the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict” in which she called for Muslims to meet their obligations to call for the continued attacks on Israel rather than outlining Islamophobia in the US. Bazian followed where he lectured on “How does it feel to be a Muslim? Thinking through the present colonial perspective. His speech was hardly an example of Islamophobia as much as an adversarial approach by Muslims in America to be at odds with the US government and those fighting militant Islam.

“Free ‘em all!,” Rasheed Shabazz who was listed as a Fellow at the Haas Institute for a Fair and Inclusive Society at UC Berkeley, one of the program sponsors, shouted at the start of his presentation. “Free ‘em all!”

(continue reading the explosive findings here)

WITHOUT a scintilla of a doubt, Bazian (and a host of others throughout academia) is less than 3 degrees separated from terror, although garbed as an academic.

WITH the above facts at your disposal, whereas the IRS is used as a bludgeon against conservative groups by Obama’s surrogates, taxpayer monies are also spent feting academics who call for the destruction of Israel, as well as the overthrow of America. 

IN which parallel universe is exhorting to genocide (the Mid East’s and Africa’s slaughter-fest are foretastes to their upcoming genocide – Bazian’s fellow Islamists are busy laying waste to said region’s Christian and minority communities – as they prepare to execute the same towards Jews/Israel and eventually to non-Muslims in America) a ‘democratic’ right within academia? 

IN this regard, we can agree that funding said academic-cloaked programs – whose sole aim is the destruction of another people – must be the moral line in the sand which should never be crossed within a civilized nation.

AT the very least, to hold them to account, an urgent message must be sent to university officers. Firstly, demand (as taxpayers) that they open their books, relative to the monies spent on the likes of Bazian and his terror associates.

INHERENTLY, is it long overdue to withhold taxes, not as scofflaws but as a matter of justice and morality. Yes, taxpayers fund many distasteful programs, but at a certain point a Rubicon has been crossed.

NO time to lose…ISIS (part of Bazian’s same Islamic-hydra) already volleyed its opening shot in Garland, Texas!

{re-blogged at Joe For America}

{re-blogged at Islam Exposed}

Islam’s “Religion of Peace” ASSASSINATED (Media) Critics of Muhammed! MORE To Follow…What’s To Be Done? Commentary By Adina Kutnicki

Prophet Muhammed

  • The Muhammed cartoons
  • ISIS leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi


Al-Malahem for Media Production

مـؤسســة الملاحــــم للإنتــــاج الإعلامــــي


Inspire Magazine Issue13

العدد 13 من مجلة إنسباير

NEUROTMESIS: Cutting the Nerves & Isolating the Head

نيوروتمسيس: قطع الأعصاب وفصل الرأس

{The above is their latest “inspiration”, “gifted” from the bowels of Islam’s barbarous machine….Americans are their top targets, but Euros will suffice…regardless of how many concessions are offered for the price of submission}

WE all know that Europe is gone. Dead and buried. It is just a question of when, and where, its burial forceps will be officially wielded. And those who still believe that Europe has not become Eurabia, well, that’s okay. After all, everyone is entitled to their fantastical thinking. However, on this end, no such nonsense is tolerated. 

NOT only that, but along this same journey of honest assessment, one cannot behave contrary to ones national well being, then claim to be shocked…shocked…when the crap starts to bury everyone alongside you. Agreed?

MOREOVER, whereas Europe is overrun with Islamic Shariah Law zones, so too America is not far behind.

Islamic extremists are stepping up the creation of “no-go” areas in European cities that are off-limits to non-Muslims.

Many of the “no-go” zones function as microstates governed by Islamic Sharia law. Host-country authorities effectively have lost control in these areas and in many instances are unable to provide even basic public aid such as police, fire fighting and ambulance services.

The “no-go” areas are the by-product of decades of multicultural policies that have encouraged Muslim immigrants to create parallel societies and remain segregated rather than become integrated into their European host nations.

In Britain, for example, a Muslim group called Muslims Against the Crusades has launched a campaign to turn twelve British cities – including what it calls “Londonistan” – into independent Islamic states. The so-called Islamic Emirates would function as autonomous enclaves ruled by Islamic Sharia law and operate entirely outside British jurisprudence.

The Islamic Emirates Project names the British cities of Birmingham, Bradford, Derby, Dewsbury, Leeds, Leicester, Liverpool, Luton, Manchester, Sheffield, as well as Waltham Forest in northeast London and Tower Hamlets in East London as territories to be targeted for blanket Sharia rule.

In the Tower Hamlets area of East London (also known as the Islamic Republic of Tower Hamlets), for example, extremist Muslim preachers, called the Tower Hamlets Taliban, regularly issue death threats to women who refuse to wear Islamic veils. Neighborhood streets have been plastered with posters declaring “You are entering a Sharia controlled zone: Islamic rules enforced.” And street advertising deemed offensive to Muslims is regularly vandalized or blacked out with spray paint.

In the Bury Park area of Luton, Muslims have been accused of “ethnic cleansing” by harassing non-Muslims to the point that many of them move out of Muslim neighborhoods. In the West Midlands, two Christian preachers have been accused of “hate crimes” for handing out gospel leaflets in a predominantly Muslim area of Birmingham. In Leytonstone in east London, the Muslim extremist Abu Izzadeen heckled the former Home Secretary John Reid by saying: How dare you come to a Muslim area.”

In France, large swaths of Muslim neighborhoods are now considered “no-go” zones by French police. At last count, there are 751 Sensitive Urban Zones (Zones Urbaines Sensibles, ZUS), as they are euphemistically called. A complete list of the ZUS can be found on a French government website, complete with satellite maps and precise street demarcations. An estimated 5 million Muslims live in the ZUS, parts of France over which the French state has lost control.

Muslim immigrants are taking control of other parts of France too. In Paris and other French cities with high Muslim populations, such as Lyons, Marseilles and Toulouse, thousands of Muslims are closing off streets and sidewalks (and by extension, are closing down local businesses and trapping non-Muslim residents in their homes and offices) to accommodate overflowing crowds for Friday prayers. Some mosques have also begun broadcasting sermons and chants of “Allahu Akbar” via loudspeakers into the streets.

The weekly spectacles, which have been documented by dozens of videos posted on (here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here and here), and which have been denounced as an “occupation without tanks or soldiers,” have provoked anger and disbelief. But despite many public complaints, local authorities have declined to intervene because they are afraid of sparking riots.

In the Belgian capital of Brussels (which is 20% Muslim), several immigrant neighborhoods have become “no-go” zones for police officers, who frequently are pelted with rocks by Muslim youth. In the Kuregem district of Brussels, which often resembles an urban war zone, police are forced to patrol the area with two police cars: one car to carry out the patrols and another car to prevent the first car from being attacked. In the Molenbeek district of Brussels, police have been ordered not to drink coffee or eat a sandwich in public during the Islamic month of Ramadan.

In Germany, Chief Police Commissioner Bernhard Witthaut, in an August 1 interview with the newspaper Der Westen, revealed that Muslim immigrants are imposing “no-go” zones in cities across Germany at an alarming rate.

The interviewer asked Witthaut: “Are there urban areas – for example in the Ruhr – districts and housing blocks that are “no-go areas,” meaning that they can no longer be secured by the police?” Witthaut replied: “Every police commissioner and interior minister will deny it. But of course we know where we can go with the police car and where, even initially, only with the personnel carrier. The reason is that our colleagues can no longer feel safe there in twos, and have to fear becoming the victim of a crime themselves. We know that these areas exist. Even worse: in these areas crimes no longer result in charges. They are left ‘to themselves.’ Only in the worst cases do we in the police learn anything about it. The power of the state is completely out of the picture.”

In Italy, Muslims have been commandeering the Piazza Venezia in Rome for public prayers. In Bologna, Muslims repeatedly have threatened to bomb the San Petronio cathedral because it contains a 600-year-old fresco inspired by Dante’s Inferno which depicts Mohammed being tormented in hell.

In the Netherlands, a Dutch court ordered the government to release to the public a politically incorrect list of 40 “no-go” zones in Holland. The top five Muslim problem neighborhoods are in Amsterdam, Rotterdam and Utrecht. The Kolenkit area in Amsterdam is the number one Muslim “problem district” in the country. The next three districts are in Rotterdam – Pendrecht, het Oude Noorden and Bloemhof. The Ondiep district in Utrecht is in the fifth position, followed by Rivierenwijk (Deventer), Spangen (Rotterdam), Oude Westen (Rotterdam), Heechterp/ Schieringen (Leeuwarden) and Noord-Oost (Maastricht).

In Sweden, which has some of the most liberal immigration laws in Europe, large swaths of the southern city of Malmö – which is more than 25% Muslim – are “no-go” zones for non-Muslims. Fire and emergency workers, for example, refuse to enter Malmö’s mostly Muslim Rosengaard district without police escorts. The male unemployment rate in Rosengaard is estimated to be above 80%. When fire fighters attempted to put out a fire at Malmö’s main mosque, they were attacked by stone throwers.

In the Swedish city of Gothenburg, Muslim youth have been hurling petrol bombs at police cars. In the city’s Angered district, where more than 15 police cars have been destroyed, teenagers have also been pointing green lasers at the eyes of police officers, some of whom have been temporarily blinded.

In Gothenburg’s Backa district, youth have been throwing stones at patrolling officers. Gothenburg police have also been struggling to deal with the problem of Muslim teenagers burning cars and attacking emergency services in several areas of the city.

According to the Malmö-based Imam Adly Abu Hajar: Sweden is the best Islamic state.”

IN fact, Jews are fleeing France – many parts of Europe – in droves, the dark days of the Holocaust resurrected. As Martin Niemöller said:

First they came for the Socialists, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a Socialist.

Then they came for the Trade Unionists, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a Trade Unionist.

Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a Jew.

Then they came for me—and there was no one left to speak for me.

IF Americans think they are going to escape the sword of Islam, think again. They only have to enter certain communities, and would be hard pressed to wonder: where are they, in the U.S. or an Islamic controlled colony? An Islamic infiltration and penetration…step by step…

{Hancock, NY…one of many U.S. jihadi compounds}

{Dearborn, Michigan, one of several NO-GO “infidel” zones}

THAT being said, the following is the latest barbarism from the “religion of peace”, in Paris, a city they practically own already. In other words, they won’t be satisfied until FULL submission takes place, even if it means shooting every non-Muslim on sight! BTW, the scuttlebutt – from Israeli intelligence – is that today’s jihad was an opening shot in France…elsewhere too!

Police launched a massive manhunt for the masked attackers who reportedly hijacked a car and sped off, running over a pedestrian and shooting at officers.

Police said witnesses heard the attackers, who were armed with a Kalashnikov and rocket launcher, shout “we have avenged the prophet” and “Allahu akbar” (God is greatest).

Two police were confirmed among the dead and four people were critically injured.

The capital was placed under the highest alert status after the attack on Charlie Hebdo, a satirical weekly that has sparked anger in the past among Muslims for publishing cartoons of the prophet Mohamed.{blogger’s note: do we detect an apologetic tone in this piece… blaming the victims…that “provoking” Muslim anger, their “sensibilities”, is an “excuse” for their barbarism…that “infidels” should know better??}

Television footage showed large numbers of police in the area, bullet-riddled windows and people being carried away on stretchers.

The attack took place at a time of heightened fears in France and other European capitals over fallout from the wars in Iraq and Syria where hundreds of European citizens have gone to fight alongside the radical Islamic State group.

President Francois Hollande, who immediately rushed to the scene of the shooting, described it as a barbaric terrorist attack.

“An act of exceptional barbarism has just been committed here in Paris against a newspaper, meaning (against) the expression of liberty,” Hollande said at the scene.

One man who witnessed the shooting said he saw two attackers shooting their way out of Charlie Hebdo at around 11:30 am.

“I saw them leaving and shooting. They were wearing masks. These guys were serious,” said the man who declined to give his name.

“At first I thought it was special forces chasing drug traffickers or something. We weren’t expecting this. You would think we were in a movie.”

Hollande called for “national unity”, adding that “several terrorist attacks had been foiled in recent weeks”.

The White House condemned the attack in the “strongest possible terms,” while British Prime Minister David Cameron called it “sickening.”


“We stand with the French people in the fight against terror and defending the freedom of the press,” Cameron said in a message on Twitter.

Wednesday’s shooting is one of the worst attacks in France in decades.

The satirical newspaper gained notoriety in February 2006 when it reprinted cartoons of the Prophet Mohammed that had originally appeared in Danish daily Jyllands-Posten, causing fury across the Muslim world. {bloggers note: when aren’t they furious??}

Its offices were fire-bombed in November 2011 when it published a cartoon of Mohammed and under the title “Charia Hebdo”.

Despite being taken to court under anti-racism laws, {blogger’s note: big mistake…freedom of expression, when turned into “racism”, only whets their appetites for further submission} the weekly continued to publish controversial cartoons of the Muslim prophet.

In September 2012 Charlie Hebdo published cartoons of a naked Mohammed as violent protests were taking place in several countries over a low-budget film, titled “Innocence of Muslims”, which was made in the United States and insulted the prophet. {bloggers note: “Innocence of Muslims” has already been proven to be a ready made excuse, for both Islamic barbarians and Obama Inc., as surrogates helped stoke it to cover up his illegal war in Libya}

French schools, consulates and cultural centres in 20 Muslim countries were briefly closed along with embassies for fear of retaliatory attacks at the time.

Editor Stephane Charbonnier has received death threats and lives under police protection.{bloggers note: is this normal, an Editor should live in fear??}

This week’s front page featured controversial French author Michel Houellebecq, whose latest book “Soumission”, or “Submission,” which imagines a France in the near future that is ruled by an Islamic government, came out Wednesday.

The book has widely been touted as tapping into growing unease among non-Muslim French about immigration and the rise of Islamic influence in society.

AND while Allah’s terror soldiers are busy imposing Shariah law all over the west, no place – none at all – is safe from their grasp. It will only get worse, if westerners just back off and leave them a wide berth.

IN this regard, even online alternative media sites are targeted with intimidation tactics, and this site is no exception, as revealed here.

Nonsense!!! You are in our hitlist.. Run as far as you can because we are coming for you soon…

 MORE graphically, the following Iranian jihadi had this to add:

Adina Kutnicki, an investigative journalist based in Israel, said she has been harassed on Facebook by an individual she identified as Iranian Mohamed Erdem.

“Back off you satanist scum of the earth! You want war, war with me!” he told Kutnicki on Facebook. The threats she received from Erdem was so alarming, she added, that “heavy duty counter terror contacts decided to ‘check things out.'”

The face of another administrator was photo-shopped into a Nazi uniform and added to a Facebook post intended to incite harassment. Another picture depicted Kutnicki superimposed on a nuclear….

AND so on and so forth. The point being, regardless what they threaten and what they actually do, the answer does NOT lie with silence. To the contrary. The more they threaten, the louder the west’s megaphone has to become. You hear that?

BESIDES, what is the alternative? Is it between a slow national and cultural suicide, or a fight to hold onto what is near and dear?

THE choice lies within each of us. Stark. Clear.

{re-blogged at Islam Exposed}