NORTHEAST INTELLIGENCE NETWORK Digs Deeper & Deeper. Do Americans Know Who Their Neighbors Are? The Jihadists Next Door…Compounds Galore.Hezbollah Cells Too.Commentary By Adina Kutnicki

As many Americans obsess over “reality” television shows, others in their midst are busy toiling away in less than American pursuits. Many in obscurity too. IF only citizens, hooked on this or that show, understood the real reality of their surroundings. Ignorance is not always bliss. In fact, it can be downright life-threatening.

It is with this in mind that many sleeper cells  are able to comfortably “fly under the radar”, thus staying burrowed, in effect, “hiding in plain sight”. Know this – instant gratification rarely floats the Islamic boat….if it takes years and years, so be it….as long as many infidels are blown up…. that is how long they will wait. This is their Islamic mindset, and pretending otherwise will get many western innocents killed.

Nonetheless, others make it their life’s mission to keep track of them and to expose their whereabouts. Lee Kaplan, via his perch at Northeast Intelligence Network , is one such tracker – – amply demonstrated through the above commentary.

Americans (and others) will find further proofs below, detailing why it is imperative to internalize these threats, particularly in light of their direct connection to rapidly unfolding Middle East events. Connecting the dots (from another previous commentary) aids in the discussion – . Uncomfortable truths, albeit necessary.

Specifically, with the Middle East on tender hooks, the following should be interpreted as red alarm alerts .

Lee Kaplan has exposed one particular Hezbollah cell operating in San Jose, California. ‘Hezbollah Cells : Who are the Basijis & IRGC ?’ – .Absorb it.

With this report as a starting point there are – at the very least – a dozen Hezbollah cells spread across the US awaiting orders to strike. Strike they will. Their main bases of operation ( that have been uncovered) are New York, Boston, Detroit, Chicago and Los Angeles.  Though generally busy raising funds – sent overseas to their Hezbollah/Iranian paymasters – they are assiduously training for operational jihad in the US, as soon as they are instructed to do so. They will pounce.

To paint an even starker picture, readers (particularly American & Canadian) must familiarize themselves with jihadi terror compounds ,  and all its attendant implications. ‘Terrorists in Our Midst’  – – is one of the best primers on the subject.

As reported in December 2009, Jamat ul Fuqra (a leading Islamic terror group, deeply entrenched in North America) is mainly involved in tactical techniques, sort of like high level masters in jihadi boot camp training. You gotta see it to believe it. Unfathomably, they escape much too much public scrutiny – and con many – by operating under innocuous sounding names. Here’s a sampling – The International Quranic Open University  and The Muslims of the Americas. How gullible do they think westerners are? Very.

Jamat ul Fuqra are awash in infidel blood. Most infamously, they are the head choppers of Wall Street Journal reporter Daniel Pearl. They are particularly fond of beheadings. Say what? Too close for many fellow New Yorkers (my home state) comfort, the group receives some of their paramilitary training at their Islamberg compound in New York State. Not to get too specific – as part of a “research” project  in 2006 –  this blogger accompanied a trusted contact to the outskirts of the compound, knowing full well that this was as far as we would get. No matter. We came, we saw, we went…..hearing constant sounds of gun popping, and intermittent shouts of  “allahu akbar” – god is great – in broad daylight !!  Roaming guards dressed in (Islamic) combat fatigues, and watch towers on each side, were clearly visible.

Normal folks surely are wondering – how is it possible that terror compounds can exist in the land of the free, the home of the brave? What is going on here??

To add insult, to grievous (US & Canadian) injury, Islamberg is one of 35 ! jihadi compounds in the US. About half a dozen (which are known) exist in places such as Charlotte County in central Virginia, Hancock, New York, and other  rural confines all over the US. ‘Islamberg not the only radical Muslim compound flourishing in North America’ highlights the dangers, yet there are more than a few sources –

For those who prefer visual aids, here is a heart stopper – ‘Terrorist training camps in America’  – Take a breather…..then read this report  – ‘New Film Exposes Nashville Islamist Network’  – – the video will hopefully work through this link. Regardless, read the whole thing. Plus, view this short video ‘American Nightmare: The Islamists are Here’. Exactly.

Again, do you know who your neighbors are? And if so, what are you going to do about it? Most disturbing, relevant authorities have been approached, regarding all of the above. They opined about the constitutional right  of other religions to “practice their religion”, as well as to separate themselves into enclaves (perhaps they were confusing them with some ultra Orthodox Jewish sects, living apart, yet hardly practicing jihad). The authorities never even bothered to answer the real biggie – how is it possible that paramilitary training can be practiced under their very noses? Is this also their constitutional right ? Looks like it.

Astonishing. Unfathomable. Treacherous. Lawbreaking and illegal – the jihadists and US authorities!