UPDATE : Middle East On Fire…Nearing Full Fledged Explosion…Addendum To:The Mother of All Wars Is Knocking At Our Door…Commentary By Adina Kutnicki

Just reading about the highly explosive, and fast paced, events unfolding in the Middle East is enough to make ones head spin-creating whiplash in the process-even while residing across the world. Living in the cross hairs raises the level of urgency to a fevered pitch, unless one lives in their private fantasy land. Ah, to be ignorant.

Regardless, no amount of wishful thinking is going to change/reverse the region’s explosive course, with real potential blow back all over the west, particularly in the US. As commented on July 7, 2012, the mother of all wars is knocking at our door – https://adinakutnicki.com/2012/07/07/the-mother-of-all-wars-is-knocking-at-our-door-wishful-thinking-is-not-an-option-commentary-by-adina-kutnicki-2/ – and the region will likely never be the same again.

With the above in mind, today’s DEBKAfile intelligence reports – http://debka.com/article/22184/-If-Damascus-falls-Israel-and-its-gas-fields-feared-threatened – and here – http://debka.com/article/22182/Assad-receives-last-warning-to-stop-moving-his-WMD-Top-generals-defect –                                                                              places the entire region on the highest of alerts. Its essence revolves around what is more than likely to take place, now that Assad-the-Butcher is cornered into a ‘do or die’ position. Most ominously, he has the largest inventory of chemical weapons, with missile delivery systems to match. Not only that, but there are credible reports that he may have used some form of them on his own people. Devil.

Israel National News has its own report confirming the above-http://www.israelnationalnews.com/News/News.aspx/157930 . Madman. His weapons include sarin, mustard gas and many nerve agents. A rabid dog lashes out at anyone standing in their way, as such, Israel is his first target, but not his only one. Turkey and Jordan are in danger too. But to be very frank, let their leaders worry about their own, my concern is Israel. Period.

Lest one innocently/ignorantly believes that Syria’s meltdown has nothing to do with Iran, think again. In fact, there are highly credible intelligence reports stating that Iran has Israel’s gas fields, off the coast of Cyprus, in its sights, (and many other targets) when Assad falls. Israel’s navy is duly preparing itself, and a definite war on the high seas is in the offing. Furthermore, this past Saturday, Cypriot police nabbed Hizbullah operatives (Iran’s proxy army) planning to blow up an El Al flight, and some tourist buses.

Most significantly for my US readers is what the Iranian Hitler, via his surrogates, has in store for their cities. Islamic barbarism (mostly) via suicide bombings has plagued Israel for decades. Buses, restaurants and malls are their preferred targets, but by far not their only ones. EVERYTHING is all about to change, as the region ignites further. Americans, be on guard. Pay very close attention to this report, it was embedded in one of my previous commentaries – http://www.wnd.com/2012/07/army-of-iran-sadists-poised-for-u-s-invasion/.

By the way, I recall a very close contact of mine telling me, right after 9/11/01, about deeply burrowed Hizbullah agents in ‘any’ city USA. In fact, I was specifically told, in no uncertain terms, that the 1-95 corridor was their preferred byway to smuggle all their counterfeit goods (they love cigarette contraband, as it allows them to peddle it to many of their ‘front groups’, including convenience stores and gas stations). The proceeds are used to support jihad, whatever form it takes.

Bottom line – Israeli forces-on all levels-have been preparing for this confrontation for years. As addled as our political leadership often appear, at least when it comes to their (PA/Fatah) appeasement-derangement-syndrome, the fact is that they are laser-focused on winning this regional war.

It is a war to the death. Theirs or ours. Therefore, Damascus & Tehran may very well turn into parking lots. They will have no one to blame but themselves. As a result of the conflagration-and a definitively decisive blow-‘quiet’ will prevail, at least for the foreseeable future. And, that’s how you win a war, and keep the peace.

May our (common) enemies rot in hell !

Further UPDATES : As indicated by this latest report, the IDF’s entire Senior military leadership held emergency consultations regarding Israel’s northern border. Not a regular occurrence. Details here – http://www.israelnationalnews.com/News/News.aspx/157999#.UAbvWGEzZ3E. Here too –   http://www.ynetnews.com/articles/0,7340,L-4258344,00.html.