Islamic Jihad’s DEEP Infiltration & Penetration Into The U.S. Via Political Office! What’s To Be Done? Commentary By Adina Kutnicki

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BEFORE we segue to America’s increasingly deleterious plight from two converging directional markers, red and green, it must be understood: Europe’s Jihadi cesspool is more advanced, however, the U.S. is not far behind. That being established, it would take hours on end to detail Europe’s descent into the Mohammedan hell-hole, hence, a quick catch-up will have to suffice. Therefore, start your educational and nightmarish journey at the following interview link, as well as here, here, here, here – and this is aside from a cataloged compendium of evidence which goes on and on.

WITH the above in mind (and even though the latest out of Europe includes a continuous list of Jihadi attacks, most recently, coordinated terror attacks in France, from Toulouse to the Louvre), the following report from Aug. 13, 2018 is more than noteworthy:

More than 100 cars were set on fire in Sweden on Monday evening, the Daily Mail reported.

The attacks took place in Malmo, Gothenburg, Helsingborg, Hjällbo, Malmo and Frölunda Torg.

Gangs of masked rioters set fire to vehicles and threw stones at policemen, in a wave of apparently coordinated attacks. The Daily Mail noted that the newspaper did not specify the identity of the attackers, except to say that they were “young people,” a code name for Muslims, most of whom are immigrants.

It is believed that the attacks were coordinated using social media.

Ulla Brehm, a spokesperson for Gothenburg’s police noted that some of the culprits are minors.

“We have already started making calls to the parents of the youths who were taking part in this,” she told SVT.

Speaking to Sveriges Radio P1, Swedish Prime Minister Stefan Löfven said, “I’m furious, for real. My question to these people is ‘what the… are you doing?” He also noted that the attacks were “extremely organized.”

INDEED, even though Sweden is the most loosey-goosey Euro-state of all, still yet, what do they have to show for it? Well, infamously, it has become Europe’s “rape capital“, that’s what! Consequentially, due to skyrocketing rapes by “youths” (Germany has a similar rape crisis onslaught) and a total lack of punishment for said crimes, non-Muslim females are terrified to walk the streets after dark. Inextricably, these are the poisonous fruits of obsessive devotion/genuflection to multiculturalism, that which adds fiery fuel atop the entry of unimpeded Islamic (hirjah) immigration – legal and illegal.

Hmm….as always, per the feckless, complicit, and mendacious media, the “unidentified” ethnicity of Jihadi-rampaging “youths” still remains a real head-scratcher! Mind you, even though Fire-Jihad (akin to Rape-Jihad) is an Islamic sanctioned method in their onslaught against “infidels”, it still surprises Euros and their western counterparts. Jackasses.

IN any event, back to America; the main pillar (alongside Israel) of Western Civilization, or of what’s left of it.

MUCH has been analyzed at this site (and through various interviews, for example, here and herere the infiltration and penetration of Islamic Jihad into America (the west at large) by way of various measures, some of which are frontal and require little edification, while others are outgrowths of stealth – insidious-like.

{Listen closely to Ellison’s tap-dance around the elephant in the room, even as he feigns support for the laws of the land….as if.}

BE that as it may, time and again – relative to the entry of followers of Mohammed into political office in the U.S. – alarm bells ring at this site. In no uncertain terms, when one’s loyalty to uphold the Constitution is obviated by one’s higher loyalty, the imposition of Sharia Law (regardless of all their doublespeak), political office must be out of bounds – qualified citizenship beside the point. Period. 

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{U.S. representative Keith Ellison (Jan.4, 2007) places his hand on an English translation of the Qur’an once owned by Thomas Jefferson – Historical Footnote: He read the Qur’an to see if common ground could be reached with the Barbary pirates because Muslim kingdoms engaged in piracy and kidnapping on the high seas, and wanted to know if it was possible to negotiate. Finding in the negative, he dispatched the Navy and Marine Corps to deal with them. Hence, America’s first foreign conflict and the source of the line in the “Marine Corps Hymn,” “to the shores of the Tripoli.” Did you know that??}

SO, with a complete understanding of how treacherous Stealth Jihad’s march is through the political system (atop other entry points, be they cultural, educational, media, etc., never mind frontal attacks), it became imperative to forewarn the following –  and with much of its basis coming to fruition and now in plain view!

STILL not convinced? Consider their inroads to date, then, extrapolate what additional triumphs portend for the (near) future.

  • As reported at this site in August 2017 within “Can Mohammedans Act ‘Moderately’ Within Western Democracies? And, What Difference Does It Make Anyway? “, the following excerpts shed much needed light….tell the tale:….. A previously pinpointed warning via Adina Kutnicki, A Zionist & Conservative Blog was sent to patriots re Michiganistan, relative to Dr. Abdul El-Sayed’s (trojan horse) thrust toward the Governor’s mansion in 2018! But never mind, four months onward, the alarm bells are, once again, ringing. Blaring.Dr. Abdul El-Sayed has been referred to as the second coming of Obama by many on the left. El-Sayed has much in common with Obama. The plan is for El-Sayed to be our President in 2020, but before that can happen he needs to become Governor of Michigan in 2018. However, there is one problem standing in Abdul’s way, and his name is Donald Trump….The Democrat’s new golden boy was meant to stay below the radar for now so he could become the Governor of Michigan before the rest of the country learned of him. El-Sayed is supposed to have the image of just a regular guy who is being funded by the little people–a grassroots candidate if you will. However, the truth is far more dangerous, and Dr. Abdul is vowing to “take over” Michigan by breaking federal law…..Gorka has exposed information that was never meant to be revealed. The fact that El-Sayed received a fellowship at Columbia University by Paul Soros, brother of George Soros, should raise alarm bells. Not only that but according to the Christian Post, “While a student at the University of Michigan, El-Sayed was ‘an active member’ and vice-president of the Muslim Students’ Association (MSA) – a group founded mainly by the Muslim Brotherhood for the express purpose of spreading Wahhabist ideology, [practiced by Osama Bin Laden]”……                                                                                                                                  

AND, as anticipated, their full throttle pay-off into America’s political fray is not only coming to fruition, but rising at an exponential speed. This is the case, even though Brotherhood-connected Abdul El-Sayed failed to clinch the primary nomination – despite the backing of Islamists and leftists alike – but not for lack of trying!! But never mind, his next go-around for political office may well catapult him into power.

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MOVING right along to two major thrusts (indeed, there are others), and along comes Somali-American Ilhan Omar and her ascension; a primary winner in Minnesotastan! This is so, even as she back-benched for a fellow Mohammedan, Rashida Tlaib (a Palestinian Jihadi from Michiganistan, another primary winner), after she ASSAULTED Laura Loomera Jewish journalist, for daring to ask legitimate (non-PC) questions. What fueled her rage? Pressed to reply re Hamas’s Brotherhood connections to terror, she refused to countenance any such connection. Imagine that. Adding fire to her ire, she became infuriated when Loomer had the audacity to ask Omar (at their tag-team event) an incestuous related question. 

On Sunday Laura Loomer confronted both of the politicians regarding their attacks on Israel and their association with the far left anti-Semite Linda Sarsour.

At one point in the video Laura asks Ilhan why she married her brother.

Rashida TLaib assaulted Laura Loomer – She grabbed Laura and took her phone.

Ilhan Omar married her brother in 2009. The two are currently divorced.

On Wednesday Laura Loomer pressed charges against Democratic Congressional candidate Rashida Tlaib for assault.

Laura Loomer provided The Gateway Pundit with the police documents……

Hmm. One would think that marrying one’s brother (never mind admitting that Hamas is a terror organization) is a legitimate question – at least, to those of us who are not followers of Mohammed; a pedophile, rapist, pilferer, sadist and a clinical psychopath – a madman!

TRENCHANTLY, it is along this treacherous trajectory that the Brotherhood Mafia’s Explanatory Memorandum (from 1991) comes into sharp relief. Guess what? In less than 30 years (a mere blip on the historical radar), Mohammedans are going from strength to strength in their plan to destroy America’s “miserable house” from within – as executed throughout Europe. Alas, patriots in America, think about what this means. As excerpted within the Brotherhood’s Memorandum:

The process of settlement is a ‘Civilization-Jihadist Process’ with all the word means. The Ikhwan [Muslim Brotherhood] must understand that their work in America is a kind of grand jihad in eliminating and destroying the Western civilization from within and ‘sabotaging’ its miserable house by their hands and the hands of the believers…”

NOT only that, “The Plan” (conceived in 1987 by Brotherhood front groups in America) was discussed within a global interview, detailing their phase by phase steps to gain global dominance – straight through the heart of America!

Wolf Bachner: We learn that the Muslim Brotherhood has laid out in detail their specific goals for uniting the world under the banner of Islam and Sharia Law. The Brotherhood’s program has been referred to under the ominous sounding name of “The Plan.” What exactly is “The Plan?”

Adina Kutnicki: Indeed, let’s, as a first stop, hop aboard our Inquisitrjourney with “The Plan”. At its core, “The Plan” is a detailed blueprint, one which the leadership of the Muslim Brotherhood adheres to – and augments as necessary – to infiltrate and penetrate the west, but most intrinsically they are targeting America, the “Great Satan”. It is the main linchpin to the west’s fall. “The Plan’s” basic goals are described thusly:

Phase 1: Establishment of an elite Muslim leadership, while raising taqwa, or Islamic consciousness, in the Muslim community.

Phase 2: Creation of Islamic institutions the leadership can control, along with the formation of autonomous Muslim enclaves.

Phase 3: Infiltration and Islamization of America’s political, social, economic and educational systems, forming a shadow state within the state. Escalation of religious conversions to Islam.

Editor’s Note: One of the hot spots of conversion to Islam is America’s extensive system of prisons.

Phase 4: Openly hostile public confrontation over US policies, including rioting, and militant demands for special rights and accommodations for Muslims.

Phase 5: Final conflict and overthrow (jihad)…..continue reading the non-sanitized truth here….

BUT we are not done. For if 1+1 still = 2, isn’t it an absolutely provable calculation that Sharia Law (the underpinning of Islam, and the real goal for Mohammedans via political Islam) is on the march in America?  

INEXTRICABLY, atop millions of footprints found within these pages (and elsewhere) to support the charges at hand, more of the same keeps piling up.

IF anything, what westerners in general and Americans in specific (who believe in the underlying goodness of liberal democracy) have failed to learn is the most  basic and salient lesson of all: Democracy is not a suicide pact!!

BY extrapolation, it is due to incessant cowing and bowing to the “gods of multiculturalism” that America, the main pillar to Western Civilization, or what’s left of it, hangs in the balance – paradoxically, due to continuous exploitation of liberal democracy! And it is not a question if Mohammedans in political power will obliterate the Constitution, but when Sharia Law will (incrementally) replace it when sufficiently empowered to do so – creep by creep.


TO wit, pay heed: So far, linkages to the Brotherhood Mafia are found within every single Mohammedan seeking office in America.

CONCLUSIVELY, non-Muslims must get over any “discomfit” to the following proposition: Mohammedans running for political office must pass a loyalty test. Above all else, they must swear allegiance to the underpinnings of the nation, before they are allowed to enter the fray – despite all jive-talk to the contrary, that they too are Americans! 

WHAT’S so hard to understand about that??

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{re-blogged at TheHomelandSecurityNetwork} read “Archives” dated Aug. 19, 2018
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FEDS (Still) “Spiriting” Illegals Across the Country Under Trump’s DHS/HHS Cover; the Islamic Cancer Metastasizes. What’s Going On? Commentary By Adina Kutnicki

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SIGNAGE aside, how much teeth does the above red-letter WARNING really have?? Hang on. Tight.

BUT before your head starts to explode, it is decidedly the case that many positives have transpired under President Trump’s watch, particularly, on the economic front. Nevertheless, the fact remains that the most pressing of all, illegal immigration, is stuck in neutral – and that’s an overly generous assessment. Of course, the fascist-left (inside and outside officialdom) will fight to the death to keep the ILLEGAL “dream” alive!

ON the positive side of the ledger, ICE has been scooping up “certain” (read: MS-13) ILLEGALS, even in the face of lawbreaking officials from so-called sanctuary cities. Mind you, brazen acts of defiance from those who are sworn to uphold the “laws of the land” via the Constitution bespeaks a sickness within America, that which will metastasize, if Team Trump fails to stop them in their tracks – the ILLEGALS and their official benefactors.

NOTABLY, despite ICE’s efforts, it has been reported that illegal immigration across the Mexican border is expected to double during 2018! What the hell is going on?  

Expect illegal immigration across the Mexican border to double next year

President Trump has promised to reduce illegal immigration to the United States. More likely, however, 2018 will see one of the biggest waves of illegals from Central America since the start of the Great Recession.

The number of undocumented border crossings, which are unknown, can be inferred from arrest rates, which are well documented. Therefore, discussions of border jumping inevitably focus on apprehension rates, and we do here as well.

A new study by the Department of Homeland Security puts the border patrol’s interdiction rate at the Mexican border in the 55-80 percent range. The same study notes that smuggler fees to “coyotes,” who help migrants avoid the border patrol, appear to have increased by more than half since 2011, suggesting that law enforcement has indeed tightened.

On the other hand, arrests have remained range-bound around 500,000 annually since 2010, suggesting that the smuggling business has adapted. The statistics do not speak of an impenetrable border, but rather one that requires more planning and money than it used to.For analytical purposes, a 55 percent interdiction rate seems about right. Just under half of those who try to cross the border, and are not deterred along the way, make it through. With that ratio assumed to be constant, we can draw conclusions about border crossings from apprehension rates…..continue reading….

ALL of which brings the discussion and spotlight back onto Mohammedans, as they are (still) being “spirited” (alongside others…but let’s not get distracted) into the country, akin to when HUSSEIN was in office. How can this be? 

ALONG this treacherous trajectory, recall the following warnings – out of numerous others.


  • Back in December 2013, blaring alarms were emitted at this end: DHS has become an outlaw and renegade agency, having been caught ferrying illegals! Yes, in “cooperation” with HUSSEIN’s DOJ and FBI, the main domestic security arms of the nation eviscerated law and order. Mocked. Undermined. Really, is anyone shocked to learn that the two largest and most powerful enforcement agencies in America operate as “legal” outlaws? Asked and answered. In fact, so much so, expecting them to obey the rule of law would entail believing in the tooth fairy and whimsical fantasy tales in toto. No kidding. Besides, how many rational adults cling to said childhood dreams? Not too many.
  • In this regard, let us step back into one front of Obama Inc.’s lawlessness, and then segue into the latest revelation at hand. It is important to internalize that too many Americans have misplaced their faith, in the false belief that the top law enforcement agencies/arms of the land have their backs. Nothing could be further from the truth. As a matter of record, AG’s Holder/Lynch ran a renegade and lawless entity. Indeed, their records were manifestly injudicious.
  • In tandem, DHS & DOJ (Obama Inc.’s double swords) actively colluded with illegal aliens, and their blatant violations impinged upon law abiding citizens; a double crime, as they picked the public’s pocket and enriched/validated illegal aliens. Courtesy of the Thief-in-Chief …..continue reading….

  • Three years onward, as reported on December 18, 2016, to be exact,“refugee” resettlement in secret ratcheted up ala ICE’s (100 mil price tag) helping hands. Not only that, guess what cropped up in the midst of all this? Al-Qaeda-run compounds, that’s what!

SO, where do things stand, now that Team Trump has taken over? Read on. Patriots, be prepared to get red-hot. Steamed.

Federal escorts dressed in civilian clothing are quietly putting illegal immigrants who cross the U.S.-Mexico border on taxpayer-funded flights and secretly taking them to unsuspecting communities across the U.S., according to a government-watchdog agency.

“In the last few days alone, groups of illegal aliens boarded planes at airports in Texas and Arizona accompanied by a taxpayer-funded government escort in civilian clothes to avoid drawing attention,” Judicial Watch reported Friday. “The first flight originated at Valley International Airport in Harlingen, Texas, and was bound for Minneapolis. The second left from Tucson International Airport and arrived in Salt Lake City, Utah, federal sources said.”

In both cases, illegal immigrants, who appeared to be in their teens, were reportedly escorted by Health and Human Services chaperones.

Judicial Watch said Friday that “high-ranking Homeland Security officials” confirmed its report. The organization said it reached out to HHS for comment but hadn’t received a response from the agency. WND requested comment from HHS on Monday but hadn’t received a reply at the time of this report.

‘Shameful and dangerous’

A source described as a “veteran federal official” told Judicial Watch the illegal immigrants, who are given a red HHS wristband, receive “the gold glove treatment.” They’re reportedly boarded on the commercial flights before other passengers and even law-enforcement authorities.

“It is shameful and dangerous,” said a “seasoned Homeland Security agent with direct knowledge of the secret operations.”

Judicial Watch noted that personnel from Department of Homeland Security agencies have expressed serious concern about costs and security risks of transporting illegal immigrants to communities all over the U.S. The government watchdog cited an unnamed Immigration and Customs Enforcement official who was reportedly present at meetings on the issue. One closed-door meeting in late 2017 is said to have included President Trump and White House Chief of Staff John Kelly. As WND recently reported, Kelly has said some of Trump’s campaign promises on immigration were “uninformed” and that the U.S. only needs about 700 miles of border wall, which Mexico’s government will not fund.

“It appears that the Trump administration has chosen to ignore the concerns of rank-and-file federal agents, instead opting to quietly extend the controversial Obama-era policy that relocates illegal immigrants to unsuspecting communities nationwide,” wrote the government watchdog agency. “It is known as ‘Catch and Release’ and frustrated DHS sources tell Judicial Watch the Trump administration is essentially facilitating the ongoing commission of a federal immigration crime despite its tough border security rhetoric.”

Judicial Watch cited a Nov. 15, 2017, Washington Times report that revealed U.S. Border Patrol agents who bring illegal immigrants to U.S. Immigration and Custom Enforcement, or ICE, detention facilities have actually been turned away because the federal deportation agency says it doesn’t have beds for the illegals.

“We’re going to have to release them out our front door,” Brandon Judd, an agent and president of the National Border Patrol Council, told the Times. “Even if we try to turn them over to them, they’re just not going to take them. The moment we start releasing them out our front door, you’re going to see a huge increase take place in the numbers coming across.”

That’s because illegal immigrants send word back home that the U.S. is simply catching and releasing people who come to the state illegally. And it triggers a flood of U.S.-bound migrants.

“The people that are supposed to be enforcing Trump’s policy, they’re just not,” Judd said. “They’re not following through on the promises he made.”

‘Just move those bodies across the country’

Judicial Watch said many Americans had great hope that President Trump would put a stop to Obama-era policies that released illegal immigrants into communities across the U.S.

In 2016, the organization issued a bombshell report revealing the Department of Homeland Security had been “quietly transporting illegal immigrants from the Mexican border to Phoenix and releasing them without proper processing or issuing court appearance documents.”

The illegal immigrants, who were classified as “Other Than Mexican,” or OTMs, came from countries including Honduras, Colombia, El Salvador and Guatemala.

“They’re telling us to put them on a bus and let them go,” an Arizona law enforcement official told JW at the time. “Just move these bodies across the country.”

Meanwhile, the federal government was shut down for days as Democrats demand legislation to protect illegal immigrant youth protected from deportation under the Obama-era Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program, or DACA. By Monday afternoon, it appeared Congress would pass a deal to keep the federal government funded through Feb. 8. Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell reportedly promised to bring forward a DACA bill before that date.

“I am pleased that Democrats and Republicans in Congress have now come to their senses,” President Trump said in a statement Monday. “We will make a long term deal if and only if it’s good for our country.”……continue reading…..

ALAS, upon catching your breath (and atop the accrued dangers from “standard” illegals hailing from Mexico, Central and South America – many of whom are attached to gangs), know that narco-terror mules have never stopped ferrying in illegal Mohammedans by the many thousands. Many of them are “spirited” by officialdom all across the nation, resettled, with communities none the wiser. 

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TRUST, as of late, this site’s highly credentialed counterterror and counterintelligence sources have been whispering in these ears, imploring: Get the word out – again !! 


{UPDATE: See what popped up after this analysis was uploaded – “Trumps Says He’s Open To U.S. Citizenship For DACA Illegal Aliens“}

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{re-blogged at ConservativeFiringLine}

{re-blogged at TheHomelandSecurityNetwork} click “Archives” to read, dated Jan. 26, 2018

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Jihadi Apologists; Sharia Compliant Media, & Officialdom’s Omerta: Wherein Lies The Catastrophe? Islam, The ‘Gift’ That Keeps Giving! Commentary By Adina Kutnicki

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(UPDATE Nov. 8: The Wafa’ Media Foundation titled the PR poster “The Specter of Terrorism,” stating in English, “You will pay very expensive price for your war on Islam.”

The message adds: “We will take revenge for the blood of Muslims on your land, we will kill the young before the older watch this.”

Wafa’ issued a justification for the bombing of British teens at a May concert in Manchester, UK. As ISIS has placed a heavy focus on training youths, they’ve also encouraged targeting them: the first issue of their Rumiyah magazine justifiedkilling civilians including “the young adults (post-pubescent ‘children’) engaged in sports activities in the park.” (thus, is this site’s “prediction” on target or not, as stated below, “So, mark these words: the kiddies will be the ones who will reap the backlash!)


YEAR in and year out (with the accuracy of a Swiss clock), alas, Islamic jihadis can be counted on to slaughter ‘infidels.’ There is NO end in sight.

MOREOVER, westerners who possess average intelligence (mind you, rare intellectual heft – reserved for rocket scientists and the like – is hardly a prerequisite); in tandem with rational thinking; plus, a modicum of intellectual integrity, well, they internalize there is no need to back up said opening declaration and assessment. It is what it is. Self-evident.

SUCH is the backdrop upon which the latest (again, out of a continuous list) act of Islamic – emphasis placed – jihad in NYC took place. Not only that, akin to all the rest, this one mimicked, ape-like, the twin bombings from Sept. 17, 2016 which rocked Manhattan and Seaside Park, NJ in synchronized jihadi terror! In other words, the ‘why’, as always, is one and the same: Islamic doctrine aka Sharia Law; a cancerous scourge. Indubitably, its underpinnings inspire Allah’s Muslim terrorists to shriek: Allahu Akbar!! As to the ‘who’….six of one and half a dozen of another. The ‘when, what and where’ are more than established in the ensuing carnage. Mind you, unlike the PC captured media, cowed officials, and, in particular, the Brotherhood infected FBI, this site won’t hesitate to state what must be shouted from the rooftops. This is a sacred promise. 

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“In that article, ISIS encouraged shying away from budget sedans and ‘off-roaders, SUVs, and four-wheel drive vehicles’ that ‘lack the necessary attributes required for causing a blood bath’ as ‘smaller vehicles lack the weight and wheel span required for crushing many victims.’ They recommended trucks with double wheels for ‘giving victims less of a chance to escape being crushed by the vehicle’s tires.’ Long semi trucks were discouraged because of the possibility of jack-knifing.”

With the possible exception of the double wheels, this appears to be exactly the kind of vehicle the New York City truck jihad mass murderer used this afternoon.

Remedial ISIS Tutorial Steers Jihadists Toward Heavier, Deadlier Truck Attacks,” by Bridget Johnson, PJ Media, May 5, 2017:

The Islamic State just published a remedial step-by-step pictorial for lone jihadists on how to use a heavy vehicle to kill, walking would-be terrorists through how to acquire a vehicle and which targets to strike.

ISIS’ monthly Rumiyah magazine, which publishes online in 10 languages including English, last covered vehicle attacks in their November issue “Just Terror Tactics” segment, using Mohamed Lahouaiej-Bouhlel, who plowed a cargo truck through a crowd of Bastille Day revelers in Nice, France, last summer, as their key example.

In that article, ISIS encouraged shying away from budget sedans and “off-roaders, SUVs, and four-wheel drive vehicles” that “lack the necessary attributes required for causing a blood bath” as “smaller vehicles lack the weight and wheel span required for crushing many victims.” They recommended trucks with double wheels for “giving victims less of a chance to escape being crushed by the vehicle’s tires.” Long semi trucks were discouraged because of the possibility of jack-knifing.

The terror group encouraged jihadists to find a vehicle with a “metal outer frame which are usually found in older cars, as the stronger outer frame allows for more damage to be caused when the vehicle is slammed into crowds, contrary to newer cars that are usually made of plastics and other weaker materials.” A picture of a U-Haul truck was shown with the caption “an affordable weapon.” A picture of the Macy’s Thanksgiving Day parade was shown with the words “an excellent target.”

Shortly after the article was published, a ram-and-stab attack by Ohio State student Abdul Razak Ali Artan on a sidewalk full of students and faculty caused several injuries, but no fatalities. He used a silver sedan in the attack….


WHICH brings the analysis straight back to Israel; the ‘laboratory for jihadi terror!’ How many are aware that truck/car jihad was ‘perfected’ in Israel over many years? Still yet, it ‘only’ involved dead Jews, so, who the hell cared? Rhetorical.

OH, as this site warned, it will make its way to America too. To wit, who recalls Las Vegas’s initiation into the very same terror technique, in Dec. 2015? Ala another Allahu Akbar-shouting Islamist (this time a Muslima, hear her roar), and despite the denials of the Las Vegas PD re her Islamic motivation, its basis was immediately exposed here. Forewarned

REGARDLESS, there is always a price to pay for immoral blindness and Allah-washing. Inextricably, it always come back to bite in unimaginable ways. So, mark these words: the kiddies will be the ones who will reap the backlash! For while NYC’s jihadi aimed for a school bus for the maximum terror effect, let’s just admit that this is an ‘old school’ target for Islamic terrorists.

IN this regard, who knows about the Palestinian jihadi slaughter-fest in Ma’alot, Israel in May 1974, when a school was taken hostage? If not, time to pay heed. Sooner than later, ‘any school USA’ will become a full-on target for Allah’s soldiers! You read it here.

In the early morning hours of May 15, 1974, three members of the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine, a radical anti-Israel group, snuck across the border from Lebanon. Dressed as Israeli soldiers, they made their way to Ma’alot, where they killed three members of the Cohen family — apparently chosen at random — before entering an elementary school that was hosting more than 100 teenagers and teachers from a religious school in Safed for the night.

The terrorists held 115 hostages, including 105 students, and threatened to kill them if Israel did not release 23 prisoners being held on terror charges. For more than 12 grueling hours the young Israelis huddled in a booby-trapped classroom, abandoned by their teachers, until the terrorists turned on them with guns and grenades during a bloody rescue effort by the military.

EVEN so, the fact that this week’s slaughter involved truck/car jihad – as opposed to bombs, akin to Sept. 2016 – is a distinction with a difference. As crooked Hillary infamously opined, when questioned re her part in Benghazigate: “what difference does it make?”, it too involved cover-ups re Islamic Jihad! However, in this situation, said sentiment is more than on target. After all, the end result is the same: dead infidels are interchangeable, regardless of mode of attack!

RESULTANT, in a rational universe, getting rid of Mohammedans (whatever their status, legal or illegal) and their barracks within America should be ‘Priority Number One.’ This IS war – whether officialdom agrees or not. Case closed.

PAR for officialdom’s demented and derelict course, in a knee-jerk response, is it any wonder that apologists for Allah’s Muslim Terrorists insist that ‘out of control lone wolves’, with mental problems, no less – having nothing to do with Islam’s ‘peaceful’ doctrine and culture – are at fault? Imagine that.

BACK to Israel.

WHETHER one likes the country or not, know that the nation’s domestic Mohammedans have used it to perfect their methods of jihadi terror. Effectively, once honed, their tactics are ready for ‘export’ to the rest of the west – with America as their ultimate target! In reality, blinding ones eyes to jihad in Israel is a very serious (western) miscalculation.

MAKING the situational assessment in America even graver, PC politics and a media omerta ensured that NYC – a prime jihadi target, ya think? – gutted (in 2014) an NYPD operational program which tracked, traced, and helped to identify Islamists before they attacked, in juxtaposition to what has become a growing list of  ‘mop-up’ operations. As such, what else is there to say? Plenty.

ISN’T it perverse, not to mention, infuriating, that each and every time jihadis kill and terrorize across the nation, the following, as if on cue, takes place: their apologists (CAIR, this site is pointing the finger at you) feel compelled and entitled to whine: oh my, this is going to place Muslims in jeopardy!!

In the wake of Tuesday’s attack, some Muslim Americans and community leaders expressed concerns over how their religion would be perceived and whether Muslims would become targets of violence.

There has been a history of, sort of, blowback, and that’s obviously going to be something that people think about,” said Ali Najmi, a board member of the Muslim Democratic Club of New York.

Ahmad, the physician, said he worried about backlash every time an attack like Tuesday’s happens. But “I feel I’m more worried about what the response from political leadership would be,” he said.

My biggest concern is that he’s readily identified as a Muslim and then that is extrapolated out to my own faith,” he said.

Ahmad, you don’t say?? If only retaliation was on the table! 

YOU know what, if you think that all of the above is as bad as it gets, just listen to ‘Wild Bill’ (among countless others), ‘courtesy’ of Islam’s terror underpinnings!

MORE specifically, while the media is absolutely Sharia compliant (knowingly or not, in so far that it is expressly forbidden to criticize Islam via the laws of Blasphemy), Allah’s Muslim Terrorists reap a whirlwind of kills F/B/O pagan, moon-god Allah!     

MOST significantly for America and the west in toto: it matters not one iota if a “Muslim by birth” or a convert to Islam is the jihadi of record. Similarly, whether followers of ISIS, another Sunni hydra, or Iranian Shia fronts are involved, is  nothing more than an exercise in splitting hairs. Incontestably, the only common denominator is that Islam IS their driving force and that is that. The rest is merely smoke and mirrors – an exercise in futility.


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