Europe’s Mohammedan (“Migrant”) Nightmare + America’s Exploding Islamic Population = Unspeakable Acts of Barbarism! Commentary By Adina Kutnicki

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ONE needn’t be a genius type to understand the following axiom: “Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.” Ain’t that the (1 + 1 = 2) easy peasy truth!

AND being that the self-evident proofs are beyond overwhelming as to the following calculus, that is, the greater the influx of Mohammedans into the west, the rise of barbarity increases commensurately, ipso facto, why would any rational western leader accede to their entry, let alone champion it? Indeed.

SO now that the mental health issue is brought into the forefront of the discussion, let’s recap. Afterwards, hopefully, the reader will see from there to here.


  • With all due deliberation, how much clearer must it be, other than to hear it from their own lips: Yes, Islamists admit that the end goal of the so-called “migrants” (aka “refugees”) is to execute the Mohammedan mandate of hijrah – Islamic migration into the west! Pray tell, to what end?
  • In furtherance to the above, this site reported on May 28, 2016: Rape-Jihad is exploding in Europe, but police and judges are blaming the victims! Is there even a modicum of rational thinking, by any discernible yardstick, within this “judgment?”
  • Not only that, relative to exposing their barbarism to the max, what about this blood-thirsty depiction: Mohammedans gang-raped an interpreter, while she filmed a documentary on the “Plight of Refugees!!” Did you ever?
  • Incontestably, is it any wonder that a Euro nation, Sweden, has been coined the “rape capital” of the west in Feb. 2015? By extrapolation, western women must be deemed sacrifices at the altar of Islamic “migration.” Those who contest – stand up and say your piece, otherwise, sit down and shut up!

IN this regard, as we move forward to Europe’s Islamic onslaught at the lead-in to 2018, get a load of this: An Italian woman received a New Year’s “gift” from one of Allah’s Muslim terrorists – and it wasn’t wine and roses! Ominously, it was par for their barbaric “norm.” Get used to it.

A Muslim immigrant from Somalia snuck into a hospital and tried to rape a woman – while she was in labor!

Ali Abdella, 38, entered Rome’s Sant’Eugenio Hospital, where he stole a hospital uniform and went into the unidentified pregnant woman’s hospital room. He then began groping her thigh and masturbating in front of her.

The woman screamed, which alerted hospital staff to the intruder. Police arrived soon after, and arrested Abdella on the scene.

Abdella, who had been living in Italy for five years, has been charged with sexual violence and theft. His first day in court is scheduled for January 10.

SO it is along this Mohammedan minefield (be it via “migrants” or home-grown Islamists living in the west, it makes no diff) that a study within the German government could no longer deny the obvious, despite Frau Merkel’s Allah-wash insistence: “I didn’t say it would be easy. I said back then, and I’ll say it again, that we can manage our historic task – and this is a historic test in times of globalisation – just as we’ve managed so much already, we can manage it.”

A study conducted by the German Federal Ministry for Family Affairs has found a direct correlation between the mass influx of migrants during the migrant crisis and the rising level of violent crime in Germany.

The criminologists behind the study looked at the period between 2014 and 2016 in the state of Lower Saxony and found that before the migrant crisis violent crime had only increased by 10.4 per cent compared to after the height of the crisis where the number had dramatically increased to 92.1 per centDie Welt reports.

Migrants have been shown to commit far more violent acts proportionally to their size of the population in Germany and according to the researchers, they accounted for suspects in one in every eight violent crime cases. 

The authors give several potential explanations as to why the migrant crime rate is so much higher than the rest of the population, saying that most migrants are men aged 14-30 who are the age bracket most likely to commit violent crimes.

The study also notes that crimes that occur within asylum homes are much more likely to be reported due to the presence of social workers and security guards.

In order to combat the rise of violent crimes among migrants, the researchers say the young migrant men should be put in sports programmes and other social projects.{Author’s note: OMG, does insanity know no bounds??}

Criminologist Christian Pfeiffer, one of the authors of the study, also noted the lack of women in the asylum homes and said the all-male environments tend to devolve into “violent masculine norms of legitimacy”. 

Despite that, crime reports clearly indicate violent attacks still occurs in migrant homes despite the presence of women. In one infamous case last year an Afghan migrant killed the five-year-old son of a woman living in the same accommodation and was later shot dead by police. Female migrants have regularly been the victims of crimes, by their fellow migrants as well as those employed to protect them.

Since the height of the migrant crisis in 2015, cities like Berlin have seen migrants and non-Germans account for around half of all criminal suspects. Areas like Alexanderplatz or the Ebertplatz area in Cologne have been described as “no-go zones” due to the high number of young migrant gang members operating in them.

Asylum seekers have also been the alleged perpetrators of some of the most shocking murders in Germany in recent years, including the suspected rape and murder of Maria Ladenburger by 33-year-old Afghan Hussein Khavari and the recent fatal stabbing of a 15-year-old girl in Kandel.

EVEN so, what does all of the above have to do with America & the so-called “refugee” crisis? Everything.


  • In light of Europe’s downfall, is it an exaggeration to assess: Cultural suicide is facilitated by civilizational Jihad – the clash of civilizations = the death of the west! And, inextricably, the U.S. is the main domino! Indubitably.
  • More specifically, Islam’s parasitic underpinnings mandate that adherents turn on their western “host” countries, as they advance via this and that “probing.” No doubt.
  • And for more proof of the same, Europe’s self-immolation is a foreshadowing for America – like it or not.
  • Alas, as to the so-called “refugees”, well, Americans, watch out – they will control your streets, if not sent packing!

MOST significantly, let there be no doubt: The very fact that the amount of Mohammedans is expanding within America, trust, it lends to a Europe-style nightmare – sooner than later.

Pew Research Center came out this week with an updated estimate of the American Muslim population, which is sure to cause a stir on all sides of the issue.

The new numbers come in at 3.45 million Muslims living legally in the U.S. in 2017. That represents only 1.1 percent of the U.S. population but it’s up, by Pew’s estimates, from 3.31 million in 2016.

The U.S. Muslim population grows by about 100,000 every year, according to the Pew study.

The Council on American-Islamic Relations, or CAIR, says Pew’s estimates are way off, and that the true number is roughly double, in the 6 to 8 million range – and that was more than two years ago.

“Muslim advocacy groups such as the Council on American Islamic Relations routinely cite a span of 6 million to 8 million people in describing the size of Islam in America. That would be between 2 percent and 3 percent of the U.S. population and make Muslims greater in number than Mormons or Jews,” CAIR stated on its website in March 2015.”

If CAIR, an offshoot of the extremist Muslim Brotherhood, is correct and there are at least 6 million Muslims living in the U.S., that would represent 2.4 percent of the total population and exceed the number of Jewish Americans by about a million.

The facts bear out that the higher a nation’s Muslim population, the more anti-Semitic attacks occur in that nation. France, Germany, Italy, the Netherlands and the U.K. have all seen increasing numbers of hate crimes against Jews and Jewish properties since they began importing mass numbers of Muslim migrants. It has gotten so bad in France and Germany that many Jews have been quietly migrating out of those countries in recent years.

Both Pew and CAIR note that they are watching closely for the day when Islam surpasses Judaism as the second most populous religious group in America. CAIR, as stated above, thinks that has already happened, while Pew forecasts it will not happen for another 22 years.

Pew estimates that 5.3 million Jews live in the U.S., but unlike the Muslim population, Judaism is not growing in America, due largely to low birthrates.

Pew says the Muslim population will continue to increase and should surpass Judaism as the nation’s second most common religious faith by 2040.

The main drivers of Muslim population are high fertility rates of Muslim women, compared to Christian and Jewish women, along with continued migration of Muslims into the U.S. from abroad.

Pew itself admits that that estimated Muslim population growth is difficult because there is no official count — the U.S. Census does not ask Americans their religious affiliation. So Pew is offering what amounts to its best guess based on its own surveys, outside sources and previous research.

The true size of the U.S. Muslim population is likely somewhere in the middle of the Pew estimate and the CAIR estimate, probably around 5 million.

Previous reporting by WND has documented that one of the main drivers of Muslim immigration into the U.S. is the food processing industry, especially the meatpacking sector, which employs an estimated 5 to 12 percent of its workforce with refugee labor…..

REGARDLESS of anything else – as per the exact amount of Mohammedans in America – the fact remains that their adherence to the barbaric underbelly of Islam, Sharia Law, is a clear and present danger. 

We already know this is happening in London and Paris.

St. Cloud Hospital in St. Cloud, Minnesota, came out with its annual list of top 10 most popular baby names for 2017, and No. 3 on the list of boys’ names was a bit of a surprise.

No. 1 – Henry
No. 2 – Liam
No. 3 – Mohamed
No. 4 – Jack
No. 5 – Nolan
No. 6 – William
No. 7 – Jackson
No. 8 – Logan
No. 9 – Wyatt
No. 10 – Grayson

INEXTRICABLY, the question becomes: Are patriots willing to wait until major portions of America resemble mirror images of Europe’s Mohammedan nightmare, or not? 


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