Barack Hussein Obama Set To (Formally) Embrace Egypt’s (Brotherhood) President Morsi…How Did This Happen?..Commentary By Adina Kutnicki

I know…I know…a picture is (not) always worth a thousand words. But sometimes it is.

In this regard, there are several pics floating around the web which show Sec of State Hillary Clinton mugging with Brotherhood-linked Morsi, the newly elected President of Egypt.

One may legitimately inquire, so what? Who the hell cares? I’ll tell you what… and why it should matter. Each image shows Hillary in more or less the same (supine) pose, and I am not talking about her (literally) lying on her back! But I am referencing her figurative submission. Let’s also skip past her (usual) lack of fashion sense, it is neither here nor there. HOWEVER, it is her body language which tells the tale, and one needn’t be a body language expert to pick up on the clues and cues. A pair of clear seeing eyes will do. We must pay attention to its signals.

Suffice it to say, Hillary presents herself like a gushing school girl, primly sitting with hands clasped in her lap (forget the pantsuits…they are irrelevant…  her lack of head covering too, her usual submission when she visits Islamic states…but this time its absence told another tale…after all, the Brothers are supposedly secular-oriented, so off with the schmata!) more than thrilled to be in close proximity with her wonderful host Prez Morsi , who is also her new mentor. Furthermore, I defy anyone to find a pic of Hillary, with any Israeli leader, where her body language is so submissive. Don’t waste your precious time.

By the bye, Huma dear, thanks so much for your contribution to this well forged friendship… the west owes you a huge debt of repayment… perhaps we will someday return the favor!

On the other hand, the Muslim Mafia’s front-man, now head of the most populous Arab nation in the Mideast (even if an economic basket-case….dear readers, symbolism/honor/shame trumps everything else in the recesses of the Islamic beast) looks as smug as a cheshire cat in his poses, sort of like the cat who swallowed the canary. And, this isn’t hyperbole!

How did this happen? In reality, the question should be flipped upside its head, and become – how could this not have occurred? As a matter of fact, the sign/guideposts from Washington all led in the same direction-eastward. This is not to say that seedlings were not planted years ago, but it is definitely the case that under Barack Hussein Obama’s reign of economic devastation, and his inclinations towards Islamic led nations, Morsi’s entry into the west’s good graces – via the POTUS’s ‘koshering’ – sealed the deal.

The following are some intrinsic markers, exquisitely laid out by Daniel Greenfield (aka Sultan Knish) in ‘Obama’s New Islamic World Order’ .

“Three years after Obama appeared in Cairo to praise Islam, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton met with Mohammed Morsi, the country’s new Islamist president, and urged the army to turn over power to him…… three years Egypt had gone from a stabilizing influence and a regional ally to a blossoming Sunni Iran….Al-Azhar University, which Obama described in his Cairo speech as “a beacon of Islamic learning,” is part of the mechanism by which Coptic Christian women and girls are kidnapped, raped and forced into Islam. It was also this “beacon of Islamic learning” that Dr. Muhammad, the head of its Department of Islamic Preaching and Culture, declared that Jews are the source of all evil….Obama’s first visit outside the hemisphere, after a few obligatory European summits, was to Turkey where he addressed a parliament dominated by Islamists…..

“Next month, before visiting Cairo and meeting Mubarak, Obama visited Saudi Arabia to pay tribute to King Abdullah. The visit to the Saudi Kingdom before a high profile speech to the Muslim world sent a clear message, just as the visit to Turkey had. Before speaking to the Muslim world, Obama showed off his Islamist influences by paying court to two Islamist regimes……

“As Obama bowed his head, the Saudi monarch hung the Order of Abdul Aziz al Saud around his neck. The golden chain of the order that was placed around Obama’s neck was decorated with the crossed swords representing the House of Saud and the House of Wahhab. On the order were the words, “Pioneer of Islamic Solidarity.”

Here is the entire link, in all its devastating indictment – Pay attention to the pic.

To bring matters full circle, the inestimable Caroline Glick had this to say via her latest Jerusalem Post analysis ‘Brotherhood’s American Defenders’ 

“The question is why? Why is the Obama administration shunning potential allies and empowering enemies? Why has the administration gotten it wrong everywhere? In an attempt to get to the bottom of this, and perhaps to cause the administration to rethink its policies, a group of US lawmakers, members of the House Intelligence and Judiciary Committees led by Rep. Michele Bachmann sent letters to the inspectors-general of the State, Homeland Security, Defense, and Justice departments as well as to the inspector-general of the office of the director of National Intelligence. In those letters, Bachmann and her colleagues asked the Inspectors General to investigate possible penetration of the US government by Muslim Brotherhood operatives……

“That these front groups, including the unindicted terror funding co-conspirators, the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) and the Islamic Society of North America (ISNA), play a key role in shaping the Obama administration’s agenda is beyond dispute. Senior administration officials including Mogahed have close ties to these groups. There is an ample body of evidence that suggests that the administration’s decision to side with the hostile Muslim Brotherhood against its allies owes to a significant degree to the influence these Muslim Brotherhood front groups and their operatives wield in the Obama administration…..

“To take just one example, last October the Obama administration agreed to purge training materials used by US intelligence and law enforcement agencies and eliminate all materials that contained references to Islam that US Muslim groups associated with the Muslim Brotherhood had claimed were offensive. The administration has also fired counterterrorism trainers and lecturers employed by US security agencies and defense academies that taught their pupils about the doctrines of jihadist Islam. The administration also appointed representatives of Muslim Brotherhoodaligned US Muslim groups to oversee the approval of training materials about Islam for US federal agencies”.

The heart of the Brotherhood’s US defenders can be found here –

Rational folks intuit when the fish stinks from the head up; when smoke is blown in their faces; and when sh-t is being shoveled in their path. They also know when events are orchestrated, as opposed to plain happenstance.

So, is there any doubt left that Barack Hussein Obama is ushering in a New Islamic World Order? 

But bear in mind – the Reds/radical leftists/socialists/communists/Marxists Greens/Islamists are in deep collusion.

The proverb states ‘the enemy of my enemy is my friend’ . It is the core of our civilization’s struggle. Deeply resonant. Deeply relevant.

We, lovers of liberty and freedom (not to be confused with democracy), ignore this timeless proverb at our collective peril!

19 thoughts on “Barack Hussein Obama Set To (Formally) Embrace Egypt’s (Brotherhood) President Morsi…How Did This Happen?..Commentary By Adina Kutnicki

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  14. Pingback: The Islamist-in-Chief…Awaits The Muslim Mafia’s Front Man’s Visit…A Day In Infamy….And Treachery…Addendum To: Barack HUSSEIN Obama Set To Formally Embrace Egypt’s Brotherhood President Morsi…Commentary By Ad

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