HUSSEIN’s “Shadow Gov’t” Via OFA Shock Troops: Leftist Thugs Prep, Islamists Align. Patriots, This IS War! Commentary By Adina Kutnicki

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AS always, little of import happens in a vacuum or via happenstance. This is especially the case when domestic or geo-political events are in play. Most tellingly, it is when attendant ramifications veer into plain view that this or that underbelly is often (accidentally) exposed, akin to Obama Inc.’s most recent witch hunt against a stalwart patriot, General Flynn. Simply put, via targeted   political/media assassinations, a plethora of mischief and treachery inevitably accrues.

SO, post-haste, it is beyond imperative to wend back to two dual-based (yet, wholly bypassed by millions of Americans) and ongoing imprints from HUSSEIN’s nightmarish eight-year stint as POTUS. Coupled with his refusal to go quietly into the night, it is urgent to ward off its precipitous dangers; at bay, and coming close to fruition. Full throttle.

RESULTANT, who recalls the Radical-in-Chief’s (July 2, 2008) charge to organize a “civilian national security force that’s just as powerful, just as strong, just as well-funded as its standing army?” If not, it is past time to catch up to speed.

INCONTESTABLY, all of the recent (and past) domestic mayhem – including, the brazen, in-your-face Islamist collusion – is a DIRECT outgrowth, a knock-on effect, of HUSSEIN’s Organizing For Action, a DNC “forward march” collection of “activist” groups. Yes, a step-by-step plan straight out of Saul Alinsky’s “Rules For Radicals” playbook.  Image result for pic of saul alinsky and lucifer quote

Image result for pic of saul alinsky and lucifer quote


NOW, let’s be very blunt. Be it couched in touchy-feely rhetoric or hard-charging bravado, know that the genesis for “Organizing For Action” dovetails completely with HUSSEIN’s call for a “civilian national security force, that’s just as powerful, just as strong, just as well-funded as its standing army.” Raptly, cogitate over said intent and concomitant implications. Yes, his civilian model is a mirror image of Hitler’s SS, at least in regard to its genesis. Indeed, let there be no doubt: the Nazis were national socialists, as are HUSSEIN and his “activists”, many of whom, openly and proudly, identify as socialists!

The Schutzstaffel (SS; also stylized as Runic "ᛋᛋ" with Armanen runes; German pronunciation: [ˈʃʊtsˌʃtafəl]; literally “Protection Squadron”) was a major paramilitary organization under Adolf Hitler and the National Socialist German Workers’ Party (NSDAP; Nazi Party) in Nazi Germany. It began with a small guard unit known as the Saal-Schutz (Hall-Protection) made up of NSDAP volunteers to provide security for party meetings in Munich. In 1925, Heinrich Himmler joined the unit, which had by then been reformed and given its final name. Under his direction (1929–45), it grew from a small paramilitary formation to one of the most powerful organizations in Nazi Germany. From 1929 until the regime’s collapse in 1945, the SS was the foremost agency of surveillance and terror within Germany and German-occupied Europe.

IN this regard, those who believe that the Agitator-in-Chief has gone quietly into the night – in pursuit of anything less than what he started, that is, the destruction of America – you would be wrong! Inestimably, his treasonous “shadow government” is operating at the highest levels.

Several intelligence insiders have come forward over the past few days to describe a “shadow government” of Obama holdovers leaking information to derail the Trump presidency, with National Security Adviser Mike Flynn’s resignation their first great success.

There are even allegations that former President Barack Obama himself is actively involved, citing his establishment of a command center in Washington and continuing involvement with activist organizations.

Retired Lt. Colonel Tony Schaffer, formerly a CIA-trained defense intelligence officer, said in a Fox Business appearance on Wednesday: “I put this right at the feet of John Brennan, and Jim Clapper, and I would even go so far as to say the White House was directly involved before they left.” He also mentioned Ben Rhodes:

IN reality, today’s frightening truths were predicted years ago – at least by those of us who were paying attention – in regard to the subversive nature of Obama Inc., in tandem with the DNC’s leftist base.

When former President Barack Obama said he was “heartened” by anti-Trump protests, he was sending a message of approval to his troops. Troops? Yes, Obama has an army of agitators — numbering more than 30,000 — who will fight his Republican successor at every turn of his historic presidency. And Obama will command them from a bunker less than two miles from the White House.

In what’s shaping up to be a highly unusual post-presidency, Obama isn’t just staying behind in Washington. He’s working behind the scenes to set up what will effectively be a shadow government to not only protect his threatened legacy, but to sabotage the incoming administration and its popular “America First” agenda.

He’s doing it through a network of leftist nonprofits led by Organizing for Action. Normally you’d expect an organization set up to support a politician and his agenda to close up shop after that candidate leaves office, but not Obama’s OFA. Rather, it’s gearing up for battle, with a growing war chest and more than 250 offices across the country.

Since Donald Trump’s election, this little-known but well-funded protesting arm has beefed up staff and ramped up recruitment of young liberal activists, declaring on its website, “We’re not backing down.” Determined to salvage Obama’s legacy, it’s drawing battle lines on immigration, ObamaCare, race relations and climate change.

Obama is intimately involved in OFA operations and even tweets from the group’s account. In fact, he gave marching orders to OFA foot soldiers following Trump’s upset victory.

“It is fine for everybody to feel stressed, sad, discouraged,” he said in a conference call from the White House. “But get over it.” He demanded they “move forward to protect what we’ve accomplished.”

“Now is the time for some organizing,” he said. “So don’t mope.”

Far from sulking, OFA activists helped organize anti-Trump marches across US cities, some of which turned into riots. After Trump issued a temporary ban on immigration from seven terror-prone Muslim nations, the demonstrators jammed airports, chanting: “No ban, no wall, sanctuary for all!”

Run by old Obama aides and campaign workers, federal tax records show “nonpartisan” OFA marshals 32,525 volunteers nationwide. Registered as a 501(c)(4), it doesn’t have to disclose its donors, but they’ve been generous. OFA has raised more than $40 million in contributions and grants since evolving from Obama’s campaign organization Obama for America in 2013.

OFA, in IRS filings, says it trains young activists to develop “organizing skills.” Armed with Obama’s 2012 campaign database, OFA plans to get out the vote for Democratic candidates it’s grooming to win back Congress and erect a wall of resistance to Trump at the other end of Pennsylvania Avenue.

It will be aided in that effort by the Obama Foundation, run by Obama’s former political director, and the National Democratic Redistricting Committee, launched last month by Obama pal Eric Holder to end what he and Obama call GOP “gerrymandering” of congressional districts.

Obama will be overseeing it all from a shadow White House located within two miles of Trump. It features a mansion, which he’s fortifying with construction of a tall brick perimeter, and a nearby taxpayer-funded office with his own chief of staff and press secretary. Michelle Obama will also open an office there, along with the Obama Foundation.

Critical to the fight is rebuilding the ravaged Democratic Party. Obama hopes to install his former civil rights chief Tom Perez at the helm of the Democratic National Committee.

Perez is running for the vacant DNC chairmanship, vowing, “It’s time to organize and fight . . . We must stand up to protect President Obama’s accomplishments,” while also promising, “We’re going to build the strongest grassroots organizing force this country has ever seen.”

The 55-year-old Obama is not content to go quietly into the night like other ex-presidents.

“You’re going to see me early next year,” he told his OFA troops after the election, “and we’re going to be in a position where we can start cooking up all kinds of great stuff.”

Added the ex-president: “Point is, I’m still fired up and ready to go.”

CONSEQUENTIALLY, is it any wonder that (domestic terrorist) socialist “fight clubs” are popping up all over America, and with rallying cries to the kiddies to join the fight and KILL Trump! Isn’t this treachery on par with the formation of Hitler’s Youth and Islam’s kiddie soldiers alike? If in agreement, speak up – now!

LET’s face facts: every nation – at one time or another – comes due for a thorough “housecleaning”, and western based democracies are hardly immune. This is especially true within America, so much so that its Founding Fathers prepped the Constitutional ground for this very moment in time. A national crisis, if there ever was one.

INHERENTLY, the Bill of Rights is the safeguard mechanism – tripwire, if you will – against a runaway leadership – past or present – acting as a final check against government leaders who are out of control. In other words, be it through actions put in place when in office, or executed via a so-called “shadow government”, frankly, it makes no diff. 

SO via a basic extrapolation, how much more prescient could the Founders have been, as they ensured within these fundamental rights the provisions of the Second Amendment: “a well-regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed.” Bulls eye.

EFFECTIVELY, it is not a question of whether or not patriots have a right to respond (be it vis-à-vis their foot soldiers or those who operate as their handlers) against those who threaten their very freedom(s), in fact, they have an obligation to do so! Yes, that ship has sailed. The open question is: are they ready – and in an organized and operational sense – to fight back? 

NOW, this declaration of patriotic “readiness” is nothing new at this site. Not by a long shot. But on a positive note, at least others are joining the fray!

STILL yet, if patriots believe that reasoning with HUSSEIN’s OFA shock troops and attendant associates is still possible, well, good luck with that fantasy.

AS the Traitor-in-Chief infamously intoned during his 2008 campaign: “If they bring a knife to the fight, we bring a gun,” Obama said in Philadelphia last night. “Because from what I understand, folks in Philly like a good brawl. I’ve seen Eagles fans.”

WHAT could be clearer than that, or more indicative of impending intent? Not a damn thing. 

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GET (fighting-ready) ORGANIZED!

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HUSSEIN’s Bombs Priming To Explode Via Secret ‘Refugee’ Resettlement;Al-Qaeda Compounds Inside America,& ICE’s 100 Mil Illegal Ferrying:The Nexus. Commentary By Adina Kutnicki

Image result for picture of prophet muhammad (p.b.u.h.) and his family
Okey dokey, if Memoirs and Mohammedans say so….on the other hand….
  • “I was ordered to fight all men until they say ‘There is no god but Allah.” – Prophet Muhammad’s farewell address, March 632
  • “I shall cross this sea to their islands to pursue them until there remains no one on the face of the earth who does not acknowledge Allah.” – Saladin, January 1189
  • “We shall export our revolution throughout the world … until the calls ’there is no god but Allah and Muhammad is the messenger of Allah’ are echoed all over the world.” – Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini, 1979
  • “I was ordered to fight people until they say there is no god but Allah, and his prophet Muhammad.” – Osama bin Laden. November 2001

IF anything is as true today as decades gone by, let alone centuries ago, it is this: Mohammedans – followers of Islam – will never, ever allow anyone to live in peace who refuses to submit to Allah. Yes, Islam means submission! Period.

The Arabic term “Islam” itself is usually translated as “submission”; submission of desires to the will of God. It comes from the term “aslama”, which means “to surrender” or “resign oneself”.

SO if it takes a million plus times to reiterate, so be it:

Islam is a political, economic, and military ideology that uses religion as a tool to achieve their ultimate goal, which is to establish an Islamic caliphate world-wide and under sharia law.


IN light of the non-PC disinfectant cited above, a distinction must be made between when it is necessary to maintain transparency and openness, as opposed to secrecy. This is not a distinction without a difference.

MOREOVER, as such, few can rationally argue: when it comes to intelligence work (yes, blowing smoke in this direction, as to its multi-faceted qualifiers, is a non-starter….don’t even go there) mum is the word. On the other side of the spectrum, in relation to secretly “spiriting” Allah’s Muslim Terrorists, aka “refugees”, into the U.S.; ICE ‘s orders to ferry and resettle illegals, whatever their national origins; and jihadi compounds inside the nation left unmolested, well, what else, other than bombs priming to explode, should one expect! Understood? A + B.

TO wit, how shocking – though hardly unexpected – are the following national betrayals:

  • 1 – In a supposed nation of laws, how many ways can ILLEGAL be interpreted and twisted, pretzel-like? Infinite, apparently. In this regard, HUSSEIN and gang have perverted the rule of law to an unprecedented degree, not unlike third world dictators. Thus, ICE’s (Immigration and Customs Enforcement) top-tier have morphed into an arm of illegality, operating, for all intents and purposes, as de facto smugglers and assorted henchmen under the cover of a “legal” umbrella. Incontestably.

The federal agency that handles deportations spent more than $100 million of its money over the last few years to ferry illegal immigrant children around the U.S., according to calculations by a watchdog group that says the cash could have been better spent on enforcement.

Government figures obtained by the Immigration Reform Law Institute through an open records request show Immigration and Customs Enforcement spent an average of $665 per juvenile in 2014, with most of that going to the cost of airplane flights to shuttle the children among government agencies, to relatives here in the U.S. or back to their home countries — if they’re deported.

At that rate, ICE will spend about $4.5 million flying just the children nabbed at the border in October, and somewhere north of $100 million since the surge began in earnest in 2014.

“It’s insult to injury on a massive scale,” said Dale Wilcox, executive director of IRLI.

He blamed President Obama’s 2012 deportation amnesty for young adult illegal immigrants, the so-called Dreamers, for the surge, saying it enticed tens of thousands of new migrants, particularly juveniles, to take a risk on making the trip.

Instead of being sent back, they are shuttled among various federal agencies until they are eventually delivered to their parents, other relatives or sponsor families — where they often disappear into the shadows.

  • 2 – Similarly, Obama Inc. has been inundating America with Mohammedans by the tens of thousands. Limitless.Thus, it follows: not only is HUSSEIN bringing in Sharia law adherents to transform the nation, but is doing so secretly too!

Like seeds in a garden, refugees are being planted in cities and towns all across America. But the fact that it’s being done in secret should set off alarm bells, according to veteran WND reporter Leo Hohmann.

“No good thing usually happens in secret,” Hohmann said in a recent appearance on “The Conservative Conscience podcast with Daniel Horowitz.” “Secrecy is the enemy of truth, and this is what we’ve seen in one community after another. People just feel like their community is being changed without them having any say-so in the matter.”

Hohmann attempts to cut through the secrecy of the federal refugee resettlement program in his forthcoming book “Stealth Invasion: Muslim Conquest Through Immigration and Resettlement Jihad.” He told Horowitz refugees are being placed in small cities all over the country – places such as Stone Mountain, Georgia; Twin Falls, Idaho; and Rutland, Vermont – with no input from the local communities.

Once residents find out about the plan, it is almost always too late to stop it or even to ask any questions. And those who do ask questions are often castigated as bigots or xenophobes who hate refugees.

So native residents are left with a town they no longer recognize.

“Before long you end up with cities like Dearborn, Michigan, Hamtramck, Michigan, where your vote is going to be watered down and eliminated by a foreign culture,” said Hohmann, referring to two cities with large Muslim populations….

Even though over two decades have elapsed since the collapse of the Somali government, we are taking in refugees from this extremely dangerous country at the fastest pace ever.

As of December 13, we’ve admitted a total of 21,854 total refugees for FY 2017, according to the State Department’s refugee database. That is a pace we have not seen since the fall of the Soviet Union. More disturbingly, we’ve admitted 2,836 refugees from Syria and 3,014 from Somalia, almost all of them Muslim. Once again, Minnesota (364) and Ohio (334) are being saddled with more refugees from Somalia despite the terror recruiting problems in Minneapolis and Columbus.

Obama is also continuing his social transformation by seeding small-to-mid-sized cities with relatively large sums of Somali and Syrian refugees. A quick search of the database shows that places like Bowling Green, Ky., Owensboro, Ky., Glendale, Ariz., and Erie, Penn have all been seeded with more Middle Eastern refugees than the entire state of New Jersey.

This is a clear violation of the refugee law. The statute directs the Office of Refugee Resettlement (ORR) to “insure that a refugee is not initially placed or resettled in an area highly impacted by the presence of refugees or comparable populations.” When making this determination the director of ORR is supposed to take into account, among other things, “the proportion of refugees and comparable entrants in the population in the area.” [8 U.S.C. 1522]…..

TRENCHANTLY, and beyond the pale too, as they rape at will:

Judicial Watch, the Washington-based government watchdog, released documents with many details redacted that describe “community engagement tours,” including security briefings, in secured areas of at least three major U.S. airports – Los Angeles, Minneapolis and Columbus, Ohio — given to members of the Somali community, including individuals who were the subject of federal investigations, by Homeland Security Officials….

SPEECH-MINDERS, what say you?? To wit, are the lunatics running the asylum, or not?

  • – But there’s more… this site reported in 2014, how many are informed about the mushrooming jihadi compounds within America, and with the full knowledge – and tacit approval – of FED and State security agencies? Kid you not. Mind you, as so-called “religious” compounds they are deemed off limits, even while plotting jihad and more! Yes, a planned national suicide from all quarters – the jihadis and Washington’s traitors!

Fox TV's map of Fuqra MOA locations in the U.S.

AND the recently-declassified evidence is reported below.

The Clarion Project has obtained newly-declassified FBI documents from 2003 revealing that the jihadist cult Jamaat ul-Fuqra, also known as Muslims of America (MOA), had ties with al-Qaeda in Pakistan. The group is best known for its network of about 22 Islamist compounds on American soil.

The disclosures come on the heels of the release of the Fuqra Files website, an authoritative database of information about the group.

The FBI reports show there was a counter-terrorism investigation into Jamaat ul-Fuqra / Muslims of America (MOA) in New York in 2003. One file has the heading, “American Islamic Radicals.” The reports point out, “Prior to assuming the name MOA, JUF has had a profound history of carrying out violent actions to include, arsons, bombings, shootings and assassinations.”


The reports warn that MOA serves as a conduit to foreign terrorist organizations, including al-Qaeda and its affiliates in Pakistan. It states:

“The MOA is a loosely structured U.S. based organization. Several current members in New York have been convicted of criminal acts to include murder and fraud. Recruitment most often occurs in prisons or neighborhood mosques. Once recruited, some members are selected to receive training in firearms and explosives in Pakistan.

While overseas, some of these recruits are then handpicked by high-ranking terrorist operatives, like that of Al-Qaeda, and are sent to receive more specialized training. Upon completing of their training, many of these recruits are ultimately asked to pledge ‘beyat’ [allegiance]. If they do not receive beyat, they become what source information reveals as a ‘friend of Al-Qaeda’ who are called upon no matter where he is living around the world to assist Al-Qaeda”…….

SO let’s get down to brass tacks and cease with any, and all, PC bullsh-t.

WHAT immediately springs to the forefront is the saying, “there is more than one way to skin a cat”, but on mega steroids. Obama Inc. and surrogate traitors – inside and outside officialdom – understand that it will take years to completely upend the nation, necessitating bomblet after bomblet.

MORE specifically, these bomblets will be set off through the Traitor-in-Chief’s latest treachery, OFA, Organizing For Action. Recall, HUSSEIN’s “occupational” roots – as a community organizer – set the stage for all his wildfires to date. Ominously, his foot soldiers are plotting national chaos on a MEGA scale, the likes of which has yet to be seen. Know that its basis will be couched under the “democratic” right to protest. Not only that, it will make the Weathermen’s and Black Panthers domestic terrorism – designed to bring down America during the 1960’s and 1970’s – appear as a walk on the beach. Guaranteed. And just like Bill Ayers and top-tier domestic terror revolutionary associates got away with murder and more, so too will HUSSEIN and gang, that is, when all is said and done. 

MOST significantly, HUSSEIN’s 8 years of destabilizers were never designed to exact immediate results, rather, to set the stage and blow up down the line. Intrinsically, it is not a matter of if, but when, Islamic jihad hits its apex within the homeland. So suffice to recognize that the aforementioned bombs, priming to explode, were pre-set by Obama Inc. to blow, but at the time and place of Allah’s Muslim Terrorists choosing, and with the assistance of like-minded anti-Americans.

INDEED, firing squads are too lenient for all their treachery – Obama Inc.’s and Islam’s barbarians!

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