Islamic Jihad’s DEEP Infiltration & Penetration Into The U.S. Via Political Office! What’s To Be Done? Commentary By Adina Kutnicki

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BEFORE we segue to America’s increasingly deleterious plight from two converging directional markers, red and green, it must be understood: Europe’s Jihadi cesspool is more advanced, however, the U.S. is not far behind. That being established, it would take hours on end to detail Europe’s descent into the Mohammedan hell-hole, hence, a quick catch-up will have to suffice. Therefore, start your educational and nightmarish journey at the following interview link, as well as here, here, here, here – and this is aside from a cataloged compendium of evidence which goes on and on.

WITH the above in mind (and even though the latest out of Europe includes a continuous list of Jihadi attacks, most recently, coordinated terror attacks in France, from Toulouse to the Louvre), the following report from Aug. 13, 2018 is more than noteworthy:

More than 100 cars were set on fire in Sweden on Monday evening, the Daily Mail reported.

The attacks took place in Malmo, Gothenburg, Helsingborg, Hjällbo, Malmo and Frölunda Torg.

Gangs of masked rioters set fire to vehicles and threw stones at policemen, in a wave of apparently coordinated attacks. The Daily Mail noted that the newspaper did not specify the identity of the attackers, except to say that they were “young people,” a code name for Muslims, most of whom are immigrants.

It is believed that the attacks were coordinated using social media.

Ulla Brehm, a spokesperson for Gothenburg’s police noted that some of the culprits are minors.

“We have already started making calls to the parents of the youths who were taking part in this,” she told SVT.

Speaking to Sveriges Radio P1, Swedish Prime Minister Stefan Löfven said, “I’m furious, for real. My question to these people is ‘what the… are you doing?” He also noted that the attacks were “extremely organized.”

INDEED, even though Sweden is the most loosey-goosey Euro-state of all, still yet, what do they have to show for it? Well, infamously, it has become Europe’s “rape capital“, that’s what! Consequentially, due to skyrocketing rapes by “youths” (Germany has a similar rape crisis onslaught) and a total lack of punishment for said crimes, non-Muslim females are terrified to walk the streets after dark. Inextricably, these are the poisonous fruits of obsessive devotion/genuflection to multiculturalism, that which adds fiery fuel atop the entry of unimpeded Islamic (hirjah) immigration – legal and illegal.

Hmm….as always, per the feckless, complicit, and mendacious media, the “unidentified” ethnicity of Jihadi-rampaging “youths” still remains a real head-scratcher! Mind you, even though Fire-Jihad (akin to Rape-Jihad) is an Islamic sanctioned method in their onslaught against “infidels”, it still surprises Euros and their western counterparts. Jackasses.

IN any event, back to America; the main pillar (alongside Israel) of Western Civilization, or of what’s left of it.

MUCH has been analyzed at this site (and through various interviews, for example, here and herere the infiltration and penetration of Islamic Jihad into America (the west at large) by way of various measures, some of which are frontal and require little edification, while others are outgrowths of stealth – insidious-like.

{Listen closely to Ellison’s tap-dance around the elephant in the room, even as he feigns support for the laws of the land….as if.}

BE that as it may, time and again – relative to the entry of followers of Mohammed into political office in the U.S. – alarm bells ring at this site. In no uncertain terms, when one’s loyalty to uphold the Constitution is obviated by one’s higher loyalty, the imposition of Sharia Law (regardless of all their doublespeak), political office must be out of bounds – qualified citizenship beside the point. Period. 

Image result for pics of keith ellison and islam

{U.S. representative Keith Ellison (Jan.4, 2007) places his hand on an English translation of the Qur’an once owned by Thomas Jefferson – Historical Footnote: He read the Qur’an to see if common ground could be reached with the Barbary pirates because Muslim kingdoms engaged in piracy and kidnapping on the high seas, and wanted to know if it was possible to negotiate. Finding in the negative, he dispatched the Navy and Marine Corps to deal with them. Hence, America’s first foreign conflict and the source of the line in the “Marine Corps Hymn,” “to the shores of the Tripoli.” Did you know that??}

SO, with a complete understanding of how treacherous Stealth Jihad’s march is through the political system (atop other entry points, be they cultural, educational, media, etc., never mind frontal attacks), it became imperative to forewarn the following –  and with much of its basis coming to fruition and now in plain view!

STILL not convinced? Consider their inroads to date, then, extrapolate what additional triumphs portend for the (near) future.

  • As reported at this site in August 2017 within “Can Mohammedans Act ‘Moderately’ Within Western Democracies? And, What Difference Does It Make Anyway? “, the following excerpts shed much needed light….tell the tale:….. A previously pinpointed warning via Adina Kutnicki, A Zionist & Conservative Blog was sent to patriots re Michiganistan, relative to Dr. Abdul El-Sayed’s (trojan horse) thrust toward the Governor’s mansion in 2018! But never mind, four months onward, the alarm bells are, once again, ringing. Blaring.Dr. Abdul El-Sayed has been referred to as the second coming of Obama by many on the left. El-Sayed has much in common with Obama. The plan is for El-Sayed to be our President in 2020, but before that can happen he needs to become Governor of Michigan in 2018. However, there is one problem standing in Abdul’s way, and his name is Donald Trump….The Democrat’s new golden boy was meant to stay below the radar for now so he could become the Governor of Michigan before the rest of the country learned of him. El-Sayed is supposed to have the image of just a regular guy who is being funded by the little people–a grassroots candidate if you will. However, the truth is far more dangerous, and Dr. Abdul is vowing to “take over” Michigan by breaking federal law…..Gorka has exposed information that was never meant to be revealed. The fact that El-Sayed received a fellowship at Columbia University by Paul Soros, brother of George Soros, should raise alarm bells. Not only that but according to the Christian Post, “While a student at the University of Michigan, El-Sayed was ‘an active member’ and vice-president of the Muslim Students’ Association (MSA) – a group founded mainly by the Muslim Brotherhood for the express purpose of spreading Wahhabist ideology, [practiced by Osama Bin Laden]”……                                                                                                                                  

AND, as anticipated, their full throttle pay-off into America’s political fray is not only coming to fruition, but rising at an exponential speed. This is the case, even though Brotherhood-connected Abdul El-Sayed failed to clinch the primary nomination – despite the backing of Islamists and leftists alike – but not for lack of trying!! But never mind, his next go-around for political office may well catapult him into power.

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MOVING right along to two major thrusts (indeed, there are others), and along comes Somali-American Ilhan Omar and her ascension; a primary winner in Minnesotastan! This is so, even as she back-benched for a fellow Mohammedan, Rashida Tlaib (a Palestinian Jihadi from Michiganistan, another primary winner), after she ASSAULTED Laura Loomera Jewish journalist, for daring to ask legitimate (non-PC) questions. What fueled her rage? Pressed to reply re Hamas’s Brotherhood connections to terror, she refused to countenance any such connection. Imagine that. Adding fire to her ire, she became infuriated when Loomer had the audacity to ask Omar (at their tag-team event) an incestuous related question. 

On Sunday Laura Loomer confronted both of the politicians regarding their attacks on Israel and their association with the far left anti-Semite Linda Sarsour.

At one point in the video Laura asks Ilhan why she married her brother.

Rashida TLaib assaulted Laura Loomer – She grabbed Laura and took her phone.

Ilhan Omar married her brother in 2009. The two are currently divorced.

On Wednesday Laura Loomer pressed charges against Democratic Congressional candidate Rashida Tlaib for assault.

Laura Loomer provided The Gateway Pundit with the police documents……

Hmm. One would think that marrying one’s brother (never mind admitting that Hamas is a terror organization) is a legitimate question – at least, to those of us who are not followers of Mohammed; a pedophile, rapist, pilferer, sadist and a clinical psychopath – a madman!

TRENCHANTLY, it is along this treacherous trajectory that the Brotherhood Mafia’s Explanatory Memorandum (from 1991) comes into sharp relief. Guess what? In less than 30 years (a mere blip on the historical radar), Mohammedans are going from strength to strength in their plan to destroy America’s “miserable house” from within – as executed throughout Europe. Alas, patriots in America, think about what this means. As excerpted within the Brotherhood’s Memorandum:

The process of settlement is a ‘Civilization-Jihadist Process’ with all the word means. The Ikhwan [Muslim Brotherhood] must understand that their work in America is a kind of grand jihad in eliminating and destroying the Western civilization from within and ‘sabotaging’ its miserable house by their hands and the hands of the believers…”

NOT only that, “The Plan” (conceived in 1987 by Brotherhood front groups in America) was discussed within a global interview, detailing their phase by phase steps to gain global dominance – straight through the heart of America!

Wolf Bachner: We learn that the Muslim Brotherhood has laid out in detail their specific goals for uniting the world under the banner of Islam and Sharia Law. The Brotherhood’s program has been referred to under the ominous sounding name of “The Plan.” What exactly is “The Plan?”

Adina Kutnicki: Indeed, let’s, as a first stop, hop aboard our Inquisitrjourney with “The Plan”. At its core, “The Plan” is a detailed blueprint, one which the leadership of the Muslim Brotherhood adheres to – and augments as necessary – to infiltrate and penetrate the west, but most intrinsically they are targeting America, the “Great Satan”. It is the main linchpin to the west’s fall. “The Plan’s” basic goals are described thusly:

Phase 1: Establishment of an elite Muslim leadership, while raising taqwa, or Islamic consciousness, in the Muslim community.

Phase 2: Creation of Islamic institutions the leadership can control, along with the formation of autonomous Muslim enclaves.

Phase 3: Infiltration and Islamization of America’s political, social, economic and educational systems, forming a shadow state within the state. Escalation of religious conversions to Islam.

Editor’s Note: One of the hot spots of conversion to Islam is America’s extensive system of prisons.

Phase 4: Openly hostile public confrontation over US policies, including rioting, and militant demands for special rights and accommodations for Muslims.

Phase 5: Final conflict and overthrow (jihad)…..continue reading the non-sanitized truth here….

BUT we are not done. For if 1+1 still = 2, isn’t it an absolutely provable calculation that Sharia Law (the underpinning of Islam, and the real goal for Mohammedans via political Islam) is on the march in America?  

INEXTRICABLY, atop millions of footprints found within these pages (and elsewhere) to support the charges at hand, more of the same keeps piling up.

IF anything, what westerners in general and Americans in specific (who believe in the underlying goodness of liberal democracy) have failed to learn is the most  basic and salient lesson of all: Democracy is not a suicide pact!!

BY extrapolation, it is due to incessant cowing and bowing to the “gods of multiculturalism” that America, the main pillar to Western Civilization, or what’s left of it, hangs in the balance – paradoxically, due to continuous exploitation of liberal democracy! And it is not a question if Mohammedans in political power will obliterate the Constitution, but when Sharia Law will (incrementally) replace it when sufficiently empowered to do so – creep by creep.


TO wit, pay heed: So far, linkages to the Brotherhood Mafia are found within every single Mohammedan seeking office in America.

CONCLUSIVELY, non-Muslims must get over any “discomfit” to the following proposition: Mohammedans running for political office must pass a loyalty test. Above all else, they must swear allegiance to the underpinnings of the nation, before they are allowed to enter the fray – despite all jive-talk to the contrary, that they too are Americans! 

WHAT’S so hard to understand about that??

Image result for pics of sharia law in america

{re-blogged at TheHomelandSecurityNetwork} read “Archives” dated Aug. 19, 2018
{MEMO: FB’s censors are limiting the sharing of Adina Kutnicki: A Zionist & Conservative Blog! Indeed, the following message from FB’s censors is crystal clear:



9 thoughts on “Islamic Jihad’s DEEP Infiltration & Penetration Into The U.S. Via Political Office! What’s To Be Done? Commentary By Adina Kutnicki

  1. Pingback: Obama Inc.’s Islamic Blow-back: Jihadi Hyper-Muscle PEAKING Inside America. What’s The Prognosis? Commentary By Adina Kutnicki | Adina Kutnicki

  2. Pingback: Obama Inc.’s Islamic Blow-back: Jihadi Hyper-Muscle PEAKING Inside America. What’s The Prognosis? Commentary By Adina Kutnicki | Boudica2015

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  6. Pingback: Islamic Anti-Semitism Infects/Invades America Via Mohammedan Physicians & Spiritual Leaders: Jews A Priority Target! A Call To Action. Commentary By Adina Kutnicki | Boudica2015

  7. Pingback: The Brotherhood’s FULL-ON Infiltration & Penetration Into Congress Via Reps Ilhan Omar & Rashida Tlaib: What’s To Be Done? | Adina Kutnicki

  8. Pingback: The [Muslim] Brotherhood’s FULL-ON Infiltration & Penetration Into Congress Via Reps Ilhan Omar & Rashida Tlaib: What’s To Be Done? – 🚨 Conservative, Right Wing News

  9. Pingback: America's Civil War Rising | AMERICANS, REPS OMAR & TLAIB JUST THE TIP: 'Radical Islamic Influence at All Levels of Politics: Middle East Expert' - America's Civil War Rising

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