Granted, not everyone is meant to be a math whiz, this blogger included. Gee whiz. However, failing to teach the basics – by the educational system! – in the “three R’s” is tantamount to child abuse. Yes, it is.

For if America’s schoolchildren are expected to become self-sufficient adults, how exactly is gobbledygook math (numb-skull verbal skills too) going to help them in the marketplace? Precisely. Trenchantly, the point of dumbing down America’s youth is to create a dependent class, one which is “equal” across the board. That’s the left’s plan, aided and abetted by Allah-bent Islamists to bring down “Amerika”. To its submissive knees.

To effectuate said result, decades of targeted “lessons” have been misfiring (on purpose) in the direction of America’s school children. The question for some is: are they just misguided in their approach? and for others: what are they truly aiming for? Whatever ones parental (societal) discomfit, rest assured, the (mis)education of the kiddies has NOTHING to do with teaching the fundamentals of basic disciplines.

Enter: Common Core and its actual mission statement.

Mission Statement One:

To understand the core component of the (mis)education “process”, one can catch it “hiding in plain site”. Hint:its name! The left loves to play mind games. Therefore, spitting in their opponent’s eyes grants them an added charge. Leg tingly. Thrilling.

Mission Statement Two:

Even so, what is titillating for some is a nightmare for many millions. As mentioned, America’s academic “overhaul” is a cesspool of the highest order, yet college kids can’t even escape its grasp. Why? Their indoctrination isn’t complete without creating a complete climate of PC uniformity, up and down the system.

Mission Statement Three:

And guess who is ALWAYS skulking in the (mis)education background, designing the underpinnings of radical pedagogy? You would be right, if you named the leader of the Weathermen – domestic terror group – Billy boy Ayers!

Mission Statement Four:

Yet, despite all the chilling aspects of the radical left’s penetration via the schools, what’s the upshot re Common Core? In a nutshell, complete surveillance of the kiddies – literally

Insane Math Lessons and Common Core

FrontPage Magazine

This week’s Glazov Gang was joined by superstars Basil Hoffman, a Hollywood actor (“Rio, I Love You”),Ann-Marie Murrell, the National Director ofPolitiChicks.tv and Ernie White, a Civil Rights Activist.

The Gang discussed Insane Math Lessons and Common Core,analyzing the Left’s real agenda in making arithmetic mindbogglingly confusing for American children (starting at the 13:40 mark).

The discussion occurred with the context of The Cancer of Common Core, in which the guests discussed Holocaust-Denial Assignments for American Children, how Islam is a big investor in the Left’s new educational concept, how Mao’s Cultural Revolution has now reached America’s public schools, how individualism is being crushed in the new “raising of standards,” and much, much more:

It is beyond dispute that the revolutionary left has co-opted U.S. education, from early childhood up through the college level, creating foot soldiers. It is also a fact that Islamists are on board with whatever tactics are necessary to deconstruct America. 

But there are also many millions of patriots who have finally woken up to the dangers, as such, they are enraged at the co-option of their children. Countless parents are at war against Common Core, aka ObamaCore, within many states. About time. In fact, if anything is demonstrative of what’s happening to the kiddies, and what this portends for those who sit on their hands, well, what happened to one parent will be a picnic for the rest.

Heed these lessons well, or the consequences will be grave – for generations to come!