Holder’s DOJ, As If On Cue, Bellies Up To Invoke Islamic “Blasphemy” Laws In The USA!…Commentary By Adina Kutnicki

HOT on the heels of Friday’s commentary, ‘Freedom of Speech: Its Evisceration of All Meaning, Its Collision Course With Moral Relativism’ – https://adinakutnicki.com/2013/05/31/freedom-of-speech-its-evisceration-of-all-meaning-its-collision-course-with-moral-relativismhistoricism-commentary-by-adina-kutnicki/…along comes a major Exhibit attesting to its veracity, and a bonafide test case as well. Oh, how fast the (Constitutional) dominoes fall. Again, this site lays no claim to soothsayer status. None at all.

Regardless, one must first internalize what is animating DOJ, as they effectively mandate the institution of Blasphemy Laws within America’s shores; laws which are inherent within Islam’s Sharia Law and diametrically opposed to Constitutional Law! Blasphemy Laws essence can be found within Andrew G. Bostom’s trenchant analysis at American Thinker –http://www.americanthinker.com/blog/2013/03/ten_key_points_on_islamic_blasphemy_law.html. Study its contents well, as if your freedoms depend on doing so…and those of us who are familiar (as this blogger is, for over a decade) with this subject are equipped to see from there to here. Knowledge IS power. Fundamental at its root. 

This is precisely why the subject registers high on the scale of exploratory topics herein, commensurate with the following exhibits:

Exhibit One:  Back in July 2012, a mere month after this blog’s inception, it became incumbent to alert the readership: yes, the Radical/Islamist-in-Chief is Allah-bent on criminalizing any criticism of Islam – https://adinakutnicki.com/2012/07/28/alert-radical-in-chief-obama-tasks-illegally-bent-ag-holder-to-criminalize-islamic-speech-via-thuggish-un-dictates-commentary-by-adina-kutnicki/ …and their game plan is coming to fruition.

Exhibit Number Two: And proof of the above lies within Barack HUSSEIN Obama’s installation of Shariah Law all over the Arab/Muslim world – https://adinakutnicki.com/2012/12/26/the-leader-of-the-free-world-helps-install-shariah-law-all-over-the-mid-east-beyond-commentary-by-adina-kutnicki/in anticipation of the super power of the world becoming Shariah-compliant under his “guiding” hands.

Exhibit Number Three: Straight onto the chopping block are the First Amendment rights of American citizens, as criticizing ! Islam becomes a “crime” –  https://adinakutnicki.com/2012/12/22/first-amendment-rights-on-the-chopping-block-via-criminalizing-criticism-of-islam-addendum-to-shariah-law-its-silencing-of-all-dissent-commentary-by-adina-kutnicki/Holy Moses.

Exhibit Number Four: The end game is to strip away free speech, all in order to submit Americans (and the rest of the west will fall into line) to Sharia’s Blasphemy Laws –https://adinakutnicki.com/2012/12/15/shariah-law-its-silencing-of-all-dissent-its-encroachment-into-the-entire-west-commentary-by-adina-kutnicki/.

Exhibit Number Five: Is it any wonder that Holder’s DOJ imposed a MEGA mosque upon a community, even though citizens objected to its over the top plans within their community? – https://adinakutnicki.com/2012/12/31/a-radical-racialist-islamist-apologist-doj-imposes-a-mega-mosque-on-a-u-s-community-addendum-to-radical-in-chief-tasks-illegally-bent-ag-holder-to-criminalize-islamic-speech-commentary-by-adin/. It shouldn’t be.

Exhibit Number Six:  It is rightful to posit: Why is Congress giving “inquiring minds” the finger re Al-Jazeera, the Muslim Brotherhood’s tv front arm, as it forces its way into American airwaves, even as Shariah Law is its main objective? https://adinakutnicki.com/2013/02/25/congress-gives-inquiring-minds-the-finger-dont-dare-ask-questions-about-al-jazeera-the-tv-arm-of-the-brotherhood-mafias-propaganda-arsenal-commentary-by-adina-kutnicki/.

Exhibit Number Seven: Enter, Rep Louis Gohmert, as he pieces together the main beneficiaries of gun control – Shariah Law advocates – https://adinakutnicki.com/2013/03/02/explosive-dhs-insider-reveals-congressman-louie-gohmert-too-disarming-americans-gun-control-empowers-the-redgreen-alliancesharia-law-its-beneficiary-commentary-by-adina-kutnicki/.

Exhibit Number Eight: Besides, how dare anyone silence patriots, as they witness their country descending into the death grip of Islam? – https://adinakutnicki.com/2013/02/09/the-silencing-of-patriots-daring-to-criticize-islam-so-ordered-from-the-bowels-of-washington-commentary-by-adina-kutnicki/.

Exhibit Number Nine: Atop all the above outrages, CAIR is allowed to target Americans through constant bullying, as evidenced in their push into the Eastern District of Tennessee – https://adinakutnicki.com/2013/05/21/hamass-cair-its-targeted-american-bullying-their-commonality-with-communist-propagandists-commentary-by-adina-kutnicki/.


Social media postings that ‘violate civil rights’ subject to federal jurisdiction

Bloggers beware. And those who use email, too. And those on Facebook. And Twitter. And anyone else using social media: Diss a Muslim and the Department of Justice will be on your case with the full weight of federal law.

The Obama administration, which is launching a series of Muslim Outreach Summits so that Islamists can tell federal officials how they better can serve that community, says it also is holding educational outreaches to let people know that Internet postings that violate civil rights are subject to federal prosecution.

Bill Killian, U.S. attorney for the Eastern District of Tennessee, is scheduled to appear at an event sponsored by the American Muslim Advisory Council of Tennessee next week, and will “provide input on how civil rights can be violated by those who post inflammatory documents targeted at Muslims on social media,” according to a report in the Tullahoma News in Tennessee.

“This is an educational effort with civil rights laws as they play into freedom of religion and exercising freedom of religion,” he said. “This is also to inform the public what federal laws are in effect and what the consequences are.”

He said everyone needs to understand that Internet postings that violate civil rights are subject to federal jurisdiction.

After all, he said, while some Muslims may blow up buildings, hijack airliners and kill thousands, there are terrorists of other religions, too.

“[Oklahoma City bombers] Timothy McVeigh and Terry Nichols were both Christians as was the guy who shot up the Sikh temple [in Wisconsin],” Killian claimed.

The federal strategy immediately made the “Corruption Chronicles” feature assembled by officials at Judicial Watch, the corruption-fighting activists in Washington.

“In its latest effort to protect followers of Islam in the U.S. the Obama Justice Department warns against using social media to spread information considered inflammatory against Muslims, threatening that it could constitute a violation of civil rights,” the organization said.

Judicial Watch noted that the Obama administration already has reached out to personally reassure Muslims that the DOJ is protecting them. In that unprecedented move, Attorney General Eric Holder assured a San Francisco-based group called Muslim Advocates, which urges members not to cooperate with federal investigations, that he is grateful to have Muslims with which to partner.

The Obama administration also has hired a special Homeland Security adviser, Mohamed Elibiary, who openly supports an Islamist theologian who condemns U.S. prosecutions of terrorists, Judicial Watch said.

And the president has ordered the National Aeronautics and Space Administration to focus on Muslim diplomacy and officials with Homeland Security covertly have met with extremist Arab, Muslim and Sikh groups to talk about national security matters.

The State Department lent its weight by sending anti-America imam Feisal Abdul Rauf on a trip to the Middle East for outreach to Muslims.

Explained Judicial Watch, “Over the years, the Obama administration has embarked on a fervent crusade to befriend Muslims by creating a variety of outreach programs at a number of key federal agencies.”

Tullahoma News said Killian wants to let people know about Muslim culture and civil rights laws.

“We want to inform everybody about what the law is, but more importantly, we want to provide what the law means to Muslims, Hindus and every other religion in the country.

“It’s why we came here in the first place,” he continued. “In England, they were using Christianity to further their power in government. That’s why the First Amendment is there.”

WND had reported just a day earlier on the “Muslim Outreach Summits.”

WND initially discovered documents referring to the Muslim summits while examining a U.S. Department of Education procurement of data-gathering and report-writing services.

The services are specific to information being assembled by the White House Initiative on Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders, or WHIAAPI, which Obama created via executive order in 2009.

Upon closer inspection, however, WND learned that the Education Department explicitly will direct the selected contractor to chronicle findings and recommendations gleaned from the Muslim Outreach Summits.

The White House views this year’s venues as an extension of a previous outreach to “new immigrants and refugees – some of the most underserved in the AAPI community,” according to a document titled “WHIAAPI 2013 Faith-Based and Community Engagement.”

Complementing the prior effort will be the three “regional convenings,” tentatively scheduled June 15 in Chicago, June 22 in San Francisco and June 29 in New York City.

“These cities are main AAPI immigrant hubs and entry points for new immigrants/refugees,” according to a related document, “Questions Received from Vendors: Development and Preparation of the AAPI Annual Report to the President.”

“Each convening with [sic] include panel discussions/workshops with federal officials on key issues impacting the community and also an open-dialogue session to hear directly from the community about issues of concern.”

Sometime after the three Muslim Outreach Summits, the chosen contractor will develop and then present its summary report to the president and to newly appointed WHIAAPI commissioners.

The contracting action – the first of its kind since its inception in 2008 – will help lay the foundation for the initiative’s future work, the document says.


  •  It’s about time these poor folks got some protection from American bigots
  •  That’s what DOJ is for – to protect the civil rights of ALL Americans
  •  The First Amendment doesn’t protect ‘fighting words,’ so the DOJ should prosecute these violations
  •  It’s a prudent way to prevent violent hate crimes against Muslims
  •  This is a great policy and should be enforced against anyone who posts inflammatory messages against ANY religion
  •  Only right-wingers, bigots and conspiracy theorists would worry about this policy
  •  It’s another reason to unplug from such governnment-monitored platforms
  •  Hmmm. Just when did we give up the First Amendment?
  •  The next step: DOJ also institutes Shariah law and criminalizes ‘blasphemy’ of Muhammad
  •  The DOJ would never enforce such a policy if the attacks were against Christians, Jews and other religious groups
  •  This kind of political correctness and ‘multi-culturalism’ will be the death of our great nation
  •  Does this mean they will arrest IRS agents for targeting Jewish groups, too?
  •  This is just more proof the U.S. has descended into tyranny
  •  This is a religion whose adherents behead people, chop off hands and ‘honor-kill’ women, and what I SAY is inflammatory?
  •  Go ahead and prosecute me: We’ll see if bogus civil rights violations trump the First Amendment
  •  Other


It goes without saying, a DOJ which is mired in mega scandals, relative to muzzling free speech of journalists, all the while giving cover to a regime gone wild, is in ZERO position to place the handcuffs on any American who asserts their Constitutional right to free speech, or so one would think  (https://adinakutnicki.com/2013/05/29/irsgate-obama-inc-about-to-be-blown-wide-open-its-revolving-irs-door-commentary-by-adina-kutnicki/. But such a regime ignores all conventional wisdom, thus going for broke – https://adinakutnicki.com/2013/05/15/regime-gone-wild-obama-inc-repeatedly-caught-with-their-pants-down-where-is-this-leading-commentary-by-adina-kutnicki/).

Alas, their latest audacious move, found above, proves beyond a shadow of a doubt that turning the United States of America into Sharia Law-compliant is sacrosanct, and will forward march at ALL costs, as asserted herein – https://adinakutnicki.com/2012/12/22/first-amendment-rights-on-the-chopping-block-via-criminalizing-criticism-of-islam-addendum-to-shariah-law-its-silencing-of-all-dissent-commentary-by-adina-kutnicki/.

In this regard, this blog is warning, once again: your inherent freedoms are on the actual chopping block, slice by slice. And freedom of speech is the first, and most important, one they must grab. Its intrinsic import demands that all dissenters must be silenced and squashed. Are each of you ready to surrender? If not, what are you going to do to protect the hard fought, cherished liberties all Americans take for granted, as do most westerners? It’s your call. Your freedom is in the cross hairs.

Last but not least, a shout out to the oft mentioned “good ole’ boys”, you know, you guys (and gals) who are none too pleased to be pushed around by anyone’s radical dictates…perhaps a mass Facebook/social media campaign ought to “test” the waters. In this regard, let’s see if DOJ’s shock troops get their way. 

This blog is betting on a type of non-complacent American, one who intuits when their personal red lines of freedom are disappearing before their horrified eyes. 

REGIME GONE WILD: Obama Inc. Repeatedly Caught With Their Pants Down: Where Is This Leading? Commentary By Adina Kutnicki

Those of us who operate below the mainstream radar, aka within the “alternative media”, have their champions and detractors. And this is what it means to live in a free society. There is an implied contract; one is free to disagree, but without the threat of political axes hanging over ones head. In other words, there should be zero  tolerance for “cease and desist” – or else. On the other hand, if one lives within the confines of third world basket cases, chiefly under the boot of red/green regimes, well, watch your back. Good luck with that.

But it is not as if truckloads of evidence haven’t been visible to the leftward media, regarding the chilling effect brought to bear by Obama Inc’s minions (of which the media is paradoxically part of), demonstrably ordered by a POTUS gone wild. Of course, they are as pure as the driven snow, or so they opine.

As a matter of fact, this blog has repeatedly hammered the same theme, almost like a broken record. Others too. So for posterity use the following as a pivotal point of concern, even though reams of indictments have been amassed within said confines: yes, many Americans should have paid heed, instead of installing (with the assistance of Demster voter fraud) the most anti-American POTUS, bar none, for a second term into the People’s House as a human wrecking ball – https://adinakutnicki.com/2012/08/20/americans-hope-to-change-the-occupant-of-the-white-house-an-anti-american-potus-runs-an-un-american-campaign-commentary-by-adina-kutnicki/ . ….and this blog mourned his re-election – https://adinakutnicki.com/2012/11/07/the-day-liberty-died-the-west-truly-hangs-in-the-balance-commentary-by-adina-kutnicki/Nevertheless, crying over past mistakes is a fool’s errand. Time to rectify national interests.

Most tellingly, even media mouthpieces have their “tolerance” levels, and it appears that the hotter than hot Benghazigate scandal; the IRS’s hatchet jobs (which is not a new phenomenon, but is exponentially worse under the Radical-in-Chief…and his Columbia U nemesis “rooted” out the truth over 2 yrs ago – http://www.wnd.com/2013/05/obama-classmate-see-i-told-ya-so-about-irs/); plus prying en mass into journalists’ records is a tyranny too far, or so it seems. The most left leaning of their mouthpieces are on a tear, including MSNBC – http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ejq35pxItuo. And all major outlets are pouring gasoline on the Benghazigate fire – http://www.breitbart.com/Big-Journalism/2013/05/15/ABC-CNN-Call-For-White-House-To-Release-Libya-Emails. Don’t fall off your seats from their sudden “interest” in real journalistic integrity!

‘IRS officials in Washington were involved in targeting of conservative groups’

By  and , Published: May 13

Internal Revenue Service officials in Washington and at least two other offices were involved with investigating conservative groups seeking tax-exempt status, making clear that the effort reached well beyond the branch in Cincinnati that was initially blamed, according to documents obtained by The Washington Post.

IRS officials at the agency’s Washington headquarters sent queries to conservative groups asking about their donors and other aspects of their operations, while officials in the El Monte and Laguna Niguel offices in California sent similar questionnaires to tea-party-affiliated groups, the documents show.

IRS employees in Cincinnati told conservatives seeking the status of “social welfare” groups that a task force in Washington was overseeing their applications, according to interviews with the activists.

Lois G. Lerner, who oversees tax-exempt groups for the IRS, told reporters Friday that the “absolutely inappropriate” actions were undertaken by “front-line people” working in Cincinnati to target groups with “tea party,” “patriot” or “9/12” in their names.

In one instance, however, Ron Bell, an IRS employee, informed a lawyer representing a conservative group focused on voter fraud that the application was under review in Washington. On several other occasions, IRS officials in Washington and California sent conservative groups detailed questionnaires about their voter outreach and other activities, according to the documents.

“For the IRS to say it was some low-level group in Cincinnati is simply false,” said Cleta Mitchell, a partner in the law firm Foley & Lardner who sought to communicate with IRS headquarters about the delay in granting tax-exempt status to True the Vote.

Moreover, details of the IRS’s efforts to target conservative groups reached the highest levels of the agency in May 2012, far earlier than has been disclosed, according to Republican congressional aides briefed by the IRS and the Treasury Inspector General for Tax Administration ­(TIGTA) on the details of their reviews…….


Even the Huffster is getting in on the act, yet still trying to explain away the meaning of “is” – http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2013/05/14/ap-phone-records-carl-bernstein-nixonian_n_3271542.html?utm_hp_ref=media&icid=maing-grid7%7Cmain5%7Cdl1%7Csec1_lnk2%26pLid%3D312774. Tightening the noose…and the day keeps getting sweeter…”Just days after news broke that the IRS targeted conservative nonprofits, Speaker John Boehner’s House committees will morph into mock courtrooms where the White House will be the defendant in what amounts to a number of high-stakes political trials.” – http://beforeitsnews.com/global-unrest/2013/05/obama-becomes-nixon-as-benghazigate-evidence-becomes-overwhelming-2455008.html?utm_medium=verticalresponse&utm_content=beforeit39snews-verticalresponse&utm_term=http%3A%2F%2Fb4in.info%2Fg4jV&utm_campaign=&utm_source=direct-b4in.info. Realize its import… when weepy-eyed Boehner grows a pair, then you know that there is little heavy lifting left to be done. He is not a manly man, that’s for sure.

Let us not bypass the countless criminal elements within AG Holder’s halls of injustice, and this blog’s indictments have been crystal clear and minced no words- https://adinakutnicki.com/2012/12/31/a-radical-racialist-islamist-apologist-doj-imposes-a-mega-mosque-on-a-u-s-community-addendum-to-radical-in-chief-tasks-illegally-bent-ag-holder-to-criminalize-islamic-speech-commentary-by-adin/. Rife within can be found blatant crimes, and “lesser” mortals would have landed in jail for several lifetimes. Yup. But Holder & gang charge forward…oblivious to the “rule of law”…the “laws of the land”! The Criminal-in-Chief has their backs.


By MARK SHERMAN, May 13, 2013

WASHINGTON (AP) — The Justice Department secretly obtained two months of telephone records of reporters and editors for The Associated Press in what the news cooperative’s top executive called a “massive and unprecedented intrusion” into how news organizations gather the news.

The records obtained by the Justice Department listed outgoing calls for the work and personal phone numbers of individual reporters, for general AP office numbers in New York, Washington and Hartford, Conn., and for the main number for the AP in the House of Representatives press gallery, according to attorneys for the AP. It was not clear if the records also included incoming calls or the duration of the calls.

In all, the government seized the records for more than 20 separate telephone lines assigned to AP and its journalists in April and May of 2012. The exact number of journalists who used the phone lines during that period is unknown, but more than 100 journalists work in the offices where phone records were targeted, on a wide array of stories about government and other matters.

In a letter of protest sent to Attorney General Eric Holder on Monday, AP President and Chief Executive Officer Gary Pruitt said the government sought and obtained information far beyond anything that could be justified by any specific investigation. He demanded the return of the phone records and destruction of all copies.

“There can be no possible justification for such an overbroad collection of the telephone communications of The Associated Press and its reporters. These records potentially reveal communications with confidential sources across all of the newsgathering activities undertaken by the AP during a two-month period, provide a road map to AP’s newsgathering operations and disclose information about AP’s activities and operations that the government has no conceivable right to know,” Pruitt said.

The government would not say why it sought the records. Officials have previously said in public testimony that the U.S. attorney in Washington is conducting a criminal investigation into who may have provided information contained in a May 7, 2012, AP story about a foiled terror plot. The story disclosed details of a CIA operation in Yemen that stopped an al-Qaida plot in the spring of 2012 to detonate a bomb on an airplane bound for the United States….read the whole thing, but don’t be sidetracked by the nonsense spewed by Obama Inc., that they were only going after leakers of national secrets. That’s a hoot, considering the fact that it is their internal surrogates who continually leak sensitive operations for political expediency, even while American lives are in danger. Yet their media whores are more than willing to do their bidding, but only if they aren’t the targets. The utter gall…but they are hardly the only targets in the Liar-in-Chief and his bent-AG’s (tapping) sights – http://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2013/05/breaking-holder-justice-department-also-tapped-house-of-representatives-cloak-room/


Inherently, it must be understood that America’s PC-driven media (as in most of the west) is not catching up to speed out of moral considerations. Not at all. More to the point, they are attempting to swim back to shore, hoping to latch onto a life raft. They finally understand that standing beside Obama is akin to swimming in the deepest of shark-infested waters, sans a life raft. Now, even though this blog consistently tarred them as morally bankrupt, it has never been the case that they were called stupid. As such, they are hopping off a sinking ship, as opportunists are wont to do.

Even more so, imagine their outrage – even foaming at the mouth – now that they finally ! realize they have been played like fiddles, as Obama’s goons, via AG Holder’s Dept of (in)Justice, peered into their underbelly.Kismet. Nevertheless, this blog eschews any tears shed on their behalf. Don’t even think about it.  NEVER forget their treachery, and the part they played in bringing the Radical/Islamist-in-Chief to power. Sorry won’t cut it, apologies not accepted – http://www.washingtonpost.com/blogs/post-partisan/wp/2013/05/13/the-insiders-the-obama-irs-nightmare-is-just-getting-started/

And hell has indeed frozen over, as Chris Matthews, yes, the leg tingler, lashes out – http://www.politico.com/blogs/media/2013/05/chris-matthews-sours-on-obama-164095.html.

And to Obama Inc: hell hath no fury like patriots scorned!