BEHEADING(s) Of Americans Land At Obama’s Door:Evidence (Heads) Piling Up! Commentary By Adina Kutnicki

american james foley 7

{re-blogged at Islam Exposed}

{re-blogged at Joe For America}

PAR for the course (and not the golf one), as an investigative journalist, shout outs in this direction from certain quarters are elicited for this and that. In return, quid pro quos ping-pong back and forth. Yes, this is the way info is developed – some of which is highly explosive – and occasionally never sees the light of day for various reasons. 

BE that as it may, it is due to the above (having nothing to do with this blogger’s charming personality) that particular geo-political global Editors, in tandem with other investigative journalists, seek out this address. In this regard, once news of the Islamic State’s first American beheading reached the desks of the aforementioned Editors, more than one asked for an analysis. They were accommodated. But of special note was a “tag team” interview, in tandem with Dave Gaubatz, conducted at Inquisitr; a powerhouse global website based in the U.S. Yet, the question becomes: why is this even being noted? For damn good reason….

IT has been a recurrent thesis at this site (and the aforementioned contacts were the first to be apprised of its underlying basis) that the Islamist/Jihadi-in-Chief – a moniker which is well-earned –  is in sync with Islamic jihad in general, whether from the Sunni or Shia side. This is indisputable and the evidence is overwhelming.

NOT for nothing, it has also been a consistent charge: the Islamic State was strengthening in the Mid East sphere, well before Barack HUSSEIN Obama precipitously removed U.S. troops from Iraq. Why would he leave this opening, especially after so much U.S. blood and treasure was spilled to keep Iraq from imploding? Indeed, if one understands what constitutes geo-political knock-on effects, assuredly, the outcome was pre-ordained. Consequently, a tailwind was purposefully given to its ascendancy (via the Muslim Brotherhood Mafia), when he entered an illegal war in Libya aka Benghazigate, one which was designed to give legs up to his Brotherhood Mafia in Syria, Egypt and Iraq.

WITH the above background in mind, the stage was set for a full prong interview at Inquisitr. Of special added emphasis re today’s thesis: absolutely, the Islamist-in-Chief knew about the Islamic State’s rise; his admin became clued in to the fact that journalists/hostages were taken; and also knew where they were and that their fate would be beheading! Okay?

Tuesday, September 2, the Islamist butchers of ISIS beheaded Steven Sotloff, a captured American journalist. Sotloff, who was kidnapped last year in Syria, was forced to read a statement condemning America, and then his throat was slowly cut with a hunting knife until his head was removed from his body. Of course, apologists for Islam will shout to the heavens that ISIS does not represent Islam, but it is becoming harder.

President Obama would have us believe Islam is truly the Religion of Peace. He condemned ISIS as completely un-Islamic when he spoke about their beheading of American journalist James Foley, before returning to the golf course to complete his round.

“So ISIL speaks for no religion. Their victims are overwhelmingly Muslim, and no faith teaches people to massacre innocents. No just God would stand for what they did yesterday, and for what they do every single day. ISIL has no ideology of any value to human beings. Their ideology is bankrupt. They may claim out of expediency that they are at war with the United States or the West, but the fact is they terrorize their neighbors and offer them nothing but an endless slavery to their empty vision, and the collapse of any definition of civilized behavior.”

Yet Obama, who openly declares his love for the Qur’an after studying Islam since his childhood, certainly should know Islam’s Holy Book actually encourages the behavior of ISIS.

Quran (8:12) – “I will cast terror into the hearts of those who disbelieve. Therefore strike off their heads and strike off every fingertip of them”

The viewpoint of ISIS echos throughout the Islamic world. Mawlana Abul Ala Mawdudi, founder of Pakistan’s Islamic Fundamentalist Movement, which boasts hundreds of thousands of members, spoke openly and honestly about the religion of Islam.

“Islam is a revolutionary faith that comes to destroy any government made by man. Islam doesn’t look for a nation to be in better condition than another nation. Islam doesn’t care about the land or who own the land. The goal of Islam is to rule the entire world and submit all of mankind to the faith of Islam. Any nation or power in this world that tries to get in the way of that goal, Islam will fight and destroy.”

While we can always agree to disagree on religious interpretation, Obama has a history of deliberately distorting or misrepresenting the Qur’an, and he lied to the world with his ‘Islam Is The Religion Of Peace” comments after the Boston Marathon bombings. David Wood produced an absolutely outstanding video on Obama’s post-bombing comments and made of a mockery of the President’s dishonest speech about “Peaceful Islam.” Every single American needs to watch this video and find out for themselves about the never ending program of Islamic deception that goes all the way to the Oval Office of Barack Hussein Obama.

To further illuminate the difficult subjects we are discussing, we asked Israeli journalist Adina Kutnicki and American investigator and security specialist David Gaubatz to weigh in on the threat from ISIS and the expanding Islamist army.

Adina is an expert on the Muslim Brotherhood and her previous interview about the expansionist ideology of the organization sent shockwaves across the internet. Adina is an editor of several websites that examine the growing violence in the name of Islam, and she is the creator of a popular Israeli blog. Her insights into the conflict between Israel and the Islamic terrorists of Muslim Brotherhood, Hamas and the Palestinian Authority will give our readers an opportunity to find out the truth about the Middle East without the Israel bashing propaganda of the mainstream media.

Hamas executes a man they claim was an Israeli collaborator. He received no trial and his body was dragged through the streets of Gaza after he was shot several times.

David Gaubatz is the author of a book about the Council on American–Islamic Relations and the Islamic infiltration of America, Muslim Mafia: Inside the Secret Underworld That’s Conspiring to Islamize America. Gaubatz is a U.S. State Department-trained Arabic linguist and a retired Federal Agent with the U.S. Air Force Office of Special Investigations (AFOSI). With over three decades of combined experience, his career has led him on missions spanning the Middle East — from Saudi Arabia, Jordan, and Kuwait to Iraq. As a Special Federal Agent, he has received the highest forms of U.S. security clearances for top-secret intelligence information — including for weapons of mass destruction and espionage — and has been briefed into many black projects.

Since leaving the government, Mr.Gaubatz has dedicated himself to exposing the Islamists who are infiltrating our nation at the highest levels. He is the Director of the Mapping Shariah Project, one of the few organizations willing to speak openly about Islam’s subversive activities in America. The project was funded by the Center for Security Policy to investigate what was being taught at Mosques across the United States. The information uncovered by Mr. Gaubatz and his investigators will frighten and outrage most freedom loving Americans, while the apologists for Islam will ignore every fact and scream Islamophobe until our ears bleed.

We can no longer afford to disregard the Islamic aspect of the violence we are witnessing in the Middle East, Asia and Africa. Nor can we ignore the constant agitation in the name of Allah we are witnessing from Muslim immigrants across the continent of Europe, complete with a 350 percent increase in attacks on Jews in 2014 and the growth of major Muslim no-go zones in many of Europe’s major cities.

Perhaps some of us prefer to ignore the chaos we are witnessing in our world today or write it off as an insignificant threat. If that is your opinion, consider the following facts. While it would still be a serious problem for the world at large, even if Islamists were just terrorists and numbered only in the thousands, most reports indicate that about 15 percent or about 200 million Muslims are radicalized and support organizations like ISIS, Hamas, al Qaeda, and Hezbollah. Even among so-called Moderate Muslims, support for Sharia Law, along with all of its draconian punishments that include stoning, amputation of limbs and the death penalty for leaving Islam, is alarmingly high, surpassing 80 percent in Egypt, Jordan and Pakistan.

Now, after six years of President Obama doing everything in his power to promote a positive image of Islam, while absolutely refusing to acknowledge the violent expansionist ideology and the obscene hostility to so-called Infidels openly voiced by many Muslims in the 57 Islamic nations, we are faced with an Islamic army of 20,000 well trained fighters armed with modern heavy weapons and assets of over one billion dollars. They control large portions of Iraq and have made considerable advances into Libya and Syria.

While criticism of Islam may not be a popular subject among the political elite, we can no longer afford to pretend Islamists are not a threat to the entire human race. How many more people must die at the hands of Jihadists, who read chapter and verse from the Qur’an as they behead and crucify, before our leaders stop lying to us and speak the truth about the expansionist goals of Islam? How many more Christians will join the millions already living in fear wherever Muslims are in the majority? How many more nations will be consumed by chaos by people waving a Qur’an before our duplicitous leaders finally acknowledge the elephant in the room?

While the outlook may be glum and uncertain, I have invited two acknowledged experts on Political Islam, Sharia Law and Jihad to join the discussion and provide information and answers. We will begin with David Gaubatz, followed by our friend from the Holy Land, Adina Kutnicki……

Wolff Bachner: Before we begin, I would like to thank you for your service to our country, your unwavering support for the Jewish state of Israel and your courageous work to bring the truth about Islam and Jihad to the public. While the elitists and apologists do their damnedest to hide and suppress any criticism of Islam, you refuse to be silenced and continue to expose the authentic Qur’anic roots of the modern Islamists with their many millions of supporters throughout the Muslim world and their endless religious violence.

Sadly, the shedding of innocent blood has increased to frightening levels recently, and we must begin our discussion by telling our readers about the terrible fate of James Foley and the inexcusable, pathetic response of President Obama.

As soon as the news broke that James Foley had been beheaded by ISIS, Obama interrupted his golf game to go on TV and claim that he ordered a secret special-ops rescue mission that failed several weeks before the murder of Foley.

Why would any Commander-in-Chief reveal a failed rescue mission at any time, no less when there are still live American hostages in the hands of ISIS?

Do you believe there actually was a rescue mission or is Obama trying to cover his butt for his abject failure to recognize and deal with the threat of ISIS?

As former military man and security expert with years of experience in Iraq and impeccable connections, do you have any concrete evidence that Obama is lying about the rescue mission?

David Gaubatz: If this question were posed to me when any other President was in charge I would take the word of the President. Obama is different. It has been shown over and over that Obama is a pathological liar. Obama is narcissistic. I have thought about this issue for a while and have went back and forth analyzing the pros and cons of releasing information about a failed rescue mission.

Based on my prior years working in the Department of Defense, a mission of this category would have been classified ‘Top Secret’. The utmost care is used by U.S. Security professionals (and I believe even more so by Israeli Counter-terrorism professionals) to safeguard the intelligence pertaining to rescue missions. I can’t imagine any reason to broadcast a failed rescue mission. Even more so that the hostage takers are Islamic based terrorists.

I am positive that based on my own experience in hostage rescue missions in the Middle East there were CIA and DOD counter-terrorism professionals who developed excellent rescue plans to secure the release of James Foley. They would have made very specific plans and would have put a timeline on each action that needed to be carried out. With most U.S. National Security matters Obama is slow in reviewing the plans, made significant changes to the original plan presented to him, and failed to carry out the mission by the timeframe the counter-terrorism planners had advised. Obama has routinely been behind the curve on reacting to security issues.

It is likely he did approve a rescue plan for Foley, but per the norm he second guessed the intelligence officials and had someone like Eric Holder (U.S. Attorney General) adjust the plan to make it more pleasing to liberals. Obama would have also wanted to inflict the least amount of damage to the Islamic captors and thus would have scaled down the amount of force, firepower, and personnel. After Obama and Holder changed the original plan, it would be stretching it to say Obama authorized any kind of true rescue mission. It was likely a failed mission from the start and few counter-terrorism professionals would have endorsed it, but Obama has put fear into the U.S. military’s top leaders and they would not openly voice their concerns because it would end their careers……{continue reading the whole gory truth….}

AS to the latest post interview (9/3/14) charges…..

IT is manifestly irrelevant who wielded the knife in each and every beheading, simply because assisting killing machines also entails affording them the freedom to continue unabated.

IF as a matter of U.S. law the Bastard-in-Chief is not technically a legal accomplice to murder, he (and his gangster regime) is indeed morally culpable and must be held accountable.

WHATEVER it takes….  



Jihadi-In-Chief’s Outreach To U.S. Islamist Mosques/Leaders:”Islam Is A Religion Of Peace”.Piercing The Islamic Veil Of Deadly Deceit…Commentary By Adina Kutnicki

in the name of allah

{re-blogged at Joe For America}

FOR the umpteenth time, without piercing the veil upon the most deceptive weapon of all time, “Islam Is A Religion Of Peace” (fully elucidated within this linked interview), its adherents will continue – without pause – to devastate the world upon its altar. Free rein.

British aid worker Alan Henning has been beheaded by Jihadi John in an ISIS video posted online 

At the end of the footage American war veteran Peter Kassig is shown and threatened with the same fate

NOW, before we go to the crux of the matter, it is important for you to view the following short clip. Why? It will pierce the veil even further! Promise. 

ALAS, from the get go, the Jihad-in-Chief is hardly the sole White House resident who lies about this worldwide danger. So too did President Bush, and it was right after 9/11/01! However, there are many important distinctions between the two, least of which is that Bush is (basically) a patriot, regardless of his disgraceful Allah-wash re Islam. Let’s leave that for another discussion. But do recall, he is a deep aficionado of the New World Order, as is his father, a real anti-nationalist. One dovetails the other.

MOST trenchantly, it has been reported that Barack HUSSEIN Obama became enraged (what a shock…) at a recent Pentagon briefing, when he perceived Islam was faulted for this and that. Okay now.

Within seconds, Barack Obama returned again to the just concluded briefing, pointing at the still seated Pentagon staff and indicating how “inappropriate” it was to try and paint all of Islam with the same brush.” The president repeated similar remarks, his mood going from agitation to outrage. His voice carried to several other West Wing offices.

The senior adviser, who did not originally return with the president into the briefing, suddenly re-appeared alongside him,  as well as the president’s personal aide. She was smiling, and telling everyone “we’re done here” which she repeated several times and then led the president back out into the hallway…..

IT gets worse, if your heart can withstand it. Just stiffen your spine, and then deconstruct his Orwellian U.N. speech, another atrocity, none of which resembled reality :

At the same time, we have reaffirmed that the United States is not and never will be at war with Islam. Islam teaches peace. Muslims the world over aspire to live with dignity and a sense of justice. And when it comes to America and Islam, there is no us and them – there is only us, because millions of Muslim Americans are part of the fabric of our country.

So we reject any suggestion of a clash of civilizations. Belief in permanent religious war is the misguided refuge of extremists who cannot build or create anything, and therefore peddle only fanaticism and hate. And it is no exaggeration to say that humanity’s future depends on us uniting against those who would divide us along fault lines of tribe or sect; race or religion….

AS to the remainder of his scripted lies, nothing more than lipstick on a rotting pig. Thus, when the leader of the heretofore free world views his role as an apologist for Islam, and insists that America IS a Muslim nation, well, what else needs to be said? 

Pointedly, the Jihadi-in-Chief dispatched a White House rep to reassure – sending them a THANK YOU NOTE – the mosque’s adherents in Oklahoma City, you know, those who indoctrinated the recent beheader! He is letting them know that they are an integral fabric of the American landscape and to have no worries. He has their backs. You got that? Are you feeling woozy yet? 

THEREFORE, is it any wonder why paying heed to the likes of Prof Paul Eidelberg, a true patriot (an American-Israeli), an absolute scholar, a renaissance man to boot, is necessary for the west’s survival? No exaggeration.

On Muslims and Islam

Prof. Paul Eidelberg

Part I. A Candid View of Muslims and Islam

Professor Bernard Lewis, the doyen of Islamic studies, recognized that overweening arrogance is characteristic of Muslim culture. From Lewis we learn that the worshippers of the Quran are so proud of their own perfection that Islam is “impervious to external stimuli.”

Thanks to Islam’s theological mentors, even illiterate Muslims despise non-Muslims as “dogs.” Of course, not every Muslim has been corrupted by Islam.

Islam did not distort the mind of the great Arab philosopher al-Farabi (d. 950), who was a Muslim in dress only. To avoid the punishment of death as an apostate, al-Farabi wrote a book on Plato and Aristotle in an esoteric form to conceal his contempt for Islam on the one hand, and his admiration of those Greek philosophers on the other.

In the present age, however, despite our vaunted freedom of speech and press, hardly any scholar questions the veracity of Islam. The typical academic translates Islam into “Islamism,” and to avoid harassment, he obscures the true nature of Islam by speaking of “radical” Islam as if the adjective and noun were separable.

Hence it’s surprising that Wikipedia had the candor and courage to report: “In an attempt to polish Islam’s image, Muslim activists usually quote verses from the Qur’an that were written … while Mohammed lived in Mecca. Those passages make Islam appear loving and harmless because they call for love, peace and patience. Such is a deception. The activists fail to tell gullible people that such verses, though still in the Qur’an, were nullified, abrogated, rendered void by later passages that incite killing, decapitations, maiming, terrorism and religious intolerance. The latter verses were penned while Mohammed’s headquarters was based in Medina.”

Islam has been sanitized by academia. Despite the murderous hatred purveyed in the Qur’an, which exalts the Muslim who “slays and is slain” for Allah (Sura 9:111), Islam is usually painted with linguistic camouflage to safeguard the reputations of professors, journalists, and politicians who fear being accused of racism, bigotry, or Islamophobia – perhaps of being beheaded.

To his great credit, the illustrious al-Farabi renounced Islam because of its contempt for reason and violent theology.  This is why Islam was rejected by the outstanding and exceptional Arab historian and sociologist Ibn Khaldun (1332–1406), who dared write that Arabs are a savage people, and that “savagery” describes their inherent character.

Al-Farabi and Ibn Khladun merely affirmed the judgment of two of the greatest philosophers of the Middle Ages, Maimonides and Thomas Aquinas.  Given the superlative credentials of these theologians and philosophers, what are we to say of Maimonides’ “Epistle to Yemen,” where he refers to Muhammad as a “Madman and an imbecile”?

And Aquinas, who says this of Islam’s prophet in the Summa Contra Gentiles: “He seduced the people by promises of carnal pleasures … His teachings also contained precepts that were in conformity with [such] promises … the truths that he taught [in the Quran] were mingled with many fables and with doctrines of the greatest falsity… he perverts almost all the testimonies of the Old and New Testaments by making them fabrications of his own, as can be seen by anyone who examines his law. It was, therefore, a shrewd decision on his part to forbid his followers to read the Old and New Testaments, lest these books convict him of falsity.”

Were Maimonides and Aquinas afflicted by Islamophobia? Were al-Farabi and Ibn Khladun?

What is it but fear or a lack of intellectual integrity magnified by the contemptible academic doctrine of moral and cultural relativism that stifles the truth about Islam, which Winston Churchill the greatest scourge of mankind, a scourge not to be obscured or minimized by gracious acknowledgment that, thanks to God, not all Muslims are jihadists?

Part II. Obscuring the Truth about Islam

Ever since he became Israel’s Prime Minister in 1995, Benjamin Netanyahu has taken the easy path of “political correctness.” Like countless others, he has obscured the plain truth that peace between Israel and the Palestinian Authority (PA) is not possible. Not possible because the PA consists of Muslims, disciples of Muhammad, who taught his disciples, there can be no peace between Muslims and “infidels.”

But all of a sudden ISIS, the Islamic State of IRAQ and SYRIA, removed the veil of lies. At last our opinion makers have begun to reveal the truth – or as much as they can grasp of the truth. They are beginning to identify the enemy of civilization.

The identity of that enemy was obscured the day after 9/11, thanks very much to the President of the United States, George Bush, who called Islam as a “religion of peace.” This he said about Islam while Muslims throughout the world were gleefully celebrating the cruel deaths of the 3,000 victims of 9/11 in the name of Islam’s deity “Allah the compassionate,” to quote the words of what President Barack Obama calls the “Holy Qur’an.”

It took ISIS and its decapitation of James Foley, an American journalist, to arouse in the timid enough courage to identify America’s enemy, Islam – twelve years after the beheading of Daniel Pearl, theWall Street Journal reporter executed in Pakistan in 2002.

Yes, the enemy is Islam is ISLAM – ISLAM pure and simple, and not any of the abbreviated or “politically correct” versions of ISLAM used by academics, journalists, politicians, and political scientists to avoid being accused of “Islamophobia” or racism.

ISIS has revealed that the “religion of peace” is unadulterated barbarism that uses the veneer of monotheism to avoid being identified as paganism.

One scholar has come close to defining Islam as “monotheistic idolatry,” which makes Allah so absolute that there is no room for human freedom or human creativity, as we learn from Genesis 1:26-27 of man’s creation in the image of God – a concept that Muslim theologians deem blasphemous.

Given its mantra of death, Islam may be defined as the “religion of nihilism,” of nothingness or of absolute darkness.  It is the light of reason that separates and distinguishes one thing from another. Death is the dissolution of all distinctions.

Islam’s mantra of death is the deadliest form of nihilism. Nihilism rejects the role of reason in human affairs because reason, as Whitehead has said, is the “organ of emphasis on novelty.”  “Throw reason to the dogs,” said a placard of Taliban, thus denying that which distinguishes the human from the subhuman. The logic is inescapable: Islam’s rejection of reason renders Islam subhuman! If empirical evidence is wanted, enough to mention Hamas’ use of its own children as human shields, surpassing the evil of the Nazis.

When President Ronald Reagan called the Soviet Union the “Evil Empire,” he deflated Communism. No longer was it deemed worthy of respect and admiration; it was an abomination. Islam should also be treated as an abomination. For evidence, enough to cite the February 21, 2007 issue of FrontPage Magazine, which reported that Muslims have slaughtered approximately 270 million people – Christians and Jews, Hindus and Zoroastrians and countless other “infidels” – since the ascendancy of Islam’s role model, Muhammad.

Urgently needed, especially in Israel, is the truth about Israel’s Islamic enemies. Israeli prime ministers prefer to obscure the truth lest it shatter their “politically correct” drivel about the “peace process” with an enemy that exalts war and the shedding of Jewish blood.

Prime Minister Golda Meir is famous for having been “the only man in her Cabinet.” Why? She shunned “political correctness.” Truth was her strong card, especially the truth about Israel’s sworn enemies: “I have never doubted for an instant that the true aim of the Arab states has always been, and still is, the total destruction of the State of Israel, or that even if we had gone back far beyond the 1967 lines to some miniature enclave, they would not still have tried to eradicate it and us…. It is our duty to realize this truth; it is our duty to make it clear to all men of good will who tend to ignore it.  We need to [face] this truth in all its gravity, so that we may continue to mobilize from among ourselves and the Jewish people all the resources necessary to overcome our enemies” (My Life, 1975). That was Golda, the only man in her Cabinet. Now we have BB.◙

NOW that Prof Eidelberg’s pearls of wisdom have been absorbed (recall his association to this blog), it should be beyond obvious what has to be done: Islam, as a “religion”, must be deconstructed. As such, eradicating Shariah law from western soil – initially within the court of public opinion – is mandatory. Let them do whatever the hell they want in Muslim nations, who cares… What matters is that its basis is diametrically opposed to America’s Constitutional laws of the land, regardless of what the fifth column thinks. Beyond a doubt, Islamic leaders in America (those who are pulling the strings at the White House, no less) are VERY overt about their lack of loyalty. Are they NOT the definition of a fifth column?


ONCE Islam is revealed for what it is – a clear and present western danger – wiping out its terror havens will become a necessary response to save western civilization. What could be more important? Not much.

ASSUREDLY, it’s a Herculean task. However, saving the west is not for the weak-willed or weak-kneed. It requires millions of dedicated patriots to forge ahead, despite all obstacles.

SIGNIFICANTLY, once Islamists realize that the west will no longer be held hostage to the idée fixe, Islam is “peaceful” – let alone being anything but a war-like political weapon masked under the guise of religion – they will have little option but to cease and desist. It will take years, but it will happen.

BESIDES, what’s the alternative? And will history forgive this generation for handing America’s keys to freedom and liberty over to monstrous barbarians – the likes of which are unparalleled in history – only to destroy the west in the process?