DHS (Black) Employee, In Charge Of PROCURING Weaponry, Caught Inciting Race War! What’s Going On? Commentary By Adina Kutnicki

Most are familiar with the expression, ‘caught with one’s pants down’. Generally, it is used to paint the picture of a wayward spouse/boyfriend when found in a compromising affair, whether ongoing or a one night stand. To evoke even starker images – although highly nauseating – think of Anthony Weiner, as he (AND his hyper politically-charged, Muslim Brotherhood/Sisterhood connected diva wife, Huma Abedin) attempts to wipe away his stained behavior. NOT at this site.

Nevertheless, there are other usages for the above imaging, and its essence revolves around (seemingly) inexplicable behavior, but suddenly making sense via the ‘ahh’ (mental) light bulb. Such is the case when the following is absorbed:

Indictment Number One: Obama Inc. is hell bent on inciting a race war within America. Little more evidence is needed to secure said charge.

Indictment Number Two: Domestic upheaval, via a race war and targeting patriots/vetsis necessary for their end goals. 

Indictment Number Three: Plus, what is needed most to get the job done? Billions of rounds of ammo, and then some.

Indictment Number Four: NSAgate and its unfettered DOMESTIC spying excludes the Muslim America community – they are off bounds – so ordered by Eric Holder, the head of the Dept of (in)Justice. Is a political dissident’s list (read: patriotic Americans) their target? Yup.

Next stop: the meat.

DHS employee behind website promoting race war on paid leave


FILE: U.S. Department of Homeland Security emblem is pictured at the National Cybersecurity & Communications Integration Center in Arlington, Va.

The Department of Homeland Security said Friday that an employee who runs a racist website predicting and advocating a race war has been put on paid administrative leave.
Ayo Kimathi, an acquisitions officer for Immigration and Customs Enforcement who is in charge of buying weapons and ammunition for the government, operates the website named “War on the Horizon.” It includes descriptions of an “unavoidable, inevitable clash with the white race.” Kimathi is black.

Kimathi, who calls himself the “Irritated Genie,” told his supervisors that the website was set up to sell concert and lecture videos.

Kimathi has been with the department since 2009. His website criticizes whites, gays, those of mixed race, and blacks who integrate with whites. The Southern Poverty Law Center, which monitors hate groups, earlier this week reported on Kimathi’s role in running the site.

The report showed the site’s content strayed far beyond concert promotion, warning about a coming race war. The website declares, “in order for Black people to survive the 21st century, we are going to have to kill a lot of whites – more than our Christian hearts can possibly count,” the Alabama-based SPLC said in its report.

One of Kimathi’s former supervisors at DHS told SPLC’s Hatewatch that, “Everybody is the office is afraid of him,” and that his co-workers are “afraid he will come in with a gun and someday go postal.”

The supervisor, who was not named, continued, “I am astounded he’s employed by the federal government, let alone Homeland Security.”

Kimathi reportedly got the go-ahead from the government to create and maintain his website. That’s because as a law enforcement agency employee, he is required to get permission in writing if he engages in outside activities which includes everything from working a second job to volunteering.

The SPLC says Kimathi obtained official permission but did it by misrepresenting the true nature of his site.

“He told management that it was an entertainment website selling videos of concerts and lectures,” the report said. “He called it simply WOH, never saying that WOH stood for War on the Horizon.”

ICE spokeswoman Gillian Christensen said in a written statement this week that the agency “does not condone any type of hateful rhetoric or advocacy of violence of any kind against anyone.”

Kimathi hasn’t responded to email and phone calls requesting comment.

Fellow patriots, now that you have become privy to the above, how safe do you feel knowing that Obama Inc. – in actual word and deed – is inciting to a race war, and has tasked DHS to procure billions of ‘unexplained’ ammo? Yet, the question remains: to what end? In a nutshell, to bring down America, that’s what!

Think of it this way: if someone with this blogger’s online profile (don’t point fingers in this direction) worked for DHS, surely it would be their duty to do their due diligence and decide if certain duties should be executed by others. Extrapolating further, would said DHS supervisors task this hypothetical ‘so and so’, to head up a team designed for ‘dialogue’ between the Muslim American community on DHS’s behalf? Through facilitating a cursory online search (a middle schooler could help them, if incapable), wouldn’t a policy paper, akin to Islam and Blood, give them a clue as to where this (again, hypothetical) employee’s understanding lies? Namely, that Islam IS incompatible with western norms/values and there is NO point in feigning otherwise. You get the drift.

Now, since DHS is rumored to be tasked with ferreting out intelligence matters, shouldn’t they know who’s who, at least within their employ?

One would think.

So, they are either truly incompetent or highly malignant in their intent, as ‘protectors’ of the homeland. This blog veers towards malignant, even if they missed the boat on their employee’s ‘race war’ website! Paradoxically, it would make them BOTH incompetent and malignant, since ‘hiding in plain sight’ is impossible while on the web (this blogger knows it for a fact!). At the very least, they instinctively knew about his absolute hatred of ‘White America’; his racism, website savvy beside the point. 

Guess what? Hiring a Black Panther for the job would have made much more sense. After all, they worked side by side with the Weathermen, Billy boy Ayers and his domestic bombers in the 1960’s and 1970’s, and both groups are still plotting against America, but under different (leftist ‘koshered’) garb.The aforementioned domestic terrorists make no bones about their plans; goals which their good buddy, Barack HUSSEIN Obama, seems inclined to agree/support. After all, select Black Panthers (and Weathermen) have a revolving door relationship at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue !