America’s Deconstruction Complete Under Obama.Rule of Law Gutted.Where Is The Nation Heading? Commentary By Adina Kutnicki

Umar Lee

Photo of Ferguson activist Umar Lee, a Muslim who threatened to behead people in September.

with Rep Ellison

Umar Lee with Rep. Ellison, also a Muslim

{re-blogged under Joe For America}

{re-blogged at Islam Exposed}

THE deconstruction of traditional America did not start under Barack HUSSEIN Obama, but it will cement itself under his reign. This is not for nothing. Who better than a Marxist, socialist, communist-leaning, racial hybrid and Islamic-infused POTUS to seal its fate? You think?

AS a side note, and not to roam too far afield mentally, does anyone believe that teaching kiddies in the 4th/5th grade about the “safe” practice of anal sex came about out of thin air? 

BUT never mind their denials…blah, blah…now that Chicago’s social engineers (of all places, what a shock) got caught with their pants down. Well, unabashedly, they claim it was a mistake that said material got included in the curriculum. Yes, Snopes chimed in and reiterated that it was half true and half false. Factually, Snopes has been known to fudge certain truths and to label them “rumors”. And so it shall be believed. Decreed.

STILL, before we delve into the heart of the matter, it is imperative that the overall public takes note: the mocking of Christianity and Judaism, the cornerstones of traditional America, became a core component to the purposeful destruction since the 1950’s. Moreover, its disastrous results will be the same, whether one is a firm traditional believer or a secular patriot. Don’t forget this.

AND the very fact that the Dictator-in-Chief is declaring executive amnesty for millions of illegals, well, that too is not incidental to the aforementioned decades-in-the-making deconstruction. Its tipping point, regardless of anything else, requires flooding the nation with those whose allegiance lies elsewhere, in addition to the infiltration and penetration of terrorists and criminal elements. A cooked up recipe for national disaster.

NOW whether or not one can see the dots leading to America’s upending, one has to agree that a surging storm is brewing, including pre-planned race riots, particularly since “Tray”.

Barack Obama met with the extremist leaders of the Ferguson riots/protests in the White House and told them to “stay the course” on November 5th. His “course” is to gut white police departments and obliterate current law enforcement procedures.

The White House is no friend to law enforcement.

Read the excerpt from the New York Times which was first posted by The Gateway Pundit:

Some of the national leaders met with President Obama on Nov. 5 for a gathering that included a conversation about Ferguson.

According to the Rev. Al Sharpton, who has appeared frequently in St. Louis with the Brown family and delivered a speech at Mr. Brown’s funeral, Mr. Obama “was concerned about Ferguson staying on course in terms of pursuing what it was that he knew we were advocating. He said he hopes that we’re doing all we can to keep peace.”

Protest leaders said wholesale change was ultimately what they were demanding, though not all agreed on what that meant. Some called for the removal of the Ferguson police chief or the entire department. Others said they want the police to wear cameras; civilian review boards for all police shootings; or a requirement that ethnic and racial makeup of police departments match the communities they serve.

“It must be changing how police and citizens relate to one another,” said Michael T. McPhearson, the co-chairman of the Don’t Shoot Coalition. “We’re calling for police accountability, police transparency, changing how the police do their work. If there’s an indictment or if there’s not an indictment, we still have that work to do.”

Al Sharpton, a White House advisor, was in Ferguson until the day of the election. He met with Barack Obama the day after the election and has returned to Ferguson to foment rebellion. He is being guided by the president of the United States.

Barack Obama would fit in with these extremists or with the Occupiers. Like them, he wants a national movement to bring in his vision of a new America, one that meets his requirements for social justice. He is guiding this. It’s not about Darren Wilson or Michael Brown, it’s about his movement to fundamentally change America.

Ferguson organizers want their rioting and protests to lead to a national movement. Some don’t want violence, others do. “One group has said on Twitter that it was offering a reward for information on the whereabouts of the officer, Darren Wilson, and, at another point, that it was “restocking on 7.62 & 9 mm ammo,” according to The New York Times.

We continually hear that Michael Brown was unarmed but he was armed with his fists. He was a big man, who towered over the officer he allegedly attacked. That’s irrelevant anyway. Michael Brown is being used.

Fifty organizations have joined a “Don’t Shoot Coalition” and many won’t rule out violence and looting. Many are Muslim and communist rabble rousers. The occupiers and anonymous are involved – all hoping to bring down the country. There are racist groups like the New Black Panthers and there are the gang members.

Captain Ron Johnson has marched with and met with all of them, foolishly giving these thugs credibility and legitimacy.

There are some actual protesters who aren’t thugs but they’ve been completely overshadowed and their concerns minimized.

Umar Lee, a Muslim and a Ferguson activist, was arrested recently for threatening to behead someone.

There is a strong Muslim, anti-Jewish presence at these events as there was in Occupy Wall Street.

ALL of the above coincides with his illegal gutting of the Constitution, and it is a step by step process. Essentially, one must comprehend that rampant chaos plays into the hands of all those who seek to bring down America, with Obama Inc. as the hatchet men. The undertakers.

President Obama announced a plan Thursday night to mainstream millions of illegal immigrants with an executive order allowing them to stay instead of facing deportation, bringing howls from Republicans who complained about so-called ‘anchor babies’ helping their illegal parents remain in the U.S.

The president calmly explained in a 16-minute speech – subtitled in Spanish – the parameters of what angry Republicans are calling a lawless ‘amnesty.’

‘We’re going to offer the following deal,’ he said: ‘If you’ve been in America for more than five years; if you have children who are American citizens or legal residents; if you register, pass a criminal background check, and you’re willing to pay your fair share of taxes – you’ll be able to apply to stay in this country temporarily, without fear of deportation.’

‘You can come out of the shadows and get right with the law.’

‘Tonight President Obama issued an oral royal decree that will be followed by a written regal decree, as any good monarch would do,’ Texas Republican Rep. Louie Gohmert jabbed in a statement. 

‘This unlawful, blatant executive action would legalize more than 5 million people here illegally. This president is single-handedly creating a constitutional crisis and hurting the citizens he took an oath to protect and defend.’

Utah Sen. Mike Lee, another tea party-linked lawmaker, called the president’s speech ‘a desperate attempt to remain relevant…..’

By that time, Republicans will control both houses of Congress and may take action to reverse the policy.

‘The president has decided to defy the American people, ignore the election results, and usurp the legislative process,’ Lee said. ‘This act demonstrates he respects neither election outcomes, nor the rule of law.’

But the president played on Americans’ heartstrings in what sounded at times like one of his 2008 campaign speeches.

The immigration debate, he said, is ‘about who we are as a country, and who we want to be for future generations.’

‘Are we a nation that tolerates the hypocrisy of a system where workers who pick our fruit and make our beds never have a chance to get right with the law?’ he asked. ‘Or are we a nation that gives them a chance to make amends, take responsibility, and give their kids a better future?’

‘Are we a nation that accepts the cruelty of ripping children from their parents’ arms? Or are we a nation that values families, and works to keep them together?’

EVER the brazen anti-American, it wasn’t enough that he honored a pro amnesty felonhe has now upped the ante and gutted the rule of law, the cornerstone of a lawful society:

Activist Dawn Le of the Alliance for Citizenship sent an email out to her contacts this week calling for the formation of “watch parties” Thursday evening and Friday in anticipation of a “celebratory” announcement regarding amnesty. BuzzFeed reported that labor union representative Jeff Hauser passed the correspondence along to several news organizations – apparently by accident.

Amnesty advocates planning Thursday night watch parties for Obama’s unlawful announcement.

The email, which was obviously sent to rally pro-amnesty activists, arrived in the inboxes of reporters from major outlets, including the New York Times and USA Today, before Hauser followed up with a second email asking the recipients to “please ignore” his previous message.

Obama will also likely allow immigrants currently in the U.S. illegally to remain in this country and could announce new border security measures. Reports suggest the only deportation efforts Obama is interested in pursuing involve illegals convicted of serious crimes.

ON the other hand, if millions of Americans heed the call of traditional America, there is a possibility to save the Republic. Otherwise, fuggedaboutit!

MOST urgently – as the above youtube advocates – the Criminal-in-Chief must be arrested through the right afforded to patriots via the legal vehicle of a citizen’s arrest.

In the United States, civilians are empowered to stop perpetrators in the act of a serious crime and use reasonable force to hold them until an officer of the law arrives on the scene. The conditions under which this is permitted vary from state to state, so it’s important to understand the laws in your region in case you are ever in the position to stop a criminal. Read on to learn more about how to make a citizen’s arrest in the United States.

AND what is more serious, more unlawful, than the total usurping of the Constitution?? But never mind…the Emperor-in-Chief waxed BIBLICAL: Obama quoted the Bible, saying that ‘Scripture tells us that we shall not oppress a stranger, for we know the heart of a stranger – we were strangers once, too’.
Hmm…well, well, even as he continuously strips America of its Christian and Judeo moorings!
November 20th – David Burge (Iowahawk) has the tweet of the day: “American voters repudiated in historic landslide 1- 0 vote” O’s “immigration speech” tonight was seen on Spanish-speaking Univision, but not on ABC, NBC or CBS. The lib media realizes that (as with Gruber) the less Americans know the better. By the numbers: 1) Among Latinos, 43% support what O’s doing but nearly as many (37%) do not. (11/19 NBC/WSJ poll) 2) 56% prefer that Congress now set policy as compared to only 33% wanting O. (11/19 NBC/WSJ) 3) Work permits to 5M illegal border crossers is equal to the total number of new U.S. jobs since O took office. (Daily Caller) 4) A record 92M are not in the labor force. & 5) The 5M is 500K more than the combined population of these six states: AK, DE, ND, SD, VT & WY. So did you believe O tonight? If you did, the word today boys & girls is “grubering” meaning: “to lie, deceive or scam.” O has already “grubered” America with his failed stimulus, Obamacare & all of his scandals … it’s time we stop him from “grubering” us on immigration too!  P