Jihad In America Priming To Explode – Once Again, IED’s In The Mix! Commentary By Adina Kutnicki

Image result for pics of sleight of hand

WHEN it comes to western whitewashing (more pin-pointedly, Allah-washing) of Islam, well, nothing is out of bounds. Again, nothing. Now you see it, now you don’t – ala a magician’s sleight of hand.

BUT never mind reality. Your “lyin’ eyes.” For even though the world is plagued by dozens of Islamic terror organizations sowing death on every continent, the so-called leaders of the Free World – elected and non-elected – refuse to even use the word Islam in the same sentence as the word terror. The suicide bombers and mass murderers, with their solid foundation in Islam and Jew-hate based on the Islamic ideology of Muslim Brotherhood theorist Sayyid Qutb, quote the Qur’an, the Hadith, and Sharia Law chapter and verse to justify their actions while Western leaders claim the terrorists are common criminals, not Muslims. Credo quia absurdum! To wit, is it any wonder that countless are deaf, dumb, and blind?

NOW that that is settled, informed individuals (in contrast to blinded ideologues and apologists for Islam) would be able to connect the dots, that is, if the lying media wasn’t an extension of the fascist-left, as well as carrying water for Islam – serving as its main backbencher and mouthpiece.

EVEN so, it is not necessary to wend back to the devastating carnage from 9/11/01 to internalize that Islam is a nihilistic death cult – imbued, disguised, and dressed up with political constructs via its religious-theological underpinnings. Yes, political Islam is where the current danger lies! Inexorably, it is intrinsic to note its genesis – that which arose between the first two world wars and with the fall of the (Ottoman) Caliphate, Empire. And it was out of the thunder and lightning of that devastating defeat, the Muslim Brotherhood Mafia was born. In turn, ever since the west’s triumph over Islamic hegemony, Islam’s (humiliated and shame-based) leaders stop at nothing to resurrect the Caliphate and impose Islam and Sharia Law on the entire human race. Understood? 

BACK to the IED’s in America…. 

POINTEDLY, five and a half years ago (April 15, 2013), the Boston Marathon blew up – resultant, Improvised Explosive Devices, aka IED’s, were introduced to the American theater, as opposed to “regular” bombs.

NOT only that, this site warned (June 30, 2014) of more of the same, and it couldn’t have been starker: “Americans, IED’s & Dirty Bombs Coming Your Way!”

BUT that’s not all. 

TWO years after Boston’s Jihadi explosion (April 2, 2015, to be exact), NYC was targeted via IED’s! It was reported at these pages, thusly: “NYC ISIS Bomb Plot: Brotherhood Mafia Tied In.” Oh, who could have “predicted”…..

INDEED, as night follows day, let’s segue to the here and now. How shocking is it that a Mohammedan from California was (accidentally) caught with IED’s in his car? Not very.

PAR for the “see no Islamic evil, hear no Islamic evil” course, law enforcement – to minimize and downplay their incendiary finding – made sure to stress that there is no “evidence” of any tie-in to a terror organization! Mind you, in the infamous words of lying Hill, “what difference does it make, anyway” if he’s “tied- in”, or not? After all, once body parts start to fly, does it matter to those incinerated and maimed (or their loved ones) whether this or that Jihadi is “affiliated” to a terror organization, whatever their imprimatur? Rather, under any rational measure to mitigate further threats, what should be stressed is the unvarnished truth: by now, isn’t it painfully obvious what motivates Jihadis? Incontestably, it’s Islam’s underpinnings, stupid!

NO matter.

HERE’s the non-sanitized, non-PC truth, as (originally) reported at Robert Spencer’s Jihad Watch.

(September 18, 2018) If Saleh Ali hadn’t been pulled over by a traffic cop for having an expired vehicle registration, the consequences could have been explosive.

Lt. Adam Hawley of the Brea, California police department said: “During the traffic stop, the officer keyed in on a couple of suspicious items in the car he believed to be an explosive device. He detained the driver out of an abundance of caution, locked down a little bit of the area and called out sheriff’s bomb squad deputies.”

The bomb squad destroyed the IEDs, and Ali is being held at the Orange County Jail on $500,000 bail. According to the Orange County Register, he has been “charged with one count of transporting a destructive device and two counts of possessing a destructive device.”

But there is no need for anyone to be concerned. Hawley added: “At this point, we don’t have any evidence to support that he was part of any terrorist organization.”

Hawley did not address the possibility that Ali might have been looking for an opportunity to act upon the call that the Islamic State (ISIS) issued in September 2014:

So O muwahhid, do not let this battle pass you by wherever you may be. You must strike the soldiers, patrons, and troops of the tawaghit. Strike their police, security, and intelligence members, as well as their treacherous agents. Destroy their beds. Embitter their lives for them and busy them with themselves. If you can kill a disbelieving American or European — especially the spiteful and filthy French — or an Australian, or a Canadian, or any other disbeliever from the disbelievers waging war, including the citizens of the countries that entered into a coalition against the Islamic State, then rely upon Allah, and kill him in any manner or way however it may be….If you are not able to find an IED or a bullet, then single out the disbelieving American, Frenchman, or any of their allies. Smash his head with a rock, or slaughter him with a knife, or run him over with your car, or throw him down from a high place, or choke him, or poison him….

It is an ongoing source of frustration for people who are informed about the jihad threat that authorities in the West routinely claim that random acts of violence committed by Muslims are not actually incidences of terrorism at all. In claiming this, authorities are frequently motivated by a desire to minimize the terror threat in their own countries, particularly when those authorities are responsible for increasing that threat by pursuing reckless and irresponsible policies of mass Muslim migration.

Authorities might also discount terrorism in instances such as the case of Saleh Ali because they simply don’t understand the phenomenon. They assume that Islam is a religion of peace, because they have been constantly warned that they must believe this or be charged with “racism” and “Islamophobia.” Then on the basis of that assumption, they further assume that the only problem with terror in connection with Muslims are “extremist” groups such as al-Qaeda and ISIS. If, therefore, Saleh Ali or others like him are not carrying al-Qaeda or ISIS membership cards, and their phone records don’t show them making multiple calls to Iraq or Syria, authorities assume that they have no connection to terrorism.

The idea that a Muslim such as Saleh Ali could read the Qur’an’s calls to “kill them wherever you find them” (2:191, 4:89, 9:5) and perhaps come across the ISIS call for individual Muslims to commit random acts of violence, or a similar call from al-Qaeda or some other jihad group, and act upon it despite having no connection whatsoever with any terrorist group doesn’t enter their minds. Authorities don’t even allow this to enter their minds. If they did, they would have to admit that the problem of terrorism is far larger than they have admitted up to now, and that their entire approach to it has been wrongheaded. It’s far easier simply to tell the public that Saleh Ali has no ties to terrorist organizations, and go back to sleep. What could possibly go wrong?

BUT for those who still remain unconvinced that Jihad in America is a serious threat, well, little evidenced here will sway. But it is getting harder for naysayers to deny what is happening before their (blinded) eyes. No doubt, Islam is a cauldron of hatred – despite the manipulative, Herculean efforts of western apologists. And atop it all, Facebook, the world’s most dangerous censor, can be counted on to respond true to form. Ditto, Twitter, Youtube, Google, and the rest of Alphabet, Inc.

MOST significantly, instead of giving more freedom to counter jihadists to spread  their clarion calls at the world’s largest social media site, Facebook serves as a silencer. Censor. And akin to  a growing list of others  here, here, here and so on – isn’t it very obvious why Robert Spencer is continuously a target of their (censorship) rage?

INDISPUTABLY, sooner than later, more and more IED’s will explode in America and the west at large. No doubt, countless Mohammedans lie in wait, and they are priming to blow – as confirmed by this site’s counter-terrorism and counter-intelligence contacts. As always, intel is duly passed on to the proper authorities.

ALAS, dear reader, are you feeling safer now, knowing that this and that intel is in the hands of America’s captured security agencies?

(Wild-eyed Saleh Ali, the latest Mohammedan caught with IED’s….this time in Brea, California!)

{re-blogged at TheHomelandSecurityNetwork} click “Archives” dated Oct. 16, 2018 to read
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