NYC ISIS Jihadi Caught Red-Handed. Outgrowth Of Free Rein Given By DHS/FEDS. Commentary By Adina Kutnicki

IT is not by accident that pressure cookers are becoming chosen methods for jihadi recipes, in so far as they have proven to be quick-fire components for Islamists addicted to explosions. 

AND while many view committed Islamists as little more than wild-eyed fanatics, the fact remains that they are quick studies, capable of gauging what works and what doesn’t. Adaptable.

IN other words, few can argue with “success”, and a repeat performance ala Boston’s marathon is very appealing, regardless that the Tsarnaev brothers got caught. Effectively, it’s less about getting away with it, but more about taking down as many “infidels” as possible with the limited amount of resources available at the time. And this is where pressure cookers come in.

NOW, it is an open secret that the FEDS played possum with intel (given to them) from Russia, relative to Tsarnaev and his radical Islamic connections. Hmm. In fact, after Boston exploded in April 2013, this site reported on said grave dereliction of duty. So too it was repeated in Sept. 2014. Its relevance cannot be overstated.

COUPLE the above knowledge base with another undeniable fact and nexus: egregious malfeasance had a DIRECT hand in Boston’s terror attack. The bloody outcome resulted in a straight path back to Obama’s/Holder’s pro-Islam directives! 

“However, of all the issues on which he’s battled with Holder, Rep. Gohmert said one stands out from all the others.

“One that is very troubling to me is his lack of investigation and enforcement of the laws of the land as it pertains to radical Islam,” he said, asserting, among other things, that the April 2013 Boston Marathon bombing could and should have been prevented.

The FBI under his watch got a heads-up from Russia that (bomber Tamerlan) Tsarnaev had been radicalized. As best I can tell, they didn’t do anything but talk to Tsarnaev and talk to his mom and said, ‘Well, they say he’s not radical so we’re OK.’ If Holder’s department had done a proper job, the Boston bombings would not have had to have occurred,” said Gohmert.

While his criticism of Holder on the issue of radical Islam started with the Boston Marathon bombings, it certainly doesn’t end there.

“Rather than investigate (radical Islam), they partnered with them. They had community outreach programs with them. They still have those programs. They have been responsive to CAIR’s [Council on American-Islamic Relations] and ISNA’s [Islamic Society of North America] demands. Federal courts have found that those two organizations are fronts for the Muslim Brotherhood and radical Islam,” he said.

“[Holder]‘s been helping to lead the charge to support and be sensitive to what these supporters of radical Islam want him to do,” Gohmert said. “I think that is going to reap benefits for radical Islam for the future, until we have a president that’s serious about going after them and not just bombing some empty buildings when nobody’s there.”

SO as we segue from April 15, 2013’s jihad in Boston – an attack which could have been prevented – Americans are now faced with the growing ISIS fall out due to grave dereliction of duty and “hands off” directives: do not touch Islam’s hubs of terror!

ONTO ISIS and its deep connection to Boston and elsewhere in America…read on….

MOVING right along the jihadi-laden eastern seaboard, let’s segue to NYC, approximately a four and a half hour car ride from Boston. But why are we heading to NYC? Well, aside from the fact that 9/11/01 put it on the worldwide jihadi map, its neighborhoods are rife with Islamic foot soldiers. Assuredly, it is only a matter of timing before multiple attacks explode within its landscape. A powder keg.

AS previously warned:


IN Feb. 2015 the following was assessed:

MANY of this site’s readership are aware that NYC is this investigative journalist’s hometown, though now living in Israel. Yes, born and bred. A native. In fact, there are few neighborhoods – within its five boroughs – which are unfamiliar. Indeed, like the back of one’s hand, Brooklyn is a singular stomping ground, as is Manhattan. 

IN this regard, when trying to comprehend the “news” that several Brooklyn-based jihadists aimed to join ISIS, please keep in mind several intrinsic factors. Don’t get distracted by the fact that they are Uzbekistan and Kazakhastan nationals. Yada…yada…Said locales/nationalities are neither here nor there.  In other words, the fact that they are of Central Asian descent has zip to do with their desire to destroy the west, America being “ground zero”…..

AND it is under the “proverbial” wings of the ummah, aka the worldwide commonwealth, that jihad is waged. It defies locale, whether one is in the Mid East, Africa, Asia, Europe, America…and so on. Incontrovertibly, Islam’s mandated barbarism spans the globe! This is precisely why screams of Allahu Akbar (Allah is the greatest) are heard all over the world, whenever infidels are slaughtered, thus, raising the banner of Islam even further. Striking fear in their hearts, again, is key: “I will cast terror into the hearts of those who disbelieve. Therefore strike off their heads and strike off every fingertip of them.” Believe it.

BACK to NYC…Brooklyn, as a “test” case….

YES, although Islamists are “hiding in plain sight” throughout NY (and EVERY state in America), Brooklyn should be a primary focus, although Queens is not far behind. A runner-up.

WHO recalls this investigative journalist’s op-ed from 2005 (having been less than six degrees separated from said investigative documents), re the Brooklyn-based “Blind Sheikh” and his global jihadi connected dots? Absolutely, his jihad started decades ago, but he was not only given re-entry into the U.S. (despite being on a “watch list”, yet, coddled by the CIA), he was allowed to incite, unimpeded, at two Brooklyn mosques! Rahman was housed at the al Farooq at Atlantic Avenue; the Abu Bakr on Foster Avenue in Brooklyn — a mosque his radical followers soon took over — and the Al-Salaam (Mosque of Peace), located on the third floor of a Jersey City building above a cell-phone store. Unbelievable….continue reading…


HOT on its heels, April 2015 elicited another NYC plot: ISIS’s Brotherhood is at it again, and female jihadis are caught dead to rights!


ATOP said disasters, ISIS flags wave breezily in NYC, yet, the media is stone silent. What’s going on? Well, NYC’s commie Mayor is also a supporter of guerilla terror groups, therefore, hiring Muslim cops is his TOP priority! You see where this is going….

WHICH brings us to the latest NYC terror plot, and this time via ANOTHER pressure cooker!

Downtown New York (file)

Downtown New York 

A 20-year-old New York City college student has been arrested for plotting a pressure cooker bombing attack in the city to support Islamic State (ISIS), as revealed in Brooklyn court documents published on Tuesday.

The student, Munther Omar Saleh, was arrested along with another man on Saturday morning when they got out of their car and charged at a surveillance vehicle that had been following them, reports Reuters.

Saleh, who hails from Queens, invested hours researching online how to build a lethal pressure cooker bomb stuffed with nails and other shrapnel according to federal agents.

He also read accounts from the 2013 Boston Marathon bombing, in which an attack with two pressure cookers at the finish line murdered three and wounded over 260 others.

The student vocally supported ISIS online, and in one Twitter post said of the Al Qaeda terrorist organization “I fear AQ could be getting too moderate.” He likewise praised terrorist attacks carried out by ISIS, as well as the lethal January attack on the Charlie Hebdo headquarters in Paris.

Saleh evidently began his attempts to translate his online terrorism craze into real world action back in March, when a police officer saw him on successive days walking about the George Washington Bridge between New Jersey and New York just looking around, apparently planning an attack.

Officers interviewed Saleh following his suspicious behavior, and he denied sympathizing with ISIS while allowing them to examine his computer.

On the computer, investigators found ISIS propaganda according to the court papers.

Saleh is enrolled at a college which specializes in aeronautics.

MIND you, recall the Queens reference from a Feb. 2015 commentary, “YES, although Islamists are “hiding in plain sight” throughout NY (and EVERY state in America), Brooklyn should be a primary focus, although Queens is not far behind. A runner-up.”

MOST significantly, if not for an alert police officer stationed nearby the George Washington Bridge – whose antenna went up re the back and forth activities of the ISIS jihadi – let there be no doubt: a repeat performance of Boston’s terror attack would have taken place. Intrinsically, the fact that he was a student at an aeronautics college, well, that about sums up what lies ahead, if not stanched.

WITHOUT question, dedicated readers of this site have come to expect that “connecting the dots” is a main specialty at these pages. Rightly so. 

AS such, another fair warning rings forth: lo and behold, it points back to Boston’s terror-laden tree! Specifically, even though this investigative journalist evidenced the inextricable links between Boston-based jihadi mosques (other cities alike) and attendant Islamic terror plots, still, one (out of countless major league terror aligned mosque leaders) of Boston’s most fiery Islamic radicals feels confident enough to “express” himself. 

(Listen to Imam Abdullah Faaruuq, of the Mosque for the Praising of Allah in Roxbury, Mass….Boston imam denies radicalizing Muslims, despite his jihad-preaching videos)

HOW could the likes of said terror inciting leader walk around free, continuing to radicalize Allah’s foot soldiers? More specifically, for every Abdullah Faaruuq there are enumerable others. And just in case you believe that dominating America, the west, is basically the preoccupation of ISIS, think again: ” ‘Palestinian’ Jihadist: We  Want The Whole World, And Will Fight All Infidels Until They Adopt Islam.” Fighting words. 

TO wit, where are Obama Inc.’s FEDS when you need them? Oh, hide nor hare. Par for their see no Islamic evil, hear no Islamic evil blinded mindset (and despite bullet proof evidence re gold/money laundering in…guess where…Massachusetts) their response, when gifted said intel, was: NO CAN DO!

SO, how safe do you feel in America, let alone in Boston or NYC? 

SHIVERING timbers…

{re-blogged at Islam Exposed}

{re-blogged at Joe For America}

ISIS’s Footprints In NYC: Brooklyn In The Forefront. Where Are The (Jihadi) Dots? Commentary By Adina Kutnicki

MANY of this site’s readership are aware that NYC is this investigative journalist’s hometown, though now living in Israel. Yes, born and bred. A native. In fact, there are few neighborhoods – within its five boroughs – which are unfamiliar. Indeed, like the back of one’s hand, Brooklyn is a singular stomping ground, as is Manhattan. 

IN this regard, when trying to comprehend the “news” that several Brooklyn-based jihadists aimed to join ISIS, please keep in mind several intrinsic factors. Don’t get distracted by the fact that they are Uzbekistan and Kazakhastan nationals. Yada…yada…Said locales/nationalities are neither here nor there.  In other words, the fact that they are of Central Asian descent has zip to do with their desire to destroy the west, America being “ground zero.”


FIRST and foremost, jihad is waged under the banner of ISLAM, and nothing else takes precedence. 

THE videotaping of Coptic Christians – and others similarly decapitated – must be understood as part of a goal-oriented program with two-tiers: propaganda recruitment, and striking (immediate/concomitant) terror in the west’s heart. Shock value.

WITHOUT a scintilla of a doubt, said acts are absolutely underpinned by the Koran, and can be found in several unambiguous verses: Quran (8:12) – “I will cast terror into the hearts of those who disbelieve. Therefore strike off their heads and strike off every fingertip of them.” 

SO those who jive talk and scream that this barbarism is not Islamic, they are either ignorant of Islam’s dictates or they are attempting to Allah-wash Islamic-derived jihad. In either case, just ignore them or smack them upside the head. Whatever works….


AS such, since factor one is Islam über alles – regardless of the individual’s ethnic origins, race, or even previous religious background – as long as one is a Muslim committed to Islam (all others are defacto apostates) one becomes a part of the worldwide Islamic ummah

Islam teaches that shari’a, as God’s revealed law, perfect and eternal, is binding on individuals, society and state in all its details. By logical extension, any criticism of shari’a is heresy. Muslims who deny the validity of shari’a in any way are labeled as non-Muslims (infidels) or apostates (those who convert to another religion) by traditionalists and Islamists. As such, they face the threat of being prosecuted for apostasy, a crime that carries the death penalty in shari’a.

Ummah (Arabic: أمة‎) is an Arabic word meaning “nation” or “community“. It is distinguished from Sha’b (Arabic: شعب‎) which means a nation with common ancestry or geography. Thus, it can be said to be a supra-national community with a common history.

It is a synonym for ummat al-Islamiyah (Arabic: الأمة الإسلامية‎) (the Islamic Nation), and it is commonly used to mean the collective community of Islamic peoples. In the Quran the ummah typically refers to a single group that shares common religious beliefs, specifically those that are the objects of a divine plan of salvation.[1][2] In the context of Pan-Islamism and politics, the word Ummah can be used to mean the concept of a Commonwealth of the Believers (أمة المؤمنين ummat al-mu’minīn).

AND it is under the “proverbial” wings of the ummah, aka the worldwide commonwealth, that jihad is waged. It defies locale, whether one is in the Mid East, Africa, Asia, Europe, America…and so on. Incontrovertibly, Islam’s mandated barbarism spans the globe! This is precisely why screams of Allahu Akbar (Allah is the greatest) are heard all over the world, whenever infidels are slaughtered, thus, raising the banner of Islam even further. Striking fear in their hearts, again, is key: “I will cast terror into the hearts of those who disbelieve. Therefore strike off their heads and strike off every fingertip of them.” Believe it.

BACK to NYC…Brooklyn, as a “test” case….

YES, although Islamists are “hiding in plain sight” throughout NY (and EVERY state in America), Brooklyn should be a primary focus, although Queens is not far behind. A runner up.

WHO recalls this investigative journalist’s op-ed from 2005 (having been less than six degrees separated from said investigative documents), re the Brooklyn-based “Blind Sheikh” and his global jihadi connected dots? Absolutely, his jihad started decades ago, but he was not only given re-entry into the U.S. (despite being on a “watch list”, yet, coddled by the CIA), he was allowed to incite, unimpeded, at two Brooklyn mosques! Rahman was housed at the al Farooq at Atlantic Avenue; the Abu Bakr on Foster Avenue in Brooklyn — a mosque his radical followers soon took over — and the Al-Salaam (Mosque of Peace), located on the third floor of a Jersey City building above a cell-phone store. Unbelievable.

NOW, it has been proven, six ways to Sunday, that he (with key accomplices) had a direct hand in the 1993 attack on the Twin Towers, as well as in 9/11/01. Not only that, but what about the Blind Sheikh’s connection to enumerable acts of jihad (though not identified as such, at least until after 9/11/01), but also with the opening act of jihad on U.S. soil? He gave the direct order to assassinate Rabbi Meir Kahane – in NYC’s midtown Marriott Hotel – in 1990. Yes, he did.

RESULTANT, the fact that the arrested “jihadis of interest” plotted within Brooklyn’s confines makes perfect sense. In reality, nothing has changed, in so far as free rein is given to Islam’s followers within NYC and all points in between.

(their faces are blacked out…they are not minors…so, why??)

Two Brooklyn, New York, roommates who sought to go to Syria and join Islamic State were charged with conspiring to support the terror group that controls a swath of Iraq and Syria and publicly executes its captives.

Also charged was a mall kiosk operator accused of helping buy them plane tickets.

The U.S. is leading a coalition of nations in a battle against Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant, also known as ISIL or ISIS, with air attacks. The Sunni Muslim insurgent group’s recruiting in the U.S. “represents an evolving threat to our country and to our allies,” Brooklyn U.S. Attorney Loretta Lynch said in a statement.

The latest case “sends shivers down the spine of New Yorkers and clearly underscores that we must remain ever- vigilant in the face of terror threats,” U.S. Senator Charles E. Schumer, a New York Democrat, said in a statement.

Akhror Saidakhmetov, a 19-year-old Kazakh national, was arrested as he was preparing to leave from John F. Kennedy International Airport in New York to Syria by way of Turkey, according to prosecutors. His roommate, Abdurasul Hasanovich Juraboev, a 24-year-old citizen of Uzbekistan, had planned a similar trip for next month, prosecutors said.

The third man, Abror Habibov, 30, also an Uzbek national, operates mall kiosks in Florida, Georgia, Pennsylvania and Virginia, and employed Saidakhmetov, according to prosecutors. He was arrested in Florida and is in federal custody.

Juraboev and Saidakhmetov “confessed” to federal investigators that “the purpose of their travel was to go to Syria and join ISIS and wage jihad on behalf ISIS,” Assistant U.S. Attorney Douglas Pravda told U.S. Magistrate Judge Lois Bloom Wednesday when the two appeared in Brooklyn federal court.

The pair, both dressed in hooded sweatshirts and jeans, said little during the appearance. Bloom denied them bail. All three suspects face a maximum of 15 years in prison if convicted.

The men came to the attention of law enforcement last year after Juraboev and Saidakhmetov expressed support online for the establishment of an Islamic state, prosecutors said.

 “Shoot Obama’

Juraboev had posted to an Uzbek-language website that he wanted to “shoot Obama” to “strike fear into the hearts of infidels,” according to a complaint unsealed Wednesday in federal court.

When federal agents interviewed him in August, Juraboev acknowledged he wrote and posted the message and said he would harm U.S. President Barack Obama if he had the opportunity to do so, not “because of ill will toward him, but rather because of Allah,” according to the complaint.

Saidakhmetov also posted to the website and said he wanted to travel to Syria, prosecutors alleged.

While speaking to a third roommate, who was paid to serve as an informant to federal agents and wasn’t named in court documents, Saidakhmetov said he was worried he couldn’t make the journey because his mother “feared” he would wage jihad and “took his passport so he could not travel,” according to the complaint.

Stuck in the U.S., Saidakhmetov said in recorded conversations that he wanted to join the American military to learn information that could help Islamic State or that he would “just go and buy a machine gun, AK-47, go out and shoot all the police,” according to the complaint.

‘Kill the FBI’

Image result for pics of isis arrests in nyc

“We will go to FBI headquarters, kill the FBI people,” he said, according to the complaint..

The informant eventually helped Saidakhmetov obtain substitute travel documents, prosecutors alleged.

“The defendants violated the true tenets of their faith in pursuit of their radical, violent agenda,” Federal Bureau of Investigation Assistant Director in Charge Diego Rodriguez said in a statement. (blogger’s note: actually, they were following the true tenets of Islam, regardless of the FBI’s Allah-wash)

Along with killing Obama, Juraboev told federal agents that he would also “plant a bomb on Coney Island if he were so ordered,” according to the complaint.

In electronic communications with an Iraq-based administrator of the propaganda website “Islamic State News,” Juraboev said: “I am in the land of infidels” and added he might be arrested by U.S. authorities because “of what I told them about Obama,” according to the complaint.

The case is U.S. v. Juraboev, 15-mj-00172, U.S.District Court, Eastern District of New York (Brooklyn).

SIMILARLY, Brinsley, an NYPD cop killer (Dec. 20, 2014), also exhorted the tenets of Islamic jihad throughout various social media venues, one of which landed on his FB page (Brooklyn, there we go again…in the mix) via “Strike terror into the hearts of the enemies of Allah”…Sura 8!   

So Ismaaiyl Brinsley the killer of the two cops in Brooklyn, NY, has two Muslim names “Ismaaiyl” and a middle name “Abdullah” (see mugshot bellow) which means “servant of Allah,” is a fan of sheikh Yusuf Estes, who is not only neck deep in the Muslim Da’wa movement (the call to convert westerners to Islam) but Estes meets with both ISIS and Hamas financiers, and Brinsley loved the Koran, specifically Surah 8 on his own Facebook page, which calls for arming for preparation for Jihad war; it says all on what we need for motive as to why Brinsley shot the two officers. That accompanied with Hamas supporters who were proven to have been behind the riots in Ferguson is a complete recipe for killing cops as we present the evidence in this article.

Brinsley is a jihad sympathizer who used the racial turmoil as an excuse to kill Americans. The Ferguson riots as we shall see here were pushed and organized by Muslim fundamentalists in America.

Firstly, the verse he likes to read is:

Against them make ready your strength to the utmost of your power, including steeds of war, to strike terror into (the hearts of) the enemies, of Allah and your enemies, and others besides, whom ye may not know, but whom Allah doth know. Whatever ye shall spend in the cause of Allah, shall be repaid unto you, and ye shall not be treated unjustly.

ALL these coinquidinks…

EVEN so, make no mistake: it is of utmost interest that said Brooklyn-based ISIS-aligned jihadis, like others throughout the U.S. (Florida, Georgia, Pennsylvania and Virginia kiosks are part of this latest jihad, though there are likely others, in various states, waiting to be uncovered), operated kiosks. How so?

WELL, readers may recall certain droppings re Hezbollah (Sunni jihadists alike) and their usage of the I-95 as operational highways and byways:

FOR the record, some explosive info wended this way and it was handed over to trusted investigative contacts. It involved a particular cigarette smuggling AND counterfeit (knock-off) goods operation, in relation to Hezbollah’s sleeper cells in the U.S. Mind you, this jihadi “fund raising” zig zags across the Shia and Sunni divide. It runs mainly, but not exclusively, up and down the I-95 (U.S.) corridor.

NOT to get too specific, chains of convenience stores (from one end of the interstate to the other) and gas stations are deeply in the mix.

ASK yourselves: whom do you think owns these terror-supporting businesses, “mom and pop” entrepreneurs? and what are their ultimate goals, in support of said smuggling?…..

ALAS, the perfect cover for transfers of large sums of cash F/B/O jihad run through, among other venues, chains of convenience stores (think: “certain” foreign owned “quickie” marts, gas stations and the like) and kiosks – whether mall-based or street side – throughout the U.S. But hauling the cash also requires many moving parts, one of which is its laundering through cigarette smuggling and counterfeit goods via highways and byways! 

I-95 is a particularly busy connecting point, as repeatedly mentioned. Therefore, the above linked states – Florida, Georgia, Pennsylvania and Virginia – for Brooklyn’s jihadists, via their kiosks, are not randomly chosen.

JUST connect the jihadi dots…enough said! 

(re-blogged at Islam Exposed)

(re-blogged at Israel’s Voice)