Israel’s Derelict Leaders:Arab Terror Skyrockets In Jerusalem;Police Ordered To “Stand Down”!What’s Going On? Commentary By Adina Kutnicki

{re-blogged at Jews Down Under}

{re-blogged at Islam Exposed}

AS an investigative journalist – an American-Israeli and a patriot – it is incumbent to reveal the seedy underbelly of America’s betrayers. Even more so, respective to those who lead Israel, there is no holding back, come what may. Egregiously, too many self-proclaimed Zionists in Israel and the diaspora believe that airing “dirty laundry” will endanger the nation. Hogwash. If anything, it will help save the – one and only – Jewish homeland.

MOREOVER, it is not a question of genuflection to this one and that, for this blogger is not beholden to anyone. A free agent. Yes, this is the way it’s going to remain. But that doesn’t mean that it doesn’t personally pain, when revealing the ultimate in betrayals, at least when it comes to ones (American) birthplace and one’s Jewish heart, Israel. Searing.

THAT being said and for the record, on the other hand, it is not pleasant to be threatened (and dogged) by leftists and Islamists for continuously spilling the beans on their plans, as well as who’s who that bears watching. Okay. An American patriot’s cross to bear. 

SIMILARLY, Israeli leftists – Islam’s coddlers – and their diaspora comrades (Jews and non-Jews alike) are none too pleased with said fact-finding(s) and outing(s). Understood. בָּרוּר . But none of their harping will stop the truth from seeping forth, in relationship to those whose political “feet of clay” – whether from the left or the so-called right – imperil the nation. Intolerable.

SO if certain Israeli leftists (and squishy, pliable “rightists”) don’t want their dirty laundry revealed, it’s just too damn bad. Deal with it. Get a grip.

PARADOXICALLY, for different reasons, PM Netanyahu’s cheerleaders insist on protecting his “strategies” like an etrog (אֶתְרוֹג), opining: he is the only one who can lead from the “right”! Well, said nonsense doesn’t register on this end. Some of us can’t be fooled, nor cowed. Even more so, a well received op-ed at American Thinker – re-posted at Israeli sites – ripped the mask off of the so-called “right-wing” leadership in Israel.

IT is with the above in mind that the all too familiar, unremitting, long tolerated Arab/Muslim terror within Israel – most acutely felt in Jerusalem – comes into sharp relief. Indeed, Jerusalem, the thousands yr old Jewish capital, is the epicenter of Arab/Muslim/leftist rage. Consequentially, wresting it from Jewish hands is their Number One priority. They understand all too well, sans Zion there will NO longer be a Jewish state. Period. That’s their plan. Their modus operandi.

AS such, an interview at Inquisitr, “The Reality Of Life For An Israeli Patriot”, brought many facts home:

Adina Kutnicki: If one truly seeks the historical truth, one should keenly listen to what the Arab leadership enjoin when speaking before their own brothers and sisters, as opposed to the taqiyya (Sharia-derived dissimulation) spewed for western ears. Thus, the following is a sampling, but by no means exhaustive: Fathi Hammad, Hamas’s Minister of the Interior and National Security, had this to say, ” Brothers, half of the Palestinians are Egyptians and the other half are Saudis.” Likewise, Zuheir Muhsin, late member of the Palestinian Liberation Organization’s Executive Council, intoned: ” The existence of a separate Palestinian identity exists only for tactical reasons. The establishment of a Palestinian State is a new tool to continue the fight against Israel.” Similarly, Hussein bin Talal, late King of Jordan, opined,” The appearance of the Palestinian personality comes as an answer to Israel’s claim that Palestine is Jewish.” To be exact, the late, non-lamented Chairman Arafat – the Palestinian godfather of suicide terror, schooled by the KGB, but I digress – was Egyptian-born! Thereby, isn’t it appropriate to posit: Shouldn’t “straight out of the horse’s mouth” proofs be more than enough evidence, to finally put to bed the lies spun on behalf of the Palestinian narrative? Consequently, shouldn’t Israel’s leaders be the first to hammer these historical truths into the world’s consciousness?…..

The Inquisitr Interviews Adina Kutnicki: The Reality Of Life For An Israeli Patriot

As to Jerusalem, the heart and soul of Zion (in the same realm as Judea and Samaria), whither it goes, so too does the fate of Israel, as well as the Jewish people. It is inconceivable that Israel would survive without Jerusalem intact, and dare I suggest, there would be little reason left for its existence, sans an intact eternal capital. It is one tragedy if enemies capture it from Jewish hands, but it is a wholly different paradigm if Israel’s leaders surrender it on their own. So the question still hangs: Are Israel’s leaders capable of dividing holy Zion? One would hope and pray this is not the case, but the jury is still out. Personally, I would put nothing past some of the leadership and they bear close scrutiny. Very close….

WHICH brings us to the recent Arab/Muslim onslaught in Jerusalem; the third intifada/revolutionary uprising! Yes, Israel is plagued with another intifada, despite the braying of Israel’s leadership to the contrary. Those of us with eyes in our head understand that the current unrelenting terror attacks in Jerusalem (for months on end) are a mirror image to those incited by the (late, non-lamented) godfather of modern terrorism, “Chairman” Arafat, Israel’s former “peace partner”! 

MOST recently, an Arab/Muslim terrorist from east Jerusalem (having served time in an Israeli prison for terror-related crimes, yet released through Israel’s notorious “revolving (jail) door” for Arabs/Muslims) mowed down a 3 month old baby in her stroller, and maimed almost a dozen others! This comes on the heels of months of firebomb/arson, rock throwing and associated terror attacks.

Chaya Zisel Braun

Shimon Helperin, the infant’s grandfather, told Arutz Sheva that the Braun family – which had been waiting for a child for years – had been returning from prayers at the Western Wall (Kotel) when they were struck by the terrorist. Helperin and his wife had arrived in Israel specifically to meet their grandchild on Wednesday and was forced to go immediately to the hospital, instead. 

The Arab driver has now been confirmed (7:40 pm IST) to have been resident of the Shiloach/Silwan neighborhood and a member of Hamas – and to have served in Israeli prison before for terrorism, according to Police Spokesperson Micky Rosenfeld.

“This is a natural response to the crimes of the occupation and invasion of our land by the Jews, particularly on the Al-Aqsa Mosque (Temple Mount – ed.),” Hamas spokesman Hossam Badran stated on official Hamas television.

Hamas television has also confirmed the identity of the terrorist – who was shot and wounded by police, but is not dead, as initially reported in the press – as 21 year-old Abdelrahman Shaludeh of Shiloach (Silwan). Shaludeh had previously served in Israeli prison for terrorist activities…..

The driver, Abdel Rahman al-Shaludi, is seen in the video giving a speech honoring Marwan Kawasme and Amar Abu Aysha, the Hebron residents who carried out the abductions and murders of the Israeli teens

ويتحدث عن اختطاف الجنود في الخليل من قبل حركة حماس ..#جنـوٍد_مخيـم_قلنديـآ

THE urgent questions become: why haven’t Israel’s vaunted police/security forces been able to clamp down on the terror-infected capital? and what part(s) has PM Netanyahu (the buck stops with him, he gives the security arms their marching orders) played in keeping the Jerusalem police force’s “hands in their pockets”?

IN answer to question one, the police are getting restless, they too are tired of being the whipping boys for the shackles placed upon them due to PM Netanyahu, even though the Security Minister is receiving the blame. Mind you, as ineffective as he is, he takes his orders from PM Netanyahu. Don’t dare forget this.

Arab rioter in Jerusalem's 'silent intifada'

A Border Patrol officer serving in eastern Jerusalem has for the first time revealed the police helplessness in dealing with the “silent intifada” that has been gripping the capital in recent months, as Arab rock, firebomb and even gunfire attacks rise sharply.

Speaking on Channel 2‘s “Shesh Im” TV program Thursday, a day after a Hamas terrorist wounded nine with his car including a three-month-old babywho was killed in the attack, the officer admitted the Border Patrol warriors are forced to “stand like dolls” against the Arab terror.

“We feel like our hands are tied,” the combat officer revealed, placing the blame squarely on the shoulders of Interior Security Minister Yitzhak Aharonovich for the collapse in security.

According to the officer, senior captains as well as Aharonovich are trying to calm things down and hush up the “silent intifada” rather than fight Arab terror to the end….

IN response to question 2, “and what part(s) has PM Netanyahu (the buck stops with him, he gives the security arms their marching orders) played in keeping the Jerusalem police force’s “hands in their pockets”…drip, drip…

Former senior Shabak (Israel Security Agency) officer Menahem Landau on Friday warned that attempts to ignore the “silent intifada” plaguing Jerusalem and continue as if nothing happened will only encourage more terror attacks.

Landau spoke to Arutz Sheva about the situation after a Hamas terrorist wounded nine people in Jerusalem with his car Wednesday, murdering a three-month-old baby and critically wounding an 18-year-old seminary girl.

“We are witnesses to the fact that this business has not stopped for three months already, and the more they succeed (in attacks) it will entice more and more terrorist attackers,” said Landau. “They see there isn’t a strong hand on our side, so they will continue.”

The statement comes a day after a Border Patrol officer serving in Jerusalem complained “our hands our tied,” revealing the police have been limited from above in their ability to quash the terrorism gripping the capital. {blogger’s note: where “from above”, perhaps a birdie is whispering in their ears from the sky?}

According to Landau, Jerusalem Police need to exercise a strong arm against the Arab rioters: “it can’t be that they are shooting fireworks at officers and they just disperse them, why don’t they give them a quick judgment and arrest them?”

MOST significantly, one would be foolish in the extreme to believe PM Netanyahu (and his lackeys) when they reflexively intone after every attack: there will be the “harshest response” to future terror!  

“Bibi”, stop embarrassing yourself, humiliating and enraging the majority Zionist public and admit: Washington controls your moves, as Obama Inc. dictates: don’t dare touch the Arabs/Muslims! Moreover, it is reported that the authentic Zionist public won’t continue to sit still for the bluster and lies. In fact, they have warned the regime: stop playing with us! Knowing this segment of the public full well – better than most – the political echelon should take their words seriously.

IN essence, the more others pester not to “spill the beans” (blah, blah…accusing this investigative journalist of tarnishing Israel’s image…their incessant mantra), the clearer it becomes that it is the right thing to do. For if they have nothing to hide regarding “dear leader(s)”, then what are they worried about? Precisely.

BESIDES, little is as important, other than demonstrating how the so-called “strategies” – emanating from atop Israel’s leadership – are harming the Jewish homeland. And if that means that heat is going to come this way, as is said, bring it on! 

BUT to further highlight PM Netanyahu’s dereliction of duty, little is more emblematic than this summer’s-long fiery war with Hamas, albeit coined an “operation” by the powers that be, political and military.

Atop the above outrages, PM Netanyahu has reportedly agreed to revert back to the parameters of the last “cease-fire”. Said “negotiations” were executed after hard-fought gains during “Operation Pillar of Cloud” in October 2012, but before the IDF could finish Hamas off! Déjà vu. Is this not a pattern of malfeasance? You decide.

For good measure, this go-around, PM Netanyahu even added in some additional goodies, just as long as they “cease” their “fire”. Now, you tell me, what was the strategic calculus, the benefit, to this latest “operation”, if only to land up at the same “understandings” (and worse off) from 2012? In fact, several Likud Ministers have publicly expressed outrage at PM Netanyahu’s irrational decisions. As a matter of record, Intelligence Minister Yuval Steinitz put it bluntly, when speaking with BBC’s Hardtalk ( ), but he stopped short of the full truth. No matter.

“”We paid a very expensive price with 70 casualties on our side, with people that have to flee their homes in the south of Israel because of the daily barrages of rockets and mortars. This is a heavy price for a democratic state to pay,” concluded Steinitz.

While Netanyahu’s office has declared the operation a victory, noting that Hamas was seriously damaged in the clash and didn’t receive it’s extravagant demands, the details of the ceasefire agreement have raised serious criticism in Israel.

Palestinian Authority (PA) delegation head Azzam al-Ahmed revealed Tuesday night that Israel agreed to ease the borders on Gaza and allow humanitarian and even some construction goods in immediately, as well as lifting restrictions on the fishing zone.

The deal also paves the way for talks in a month in which Hamas will demand a sea and airport in Gaza, and will negotiate a swap of hundreds of terrorists for the bodies of IDF soldiers Second Lt. Hadar Goldin and First Sgt. Oron Shaul hy”d, who were killed in the operation.

Israel’s lone demand of disarming Gaza was flatly rejected in the deal, putting discussions on the request off until later discussions in a month’s time.”

You got that?

Now, there are many reasons (some are detailed at this interview, others are not) why PM Netanyahu continually caves and fails to execute his sworn obligation to vanquish declared genocidal foes….

SACH HA’KOL, at the end of it all, you know who you are; blind as bats, circling the (leadership) wagon citizens, terrified to stare down the truth, even when it smacks you in the face and can get you and your loved ones (never mind other Zionists) killed in the process!

BUCK up. For some much need backbone, these same Jewish cowards may want to view the following clip for a different perspective, if they can withstand its true meaning. 

MOST significantly, for those who truly care about effective, long-term strategies to protect Israel from the increasing onslaught, internalize this: sans a robust public diplomacy campaign (elucidated within the Israel Institute For Strategic Studies) none of PM Netanyahu’s band aid approaches amount to a hill of beans.

EACH “fix” is akin to “one step forward, two steps backward”. Are such “strategies” even rational? and are they worthy of being protected at all costs, even if dirty laundry tumbles forth?