TOP Rated Islamic In America:Shariah Law For America! Apostate Reveals Deadly Truths Re “Moderate” Islam On FOX. Where Is The Nexus? Commentary By Adina Kutnicki

{re-blogged at Joe For America}

ONE of this site’s valued counter terror contacts rightfully stipulates:

“The ideology itself is violent and always has been. If one follows Islam it does not allow for an individual to be a good person. Shariah can’t be followed partially, it must be adhered to 100 percent or not at all. Essentially there are practicing Muslims and non practicing Muslims. A so-called moderate does not follow Shariah Law fully and is simply an apostate of Islam.  If we don’t start branding the Islamic ideology itself as the problem, we will never defeat Islamic based terrorism. Islam was founded by a child rapist and my opinion is that anyone who hurts children is evil and the Islamic ideology can’t be given a free pass.” Evil on its face.

FROM the onset, let us fully absorb the unequivocal thesis cited above. Millions of lives are at stake. No time to pussyfoot around. In conjunction, pay heed to the linked video and its warnings from someone on the inside of the Oklahoma City beheader’s mosque. He is now akin to an apostate, even if still managing (by the skin of his teeth) to remain part of the fold. Rest assured, they will find out who he is and hunt him down like a dirty kaffir.

IN any case, there are Muslims who are considered, on a scale of 1-10, to be “moderate” in their observance. Similarly, others are altogether non-observant and just happen to be born Muslim. We get that.

REGARDLESS, for all intents and purposes, they have made themselves largely irrelevant (and even complicit) by their silence in the face of non stop slaughter in Islam’s name. As Muslims, as human beings, they are obligated to step up and denounce Islam, since every Islamic “kill” involves the same theme and scream – “Allahu Akbar”! Pray tell, why is “Allah is greater” exhorted when they chop off heads and disembowel etc.? No mystery. Allah is their insatiable blood-sucking “deity”.

FURTHERMORE, few understand the following core tenets: sowing fear through terror is a main component to frontal jihad in the Koran. Mohammed – albeit, a murderous psychopath and pedophile – understood that in order to subjugate the world to Islam, “the other” had to internalize that there was NO option but to submit. He was far from stupid.

IN tandem, Muslims who questioned their faith also had to internalize what awaited them, if they left Islam. In effect, this was why the concept of apostasy  (ردة) became a core component of Islam. It was conceived as a bludgeon to hang over their heads, if they dared to leave the faith.

CONSEQUENTIALLY and conversely, this is precisely why the term “moderate” Muslim(s) is an oxymoron. A straw man. Inherently, within Islam,  if one is not Shariah Law compliant (adhering to the full compendium of Islamic laws) one becomes an apostate, like it or not. Effectively, anyone who identifies as a Muslim is EXPECTED (by Islamic leaders in their communities) to be “all in”.  They are deadly serious. So don’t be fooled into trying to identify the so-called “moderates”, the proverbial needles in the haystack. Besides, they hold NO sway in Islamic communities, and they too are in the same boat as non-Muslims.

TELLINGLY, if Islam didn’t support barbarism – against all those who stand in their way for hegemony – none of this would matter. But no one can rationally assert that Islamists are not murdering in the NAME of their religion; killing Jews, Kurds, Christians and minorities in their sights. This is aside from all the inter-Muslim killings – for centuries on end – as they battle each other for ultimate control. Cult induced monsters. 

AGAIN, most significantly, “moderate” Muslims are almost always deadly in their silence. Not only that, but they hold no sway within the Islamic community. They are, for the most part, considered apostates. On the other hand, non-Muslims are deemed infidels. In any case, both are targeted for death.

BASICALLY, if Muslims insist they are (at all) religious, rest assured, they are up to their necks in Islam; either as apologists or enablers, be they overt or covert in their actions. That’s the damnable truth. There is NO middle ground.

CONSIDER the following evil: as patriots (wherever we reside) attempt to beat back Islam – the deadliest scourge known to man – too many western apologists stand in the way. Traitors.

Sen. McCain accused Fox News host Brian Kilmeade of being Islamaphobic because he said that Syrian opposition groups were shouting “Allahu Akhbar! Allahu Akhbar!” as rockets hit government offices.

“I have a problem helping those people screaming that after a hit,” Kilmeade said. McCain responded: “Would you have a problem with an American or Christians saying ‘thank God? Thank God?’” He added, “That’s what they’re saying. Come on! Of course they’re Muslims, but they’re moderates and I guarantee you they are moderates.”

What’s a “moderate Muslim,” and how do we know that these particular Muslims are “moderates”? Where are all these “moderate Muslims” when Muslims kill other Muslims they don’t agree with? Where are they when Christian churches are burned to the ground and women are raped? Additionally, how many times have we heard of Muslim radicals shout Allahu Akhbar as they went on a killing rampage?

The problem isn’t so much shouting “Allahu Akbar,” it’s what these so-called moderate Muslims do while they are shouting. I would like Sen. McCain to cite comparable examples of Christians who say “Thank God” or “Praise God.”

According to eyewitnesses, U.S. Army major and psychiatrist Nidal Malik Hasan who fatally shot 13 people and injured more than 30 others at Fort Hood, had taken a seat at an empty table and bowed his head for several seconds when he suddenly stood up, shouted “Allahu Akbar!” and opened fire killing 13 and wounding 30……

IN fact, what can be more emblematic of the looming dangers within the U.S., other than hearing the truth from the TOP influential Muslim in America? Not too much.

IN this regard, let it first be known: if not for the fact that “The Plan” is coming closer to fruition, the “news” cited below – re the recent crowning of California-based Hamza Yusuf, as the TOP American-Muslim – wouldn’t be highlighted. Stealth jihad would have mandated he keep his shrill, BRAZEN calls for immediate institution of Shariah Law on the “down low”. This is very intrinsic to the discussion, as it attests to how far (within “The Plan”) their infiltration and penetration has progressed. Sigh…but never mind, a blockbuster interview revealed what’s what on the “stages”.

Adina Kutnicki: Indeed, let’s, as a first stop, hop aboard our Inquisitr journey with “The Plan”. At its core, “The Plan” is a detailed blueprint, one which the leadership of the Muslim Brotherhood adheres to – and augments as necessary – to infiltrate and penetrate the west, but most intrinsically they are targeting America, the “Great Satan”. It is the main linchpin to the west’s fall. “The Plan’s” basic goals are described thusly:

Phase 1: Establishment of an elite Muslim leadership, while raising taqwa, or Islamic consciousness, in the Muslim community.

Phase 2: Creation of Islamic institutions the leadership can control, along with the formation of autonomous Muslim enclaves.

Phase 3: Infiltration and Islamization of America’s political, social, economic and educational systems, forming a shadow state within the state. Escalation of religious conversions to Islam.

Editor’s Note: One of the hot spots of conversion to Islam is America’s extensive system of prisons.

Phase 4: Openly hostile public confrontation over US policies, including rioting, and militant demands for special rights and accommodations for Muslims.

Phase 5: Final conflict and overthrow (jihad).

While each phase has many subsections and takes years to implement, the fact of the matter is that their goals have been ongoing for decades. They are rapidly, stealth-fully bearing fruit.

Editors note: The following statement revealing the Muslim Brotherhood’s plan for America was found in an internal Brotherhood document and presented into evidence during the Holy Land Foundation terror financing trials in 2007 and 2008.

“The Ikhwan [Muslim Brotherhood] must understand that their work in America is a kind of grand jihad in eliminating and destroying the Western civilization from within and “sabotaging” its miserable house by their hands and by the hands of the believers so that it is eliminated and God’s religion is made victorious over all other religions.”

BUT before we highlight this “person of interest”, please recall the warnings cited at this site, regarding California’s Zaytuna (Islamic) College. A real and present danger. A dagger in America’s heart. If anything, this investigative journalist understands who, and what, requires outing. As reported in June 2014:

Zaytuna College!

Situated in radical lefty, jihadi-friendly Berkeley, CA, its co-founders are so steeped in jihadi links they are inseparable. Pigs to shit. Introducing,







and his profile is self explanatory, or it should be…ignore his jibber jabber, as he straddles both sides (indicated within the link)…this is par for the course for taqiyya-laden tactics….

YES, the newly minted “most influential” American-Muslim came into this investigative journalist’s radar, a full 4 months before he was anointed TOP Islamic dog! For the record, his supporters were none too pleased with the spotlight at this site. Oh well.

BACK to the highlight, the accolades heaped on Sheikh Hamza Yusuf this past week:

This year’s issue of The Muslim 500 names Sheikh Hamza Yusuf as the most influential Muslim-American. He is often portrayed as a moderate, but he recently endorsed Sharia governance and heads an Islamist college in California with extremist faculty.

Yusuf is ranked as the 35th most influential Muslim in the world by the publication. He is described as the “leading Islamic authority” in America. He is the current president and a senior faculty member of Zaytuna College in California.

He and 17 other Muslim-American leaders signed a letter condemning the tactics of the Islamic State terrorist group and offering theological rebuttals. It is a letter that earned them tremendous positive publicity by news outlets that didn’t notice that the letter endorsed the resurrection of the Caliphate and Sharia governance, specifically its brutal hudud punishments.

“Hudud punishments are fixed in the Qu’ran and Hadith and are unquestionably obligatory in Islamic Law,” point 16 of the letter states.

It also used vague language that could justify other acts of terrorism, such as attacks by Hamas on Israel. The condemnation of the Islamic State’s targeting of American journalists contains an exception that approves of jihad against reporters they view as dishonest…

AND as pleasing as it is to be proven on target, it doesn’t obviate the dangers.

AS such, concretely, and relative to all of the above, the “moderate” Muslim(s) mask must be ripped off, if the west is to survive Islam’s onslaught. It is this seemingly benign appellation – but a lie of gargantuan proportions, a deadly distraction – which stands between saving the west from Islam’s clutches, as if “moderates” are the life raft for the west! 

EVEN so, apologists for Islam (Muslims and leftists) will never admit that Islam IS a deadly plague, but we know better. Yes, the chasms between Islam, Judaism and Christianity are unbridgeable, despite the nauseating mantra: the three Abrahamic religions are compatible! Two belong in the civilized world, while the other reverts back to the 7th century.

RESULTANT, Islam IS the problem; as derived by the Koran (and its supportive texts) and interpreted through Shariah Law. The world’s “deadliest obsession”.