SPECIAL ALERT: Hijacking Of “Israel’s Voice” Intersects Kurdish Rally In Washington, D.C., May 23, 2015: Where Is The Nexus? Commentary By Adina Kutnicki

  • (The above – for example – are members of the Kurdish PKK faction who fought against Israel on behalf of Palestinian terrorists; Iranian backed, anti-American/western and anti-Israel. Their offshoots are YPG, YPJ, PYD, plus others. The relevance of this info will be demonstrated below…)

MILLIONS of readers of this site are aware that this investigative journalist sits on the Board of Directors of Israel’s Voice, a U.S. – based 501(c)(3) nonprofit. In fact, a highlighted commentary detailed its essence and Mission Statement – 

One People | One Nation | One Voice

Logo with Copyright & Phone Cropped

Indeed, it is a distinct honor to be on the Board of Directors of Israel’s Voice – http://www.israelsvoice.org/ – continue reading here... 

AN adjunct to it debuted in the run-up to PM Netanyahu’s speech before Congress on March 3, 2015: HUSSEIN Obama’s Subterfuge Via Iran’s Centrifuges: Israel’s Voice takes Charge In Washington, D.C.”

IN the interim, due to serious extenuating circumstances, it became necessary to call for the removal of the former Co-President from the Board, as well as two other Board members. A brief reference is at Israel’s Voice’s new Face Book page, as its original page was hijacked by the ousted Board. Nevertheless, please refer to the tagged post here for further edification.

IN this regard, the former (legally removed, according to nonprofit guidelines) Co-President continuously refuses to deal with reality, as such, he is misrepresenting himself as the President of Israel’s Voice’s Board! Significantly, the website of Israel’s Voice reflects the true Board and this is beyond dispute. 

LO and behold, the plight of the Kurds – one of the raging hot issues in the Middle East – entered into the aforementioned fray. Briefly, the ousted Co-President is involved with the promoters of an upcoming rally (May 23), and there is relevant back up to said claim. Moreover, Israel’s Voice’s original Face Book page – the hijacked one – documents the ensuing result:

Israel’s Voice will be a proud sponsor of this much needed event. Take a moment to help circulate. ‪#‎FreeTheKurds


THUS, once Israel’s Voice’s Board heard about the fraudulent misrepresentation, we engaged in multiple direct conversations with the rally’s planners. We explained that any involvement was contingent upon going through the legitimate Board and a proper vetting process. As promised, a “shout out” – to fully vet who’s who, in relation to associated Kurdish groups – was done.

TO wit, this investigative journalist reached out to trusted Kurdish leaders (contacts) and performed Israel’s Voice’s requisite due diligence. In a nutshell, what was found out was so alarming that it behooved not only distancing Israel’s Voice from said rally, but to give ample warning to the rally’s promoters, namely, that several of the Kurdish groups (promoted at the event) are inextricably tied to the Iranian regime. This is absolutely factually based.

AND for a brief lesson on what is really going down, the following is more than instructive:

Ankara, Damascus, and Tehran are working through the Democratic Union Party (PYD) and their military wing the People’s Protection Units (YPG) to divide the region and install puppet leaders who can control the Kurds. The PYD and YPG are working with Iranian and Syrian intelligence officers to directly serve their interests at expense of the majority of the Syrian Kurds. This includes changing the Kurdish area’s demographics by dividing it into cantons, and displacing one million Syrian Kurds who have become refugees in neighboring states. · The PYD, YPG, and many other groups in the Kurdish region of Syria are staging fighting to get international support and alienate other groups.

MORE specifically, evidence was related to them about YPG and YPJ (please note that they are # 1 on the above promo), and the ties that bind them to PKK through PYD. It is this linkage which wends straight into Iran’s arms! Yet, if more proof is required, as to what is really going down at the rally, # 3 on their OWN promo seals their fate: “Remove the PKK (Kurdistan Worker’s Party) and PJAK (Free Life Party of Kurdistan) from the ‘Terrorist List’ “! So, this rally is actively promoting a known terror organization and wants Washington to rally around Iranian-backed Kurdish factions!  

IN any case, this valuable information hasn’t changed their line-up one iota, and they were even actively dismissive of it. Regardless, Israel’s Voice has no say in this matter. It is their internal business.

ALAS, for the uninitiated into the labyrinth-like hydra alliances endemic to the Mid East, please refer to “Why Is Israel Watching The PKK?” and to its excerpts below:

No country in the world watches the Kurdistan Workers Party (PKK) as closely as Israel. Its electronic eyes monitor terrorist camps around the clock; it listens to and records their communications. Israeli satellites are constantly overhead, and there are unidentified unmanned aerial vehicles that occasionally appear and disappear.

Israel has turned the PKK camps into reality TV shows. Not just for important exercises: Israel watches everything live, from their folk dances to the food they eat and of course their moves toward Turkey — not to mention the human intelligence coming from inside sources.

Why do you think Israel is so interested in the PKK? Why is this organization so important to Israel?

After Israel, the country that shows the second most interest in the PKK is the US…

For several reasons, Iran finds it difficult to adopt a directly confrontational stance against Turkey. In indirect challenges, the cheapest method is to use terror. This is why Iran, Iraq and Syria have become a free zone for the PKK. The Syrian Democratic Union Party (PYD), as a part of the anti-Turkey bloc, is trying to put pressure on Ankara via Maliki and the PKK. Turkey’s moves with Kurdistan Region President Massoud Barzani and Northern Iraq are a way of responding to the bloc…continue here

NOW, while the above PKK related offshoots are fighting against ISIS, the fact remains that so too is Iran. Extrapolating further, does this make Iran any less of a terrorist state because they attempt to beat back ISIS? Rhetorical. Incontestably, it is indefensible for any Israeli/American entity (even as individuals) to be even tangentially related to PKK or its “junior team”, YPG, YPJ, PYD et al. Alas, rallies on behalf of the Kurds should only be including those whose values reflect western underpinnings. 

NOT only that, this investigative journalist is in private contact with Kurdish leaders who are truly western aligned, pro-Israel and they are aghast at this upcoming Washington, D.C. event. Indubitably, it will lend legitimacy, albeit non-intentionally, to Iranian backed factions. More than likely, the calculus was to attract as big an “umbrella tent”as possible, in order to draw attention to the Kurdish – and Yazidi – plight. Regardless, the above facts (re who’s who in the Kurdish-Iranian aligned terror crew) obligate the legitimate Board of Israel’s Voice to send out this Special Alert

“KURDS – Who are they and what do they want?”, an interview with Dr. Sherkoh Abbas via Tom Trento at The United West

CONSEQUENTIALLY, if Dr. Sherkoh Abbas (and others) is personally warning against the composition of the rally’s Kurdish aligned groups – due to its inclusion of PKK offshoots – well, that is good enough for Israel’s Voice, and it should be for all patriotic Americans. Indeed, for some essential context and texture, look no further:

Now that it has been (finally!) recognized that America’s vital interests are enmeshed in the current Middle East conflagration, it is vital to recall the admonition provided to Indiana Jones [during his “Last Crusade”]:  America must “choose wisely” when determining which combatants to arm.

Not only is full-throttle advocacy for the Free Syrian Army [“FSA”] suspect, but it is necessary to identify the proper group of Kurds to assist as boots-on-the-ground. Kurds have amply demonstrated—as a whole—their vital role and, thus, America has it doubly wrong when diverting attention to the FSA instead of directly arming the Peshmerga. Indeed, far from concern that they may be part of a “coalition of the unwilling,” Kurds are recognized as committed to the destruction of the Islamic State; this focus is indubitably shared with the United States.

The first concern is with the FSA, for it is led by Abdul-Ilah al-Bashir al-Noeimi, a former Brigadier General under Hafez Assad who has disseminated views that are unabashedly anti-Kurd, anti-Israel (and, thus, anti-American); thus, the vetting-dilemma immediately arises, a languishing concern that was said to have forestalled earlier support for this amalgamation, as it was formulating.

The second concern is with which group of Kurds to buttress, now that light arms and nonmilitary relief is being air-dropped. It is vital to confront the reality of alliances and allegiances that affect the dynamics of the larger forces at play. Sufficient information exists to permit America to identify the “good guys” who will remain pro-American following resolution of the ongoing civil war, particularly when its Sunni-Shi’ite subcontext is weighed. In short, America must support—exclusively—the Peshmerga aligned with the Kurdistan Regional Government [“KRG”] based in Erbil., and then work from there (honoring the input of trusted allies) when discerning which other groups to buttress….continue reading…

INHERENTLY, Israel’s Voice, as a nonprofit entity, is fully supportive of a free Kurdish state. Similarly, on a personal level, so too is this American-Israeli investigative journalist. This is not up for debate. 

SO, let it be reiterated very clearly for the record:
THE main backers/promoters of this rally are absolutely free to promote and align with whatever Kurdish factions they choose. This is their democratic right. On the other hand, it is also Israel’s Voice’s right, its obligation, to disassociate itself from this event.
INTRINSICALLY, they were given due notice to warn the ousted Board: forthwith, take down any signage of this event at all related social media links. After all, as the promoters are duly aware, directly related memes are their property and responsibility. Furthermore, they were requested to disallow anyone, ostensibly on behalf of Israel’s Voice, to speak at the rally. 
AGAIN, all of the above is strictly in relationship to removing Israel’s Voice from any association thereof. These demands have nothing to do with their right to sponsor this (or any other) rally, nor their call for a free Kurdistan. 
RESULTANT, any ensuing negative publicity lands at both their doors; the ousted Board’s and the promoters of the May 23, 2015 rally in Washington, D.C.
CLEAR as a bell.
{re-blogged at Islam Exposed}
{re-blogged at Trending Kurdistan news}