America’s Islamic Cancer METASTASIZING:”Dearbornistan” (Others) At The Epicenter.What Are The Ramifications? Commentary By Adina Kutnicki

One month ago, “Dearbornistan” Muslims were in front of City Hall to protest Israel and Support Hamas!


WITH this week’s explosive interview, “ISIS, Islam And Obama: Understanding The Threat To The Free World {Special Report}” at Inquisitr, already circling the web at lightening speed, it is imperative to shine a spotlight on the facts revealed within. They are DIRECTLY related to the thesis at today’s blog commentary.

INDEED, a portion of this investigative journalist’s tag-team interview with Dave Gaubatz dealt specifically with Israel. But the other part directly involved America. The free world. The fact of the matter is that the (eventual) fate of either nation is tied to the other. Like it or not.

IN this regard, the warnings elicited from the top of the top in counter-terror, Dave Gaubatz, must take precedence. Ignore his findings at your own American (western) peril.

BUT before we delve into the heart of the dangers, to understand how Dearbornistan was allowed to become Shariah law compliant, one must internalize that Islamists have many powerful helping hands.

MOST intriguingly, how many recognize the guy with the red circle around his head? Hint: Abu Bakr al-Baghdadithe titular head of ISIS! Now, with whom is he conversing? Another hint: the same Senator McCain who went to the mat for Huma Abedin, you know, the most mobbed up Sisterhood operative in America, bar none!

NOT only that, even Mayors are jumping in on the Islamist bandwagon, the likes of which render America basically submitted to Allah, whether in Michigan or elsewhere: yes, Minneapolis Mayor proudly wears hijab when meeting with Somali Muslims! Prostrating.

IT gets worse…a new Presidential appointment as “special assistant in the Office of the Director for U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services in the Department of Homeland Security” is none other than Shariah law compliant Fatima Noor!

ENTER…Dave Gaubatz.

Wolff Bachner: You are the inspiration and brains behind a rather important program called The Mapping Shariah Project.

What exactly is The Mapping Shariah Project?

What have you uncovered about Islamic extremism being promoted in American Mosques, and what materials have you collected to document this unlawful, dangerous activity?

Dave Gaubatz: In 2007/2008 I was hired to be the Director of the Mapping Shariah Project (MSP). The project was funded by the Center for Security Policy and David Yerushalmi (attorney) handled the legal issues. We had PHD level professionals in Israel (Professor Mordechai Kedar) to analyze the data.

The essence of the research was for me to send teams to a couple hundred mosques throughout America and observe the Shariah adherence by the Islamic leaders and the Muslim worshipers. The theory was the more adherences to all aspects of Shariah law, the more likelihood the danger of violence (Physical Jihad). This was proved in the research.

We discovered over 75% of the 2300 mosques in America had violent Islamic material within the mosque. Most of the material was from Saudi Arabia and Pakistan.

For more detailed information on the MSP you can review the complete analysis at:

Wolff Bachner: Since Obama took office in 2009, U.S. law enforcement has been under constant pressure from the White House to restrict their efforts to examine Islam as a source of terrorism.

How has Obama changed law enforcement’s ability to detect and control Islamic terrorism and why on earth would our President try to restrict law enforcement’s ability to get to the root of terrorist activity?

Are the American people properly protected from a potential terrorist attack under Obama’s new rules and regulations?

Why are Obama and his administration so unwilling and / or unable to acknowledge the absolutely unavoidable connection between Islam and the vast majority of the violence in the world today?

Dave Gaubatz: U.S. law enforcement are not properly trained to conduct adequate Islamic based counter-terrorism operations. Obama and his staff have restricted the training our law enforcement receives. The training can never discuss the Islamic ideology itself. The trainers can only discuss individual terrorist organizations such as Al Qaeda, ISIS and Hamas. Their training does not focus on Islamic groups only; they must equally discuss U.S. militia (non Muslim) groups.

I think most Americans believe Obama although maybe not a full-fledged Muslim, but a man who puts Islam and Shariah law ahead of the U.S. Constitution. Our national security is more vulnerable in 2014 than it has ever been in history. Obama and his senior Muslim leaders whom he has appointed to important government positions are destroying America from within.

Our first line defenders (U.S. law enforcement) are not protecting our country. They are great at reacting to terrorists attacks, but fail at conducting proactive terrorist investigations before an attack. Our liberal media will hype an FBI investigation involving a couple of very low level Muslims threatening America, but they can never stop major attacks like 9-11. Americans are becoming tiresome when it comes to our law enforcement responding to terrorist attacks, they demand protection that prevents attacks. If our law enforcement and military had the same rigorous and valuable training the Israeli police and military receive we would be able to protect our country.

In order to understand Islamic terrorist groups one has to study the mindset of the Muslim people. Many are indoctrinated from birth to serve Allah best is to fight in Jihad operations around the world. When I conduct research in mosques and Islamic centers I review the materials in the mosque. Often it is easier for me to find violent material more frequently than to find a Quran.

I have studied Islam and Muslims for over three decades. I have studied thousands of their books and other educational material. I have lived and worked in the Middle East since 1979. My training has consisted of studying the Arabic language at the U.S. State Department. I only mention the above because our law enforcement is authorized to have organizations like CAIR (Council of American Islamic relations/Muslim Brotherhood) to provide their training before they can have people with backgrounds such as I conduct counter-terrorism training. Obama and his staff have made it almost impossible for me and other counter-terrorism professionals to provide our wealth of information to law enforcement.

Wolff Bachner: Many of the Muslims who have been granted visas under Obama have refused to assimilate to Western society. We have Sharia compliant enclaves springing up in such places as Dearborn, Michigan, Islamberg in the Catskills, large sections of Brooklyn and Queens in New York City, and even in the deep south in Atlanta, Georgia.

We are also witnessing Muslim led Anti-Israel hate groups being formed on American college campuses from coast to coast, and armed jihadi training camps have been documented in over 20 states.

What in God’s name is going on in America? Why are armed Jihadi training camps allowed to exist in the United States and why is the Obama Administration unwilling to investigate and rehabilitate Islamic no-go zones in the United States?

Why does Holder and his Justice Department refuse to do anything about the open racism, bigotry and threats of violence against Jewish students and their supporters at American universities and other public institutions?

Dave Gaubatz: There are approximately six million people in America who identify with Islam. Of these six million approximately 25% (1.5 million) practice ‘Pure Islam’. Many of these Muslims are engaged in Jihad training right in the heart of America. One such group is Jamaat ul-Fuqra. They have setup training camps all across America. Red House Virginia is one of the largest and well trained Jamaat ul-Fuqra compounds in America. I have put undercover counter-terrorism researchers inside this compound. It is only 25 miles from my house. Our law enforcement has been informed by federal officials to leave them alone. These terror groups are using the U.S. Constitution as a tool and protector to conduct their Jihad training. They can legally buy weapons and own thousands of acres around America. U.S. law enforcement have been trained to believe these groups can do whatever they desire on their own property.

Wolff Bachner:  We have seen children used as human shields in Gaza and training in the use of weapons and explosives at Hamas summer camps. We have watched videos of 11-year-old boys declaring they want to join ISIS and kill for Islam, and we have even seen images of a Muslim child of seven joyously displaying the head of a decapitated human being while his terrorist father applauds his enthusiasm for Jihad and killing infidels.

Why are Islamists willing to use children as human shields and as active participants in terror attacks and warfare?

Is there any justification for this truly inhumane behavior in the Qur’ an and / or the Hadiths or is this just, as so many apologists for Islam claim, another example of sick minds who are misrepresenting peaceful Islam?

With so many young children being exposed to such extreme hatred and encouraged to participate in Jihad, is there any hope for peace in the world without another devastating World War or a major religious war?

Dave Gaubatz: As we all know children are the future of the world. Sadly most Muslim children are being taught hate and violence from an early age. Most people think Muslim children are only being taught this ideology in Palestine and throughout the Middle East. The vast majority of mosques in America teach hate and violence. There are several references in the Quran that inform Muslims to never take Christians and Jews as protectors and friends. The Sunni manual Tafsir Ibn Kathir is an excellent reference to what children are being taught in Islamic schools.

When I was in Iraq I had the opportunity to interview several captured Al Qaeda members. I asked them what type of future attacks America would endure. The answer over and over was that the hearts of Americans would be attacked. They explained that this meant the American children would be attacked because they are the hearts of the American people. These terrorists said the attacks would not necessarily be physical attacks, but rather a slow indoctrination in U.S. public schools and universities. The indoctrinating would include the Islamic ideology is peaceful and even as non-Muslims they support Islam and the Muslim people.

I have had several Islamic leaders tell me that Muslims who practice ‘Pure Islam’ have what is called ‘Black Hearts’. These Muslims had no conscious, feelings, emotions, love or caring about anything or anyone aside from Allah. Essentially they have no souls. They have an empty heart. These people have no feelings for even their own children; needless to say they have no feelings for children who are not theirs. It is just as easy for them to behead a neighbor child as it would be to behead even their own children. Children are simply a tool for them to use to achieve their ultimate goal of an Islamic Ummah (nation) under Shariah law.

Based on my experiences and studies, the Islamic ideology itself is a dangerous and violent weapon. The true enemies of the non-Muslim world are the ideology of Islam. We can fight and defeat Hamas, Al Qaeda, ISIS, and the dozens of other Islamic acronyms, but we will lose in the end if at some point we do target the ideology they teach within most mosques. When someone discusses the Hitler ideology of hate and violence, almost automatically people get a sour feeling in their stomachs. Most people realize the ideology of Hitler was a danger to the whole world. Sadly in order to defeat Islamic based terrorists we must have the same sour feeling in our stomach when Islam itself is discussed. Islam is not loving and peaceful and Mohammed never intended for it to be.

Wolff Bachner: American mainstream media has a long, sordid history of slandering and attacking Israel and ridiculing Americans who support the Jewish state. Hardly a day goes by without Israel being vilified in newspapers, in magazines and on network news.Even Hollywood actors are defending Hamas and criticizing Israel.

The New York Times, for example, was virtually silent about the death of millions of Jews during World War Two, opposed the reestablishment of the nation of Israel in 1948 and has relentlessly accused Israel of crimes against humanity every time the Jewish state is forced to defend itself against Arab invasions and constant terrorist attacks
Recently, it was revealed that the lead reporter for the Times in Gaza is an open supporter of Hamas who used a photograph of Yasser Arafat as his Facebook avatar and also writes articles for Al Jazeera that could pass for Hamas press releases they are so hostile to Israel. So much for fair and balanced coverage.
Why are so many American journalists, a good number of whom are Jewish, so willing to misrepresent the truth about the Jewish state and promote the propaganda of Islamist terror groups with the openly declared goal of wiping Israel and the Jewish people off the face of the earth?

Has our mainstream media become so dishonest in their coverage of the Middle East and Islam that they are a virtual fifth column, endangering the safety and survival of Israel and America?

What possible benefit does the media gain by defending terrorists and slandering America’s staunchest ally? Is this simply Jew hate or something much more sinister?

Dave Gaubatz: Islamic organizations and their sponsors such as Saudi Arabia have an almost endless supply of money and people willing to give their time and life to spread Islam across the world. The goal of Islam is to put fear in the hearts of their enemies so they will cower from Islam. It is easier for some people to go along with the teachings of Islam, than it is to stand up against this dangerous ideology. They feel safer being apologetic to Islamic terrorist groups and Islam. We can’t win a war on Islamic terrorism if we can’t even identify our enemies.

There is no excuse for journalists in America to sympathize with any terrorist group and their ideologies. My research has taught me that Islamic organizations such as CAIR have a more extensive confidential informant (CI) network than the FBI has. CAIR and others spend an enormous amount of money and time recruiting journalists, law enforcement, and non-Muslim religious leaders. They use these leaders as propaganda speakers and writers to attack anyone who says anything negative against Islam and Shariah law.

One Islamic leader in Dearborn, Michigan recently told me that if they spend time and money convincing a priest or rabbi that Islam is peaceful and being hijacked by a few terrorists. The Islamic leader further informed me that once they have successfully recruited the non-Muslim religious leader, they then have the entire congregation of the worshipers on their side because the Christian or Jewish religious leader can usually control their worshipers and can quieten any negative activity toward Islam.

Some journalists have followers of thousands to millions of followers. The Islamic organizations such as CAIR know this. CAIR has recruited a major journalist and religious leader known as Al Sharpton. These recruiting tactics are carried out so the person being recruited does not even know they are being controlled by their Islamic masters. Behind Al Sharpton’s back the Islamic leaders mock him as the idiot and leader of the hundreds of thousand idiot worshipers/supporters of him. They have informed me during my undercover work that Sharpton appears to be an illiterate and ignorant fool, but they will use him as a tool for Islam because he has many followers.

Wolff Bachner: We have heard so much about ISIS over the last few months, but most Americans still have no real idea what they are facing.

Since you are an acknowledged expert on the Islamic world and have spent a good deal of time in Iraq, you are certainly in a position to give our readers an accurate picture of the vicious Islamist death cult called ISIS.

How great a threat is ISIS to America and the rest of the free world?

Finally, describe for our readers what life would be like for the average American if ISIS actually managed to takeover the United States and create a worldwide Caliphate?

Dave Gaubatz: ISIS, other Islamic based terrorist groups, and the Islamic ideology are the world’s most dangerous threat. ISIS has money, supporters, world leaders, a military, and a ‘Strategy’ to conquer the world. President Obama even admitted he does not have a strategy to defeat ISIS, so how can we even think about defeating them?

If people want to know what life would be like under an Islamic caliphate, they need only travel to Saudi Arabia, spend a few weeks under the Taliban, or spend some time with ISIS in Iraq. People (both Muslim and non-Muslim) have no rights under Shariah law. Even your life or the life of your children can be taken away with little or no proof you actually violated one of the many aspects of Sharia law.

Islamic based organizations, terrorist groups, and their supporters truly do hate the Jewish people and the American people. When they say they desire to wipe Israel and America off the face of the earth they are being serious. We must all begin to take them seriously. We must always support and align ourselves with Israel. If Israel ever falls, America will also. The people of Israel are our true friends and the American people must demand our politicians never forget this.

I will provide my final analysis on this subject: In a very short period of time America will be attacked by ISIS. The attacks will be simultaneously across America and the terrorists know we do not have the leadership in our government to survive such attacks occurring on a regular basis. We will implode. America has only one chance of surviving if these attacks happen. There are over 22 million American veterans living in America. There are several million non-military who will fight for our country and the U.S. Constitution. Americans will never release our right to own guns. 22 million plus veterans and the several millions of other American patriots will fight like no other people have ever fought. They will fight to the end against enemies both outside and from within who seek to destroy America.

I would like to end by saying to our Israeli brothers and sisters that liberal journalists, Hollywood personalities, and politicians who do not support Israel are not the ones who actually represent the thoughts of millions of Americans. We are being silenced by liberals, but in a time of war they will stand up and fight against all enemies and the millions of American patriots will also fight enemies of our friend, Israel.

WITH  the above firmly implanted in mind, it should be obvious why Dearbornistan (and relevant jihadi cities) is continuously highlighted at these pages. This type of cancer, if left unattended, will ravage the entire nation. Sooner than later.  

THEREFORE, juxtapose the outpouring of Islamist support for Hamas at the onset of this commentary’s pictorial, against the paltry few who showed up to hold signs against ISIS, as shown within the upcoming link. Click it on. NO contest…not even a needle in a haystack! It is clear where Muslim-American “sympathies” lie, and where their overall support – overt or covert – is directed.

Dearborn, Michigan is a city so densely populated with Muslims that it’s been referred to as “America’s Muslim Capital”. Some estimates put the Muslim population there as high as 40,000. About 40 (.01%) stood in front of City Hall with a sign that read, “MUSLIMS AGAINST ISIS”.

Such a low turnout not only rings hollow but actually makes the whole effort seem somewhat counterproductive, especially when compared to all of the pro-Palestinian protests against Israel lately.

ASIDE from all the relevant and increasing dangers, many still unfathomably opine: yes, they too have the “right” to exercise their free speech and support even the devil incarnate! 

IN point of fact, democracy is NOT a suicide pact. Therefore, demonstrating support (either frontal, stealth or otherwise tangible) for terrorist groups is AGAINST all civilized norms, especially those which call for the overthrow of the United States and allied friends. Besides, Hamas (and other related MB organs) IS on the U. S. State Department’s list of designated terror groups, therefore, it is in contravention of U.S. laws to lend ANY support, material or otherwise.


Gama’a al-Islamiyya (Islamic Group) (IG)




Harakat ul-Mujahidin (HUM)

EXTRAPOLATING further, if any group, other than Muslims, dares to even publicly gather together to support taboo PC subjects – be it against gays, minorities (even illegals!) or various “protected” groups – the wrath of the authorities wields down like a hammer blow.

PARADOXICALLY, in fact, “free speech” zones are set up all over U.S. campuses, so that inquiring minds do not “overstep” boundaries set up by leftist profs and admins. PC police.

REGARDLESS of all else, why should Americans (or others who cherish freedom) ever tolerate Islamists (and leftist collaborators) who threaten their Constitutional liberties?