Barack Hussein Obama…The Radical/Thug-in-Chief… & His Subversive Underlings….Lurching From One Anti-American Disaster To Another…Commentary By Adina Kutnicki

Circumstances, as they unfold, are often interpreted according to a person’s particular worldview. The observer can veer between ecstasy and horror, depending on the lens they are looking through. However, this does not obviate the clear fault-line between right and wrong, or good vs evil. Nevertheless, it does afford one the opportunity to cheer or jeer, as events play themselves out. This dare not be a distinction without a difference.

In this regard, patriotic Americans are continually recoiling in disbelief as the Obama regime lurches from one anti-American disaster to another – domestic or foreign policy-wise.

Their swathe of destruction is vast and deep. But it is enough for us to concentrate on two glaring examples perpetrated by Barack Hussein Obama’s appointed underlings.

Consider : the amount of lawbreaking within Eric Holder’s DOJ is without precedent. It is beyond a shadow of a doubt, the DOJ has become a racialist dispenser of “justice”, but only if ones skin is a particular hue, irrespective of the facts at hand. Every other citizen, who fails the “racial color test”, is deemed unworthy of equal justice under the law. Holder’s Civil Rights Division has turned the American concept of equal protection upside its head. To be sure, Martin Luther King must be spinning in his grave. Precedent…. what the hell is that?

Regardless, Operation Fast & Furious’ stands apart – in all its lawbreaking manifestations – due to the dead bodies it left in its wake! Much has been written about this manifestly illegal operation, and one expose’ is especially note-worthy due to its primary importance.

Andrew McCarthy’s ‘Fast & Furious Noose Tightens Around Justice Department’ is more than aptly titled. In fact, he reveals egregious lawbreaking worthy of more than a few nooses –


“Explosive reports are now surfacing that Justice Department officials clearly knew about the Fast and Furious “gunwalking” tactic, in which the federal government — actually, a task force comprised of Justice Department agencies and led by ATF, a Justice Department agency — allowed upwards of 1400 illegally purchased firearms to be routed to violent Mexican drug gangs. This recklessness led, quite foreseeably, to the murder of at least one federal agent, Border Patrol Agent Brian Terry, and probably a second, Homeland Security Agent Jaime Zapata. There are reportedly also scores of victims in Mexico”….

“The reports, including this one from Stephen Dinan of the Washington Times, explain that this gunwalking information was contained in applications the Justice Department made to the court for wiretapping authorization beginning no later than March 2010 (i.e., over eight months before Agent Terry was killed). Readers of Ordered Liberty will not be surprised to hear this. As I explained in a post last week:

[T]here were wiretaps in the F&F investigation, and when the government seeks a wiretap, federal law requires it to explain what investigative tactics have been used in the case, an explanation that is vetted by top DOJ officials because the government cannot apply for the wiretap without the approval of the attorney general or his designee (a high Justice Department official) — it seems highly unlikely, assuming DOJ complied with wiretap law, that top Justice Department officials did not know about the gun-walking tactic until late in the game…..the attorney general, of course, has adamantly denied that he and other top Obama DOJ officials were aware of the use of gunwalking in the Fast and Furious operation until weeks after Agent Terry’s murder. Indeed, in a letter to the Committee in March 2011 (about three months after Agent Terry’s murder), the Justice Department falsely denied that gunwalking had even been used. Holder subsequently “retracted” that falsehood. Moreover, as the public began to be educated about the federal law’s requirements for wiretapping applications, the Justice Department changed its story on that, too. It began claiming that, while it is true the wiretap applications were reviewed by DOJ’s office of enforcement operations, the Department’s top political appointees only perused “summaries” of the applications — which, it was implied, did not allude to gunwalking…

Issa’s revelations, coupled with the contempt holding, will ratchet up the pressure on the Obama administration to quit stonewalling. The committee has been shown only a small fraction of the documents turned over to an internal DOJ inspector general. And, as noted here yesterday, DOJ officials this week — after repeatedly insisting they had already given Issa all relevant information — offered to show the committee more materials, but only on the absurd conditions that investigators not make copies and not take notes, an offer Issa wisely refused.

Also pressing is the question of why President Obama invoked executive privilege to obstruct the investigation if, as he insists, he had no knowledge of Fast and Furious until after Holder shut it down following Agent Terry’s death. It is true, of course, that if new disclosures confirm that the attorney general has been systematically misleading Congress, this will be very damaging to the president who chose Holder and has stood by him during this scandal. But that is nothing compared to the firestorm that would flow from any indications that the White House was clued in to Fast & Furious while the investigation was underway”.

A plethora of various illegal escapades, initiated by DOJ, rounds out the people’s indictment – or it should. In fact, J. Christian Adams adds to the administration’s list of anti-American travesties, authoring two more bills of indictment against an already runaway DOJ !

‘Partners In Crime:Media Matters & DOJ’  pulls no punches – And ‘Eric Holder’s Keystone State Voter ID Shakedown’  should seal his fate, but only if a Radical-in-Chief was not on board – .

Par for the regime’s outrageous actions, plus amply demonstrated through the above (illuminating only snippets of their illegal, anti-American actions), a new meaning to mendacity emerges, as yet another treachery bares its fangs. But this one resonates especially high on the Richter scale, for it relates to the horrors of 9/11/01.

Enter TSA .

“Flight School Trained Illegal Aliens To Fly Aircraft in Boston’ is of piece with a ‘Where’s Waldo’ moment. In other words, a pinch-me moment…wake me up from my non-stop nightmare!!

Jim Kouri from Canada Free Press expounded thusly –

“The illegal aliens included eight who had entered the country illegally and 17 who had overstayed their allowed period of admission into the United States, according to an audit by the GAO.  Even more shocking was the report that the owner of the flight school is an illegal alien…..three of the illegal aliens were actually able to get pilot’s licenses, according to the GAO……Almost 10 years after terrorists crashed planes into the World Trade Center and Pentagon in the worst and deadliest terrorist attack in the U.S., how could the federal government allow an illegal alien to obtain a pilot’s license and run a school that trains dozens of foreigners to fly small aircraft?” asks former police lieutenant and counter terrorism expert Steven Knudsen…..The answer to that question is the agency that was created after 9/11 specifically to prevent another terrorist attack by protecting the nation’s transportation system, especially aviation—the Transportation Security Administration (TSA)….The illegal alien students also told investigators that the TSA never asked them about their immigration status when they enrolled in flight school…..According to a Judicial Watch investigation, the owner of TJ Aviation Flight Academy students accused of being in the United States illegally received clearance to train as pilots despite supposed strict security controls put in place after the September 11, 2001, terrorist attacks…..This revealing—even shocking—story reveals that Homeland Security officials have not instituted new safeguards to stop other flight schools from enrolling illegal immigrants who could present national security threats” –

Those who haven’t “learned (basic) lessons” , after the most heinous attack on US soil since Pearl Harbor, are simply incapable of leading the free world. You think?

Furthermore, it goes without saying, either the most incompetent regime in US history is at the helm, or the most malevolent. It can’t be both.

Ladies and gents, you decide.