Dr. Ayyadurai Wins Key Victory in Election Fraud Case – A TECH GENIUS & A BRAVE-HEART; A WINNING COMBO! By Adina Kutnicki

[Published at AmericasCivilWarRising.org]


IT is not for nothing that Dr. Ayyadurai has been featured at this investigative journalist’s Intel site on multiple occasions. To qualify for such highlighting, well, one must be either a high-level scoundrel or a standout in this or that arena of national import.

WITHOUT a scintilla of a doubt, the following merited more than a shout-out:

DEAR readers and fellow patriots: Is it any wonder that this renowned MIT scientist, engineer and inventor is deemed a two-fer superstar; a tech genius and a brave-heart? Rhetorical.

READ on….

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THE GATEWAY PUNDIT | By Larry Johnson | December 17, 2020

Dr. Shiva Ayyadurai, MIT PhD., scored a major victory in his lawsuit claiming that his campaign for Senator in Massachusetts was fraudulently stolen thanks to Dominion Voting Systems machines used to tabulate and calculate the vote.

Dr. Ayyadurai is well known to TGP readers. Here are two pieces resulting from Dr. Ayyadurai’s research–Dr. Shiva Presents Arizona Data and Election Fraud with Dr. Shiva, Jim Hoft and Joe Hoft.

Dr. Ayyadurai is David fighting Goliath. He could not find a lawyer to take his case so he was left to fight alone. He filed Pro Se, i.e.

Dr. Syyadurai, not a lawyer, faced off with the Secretary of State William Galvin and won the right to present an amended complaint (see Case 1:20-cv-12080-MLW). Judge D. J.  Wolf, the man who put Whitey Bulger in prison, made the ruling.

FIRST VICTORY in U.S. for #ElectionFraud lawsuit! Federal Judge DENIES MA Sec. of State Galvin’s Motion to Dismiss my Lawsuit that exposes computer algorithms were used to steal votes in my U.S. Senate Election that denyies “One Person, One Vote.”

Case is ON! @realDonaldTrump

— Dr.SHIVA Ayyadurai, MIT PhD. Inventor of Email (@va_shiva) December 16, 2020

What a remarkable outcome. No lawyer would step forward to help the good Doctor. But he was not to be deterred and pressed on with the facts. The judge listened and decided he wants to hear the facts.

This case will provide Dr. Ayyurdai the opportunity to present the evidence of the fraud that involved Dominion Voting Systems machines and erased votes that should have been counted for him. Not only that, it also will show that the same fraud was perpetrated against Donald Trump.

Dr. Shiva’s amended complaint provides him the opportunity to lay out the evidence–documentary, eye witness and statistical–that should be compelling. Pray for Dr. Shiva.

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[Cross-referenced at ConservativeFiringLine]

{ADDENDUM: Bear uppermost in mind — To stifle the truth-telling found at this site, FB’s censors have “zeroed-out” all of my articles via their “Boom and Ban” censors ala their ubiquitous “Community Standards” — as they hunt me up and down the internet like rabid dogs to their prey! No kidding. This is just some of FB’s modus operandi, what is now deemed their “love notes” to yours truly:This URL goes against our Community Standards on spam:adinakutnicki.files.wordpress.com

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No one else can see your post.And so on and so forth. In fact, just recently, each article at my “parent site”, ADINA KUTNICKI: A ZIONIST & CONSERVATIVE BLOG, had its FB registered shares go from the hundreds, with some up to the many thousands, to a big, fat ZERO. In other words, all my shares have gone down the rabbit hole. Just like that. Poof. Gone. As such, take it to the bank that each and every conservative voice which reaches a wide readership will, sooner than later, be CENSORED. MUTED.MESSAGE FAILED:

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If you think you’re seeing this by mistake, please let us know. Yes, additional “proof-in-the pudding” as to why “BANNED: How Facebook Enables Militant Islamic Jihad” had to be written!}