Q: When Will Corona’s Smokin’ Gun Become Too Hot To Ignore? A: Once THE ELITES, Tony Fauci And The Trojan Horse Of Tyranny, Are Exposed! Commentary By Adina Kutnicki

Ad infinitum, akin to beating a dead horse, this investigative journalist has placed Fauci (and his accomplices) in the dock, with indictment after indictment — per his out-sized part, direct and indirect, re the carnage unleashed by the CHI-COM regime via WUHAN!

In furtherance to the above incendiary charge-sheet, the following links are offered up as unbreakable chains to the evidentiary trail: see here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, and so on and so forth. 

Now, once the above proofs have been internalized, it will become impossible to ignore the volume of smokin’ gun trails, that is, if intellectual honesty counts for anything more than squat.

Not only that, when loosey, goosey Sweden gets it right — leftward as they are — you know it is time to bite the bullet, so to speak, re holding the feet of America’s fascist-like leaders to the fire, come what may. No more pussyfooting around!

As such, the following exposé gift wraps all of the above trails into a tightly woven package, thus, beating a straight (albeit winding) path back to the overarching question at hand — and, with it, the primary answer will become crystallized: Q: When Will Corona’s Smokin’ Gun Become Too Hot To Ignore? A: Once THE ELITES, Tony Fauci And The Trojan Horse Of Tyranny Are Exposed!

EXCLUSIVE: W. Scott Magill, M.D., sees a ‘brilliantly engineered coordinated campaign’ against U.S.


It is time to seriously question everything we are told regarding the physical and the cultural virus.

Dr. Anthony Fauci, in his role as longtime federal immunology bureaucrat, paid $3.7 million to the Wuhan laboratory for coronavirus development after the U.S. declared a moratorium on such funding. Fauci is joined at the hip with Bill Gates, paid for the scam VA study at the University of Virginia and has been on the payroll of the Clinton Foundation for years.

He is responsible for the death of thousands of Americans by leading the opposition to a drug regimen that is at least a 91% effective in curing SARS-CoV2 infections – thereby violating his Oath – “First do no harm” – and his responsibility to America and Americans.

Now he gleefully flaunts the success of Remdesivir, which was initially developed in 2016 to fight against Ebola and made by Gilead Biosciences as the “cure” for COVID-19. Bear in mind that Dr. Fauci reportedly has close ties to, through the Clinton Foundation, the director-general of the World Health Organisation (WHO), Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, who appears to promote whatever Xi Jinping wants him to promote. And who holds the patent on Remdesivir?China.

A convoluted issue indeed, with Gilead stating it patented Remdesivir in China and the Wuhan Institute of Virology filing a patent application on Jan. 4, 2020.

It appears that to the becoming-infamous Dr. Fauci, truth and reality are only a reflection of his desires at any given moment, and that is subject to change in the next moment. As reported by One American News this week, in 2005, he knew that hydroxychloroquine was “effective against viruses genetically related to COVID-19.” However, when it became troublesome to his financial and social Trojan horse, he contradicted President Trump and global experience and experts during a Task Force briefing on March 20, 2020, saying, “You got to be careful saying ‘fairly effective.’ …” – effectively saying, a la Obi Wan, “America, these are not the drugs you’re looking for – move along.”

With a brilliant piece of journalism, two terms not used together often, by Tucker Carlson in March, the Fox host destroyed any doubt that the Wuhan coronavirus came from the Wuhan Virology Lab. Subsequently, Trump and Secretary of State Mike Pompeo have confirmed there is abundant credible evidence that, in point of fact, the leak from the Wuhan Lab was the start of a global pandemic. These truths do not seem to meld with Dr. Fauci’s desired reality, and he firmly stated, there is “no evidence that SARS-CoV2 escaped from a Chinese lab. Although it is possible that infected horseshoe bats were brought into the Wuhan Institute of Virology and the virus escaped during guiltless experiments, this was not mentioned. Instead, Fauci answered the unasked question, emphatically stating that the scientific evidence is “very, very strongly leaning toward this could not have been artificially or deliberately manipulated.” Does the gentleman protest too much?

And just who, or what is Gilead Biosciences? Gilead is partnered with Wuxi Pharmaceuticals, an international pharmaceutical, biopharmaceutical and medical device company. According to Wikipedia, “The company covers the development cycle through five core operations, including small molecule R&D and manufacturing, biologics R&D and manufacturing, cell therapy and gene therapy R&D and manufacturing, medical device testing, and molecular testing and genomics.” And where, you may ask, is the company located? Wuxi Pharm was begun in Shanghai by Dr. Gi Li now with facilities also in Wuxi City and Suzhou, China, as well as facilities in St. Paul, Minnesota, Philadelphia and Atlanta. Wuxi Pharmaceuticals is owned by none other than America’s own – George Soros.

The web becomes even more entangled as a reported owner of Gilead Bioscience is also … George Soros.

Holding this web together is the fact that Gilead has endorsed and is engaged with a drug purchasing group, UNITAID. UNITAID is an outgrowth of the United Nations, Millennium Declaration of 2000, which is now the U.N. Global Compact.

The large investors in UNITAID include WHO, George Soros, the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation and a partnership relationship with the Clinton Health Access Initiative. Both Drs. Fauci and Birx are associated with the Clinton Health Access Initiative.

When, you may ask, will Remdesivir go into production? On Feb. 12, 2020 – that is correct, Feb. 12 – 10 days after Trump initiated the China travel ban, Bloomberg reported:

“A Chinese drugmaker said it has started mass-producing an experimental drug from Gilead Sciences that has the potential to fight the novel coronavirus, as China accelerates its effort to find a treatment for the widening outbreak.

“Suzhou [China]-based BrightGene Bio-Medical Technology said in a statement filed to the Shanghai Stock Exchange on Tuesday night that it has developed the technology to synthesize the active pharmaceutical ingredients of Remdesivir, Gilead’s drug that is a leading candidate to treat the highly infectious virus that’s killed more than 1,000 people. The drug isn’t licensed or approved anywhere in the world yet. …”

Of interest, HHS has already won a lawsuit against Gilead. “For nearly a decade, Gilead’s price gouging on PrEP has prevented hundreds of thousands of Americans from accessing this technology, despite it being a taxpayer-funded invention,” noted a statement by the PrEP4All Collaboration. “If HHS is truly invested in ending the HIV epidemic, it will use these patents as leverage to ensure that everyone who needs PrEP can get it.”

Clinton Inc.’s “Open Sesame” Policy – Vis-à-Vis Nukes – Set The Stage: Enemy Agents INSIDE America’s Nuke Facilities! Commentary By Adina Kutnicki

Image result for pics of open sesame signs

IF ever a case should be made for willful dereliction of duty and national betrayal, well, the “open sesame” signs to America’s nuke facilities is it. Lock, stock, and barrel. Now, whether a Demster or Repub administration is guilty as charged, the end result is the same: treason. 

IN this respect, those who believe they are aware of the crimes perpetrated by Obama Inc. and Clinton Inc., particularly, re the illicit sale of 20% of America’s uranium and various anti-American activities hidden within the Clinton Foundation, don’t know the half of it. Besides which, how many are privy to the details of their “pay-for-play” complicity in the Gulftainer/Club-K Port deal; collusion of the highest order with Russia and Islamic hotbeds of Jihadi terror? Didn’t think so. 

AND with the Middle East on fire, let there be no doubt: the aforementioned crimes are part and parcel of the biggest betrayal of all, that is, the nation’s nuclear secrets have been gifted to America’s enemies under the “watchful” eyes of the Clinton administration – and this crooked line led straight to HUSSEIN’s “House of Bribes” via the sell-out to Iran in 2015!

BUT before the “open sesame”, bazaar-like nuke access under Billy boy’s Presidency is outlined, the following details (via the combined heavy-lifting of Clinton Inc. and Obama Inc.) must be understood for what they are:

The Gultainer deal, which has alarmed the military, was approved by Treasury Secretary Jacob ‘Jack’ Lew, a former senior adviser to President Clinton. An unnamed source tells 1776 Channel that “the defense establishment is unhappy” about the deal between Gulftainer and Port Canaveral.

A port quarter view of the British nuclear-powered ballistic missile submarine HMS Vanguard (SSBN-50) arriving in port. NASA’s giant Vehicle Assembly Building (VAB) at the Kennedy Space Center and various space launch pads can be seen in the distance. UAE’s Gulftainer is building an intermodal container terminal on the same side of the port as the U.S. Navy submarine base.

Gulftainer’s exclusive arrangement with Port Canaveral was negotiated in secret under the code name ‘Project Pelican.’  The 35-year lease grants Gulftainer exclusive rights to operate an intermodal container terminal inside Port Canaveral, near sensitive Department of Defense and NASA installations.

Recently-installed Port Canaveral CEO John Walsh concealed the Pelican Project and the identity of Gulftainer from the public until June 24, 2014, by which time Gulftainer officials from the UAE had already arrived in Florida for a signing ceremony.


The abruptly-announced deal between Gulftainer and the port immediately became a lightning rod for criticism due to multiple security concerns. To deflect those objections, Port Canaveral CEO Walsh employed the Obama administration’s standard talking point: “We can’t be racist.”

Joe Kasper, Chief of Staff to Rep. Duncan Hunter (R-CA), when asked today by 1776 Channel to comment on the “We can’t be racist” argument made by CEO Wash last summer, objected strongly:

“That claim is b***s**t — only an irrelevant and ignorant person would say that.” – Joe Kasper – Chief of Staff to Rep. Duncan Hunter (R-CA)


Rep. Duncan Hunter (R-CA) of the House Armed Services Committee opposed the Gulftainer lease on national security grounds. Rep. Hunter expressed his concerns about Gulftainer in a letter to Secretary Lew, to no avail.

Hunter’s Chief of Staff Joe Kasper also commented today to 1776 Channel about the absence of a Gulftainer – Port Canaveral deal national security review:

“There were no assurances whatsoever that this … arrangement was thoroughly reviewed and considered for national security risks. The request was made but I don’t think the administration gave it any real attention” – Joe Kasper, Chief of Staff to Rep. Duncan Hunter (R-CA)

The UAE’s Jafar family, which owns and controls both the Crescent Group and Gulftainer, has both direct and indirect connections to former President Clinton, a 1776 Channel investigation has discovered. Two brothers, Majid Jafar and Badr Jafar, stand at the helm of the Jafar family business empire….

Treasury Secretary Lew granted approval to the Port Canaveral Gulftainer deal, without a national security review, on September 26, 2014, almost exactly six months after Bill Clinton and Crescent Petroleum CEO Majid Jafar stood on stage together at the Global Education & Skills Forum 2014 in Dubai.

The question is, did Bill Clinton engage the Jafars/Crescent in quid pro quo skid-greasing to ram the Gulftainer deal through the U.S. Treasury Department in exchange for the Clinton’s favorite commodity: cash?

The Clintons have a history of accepting money in the UAE. It is an established fact that Bill and Hillary Clinton have demonstrated little to no interest in protecting U.S. national security. The reality is quite the opposite, in fact….continue reading, that is, if your patriotic heart can withstand it.

ONTO the “treachery of all treacheries”….

BACK in 2005, Paul Sperry, a “Washington-based investigative journalist and Hoover Institution media fellow who has broken a number of national stories on the war on terrorism…..” wrote “INFILTRATION: HOW MUSLIM SPIES AND SUBVERSIVES HAVE PENETRATED WASHINGTON ” – the first real investigative expose’ on how the nation became the “playground” of Allah’s Muslim Terrorists, in order to facilitate its (eventual) implosion. For the record, in 2009, Sperry co-authored MUSLIM MAFIA: INSIDE THE SECRET UNDERWORLD THAT’S CONSPIRING TO ISLAMIZE AMERICA” with David Gaubatz, a premiere counter-terror and counterintelligence professional.

THAT being established, coupled with all the smokin’ evidence of Jihadi penetration into Washington’s highest recesses – as revealed within Sperry’s stunning and explosive investigation – few can rationally argue that lending access to America’s nuclear secrets isn’t the highest betrayal of all. Agreed?

ENTER, Clinton Inc….

AS reported in Chapter 22 of “INFILTRATION, LOOSE NUKES: Hosting Terror Sponsors at the Weapons Labs”, its opening shot sets the stage:

” Every terrorist country was represented at the labs, either as post-doctoral workers and students assigned there, or as visitors. Iran, Syria – you name it, we had them from all of those places.”

—-RET. COL. EDWARD McCALLUM, former head of the Department of Energy’s Office of Safeguards and Security (1978-1999)

EFFECTIVELY, throughout Clinton’s two-term tenure, McCallum was in a front-line position to witness (repeatedly, butting heads with Clinton appointees to close down nuke access) the “open sesame” gifts to terror sponsoring regimes, be they “green or red” aligned. Unholy smokes!!

ACCORDING to Sperry’s evidentiary trail, did you know the following?

  • Clinton Inc. facilitated the infiltration and penetration of “students and other workers” from terror sponsoring nations into the nation’s nuclear facilities, to the point of possessing the highest security clearance from the Dept. of Energy, “Q-cleared.” Roughly comparable to the Dept. of Defense Top Secret clearance with Sensitive Compartmentalized Information Access, TS-SCI, it gave unfettered entry to the nation’s TOP nuclear facilities. Imagine that.
  • More specifically, McCallum locked horns, from 1993-1999, with Clinton’s Energy Secretary Hazel O’Leary over lax security procedures at the nation’s nuke facilities. Unfathomably, her “reasoning” went like this: she wanted to open up the labs to even more foreigners, including those from Middle Eastern countries that sponsor terrorism, as part of her controversial “openness policy.” Did you ever??
  • In fact, said foreigners worked (and still do) at Department of Energy labs, including Lawrence Livermore, Los Alamos, and Sandia, where America’s nuclear weapons are designed and maintained.
  • In concert, as of Sperry’s (2004/2005) investigative wrap up (aside from “students and other workers”), hundreds of visits took place – of course, under the umbrella of “openness” – between terror sponsoring intelligence agencies from Iran, Iraq, Pakistan, Jordan, Egypt, Turkey, Yemen, Kenya, Philippines, etc, through various “friendly” programs. Mind you, little changed, even after 9/11/01!
  • Per Clinton Inc.’s twisted mindset, so-called “foreign security-training courses” (a joint effort between DOE and the State Department) are designed to train Islamic-driven countries (red-imbued too) to handle “proper nuclear protocols and safeguards”, and non-proliferation alike. Do pigs fly?
  • So, let’s analyze this “security” program by pondering its Orwellian paradox: opening up America’s nuke facilities, its secrets and more, is supposed to protect and benefit America, in that enemy nations will not only learn proper procedures, but be grateful for the leadership’s generosity and trust. In turn, they will reciprocate the favor, and, then what – stand down?? Or, could it be that the Deep State  views this infiltration as the clearest route to bring America to her knees – leveling the playing field, so to speak?
  • To wit, by examining the tip of the betrayal via its nuke spear, ponder this: as reported by Sperry, “Los Alamos, which handles the country’s most sensitive nuclear secrets, was ordered to shut down for a month (May 31, 2000) after officials discovered that several portable computer devices containing classified information were missing. It was just one in a string of security lapses at the lab.” Again, one of a growing list, as detailed here.
  • But there’s more. Sperry continues his findings, “Between 1998 and 2003 (blogger’s note: keep in mind that his investigation wrapped up sometime in 2004/2005, thus, the following is, again, its tip), federal investigators documented more than thirteen hundred disappearances of radioactive materials in the U.S. Some of the losses have not been recovered. Los Alamos investigators concluded in a recent study that, despite tightened security after 9/11, terrorists still have a “very significant” chance of getting their hands on enough radioactive ingredients to make a dirty bomb.”
  • By the way, back in 2013, this Muslim Brotherhood expert/investigative journalist received an urgent shout out from a very reliable counterintelligence source, one which pointed in the very same (nuclear) direction. Suffice to say: a top-level nuclear physics professor/researcher – at one of America’s premier academic/research institutions – confirmed that certain materials went missing from the lab he headed. And being that several “foreign” (read: Middle Eastern) post docs were in charge of this and that at the lab, he entrusted the aforementioned source to “take care of business.” Know that going to top university administrators – FEDS alike – with this info fell on deaf ears. Enough said.

IT should be noted: while President Bush talked a better game, that which transpired under Clinton Inc. continued under his watch. As McCallum pointed out: “When it comes to management in the labs and the security business, I don’t see a dime’s worth of difference between the Bush administration and the Clinton administration,” he says, shockingly enough. Bush appointed Spencer Abraham, an Arab American, to take over responsibility of the labs from (former) Energy Secretary Bill Richardson.


ALAS, can anyone imagine how much more imperiled the nation has become, after the two-term reign of the Islamist-in-Chief – not only through his veritable and verifiable “House of Bribes“, but though the continuation of this and that “open sesame” gifts to countless more “students, workers, and intelligence agency visitors” from terror sponsoring regimes? Shiver the west timbers.   

IN no uncertain terms, except for a few stalwart patriots in swamp-infested D.C., those who (mis)steer the ship of state, do so from within the highest recesses of government. In other words, anti-American enemies inside the body politic (with their non-official helpers) present the gravest danger of all, bar none. 

FOR if not for their outright treacherous enabling (regardless of their gobblygook), the nation, for the most part, would have its secrets intact, instead of handed over to mortal enemies on an “open sesame” silver platter! 

EVEN so, though not one to mix apples and oranges, if this was not the case, Pakistani intelligence agents, as of 2018, would not be able to brag (and they have every reason to!) that they “control the White House“, you know, once again, through an “open sesame” (DNC, IT Tech) invite! 

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RESULTANT, how much more ammunition is needed – finally, to lock up those who have betrayed the nation, and from the highest echelons of power, no less??

Image result for pics of Los alamos and nukes

{re-blogged at TheHomelandSecurityNetwork}click “Archives” to read, dated April 23, 2018
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Huma & Hill’s Brotherhood Mafia Nexus Comes To A Head: DNC Staffer’s Murderous Cover-up! Commentary By Adina Kutnicki

FROM the onset, let’s be perfectly frank, thereby, excruciatingly clear: but for the fact that too many of officialdom’s (surrogates alike) heads would roll if Hill (and Bill) was arrested for her actual crimes – financial-wise and through actual body counts – she would be disqualified from running for POTUS and end up in jail for years to come. Treason, anyone? 

FOR the record, Demsters and RINO’s alike, countless power players are running scared. They are terrified of being dragged into an ever-widening net that would sweep them all in. Thus, they choose to remain stone cold silent. Self preservation and all that jazz.


THAT being said, this is the main impetus behind FBI Director Comey’s outright betrayal of his Constitutional oath to uphold the rule of law. Intrinsically, massive political pressure was exerted by those who really hold the whip over agency (and other) heads, dictating: do NOT indict Hillary – or else! No doubt.

MORE specifically, as clearly analyzed by Austin Bay:

The FBI sold out the Rule of Law in America. After describing clear evidence of extensive mishandling of classified national security information, FBI Director James Comey announced that the FBI will not recommend indicting former secretary of state Hillary Clinton. This is naked crony government, ugly and exposed. Comey’s decision will go down as one of the government’s worst assaults on truth in its War on Honesty.

Today’s press conference was, in many respects, an exercise in legal and cognitive dissonance. Comey acknowledged Clinton sent and received Top Secret emails that “any reasonable person” understands not to discuss on an unclassified system.

Red flags? Excuse me, sir—that’s a crime.

Comey also acknowledged her email system was housed on unclassified personal servers that lacked full-time security systems. Indeed, nations and groups hostile to the U.S. could have hacked the system. Comey acknowledged “hostile actors” hacked individuals corresponding with Clinton on her unauthorized system. She also used her unsecured personal system outside of the U.S.—in places where sophisticated adversaries could hack her communications.

Comey called this careless. Sir, it is reprehensible. It is reckless disregard of American security.

Then he said he would not recommend indictment.

This is beyond outrage. Everyone who has carried a Top Secret clearance and had access to Top Secret information knows that Clinton has criminally violated the laws protecting classified information. These laws serve a purpose. Protecting security secrets is essential to protecting America.

Concern for U.S. defense did not guide Comey’s decision nor did respect for the rule of law. His decision is shaped—warped—by the craven politics of his political bosses. The Lynch-Clinton Phoenix Airport confab is an external, media-apparent manifestation. Does a reasonable prosecutor meet “secretly with the husband of someone under investigation”?

FBI Counter-Intelligence serves as America’s frontline domestic defender. It is tasked with destroying enemy spy rings, tracking potential terrorists and stopping terrorist attacks on U.S. territory. The Director’s failure to encourage prosecution makes his own department’s job much harder. It will undermine the morale of U.S. security personnel.

Comey’s kowtow to the partisan political interests of the Obama Administration and its powerful elitists will add to the erosion of faith in the American system and embed a bitter partisanship that will take a decade or more to bridge…..

WHICH brings us directly to Huma’s door. 

EVEN so, instead of re-working the wheel, a detailed indictment against her can be found within a previous analysis and alongside a host of others found at these pages. Indeed, Huma Abedin is a top Brotherhood spy, and cemented to Clinton Inc. The evidence is bullet proof, unlike the actual bodies who went down for the count!

NOT only that, adding fuel to the raging house-fire engulfing America, Wikileaks, once again, enters the fray. 

TO wit, atop the mega proofs housed under this umbrella, along comes additional ammunition, that which should bury Hill, Huma and Bubba – along with a host of others – six feet under. Of course, that would mean that justice still prevails, even among the heretofore Teflon Dons!

It has become widely known that Huma Abedin is connected directly to the Muslim Brotherhood. As it turns out, she has been secretly recording meetings with Hillary Clinton and some of the videos have been intercepted by anonymous black-hat hackers.

Julian Assange, infamous hacker and founder of WikiLeaks, has been announcing for weeks that more leaks are coming soon. He foretells that the next leak will be enough evidence to convict Hillary Clinton of treason and it looks like he may be right.

We have been able to confirm that the substance of the leaks will be evidence of a vast conspiracy within our government. It appears that Huma Abedin secretly recorded Hillary Clinton giving names of everyone involved in this conspiracy to subvert our nation.

Huma Mahmood Abedin has worked with Clinton since 1996 where she began as an intern in the west wing. For most of the past 20 years, Huma has served as Clinton’s “bodywoman”, which is basically a glorified lady’s maid. She now sits as the vice chair in Hillary Clinton’s presidential campaign.


Although Clinton and her gang tried to stop Seth Rich from leaking any incriminating evidence, they were too late. Rich turned over the DNC emails that were leaked recently and the hacker immediately gave them to Wikileaks along with the intercepted videos.

The only other pieces of information that my source was able to give is that the “meetings will show treason and they will show who is involved. Hillary names names.” The source also says that this scandal is worldwide and that Angela Merkel is one of the names spoken by Hillary Clinton.

Hillary Clinton knew that the DNC was working with mainstream media to sway the nomination process toward her and away from Bernie Sanders. She totally ignored the US democratic process we Americans have always followed to the best of our ability.

WikiLeaks is demanding more than the stepping down of Wasserman Shultz. Hillary Clinton cannot be allowed to become President of the United States. Her nomination must be annulled by We The People! We have that right, but much more than that we have the responsibility to do this. If we do not then voting is just a farce…a false promise by a failed democracy.

Since this conversation with the anonymous FBI informant, we have seen several rounds of leaked emails by Assange and a promise for more evidence of Clinton’s corruption. Confidential sources say that time is almost here. On Saturday, Wikileaks will release the leaked videos and their contents will shock everyone.

The videos were secretly recorded for the Saudi Royale by Huma Abedin and intercepted by Anonymous while she was transferring them via a well known file sharing site. The hackers confronted Huma about the videos and she agreed to give the anonymous hacker information about the Democratic National Committee from a DNC insider, if he would agree not to expose her. The insider she introduced him to was none other than Seth Rich, the DNC employee who was recently found murdered in July.

AGAIN, how many times, how many ways, has this investigative journalist pointed to (since 2012) the same criminal and Islamic-bent conspiracy, one which ensnares both Clinton Inc. and Obama Inc.?? Rhetorical.

MOST significantly, the multiplicity of layers which surround Clinton Inc., one way or another, wend back to her relationship with Huma Abedin ala the Brotherhood. So whether or not we are dissecting the Clinton Foundation’s cartel-like racketeering enterprise; their roles in Benghazigate, or assorted intel covers blown due to email breaches, the fact remains that Huma is deeply tied into all of Clinton Inc.’s crimes. Guaranteed. Ipso facto, so too into the Muslim Brotherhood Mafia.

HENCE, as repeatedly proven, how many DEAD bodies will it take for Congress (among those who will still be left standing, untainted by Clinton Inc’s/Huma’s/Obama Inc.’s multiplicity of crimes) to bring them to heel, irrespective of associated cohorts who will go down for the fall with them?

AND whether or not she wins – heaven forfend – or loses in November, this much is for sure: without a laundry list of charges filed, well, the notion that the rule of law has any meaning left, or even warrants adherence to – by the citizens at large – hangs in the balance. 


TIME will (soon) tell. Running out.

{re-blogged at Conservative Firing Line}

{re-blogged at The Homeland Security Network}

HUMA ABEDIN, Top Brotherhood Spy, Cemented To Clinton Inc. Final Death Keel To America, If Hill’s Elected! Commentary By Adina Kutnicki


NON patriotic Americans – in particular, Muslims and their leftist cohorts – are thrilled that the Obama White House is an extension of the Muslim Brotherhood Mafia. Intrinsically, they are salivating over the prospect of Hill replacing HUSSEIN. 

YES, while there would be a ‘technical’ changing of the guard – coupled with stylistic differences – in relationship to the global Brotherhood Mafia, well, her ascension would be no less than cementing Islamist power for 4 more years. In effect, after a 12 year period of entrenchment (2008-2020), the United States of America may as well be changed to the Shariah States of America, thus, ending the charade of a Constitutional Republic. As a matter of fact, many confuse the US with being a democracy, but no matter. Either way, its death keel would be complete.

TO wit, it is under Hill’s (Bill’s alike) crooked wings that Huma Abedin’s Islamist control over key FED power centers in America has flourished. But before we head to the specifics, it must be understood that for the Bonnie and Clyde couple of US power politics the impetus is two-fold: ideological AND financial. And it is through the criminally constructed Clinton Foundation that much of the nefarious, anti-American activity is funneled, indeed, tailor-made for RICO charges! Alas, some of it will be detailed below via Clinton’s Inc.’s sell-out to the Arabs ala ‘port deals’…patience, dear readers…

The racketeering, influenced and corrupt organizations, or RICO, case alleges the former first couple and their family philanthropy traded political favors for donations or generous speaking fees for Bill Clinton while his wife was the nation’s chief diplomat.

BACK to Huma’s ‘pedigree’, and what her re-entry into the White house – having been part of Billy boy’s White (aka frat) House – portends for America. Mind you, this investigative journalist ran with her bonafides, almost as an opening shot to this site’s inception in June 2012THAT important.


IN this regard, to find out what her background really means for America, don’t be distracted by her exotic looks, but do pay attention to her deep associations within the hierarchy of the Brotherhood Mafia.

SO while hunting for Hill’s missing emails, it is imperative to unmask Huma’s part in it and her attendant Brotherhood trail. Rest assured, aside from her boss’s grave breach of ethics and worse, Huma Abedin’s VERY deep terror ties will pop to the fore. Yes, they wend to the tippy top of the Islamist spear because she is a main Brotherhood implant, as well as Hill’s joined-at-the-hip mate. That close.

WANNA get even more specific? HUMA is directly tied to an AL-QAIDA charity front-man; yes, a radical Islamic web surrounds Hillary’s chief-of-staff! (un)Holy jihad.


HMMM…Abdullah Omar Naseef is deeply connected to the Abedin family and Huma worked on the editorial board of a Saudi-financed Islamic think tank alongside him, an extremist accused of financing al-Qaida fronts. Yes, ‘they be’ less than 3 degrees separated! 

ARE you shocked? Don’t be. There’s more…


Recipient of Benghazi ‘smoking-gun’ email blaming attack on Internet video

There is a troubling common thread that links Hillary Clinton’s former chief of staff to the current special assistant to the National Security Council chief of staff of the military’s Islamic chaplain program.

The thread is more radical than the Muslim Brotherhood. It is the Muslim World League, a group accused of financing al-Qaida fronts. The organization’s offshoots have been declared official terrorist organizations by both the State Department and the United Nations.

Yet despite the troubling facts, Muslim World League-linked individuals have been in key national security positions and are currently helping to run the military’s chaplain program.

The case of Mehdi K. Alhassani, special assistant to the Office of the Chief of Staff of the National Security Council, drew attention last week in the blogosphere after former PLO operative Walid Shoebat reported on Alhassani’s ties to Muslim Brotherhood-linked groups.

Alhassani’s name emerged in an administration email made public last week as part of a Judicial Watch lawsuit. The email was sent three days after the Sept. 11, 2012, Benghazi attack to Alhassani and other officials from Ben Rhodes, Obama’s deputy national security adviser for strategic communication.

In the email, Rhodes communicates the need to “underscore that these protests are rooted in an Internet video, and not a broader failure of policy.”

Alhassani, it has emerged, was president of the Muslim Student Association at George Washington University from 2005 to 2006. The MSA was openly founded by Muslim Brotherhood activists.

While the MSA was founded by Brotherhood activists, its roots are far more dangerous and tie into both Clinton’s deputy chief of staff and adviser, Huma Abedin, and Alhassani as well as the military’s chaplain program.

Start-up funding for the MSA was provided by the Saudi Arabian charity the Muslim World League, or MWL whose motto is: Jihad is our way!

YET, even though the above barely scratches the surface, if you dare imagine, it is quite possible that finally the captured media will have to deal with the dangers surrounding the joined-at-the-hip duo, Hill and Huma. 

ENTER, the none too shy Donald Trump…Even though he has yet to publicly expose Huma’s (and by extrapolation, Hill’s) real dirt, it is only a matter of time. Donald, need a hand? Got a truck load, just give a shout out. Won’t even charge for it. Oh, boy.

Unfortunately, he hasn’t yet attacked her for Islamic terrorism-connections, but we know he will. Below are several links that explain in detail why having Huma Abedin anywhere near the White House would be like inviting in the terrorism-linked Muslim Brotherhood, which has been banned in Egypt and the UAE.

Donald Trump charged Wednesday that a sexually ‘deviant’ former congressman who is married to Hillary Clinton‘s closest aide has likely seen the contents of classified emails that passed through the former secretary of state’s private home-brew server.

Huma Abedin, the Pakistani-American chief of staff to Clinton, was wed in 2010 to then-Congressman Anthony Weiner, the Democrat whose star fell to earth amid lewd sexting scandals.

MSA (Muslim Student Association) is a front group for the Muslim Brotherhood. It resulted from Saudi-backed efforts to establish Islamic organizations internationally in the 1960s, for the purpose of spreading its Wahhabist ideology across the globe.

Republicans in Washington are furious with Clinton for destroying tens of thousands of emails dating from her time in office, and for including classified information in an unknown number of others.

Trump told DailyMail.com during a wide-ranging interview in his New York City Office that ‘the person seeing her emails more than anybody else is Huma. And who’s Huma married to? The worst deviant in the United States of America, right? Weiner!’

Abedin holds a security clearance as a former State Department deputy chief of staff, of the kind that would typically come with detailed guidance on what kind of information must be kept secret from family members, including spouses.


The McClatchy news service reported Thursday that so far, information in the classified emails idenfidied as having resided on Clinton’s private server has been traced back to five different U.S. intelligence agencies.

There is no evidence that Weiner himself has been made privy to sensitive or classified information, but such a lapse in data security would create a new headache for Clinton, who is gamely keeping her presidential candidacy afloat while investigations swirl around her.


NOW, as to Rep Bachmann and her righteous claims, they were proven beyond a doubt, again, at these pages in the summer of 2012. 

ON the upside, along comes a U.S. District Court Judge and his order:

Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and two of her top aides must attest, under the penalty of perjury, that all government documents in their possession have been turned over. Moreover, the judge ordered them to describe how they used Hillary Clinton’s private email server to conduct government business. The ruling was issued in the matter of a Freedom of Information lawsuit brought against the State Department by Judicial Watch.

“As agreed by the parties at the July 31, 2015 status hearing, the Government shall produce a copy of the letters sent by the State Department to Mrs. Hillary Clinton, Ms. Huma Abedin and Ms. Cheryl Mills regarding the collection of government records in their possession,” Judge Sullivan’s order stated. “These communications shall be posted on the docket forthwith.”

The government was also ordered to “identify any and all servers, accounts, hard drives, or other devices currently in the possession or control of the State Department or otherwise that may contain responsive information.” Additionally, Judge Sullivan said Clinton and two of her top aides — Huma Abedin and Cheryl Mills — must “confirm, under penalty of perjury, that they have produced all responsive information that was or is in their possession as a result of their employment at the State Department. If all such information has not yet been produced, the Government shall request the above named individuals produce the information forthwith.” He also said the government must “request that the above named individuals describe, under penalty of perjury, the extent to which Ms. Abedin and Ms. Mills used Mrs. Clinton’s email server to conduct official government business.”

“This blockbuster ruling is the most significant legal development to date in the ongoing Clinton email scandal. Hillary Clinton will now have to answer, under penalty of perjury, to a federal court about the separate email server she and her aides used to avoid accountability to the American people,” said Judicial Watch president Tom Fitton. “This court action shows that the rule of law and public’s right to know will no longer take a back seat to politics. Hillary Clinton and the Obama administration that is covering for her are not above the law.”

Fitton said this is the second FOIA lawsuit brought by the group to be reopened after the existence of Clinton’s private email server became known. Judicial Watch said it “is aware of no prior instances of federal courts reopening Freedom of Information lawsuits.” So far, the organization says it is litigating nearly 20 separate federal lawsuits concerning the former Secretary’s email records.

Clinton has maintained that she has turned over all the records. But she deleted a large batch of emails, claiming they were personal in nature. In March, she was ordered to turn over her server to a third party but has so far refused to do so. Judge Sullivan has given all parties until Friday, August 7, 2015, to comply with his order.

MOST significantly, if the judge’s order is adhered to, can you imagine how many MOO BROO skeletons will pop out of their servers??

IN any case, as promised, this site delivers the goods…back to the aforementioned Arab ‘port deals’ and more….

FROM the get go, this site has concentrated on Hill and Bill…aka Bonnie and Clyde…MA and PA Barker. Indeed, they set the bar for criminal duos to the maximum threshold…feeling a headache coming on…yes, overachievers. But never mind, let’s just utilize said appellations as talking points.

YET, aside from their general criminality, their specialty lies within the Brotherhood domain, even though Russia, China etc. are part of their ‘pay-to-play’ sphere.

IN a nutshell, the following (Dec. 2013) should suffice on the Brotherhood end, nevertheless, do not consider it exhaustive by any means: Hillary Clinton & Her Mobbed Up Brotherhood Terror Associates.

SO it is into the aforementioned arena that Clinton Inc.’s sell-out to the Brotherhood – though clearly not referenced as such – re the port deal with Dubai…aka the GULFTAINER GROUP… must be examinedcontinue reading….


CONSEQUENTIALLY, knowing what you do about the Clinton machine – and Huma Abedin’s deeply embedded nexus thereof – is there even a scintilla of a doubt that the Brotherhood Mafia will not be running the White House? And those already cemented under HUSSEIN Obama, will their power diminish or become a force multiplier?

SO the next time you see a pic of Huma and Hill with their heads together, shiver (the nation) timbers!!

UPDATE: Hillary’s email probe turns to Huma!!

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