IRSgate, Via Its Chief Counsel, Lands Squarely At The Lawbreaker-in-Chief’s Door! Commentary By Adina Kutnicki

Out of a laundry list of scandals swirling around Obama Inc two resonate the most with average Americans – IRSgate and NSAgate. One deals with financial fleecing and the other with a TOTAL invasion of privacy. Not exactly the way to engender trust, nor endearment, in ones leadership, to say the least.

To be sure, unless operating off the radar financially without requisite SS numbers in the murky waters of ‘cash’ only payments – commonly referred to in business as ‘off the books’ – most are as scared of the IRS as they are of being bit by a Pit Bull or some such wild animal. Maybe even more so. A trip to the dentist, in comparison, is a piece of cake, even if much drilling/pulling needs to be done. The IRS is that onerous.

It is this abject fear of the IRS’s ability to financially ruin a person’s life which has rendered IRSgate to register so high on the Richter scale, not that other scandals implicating Obama Inc. aren’t equally criminal in nature! But most relate better when they can project themselves into the mix, hence, taxpayers – large and small – are hoping for the ax to fall, but this time on the IRS!

That being said, IRS about to be blown wide open was penned less than two months ago, ever mindful of the dread and contempt felt by the average citizen, as juxtaposed against a deep knowledge base of the inner workings of the IRS. Sort of like having a bird’s eye perspective, both as a taxpayer and (previous) co-owner of a corporate tax practice while living in the NY/NJ area.

IRS abuse of Tea Party groups can be chalked up to “rogue employees” in Cincinnati, huh? Not according to the latest from the Washington Post.

The chief counsel’s office for the Internal Revenue Service, headed by a political appointee of President Obama, helped develop the agency’s problematic guidelines for reviewing “tea party” cases, according to a top IRS attorney.

In interviews with congressional investigators, IRS lawyer Carter Hull said his superiors told him that the chief counsel’s office, led by William Wilkins, would need to review applications that the agency had screened for additional scrutiny because of potential political activity.

Previous accounts from IRS employees had shown that Washington IRS officials were involved in the controversy, but Hull’s comments represent the closest connection to the White House to date.

The IRS counsel is a political appointee. Obama appointed Wilkins to that position in April 2009, so he was there across the entire abuse regime. Previous testimony in the IRS scandalhas revealed that Wilkins learned of the abuse by at least August 4, 2011, but White House spokesman Jay Carney told the press in May 2013 that Wilkins never bothered to inform the White House about it. This new information calls the previous testimony into question: Wilkins apparently knew of the abuse earlier than August 2011, because his own office was involved in it. His likely excuse: His staff went rogue and acted stupidly on their own. No one is ever in charge of, or accountable for, anything in Obama’s government, unless they’re in the military or otherwise expendable. Wilkins is probably too high to be expendable.

We’re getting ever closer to discovering that the White House through its counsel’s office was involved in, and probably directing, the abuse of citizens who were organizing to speak out against the Obama agenda. Catherine Engelbrecht’s case indicates that the IRS abuse is just one line of attack; the Obama government unleashed the full alphabet soup on her after she founded True the Vote.

That’s part of why Eric Holder has been unleashed on George Zimmerman. The right hand is hammering an innocent man while the left hand tries to wave Obama’s most dangerous scandal away. They’ll risk civil unrest to keep this particular scandal off the front pages.

And not to be remiss in burying the White House into quicksand, along comes one of their cheerleaders who inadvertently landed them into deeper holes. Kismet. As a Democrat testifying at yesterday’s hearing she inadvertently let the cat out of the bag. Oh, their Pinocchio noses keep growing…

In need of audio visuals? No problem. Take a peek herein To wit, if said revelations do not (eventually) land the Lawbreaker-in-Chief and his underlings straight into jail cells, then no amount of boomerangs will suffice. Therefore, one will then be able to state with assurance that IRSGate is…case closed. And that is that.