Adina Kutnicki

A Zionist & Conservative Blog

Adina Kutnicki

Valerie Jarrett’s Iranian-Benghazigate Collusion:Plotting To Destroy America; Forward Arm of Barack HUSSEIN Obama…Commentary By Adina Kutnicki

 IT is not for nothing that this blogger repeatedly targets Valerie Jarrett. Agreed, there are more than enough dangerous players – operating inside and outside Capitol Hill – to report on, but her central status, as the KEY confidante to Barack HUSSEIN Obama, is commensurate with her out-sized danger. Folks, do not be fooled by her petite stature. She is more lethal than the most venomous snake, capable of taking down America and bringing her crashing down. To her knees. Yes, this is a bold-faced statement, but no less true.

A 2010 New York Times article cited the following regarding the Obama administration’s ever increasing involvement with Muslim groups – led of course by Iranian-born Valerie Jarrett:  Muslim and Arab-American advocates have participated in policy discussions and received briefings from top White House aides and other officials on health care legislation, foreign policy, the economy, immigration and national security. They have met privately with a senior White House adviser, Valerie Jarrett…..

INHERENTLY, her bloody fingerprints are all over the map, domestically and foreign policy-wise. Concomitantly, through her domestic mischief-making, as the “wizardess of Oz” behind the (transformation) curtain, she should be considered America’s Number One Insider Enemy. Implanted in the nation’s heart.

IN tandem, her foreign interference is second to none. Don’t dare forget this. Most significantly, she (and Barack HUSSEIN Obama) straddles both the Sunni and Shia divide…it just depends where her hatchet is needed.

Hatchet Number One:

BUT in order not to confuse the volume of machinations attributed to Valerie Jarrett, let’s separate her domestic fires from her foreign ones.

Domestically, this pint-sized, stone cold, anti-American bitch orchestrated the illegal alien invasion; its dumping. Indeed, she did.

Hatchet Number Two:

IN this regard, co-opting (with full permission from the Fraud-in-Chief) DHS – the umbrella organ of the Fed’s related agencies, even if not officially recorded as such – has allowed her to exert TOTAL control over EVERY aspect of domestic ins and outs. Nothing is outside her domain.

Heil Jarrett….

Hatchet Number Three:

SO once America’s domestic arena is primed for takeover, it is intrinsic to continue the pressure via foreign policy chaos, chiefly through upheavals in the Mid East.

SANS a doubt, the epicenter for global terror originates in Iran, even though major Sunni players are not far behind. For the record, Jarrett is a self-described Iranian-American and her tentacles reach straight into the recesses of its supreme leader. 

An Israeli television network reported Sunday night that Valerie Jarrett, senior adviser to President Barack Obama, has been holding secret talks with the head of Iran’s Atomic Energy Organization, Ali Akbar Salehi, and that the international negotiations underway in Geneva are merely a “facade” covering up a deal whose terms have already been decided.

The report on Israel’s Channel 10 quoted unnamed senior Israeli officials who said that the talks, which have reportedly been underway for a year, have been held in various Persian Gulf states.

Exactly one year ago, the Israeli newspaper Ynet reported that Jarrett was beginning to communicate behind the scenes with representatives of Iran’s supreme leader, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei.

AS a result, Jarrett’s Iranian footprints were all over this blog. They have been center stage. They never abated.

Iranian Footprints Galore:

BASICALLY, throughout the so-called “negotiations” with Iran’s Hitlerite regime, America’s own hatchet woman has been shuttling back and forth between Washington and other world capitals, ensuring that Iran joins the “nuclear club”. As this American-Israeli noted in Nov. 2013…..

It is seemingly impossible to quantify the amount of treachery committed by Iranian born Valerie Jarrett to western civilization, try as one may. In tandem with her boss, Barack HUSSEIN Obama, they are the most DANGEROUS duo in the western world. That’s not an easy hurdle to pass.

But if not for a highly trusted contact in mid 2012, at the inception of this site, the reportage on Val would have been minimal, if at all. A heads up from an “in the know” Washington, DC associate kept dropping hints….again and again. It is important to give credit where it is due. No one is an island.

That being said, a starting point was documented, one which included Valerie Jarrett’s crimes against America and Israel in particular and the west in general.

MOREOVER, aside from her promises to Iran’s (Shia) genocidal mullahs that its WMD program will remain a fait accompli, it is not at all contradictory that Barack HUSSEIN Obama is siding with Sunni Qatar and Turkey’s mischief against Israel in its defensive war against Hamas – an offshoot of Egypt’s Brotherhood. Trenchantly, they are coming full circle to the aid of their Sunni and Shia com-padres, as mentioned in the 4th paragraph of this commentary – “it just depends where her hatchet is needed”.

REST assured, she (and her boss) is as jacked up with the Muslim Brotherhood’s Sunni terror groups – proven by their orchestrations via Benghazigate, cited below – as she is with her Shia contacts. Whatever it takes. As long as America and Israel go down, all options are on the table.

IN light of the above, it is instructive to follow their bloody trail into Libya, that which led to Benghazigate! But to make sense out of their treachery in its entirety, you must be able to see from there to here.

ESSENTIALLY, before viewing the following MUST see video, a brief intro is mandatory. The situation is so complex, meandering and Machiavellian that even intelligent folks are left scratching their heads. So, as a gift to the readers, let this overview commence with a previous commentary, one which predicted this week’s warning from Western Center for Journalism. 

ENTER…the “Blind Sheikh” and his intersection with Benghazigate. Mind you, the following was written in Sept. 2012, soon after Benghazigate exploded!

For those who are unfamiliar with his jihadist spree, think back to the 1993 World Trade Center bombings, and his Islamic devil’s-work becomes clear. Moreover, he is part and parcel of several other rampages within the U.S.

As a brief rendition/indictment, please see the following. Pay strict attention to his protege, El-Said Nosair, the murderer of Rabbi Kahane, as well as others too.

 ONTO this week’s video….

Warning: Western Center For Journalism – This video contains images that may be disturbing to some viewers.

Valerie Jarrett is Barack Obama’s closest adviser.

According to Barack Obama himself, no presidential decision is made without her, creating what amounts to a co-presidency shared between Obama and Valerie Jarrett. According to insiders, she is often seen walking the halls of the White House late into the night, being dubbed “The Night Stalker” by Obama’s Secret Service detail.

But this “Night Stalker” moniker may mean more than sneaking into Obama’s chambers to secretly discuss what the “co-presidency” is planning. The “Night Stalker” may be planning the destruction of a country she abhors: the United States. 

Watch this groundbreaking video to learn of the claim that Jarrett was behind the botched plan to kidnap ambassador Chris Stevens on September 11, 2012, as part of a plan to eventually destroy the United States!

IT goes without saying, regardless of one’s best laid plans, even the most powerful people in the world have to adapt their strategies, when events suddenly and unexpectedly go awry. Benghazigate demonstrates said truth.

AND, as described in the above video, the malignant White House duo (with attendant agencies via helpmates) had every intention of springing the infamous “Blind Sheikh”, one of the highest valued demands of the Sunni Brotherhood Mafia.

AND the fact that Iran’s Shia Quds forces were deeply involved in the plan, well, it attests to a main thesis hammered within: regardless of this or that “religious” divide, the fact of the matter is that Islamists – of all stripes – always join hands when it comes to killing infidels.

ATOP their collaborative efforts belie the deaths of as many Christians and Jews, wherever they reside. America and Israel are their top targets. Prime meat.

Adina Kutnicki: Readers, one and all, relating as an American-Israeli, as someone who loves her birth country as well as her Jewish homeland, there is NO greater danger to western civilization than the Muslim Brotherhood and all its attendant jihadi offshoots. Indeed, the Iranian menace, through its Hitlerite regime, looms very large overhead, and they too are arming for nothing more than complete Islamic hegemony. Yes, once either, heaven forbid, prevails, they will merge forces (Sunni and Shia, after which they will fight each other for ultimate hegemony, as they have done for centuries) and aim straight for the west’s jugular. But whatever shakes out, the Brotherhood’s umbrella – spanning all over the globe – is Allah-bent on bringing down America. Rest assured, they are well positioned to do so, having many friends ensconced within President Obama’s White House. The situation is dire. If America falls, so too does the free world. Ditto, if Israel is, G-d forbid, destroyed. There is no room for equivocating. Like it or not, the two are twin pillars. They are, in effect, holding up western civilization.

27 thoughts on “Valerie Jarrett’s Iranian-Benghazigate Collusion:Plotting To Destroy America; Forward Arm of Barack HUSSEIN Obama…Commentary By Adina Kutnicki

      • Why I was afraid… If you’re right it’s almost too big (and too ugly) to grasp. Not only the American people but all the world have been cheated. Badly.

  1. Pingback: Valerie Jarrett's Iranian-Benghazigate Collusio...

  2. Thank you again, Adina. They didn’t show their deep involvement before 2010…although it was their playbook from when they got him elected to the Illinois Senate and even before that, as he has been groomed since childhood. So sad that so many American people are still in his camp and those of his racist comrades.

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