CAIR’S “Hate Crimes” Train Regroups In St. Cloud: Brotherhood Fronts, UniteCloud, AG Ellison & Media On Board! What’s To Be Done? Commentary By Adina Kutnicki


AKIN to a multi-headed hydra which never ceases to grow endless tentacles, CAIR (the Council on American-Islamic Relations; the propaganda arm of the Muslim Brotherhood Mafia in general and Hamas in specific) will continue its jihadi thrust – unless President Trump designates it a F/T/O (Foreign Terrorist Organization). Finally.

IN fact, a mountain of supportive evidence exists to execute the same – much of which has been documented within these pages. Most recently (on October 12, 2019), it was via the “Brotherhood Mafia Foxes Are INSIDE President Trump’s White House.”

THAT being exhibited, it took a mere few weeks – after it was reported on Sept. 19, 2019 that the FBI “climbed down” from the very same “Hate Crimes” confab with CAIR’s terror-tied mouthpieces, and hot on the heels of much heavy-lifting through an initial alert on Sept. 12, 2019 ala the “FBI Teams Up With CAIR For ‘Dismantling Hate Crimes’ Event on Sept. 18, 2019 in St. Cloud ” – for CAIR to crank it up, again! Still yet, it remains to be seen if the FBI executes a volte face and rejoins their propaganda machine. Rest assured, if AG Keith Ellison – a hooked-in Brotherhood go-to supporter/operative in MN – has his druthers through this and that pressure point, well, the FBI will, once again, climb aboard!
Image result for pics of keith ellison
 {Former Rep. Ellison (D – MN) pow-wows with ICNA leaders!  
  • New York-based Islamic organization which has been probed by the FBI for ties to terrorism
  • Works closely with radical Islamic organizations and invites radical speakers to its conferences

The Islamic Circle of North America (ICNA) was founded in September 1968 as the American affiliate of Jamaat-e-Islami, South Asia’s largest Islamist group. Jamaat’s militant wing, Hizbul Mujahideen — aka Hizb-ul Mujahideen — owned the Pakistani compound where Osama bin Laden was living at the time of his death…..continue reading about ICNA’s bullet-proof terror-ties here…..}

ALAS, as to their latest thrust, the pressing question is: What’s really “going down” in St. Cloud with the aforementioned “Terrorists-in-Suits?”

GUARANTEED, if CAIR’s intrusion into St. Cloud isn’t halted, an absolute knock-on effect – the likes of which will reverberate throughout the nation – will endanger national security, mirroring its penetrations throughout the country. Ipso facto, the piggyback question becomes: What’s to be done to fully expose the “Hate Crimes” train in St. Cloud for what it truly is? First things first.

AS per the first part, that is, “what’s going down”, it is not for nothing that the analogy of CAIR to a multi-headed hydra set the stage to this analysis. Not only is the terror organ the central mouthpiece to the Brotherhood’s Mafia’s political messaging (again, as their propaganda arm) for a vast network of inter-related jihadi fronts, it is also the case that each time their efforts are temporarily sidelined they emerge stronger! How can this be?

IN this regard, it has come to this investigative journalist’s attention that the original “Dismantling Hate Crimes” panel on Sept. 18, 2019 (though cancelled) has morphed into five ! events – yes, hydra-like, with two more added on as adjunct partners, all of which will take place in St. Cloud, MN. Yes, that Minnesotastan.

AD nauseam, the ringmaster to this smoke and mirrors show is Jaylani Hussein, CAIR’s shuck and jiver in MN. Inexorably, he works tirelessly to convince the public that “Islamophobia” (a made up out of whole cloth bugaboo to squash any criticism of Islam) causes an “irrational” and biased fear of Muslims/Islam – heaven forfend, one dares to connect the dots between Islam and terror. Indeed, to said end, he lies profusely under Islam’s taqiyya mandate.

ON Nov. 16, 2018 he had this to say – or not…..

Japanese-American Internment camp symposium speakers Saturday, Nov. 18, 2017, were, from left, John Matsunaga, Sally Sudo, Professor Yuichiro Onishi and CAIR Minnesota Director Jaylani Hussein.

(Symposium speakers Saturday, Nov. 18, 2017, at the St. Cloud Public Library were, from left, John Matsunaga, Sally Sudo, professor Yuichiro Onishi and CAIR Minnesota Director Jaylani Hussein).

The Minnesota leader of the Council on American-Islamic Relations was asked during a community meeting Saturday if he would renounce the terrorist organization Hamas and the Muslim Brotherhood.

He refused.

The event at the St. Cloud Public Library was part of CAIR’s ongoing “anti-Islamophobia” campaign that it launched in the wake of the election one year ago of President Donald Trump.

IN fact, one of his colleagues at CAIR’s MN office, Abubakar Osman (A/K/A Sadiqq Abu Osman), intoned:


TO wit, it is under this dangerous backdrop that CAIR – an unindicted co-conspirator to the largest terrorism trial in U.S. history, the Holy Land Foundation trial (2008) – must be stopped through the Brotherhood’s designation as a F/T/O.

The American Pulse Foundation hosted an event last week in Washington, D.C. for congressmen and experts to discuss the possibility of the Trump administration designating the Muslim Brotherhood as a terrorist organization….continue your national security education here…..

ALL of which circles back to the cover given to CAIR by MN’s terror-tied AG Ellison – indeed, “Islamophobia” must be vanquished by his new task force! This is no small matter. In fact, it is a weaponized political bludgeon of the highest magnitude.

NOT only that, to “kosher” it for public consumption, a sop to anti-semitism was added – as if the likes of CAIR is not an out-sized and unrepentant purveyor of Jew-hatred. Credo quia absurdum. (Dear reader, refer back to Jaylani Hussein and his cohort-in-hate, Sadiqq Abu Osman). Incontestably, the insertion of HF  2587 into the Minnesota Legislature is little more than stealth jihad. Mind you, the fact that MN’s Gov. Tim Walz is fully on the “Islamophobia” train, well…..  

INTRACTABLY, the establishment media – wholly captured by the red-green alliance – is at their service, be they local outlets or national in scope. Demonstrably, as tweeted below, Council Members are on the bandwagon, too.

I’ve heard stories from ppl who have been victims of hate crimes. It’s heartbreaking to think that such bias-motivated atrocities could happen in MN in 2019. I’m proud to be working with Attorney General

to work on the goal of preventing hate crimes in MN. #mnleg

12:37 AM · Aug 2, 2019 from St Paul, MN
WHAT an echo chamber. But there’s more.
CONSIDER: Why would the New York Times, A/K/A the “paper of record”, be interested in reporting on St. Cloud? Let’s face it, it is not exactly a locale that their scribblers would normally buzz around. Hint: When the goal is to smear conservatives, at the same time that an opportunity is afforded to wax poetic about Muslims in general and Somalis in particular (yes, those oh-so civilized jihadis!), said “reporting” becomes an irresistible magnet.
There are a few ways to get your hometown splashed across the pages of the New York Times. Its Thursday morning portrait of a fearful, refugee-hating St. Cloud is probably not the most coveted one……

The piece includes a string of baffling vignettes, each one portraying white residents airing their distrust and even disgust with the couple thousand Somali refugees that have settled in town over the past decade or so.

There were accounts of people who viewed Somalis as “innately less intelligent than the ‘typical’ American citizen,” a looming menace threatening to “replace” all white people, and most sinisterly, “not from Norway.” One unnamed woman “bemoaned” sections of the city where Somali immigrants had supposedly taken over, and where white people were simply too uncomfortable to return.

“‘They were just—’ she said, searching for the words to describe the offending behavior of the Somali Americans. ‘They were just walking around.’”

Naturally, Minnesotans reacted quickly to the story on social media. Some were horrified. Some thought it was an unfair smear of a diverse, hardworking town based on the trash opinions of a vocal few—among them Mayor Dave Kleis.

“I don’t think it’s reflective of the community,” Kleis says. He says he invited the reporter of the piece to come back to town and get a broader, more diverse read on its people, and further “balance” some of the rhetoric that appeared on the page…..

Natalie Ringsmuth of UniteCloud, a grassroots community-building organization featured in the New York Times article, says this piece has actually been in the works for about that long. The Times kept coming and going, pitching stories to their editors and eventually having them die for one reason or another. This one, she says, actually made it to press.

“I knew it would be scathing,” she says. She’s grateful UniteCloud was included in the conversation. Some of these stories—like the feature on This American Life—leave out the voices calling for inclusivity to further focus on those railing against it.

“We had to fight for that,” she says.

And yeah, she does understand the frustration in some of those social media comments. Not everyone in St. Cloud is like the people from those Somali-fearing vignettes. More of them, she says, are “people in the middle” who don’t know what to make of all this rancor, or what to do about it.

But the side of the city portrayed in the Times is important to talk about. The anti-Somali faction may be small, but as the Times pointed out, they got two of their favored candidates on the St. Cloud City Council last year.

“I think that for many years in this community, that sentiment has been there,” Ringsmuth says. “A Minnesota Nice version would be to not even acknowledge that those voices are out there, but the time is now to be honest about where we are.”

If anything, she wishes the Times would have dedicated more space to the people on the front lines of this issue—the Somali residents pushing back against the hate and choosing to remain right where they are, changing hearts and minds—“taking back” their narratives. Those are the people, she says, who are doing the most to make St. Cloud a better, more welcoming place.

NOW that the captured media’s part is revealed for what it is, let’s turn our attention to touchy-feely UniteCloud, Natalie Ringsmuth’s pet project.
AKIN to countless who relish the spotlight – that which goes hand in hand with the role of “peacemaker” – Ringsmuth pretends that what is isn’t. In other words, while St. Cloud is rightfully nicknamed “Little Mogadishu” – with thousands of Somalis dominating the city – she completely ignores the stepped-up jihad within their ranks. 
EVEN more so, she is in lock-step with the Brotherhood Mafia’s mouthpieces via CAIR. Indubitably, how can she still deny what is isn’t? No doubt, sharing this and that forum with Jaylani Hussein (highlighted above), feigning as if CAIR is a “credible” partner to unite St. Cloud (or any other city), well, that smacks of nothing less than hogwash. How so? Well, it strains the case of credulity that she is ignorant of their status as an unindicted co-conspirator to the largest terrorism trial in U.S. history – that’s why! 
BUT none of this would be complete without the canard of “racism” rearing its head – never mind that protecting the nation from Islam’s warriors is devoid of race. In truth, Muslims are not a race! Natalie and Jaylani (cohorts, alike), you got that? 

AND it is along this very incendiary trajectory that CAIR understands the incomparable value of “training new recruits” – those who will agitate on their behalf, preferably, non-Muslims, you know, the “privileged and bowed white-set.”  As such, one recent training ground can be found ala the following pow-wow:

Understanding Racism and Anti-Racism Organizing Introductory Workshop

IN tandem, Facebook has no issue with promoting those who espouse anti-American and anti-semitic propaganda….lookee….lookee

BUT little is more emblematic and demonstrative of the true face of CAIR – hard as anyone tries to obscure the terror front’s (jihadi) intent – than through this year’s recipient for “Muslim of the Year” Award. Take an unbiased peek….
SO now that the reader is privy to “what’s going down” via the “Hate Crimes” train, “what’s to be done” is still left hanging.
RESULTANT, appealing to the powers that be in St. Cloud (as well as other poohbahs within cities across the nation) is a useless and fruitless task. A dangerous waste of time. Instead, turn your attention and sights to those who are already fighting to thwart the Brotherhood Mafia in toto.
INCONTROVERTIBLY, it is this expert’s considered opinion that patriots should jump aboard a real conservative and patriotic bandwagon – powered by Gohmert and Cruz’s continuing efforts to DESIGNATE the Muslim Brotherhood as terrorists

Enemies Within Series: Philip Haney – National Security Meltdown – Islamic Saturation in U.S. Govt

BOTTOM LINE: contacting the offices within this link is a highly valuable jumping off point. This one should be designated its companion. 


{re-blogged at TheHomelandSecurityNetwork} click “Archives” to read, dated Nov. 5, 2019
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