Obama Ransomed (Anti-American) Bergdahl For Taliban But THREATENED Foley & Sotloff Families:DON’T Pay Ransom! What’s His End Game? Commentary By Adina Kutnicki

PHOTO: After speaking with President Barack Obama by phone on Aug. 20, 2014, John and Diane Foley talk to reporters outside their home in Rochester, N.H.

SOME of this investigative journalist’s contacts, one independent of another, have suggested: yes, it may be time to pen a book (a compendium of sorts) on some of the findings within this site, particularly in relation to Obama Inc. and the geo-political chess games played under their reign for the benefit (F/B/O) of the Muslim Brotherhood Mafia. Interesting proposition. Perhaps.

ASSUREDLY, a book-worthy rendition of all the anti-American actions by Barack HUSSEIN Obama would require a sequel, to adequately do justice to his crimes against the American people. The west. Oh my…in between this and that…where will the time come from…

THOUGH under consideration, there are certain moments whereby even those generally willing to give the benefit of the doubt (not exactly hard-nosed types) can no longer deny the undeniable: the man-child leading the free world is operating from a “head-space” which is foreign to most rational folks, unless one is Islamist-bent or a leftist collaborator.

WHICH leads us to a brief “comparative study” between the following two ransoms:

THE first involved the outrageous (and illegal) ransom paid in exchange for anti-American Bergdahl. 

MOST significantly, guess where some of the “traded” Taliban leaders are now? If you answered ISIS/ISIL, well, you would be right!! Treason: Three of the Five Enemy Combatants Obama Swapped are Now Islamic State (ISIS) Leaders!

Not only did Obama release the Islamic State (ISIS) leadership in return for a deserter who had joined the jihad, but he helped create the Islamic State by withdrawing precipitously from Iraq. Then he gave the “moderates” in Syria weapons, but they weren’t moderates and turned over their weapons to the Islamic State, or in some cases the Islamic State captured them. So the Islamic State has won some of its victories with help from American weaponry.

Obama provided the Islamic State with leadership and weaponry and the enemedia cleans up after him, like the man with the shovel following the circus elephant.

“THREE OF FIVE DETAINEES SWAPPED ARE NOW ISIS LEADERS,” Political Ears, September 15, 2014 (thanks to Christian)


Mind you, an investigative journalist was murdered to ensure its cover up! Consequentially, setting free Taliban killers was gonna happen, whatever it took. It was a high priority for Barack HUSSEIN Obama! 

There’s more. Do readers recall this “mysterious” death? 


Major probe tied to agent suspected of sanitizing president’s passport records…

WHO can keep up….

REGARDLESS, as promised, an absolute tie-in existed between the Traitor-in-Chief’s release of top Taliban terrorists (held by U.S. forces) and the “sanitizing” of an anti-American soldier, Bowie Bergdahl. This traitorous road backtracks to the assassination of Hastings.

CONCOMITANTLY, Hastings was working on providing tangible linkage behind the terror trade. Admittedly, VERY dangerous terrain.

Tie-In One:

ON a very basic level, the Islamist-in-Chief collaborated with the Taliban to release stone cold TOP terror leaders. There is no doubt about this aspect, as reported at this site.


OMINOUSLY, CIA’s John Brennan, himself a Muslim convert, would never allow Hastings to continue his investigation. He reached a critical juncture in his findings, whereby Brennan’s murderous role – as contract killer – would become clear to all, once reported. This was a “bridge too far”, the “fourth estate” be damned. Demonstrably, he was chosen as CIA head for a multiplicity of reasons. Put on your thinking caps…

BEFORE you read any further, click on the following video. Resonant.

VIDEO – http://www.westernjournalism.com/traitor-bowe-bergdahl-linked-michael-hastings-murder/2/

SO when the aggrieved parents of two Americans held captive by ISIS/ISIL barbarians demanded a (possible) monetary exchange, well, the POTUS’s goons threatened: “no can do”!

Earlier this year, the Obama administration released five Taliban commanders to Qatar in exchange for Bowe Bergdahl, an alleged deserter who may have collaborated with the Taliban and who also could have the blood of American soldiers on his hands. While the same was obviously not done for beheaded journalists James Foley and Steven Sotloff, the Obama administration took it a step further according to the families of both men.

Bergdahl with Taliban commander Badruddin Haqqani

As Shoebat.com reported via the Daily Beast, CIA Director John Brennan had allegedly been pushing hard for the release of those five Taliban commanders since at least 2011.

A major issue here is one of consistency. Another major issue is the degree to which the Bergdahl family is connected to Islam. Shoebat.com reported on Bergdahl’s father extensively. While both Foley and Sotloff appeared to be sympathetic to the Syrian rebels and in the case of Sotloff, to the Muslim Brotherhood in some ways, there are strong indications that the Bergdahls were more than just sympathetic to Islam.

On one hand, we have the release of five high level Taliban commanders to a nation state that already openly supports terrorism (Qatar) in exchange for one soldier who may have defected to the enemy. On the other hand, the same administration who made that deal forbade the families of two captive journalists to privately raise ransom money to have those journalists released.

Here is Michael Foley, the brother of James, telling Megyn Kelly of Fox News how his family was treated by the administration. Note that Kelly expresses her understanding of a U.S. policy not to pay ransom to terrorists but is clearly taken aback that it would prohibit private funds from being raised to do so:

James Foley’s mother expressed similar sentiment in a separate interview.

The parents of Sotloff are saying the same thing:

The parents of murdered journalist Steven Sotloff were told by a White House counterterrorism official at a meeting last May that they could face criminal prosecution if they paid ransom to try to free their son, a spokesman for the family told Yahoo News Friday night.

“The family felt completely and utterly helpless when they heard this,” said Barak Barfi, a friend of Sotloff who is serving as a spokesman for his family. “The Sotloffs felt there was nothing they could do to get Steve out.”

The journalist’s father, Art, was “shaking” after the meeting with the official, who works for the National Security Council, Barfi said. The families of three other hostages being held by the militant group Islamic State were also at the White House meeting, sources told Yahoo News.

In a show of blatant hypocrisy, White House spokesman Josh Earnest said the following in response to questions about the claims made by both families:

“We have found that terrorist organizations use hostage taking and ransoms as a critical source of financing for their organizations and that paying ransoms only puts other Americans in a position where they’re at even greater risk.”

Were not those five Taliban commanders ransom for Bergdahl?

NEVER mind the fact that the White House BROKE the law in the rush to pay human (jihadi) and monetary ransom for Bergdahl!

NOW that we understand how much coinage the Islamist-in-Chief willingly paid for the release of TOP TALIBAN jihadis (this was the goal, and Bergdahl’s “exchange” was handily available), in a swap for an anti-American soldier, one can extrapolate that the converse is also true.

IN other words, the fact that the release of two American journalists didn’t involve a quid pro quo for jihadis, but a straight monetary exchange, was to no benefit for Barack HUSSEIN Obama. This is not to say that ISIS/ISIL barbarians would have kept their word, nor that paying ransom to jihadis is EVER prudent, but that’s NOT the core issue.

THE crux for the American people (and the free world) is this: why the disparity, whereby Obama Inc. had no compunction against releasing Islamic terrorists, knowing they will go straight back to jihad, yet was against a monetary exchange (surely LESS dangerous than setting loose TOP Taliban) and even threatened the families willing to raise the money themselves? Is there something unclear about whose side Barack HUSSEIN Obama (and surrogates) is on? If so, go back to sleep and don’t even bother reading any further.

BESIDES, another mitigating factor is the counter intuitive behavior of the Commander-in-Chief of the free world, irrespective of party affiliation, when he jaunted off to play golf after such a horrific atrocity against an American citizen. Who behaves this way, if not operating from a jihadi worldview? Who indeed.

The rising clamor over the beheading of two Americans, and rapidly sinking polls, forced President Obama to reassure the nation last week he had a plan to deal with the Islamic State. He did some of what he had to do, but only some, and so most military analysts believe the expanded airstrikes will not be a sufficient match for the size and weaponry of the terrorist army.

They miss the point. The disjointed speech wasn’t really about terrorism and launching a new war. It was about saving Obama’s presidency.

He is sinking fast and could soon pass the point of no return. In fact, it may already be too late to save the SS Obama.

The whole second term has been a string of disasters, with the toxic brew of his ObamaCare lies, middling economic growth and violent global breakdown casting doubt on the president’s stewardship. Six years into his tenure, nothing is going as promised.

Earlier on, he could have trotted out his teleprompters and turned public opinion his way, or at least stopped the damage. But the magic of his rhetoric is long gone, and not just because the public has tuned him out.

They’ve tuned him out because they’ve made up their minds about him. They no longer trust him and don’t think he’s a good leader.

Most ominously, they feel less safe now than they did when he took office. Americans know the war on terror isn’t over, no matter what their president claims.

Those findings turned up in a tsunami of recent polls that amount to a public vote of no confidence. They shook up the White House so much that the plan to grant amnesty to millions of illegal immigrants was put on hold to try to protect Democratic candidates from voter wrath in November.

IT was a much needed eye-opener, the “aha” moment, aka the “eureka effect”, which has woken up many otherwise sleepy heads, finally, coming to the realization: despite everything else, Barack HUSSEIN Obama is both mentally unbalanced and also a stone cold supporter of Islamic terrorists!

NOW, it matters not a whit that his handlers prepped him to deal with necessary damage control. The fact of the matter is that it took American heads to (literally) fly off their shoulders for the majority public to recognize: the ship of state is being led by a malignant POTUS, one whose dangerous agenda still has 2 years to play out!

HOWEVER, though belatedly, “many be” shivering timbers…  

6 thoughts on “Obama Ransomed (Anti-American) Bergdahl For Taliban But THREATENED Foley & Sotloff Families:DON’T Pay Ransom! What’s His End Game? Commentary By Adina Kutnicki

  1. Pingback: “Allah’s (White House) Muslim Terrorist” + Taliban’s TOP Jihadis + Bergdahl’s Islamic Family = The Linkage. Upcoming Report…Commentary By Adina Kutnicki | Adina Kutnicki

  2. Pingback: As Biden Continues Obama’s Plan to Close Gitmo, Hundreds of Former Detainees Have Returned to Terrorism and are Killing Americans Again – THE TALIBAN FIVE + KNOCK-ON EFFECTS! Adina Kutnicki | Adina Kutnicki

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