Islamic Barbarism Reaches New Peaks: Crucifying & Beheading While Alive! Commentary By Adina Kutnicki

{re-blogged at Islam Exposed}

{re-blogged at Joe For America}

IT is exceedingly difficult to shock this investigative journalist with reports on Islamic barbarism, try as some might. Sicken, yes. But shock, not so much.

SO it is important to note the following: each and every heinous act perpetrated within Shariah law controlled areas does not have a fixed time or address. In other words, for time immemorial, whatever happens in Islamic lands outside the west, sooner or later, will come to a theater near you, if Shariah becomes the law of the land. Don’t believe otherwise.

NOW it doesn’t matter that the aforementioned impaling was done to a fellow Islamic jihadist. For the issue is very stark: whichever forms of slaughter they inflict upon each other, rest assured, the ante will be upped in western captured areas.  

BUT just to remind westerners what they have done in the name of Allah, let’s have a brief rundown:

Rundown One:

FOR years on end, Islamists have been slowly purging the Mid East of its Christian population. Nevertheless, their brazen swathe has reached a crescendo, ever since Barack HUSSEIN Obama upended the region to an unprecedented level of chaos.

Rundown Two:

AND what else can go wrong when “Pure Islam” mandates to all non-Muslims: convert or die!

EVEN as many Muslims in the Mid East look on in shock at the carnage unleashed via “Pure Islam” – caught in the crossfire themselves – the fact of the matter is many more stay silent and a preponderance of others actually agree with said barbarism. What’s going on?

IN reality, there is no stopping the carnage unless Islam is stopped. Plain and simple. And while it sounds like an impossible task, it may very well extinguish itself, if only in generations to come. Nonetheless, millions more will be sacrificed on its bloody altar, as in the past. Where is this assessment coming from, especially since this blogger is not one who dabbles in fantastical thinking, believing that this scourge on earth may finally die out, though hardly within our lifetime?

BEFORE the above is addressed, the reader must internalize the underpinnings of Islam to also understand its bloody basis; its roots. It is not enough to just look on, in horror, and throw up ones hands. Towards this end, a groundbreaking policy paper was written and this blogger was asked to participate in its review. It was showcased only 2 weeks after the inception of this site, July 13, 2012. “Islam & Blood” has been featured here on several occasions, and another repeat performance is efficacious.

While the above is intrinsic to the conversation and to the reader’s knowledge base, the following link is GROUNDBREAKING .Yes, the caps are there for a reason. They are placed for much needed emphasis. In brief, it is a recent policy paper by Professor Eidelberg; a paper which this American-Israeli had the privilege to review and add her thoughts to; duly honored and humbled to have been asked to participate in his myth shattering scholarship.

Make NO mistake – its contents are earth shaking; unbelievably thought provoking; cogently analyzed; and in particular, its historical analysis and theological basis are spot on. Having read – and participated in – many policy papers this praise is not offered lightly. Therefore, sit down… put your feet up… have a drink (not the inebriating kind)…. enjoy some sweets (you may need it to lighten the mood)… and start reading – . Sharing its contents may well be your most important contribution to our common struggle….

IS there any room for equivocation or misunderstanding in their intent? If so, please refer to their latest atrocities…..



LiveLeak-dot-com-b2c_1415992397-sshot-7_1415992591.png.resized.jpgNOW that you have lost your last meal….sorry for that, but it is certainly not reassuring to realize that the most recognized Cathedral in America has essentially bowed down to Islam, regardless of their inter-faith jibber jabber.

BESIDES, it matters not a whit that so-called progressive Christians (and Jews) believe in fairy tale and kumbaya outcomes. But what does matter is that their dangerous delusions yield poisonous fruits via inter-faith dialogue and others are reaping unimaginable blow back. Basically, their one-sided conversation is akin to one party speaking to the other, but those on the receiving end already made up their mind, yet feign to nod in agreement, up until they complete their inroads. In reality, the only thing which matters is how Islamists view said submissive dialogue. That’s where it is at.

MOST significantly, how many know that the inaugural date of the defilement of the National Cathedral occurred on a most significant war-call date in the Caliphate’s history: 100 YEARS AGO: Last Caliph Publicly Calls for War Against Infidels!

H E L L O….

IN concert, the fact that ISIS are definitely already inside America, yet DHS refuses to do their due diligence, well, that is about the biggest gift Shariah law jihadists could receive. Therefore, rationally speaking, if you were in their stead, wouldn’t you believe that triumph is nearer, rather than farther away? 

TO wit, westerners should expect more of the same AND worse!

7 thoughts on “Islamic Barbarism Reaches New Peaks: Crucifying & Beheading While Alive! Commentary By Adina Kutnicki

  1. Pingback: Islamic Barbarism Reaches New Peaks: Crucifying & Beheading While Alive! Commentary By Adina Kutnicki | Islam Exposed Online

  2. We are all wondering over here when Christians & Jews will be invited to hold services at the big mosque in Virginia or even better in Mecca. And all this inter faith BS happens while an American vet is being beheaded. This wake up call was a good thing. Americans are ENRAGED! We have had it up to here with this evil called islam. PC went right out the window. Islam will be close behind. Are you up for some cowboys & muslims? The next fool politician who tries to sell islam as a “religion of peace” will be ducking boots, rotten eggs & tomatoes. Stay tuned.

  3. Islam is not a religion of peace – it is nothing more then a Death Cult with strong parallels to Nazi Germany. Its about time that all the fool politicians realized this! From Cameron in the UK to PM Tony Abbott in Australia and all those Useless Lefties who pull out the racist card every time you mention the truth about this Devil spawned religion. Look what is happening in Europe now! They realized their mistake , but could it be to late? Sweden is ruined, so to Denmark, and the UK now has the EDL which is thanks to the ex-soccer player (tony Robinson) I think that is his name… Because of Blair’s and now Cameron’s insistent with these primitive people England is just about ruined.. WTFU world!!!

  4. Pingback: Islam’s Pit Of Hellfire: Severed Heads For Soccer & Husbands Can Eat Wives! Islam, Civilization’s Gravest Threat…Commentary By Adina | Adina Kutnicki

  5. Pingback: Israel's Voice | Islam’s Pit Of Hellfire: Severed Heads For Soccer & Husbands Can Eat Wives! Islam, Civilization’s Gravest Threat

  6. Pingback: CANNIBALISM Rooted Within Islamic Shariah Law: A Prime (Meat) Clash of Cultures! Commentary By Adina Kutnicki | Adina Kutnicki

  7. Pingback: Israel's Voice | CANNIBALISM Rooted Within Islamic Shariah Law: A Prime (Meat) Clash of Cultures!

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