ISIS/ISIL Butchers Owe Sen. McCain A Debt:He Backed Brotherhood’s Rebel “Moderate” Takeover! Commentary By Adina Kutnicki

Sen. McCain (among others within Obama Inc.) championed the ISIS, the so-called “rebels” ! Butchers gave him a thumbs up…Way to go, Johnny boy.

AS is said, a picture is worth a thousand words and the following is priceless. Infamous.


So here’s a heck of a thing: Back in May 2013, Forever Warmonger John McCain was really excited about the prospects of arming the Syrian “moderates” who were fighting to free that country from the iron grip of Bashar al-Assad. He even sneaked into the country to meet with the head of the Free Syrian Army, Gen. Salim Idris, the fellow in the striped shirt there (Idris was ousted in February of this year).

Only one small problem with the little photo-op: In addition to Idris, some of the other guys in the pic are apparently members of a slightly less “moderate” group: ISIS, the guys who are currently bringing down Iraq, and the photo is reportedly being circulated by ISIS as proof of their legitimacy. Oops.

BUT before McCain’s (current) treachery becomes understandable we need to back track, in order to understand the part he (and others) played via his relentless championing of the Muslim Brotherhood Mafia. ISIS butchers are part and parcel thereof. An outgrowth. Who could have predicted? This site did.


ALAS, McCain, as milquetoast as he may seem, is someone who bears special onus as an elder “statesman”. Incredibly, he is still given a pass due to his long ago POW status. What a crock. In other words, he continually backs the Islamic horse, whose blow back onto America (and the west) is incalculable, yet is never held to account. Way past time to unmask him.

Take, for instance, his shrill support for Huma Abedin, the most dangerous Muslim Brotherhood/Sisterhood operative in America. No kidding.

Enter McCain, as he (and others) shields her from exposure!

The ongoing national drama relating to Hillary Clinton’s close aide, Huma Abedin, can be traced back to several of this blogger’s commentaries, starting with ‘Six Degrees of Separation’ –, then onto ‘Muslim Congressman, Keith Ellison Taunts Congresswoman, Michele Bachmann…’ – The above background is supportive material to garner a fuller picture.

In this regard, Senator John McCain – like a knight in shining armor out to rescue Huma’s virtue – has jumped into the fray, with both barrels blazing. With a puffed up chest, and moral indignation, he upbraids Congresswoman Bachmann on the Senate floor (and with every microphone he can find), as if she were the one with ‘alleged’ ties to the Muslim Brotherhood/Sisterhood !  What utter gall. Not nice, not nice at all.

IN line with said “miscalculations”, McCain’s backing of ISIS – as the preferred Islamic “rebels” – tilts full circle, but only once Huma’s (and Hill’s) nexus to Benghazigate is revealed.

But what is precisely the “news” in relation to Obama Inc’s Benghazigate trail, tracking back to Huma Abedin, Hill’s COS? In the main, by linking the “smoking gun” email to Mehdi Alhassani, a mobbed up Muslim Brotherhood front-man, straight to his nexus at the Muslim World League, an al-Qaeda front with footprints to Huma Abedin and her entire family, well, it couldn’t get any clearer. Confused? Don’t be. Therein belies this site’s mission…

SO even after Rep Bachmann exposed the Brotherhood Mafia’s inexorable linkage to Obama Inc. – and the attendant national dangers – McCain never budged in his support of said fronts. In fact, he dug his heels in even further!

REGARDLESS of anything else, most freedom seeking people will agree: yes, Saddam Hussein was a cruel dictator. Not only that, he had a huge stash of WMD’s – despite all the braying to the contrary – which eventually needed to be dealt with. Those who state otherwise are either lying or wholly ignorant.

About Paul “Dave” Gaubatz

Aside from co-authoring the magna carté of books on the Muslim underworld,Muslim Mafia: Inside the Secret Underworld That’s Conspiring to Islamize America, Dave Gaubatz is a U.S. State Department-trained Arabic linguist and a retired Federal Agent with the U.S. Air Force Office of Special Investigations (AFOSI). With over three decades of combined Air Force (AF) experience, his career has led him on missions spanning the Middle East — from Saudi Arabia, Jordan, and Kuwait to Iraq. As a Special Federal Agent, he has received the highest forms of U.S. security clearances for top-secret intelligence information — including for weapons of mass destruction and espionage — and has been briefed into many “black projects.”

Among his varied achievements, Gaubatz has investigated felony crimes against the U.S. Air Force and government, as well as has been assigned to counterterrorism and counterintelligence investigations. He was the very first Special Civilian Agent deployed to Nasiriyah, Iraq, in 2003 for Operation Liberation Iraq. Using his Arabic training to travel throughout, he gathered vital intelligence on espionage and weapons of mass destruction (WMD). Although he was able to uncover sites, the U.S. failed to excavate them, and the weapons were later taken by groups of insurgents.

During this stint in Iraq, Gaubatz was also assigned to rescue the family of Mohammed Odeh Al-Rehaief, the Iraqi lawyer who aided in rescuing Pfc. Jessica Lynch. He has earned numerous Federal awards for identifying WMD sites and Islamic terrorists planning attacks against the U.S. and its troops…..

ISIS Praises John McCain For helping Them Invade Iraq

The Muslim terrorist group, ISIS, issued a statement attributing their success to the Iraq war, and they had John McCain to thank for it. In the statement they wrote:

…the crusader John McCain came to the Senate floor to rant irritably about the victories the Islamic State was achieving in Iraq. He forgot that he himself participated in the invasion of Iraq that led to the blessed events unfolding today by Allah’s bounty and justice.

It is true, the war in Iraq that was started by Bush led to the enabling ISIS to commit the massacres and violence it is doing now. ISIS knows that Saddam would have not tolerated them, and would have without hesitated cut them to pieces, as his predecessor Nebuchadnezzar would have done.

Iraq does not need democracy, but a fierce dictatorship like Saddam. But thanks to John McCain and his ilk, we have devils like ISIS invading Iraq and butchering Christians, and the jihadists are thanking McCain for their victories and atrocities.

All I can say is, I miss Saddam.

NEVERTHELESS, this is not the time to point out that charging into Iraq – with a knock-on goal to “democratize” it  – was a huge blunder, one which is reverberating for 11 years…and counting. Surely, as a first order of national reckoning, Iran, as always, should have been the Number One target, not to mention Saudi Arabia. Ominously, these two terror nations have been left unmolested, and even strengthened under the reign of Barack HUSSEIN Obama!

BUT the elimination of strong-arm dictator Saddam Hussein was then (under Bush’s watch), and McCain’s (Obama Inc.’s) handiwork  is now. Yes, when all is said and done there will be many patriotic scores to settle.

MOST intrinsically, if not for the dastardly machinations of Obama Inc. and the likes of RINO leadership, suffice to say:

NOW that that is settled, our western fight must be viewed as one to eliminate Shariah law, the poisonous root of all the carnage. Its mandates. So it is certainly not a shock that ISIS/ISIL, Boko Haram (or whatever hydra thereof) mandates the purging of Christians, Jews and all apostates….. 

SIGNIFICANTLY, hearings took place at the end of July, re the rise of ISIS and its implications for U.S. foreign policy. In this regard, let’s place bets: did the House touch upon McCain’s (and others) championing of said “rebels”? Alternatively, did an Allah-wash take place? 

20 thoughts on “ISIS/ISIL Butchers Owe Sen. McCain A Debt:He Backed Brotherhood’s Rebel “Moderate” Takeover! Commentary By Adina Kutnicki

  1. Pingback: ISIS/ISIL Butchers Owe Sen. McCain A Debt:He Ba...

  2. What would happen to all of the Palestinian people if every Jew in Israel left Israel and moved to another land and left the Palestinians to fend for themselves? I do believe that the Muslim Brotherhood would take complete control of this land and kill every Palestinian just like ISIS is doing region wide as we speak. The Palestinians are just pawns in this caliphate.

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