ALERT: TYRANNY COMES TO AMERICA. CHINESE TROOPS ON U.S. Soil. Dissent Against Obama Inc “Purged” Via Gestapo-Like DHS Tactics. Commentary By Adina Kutnicki

ALERT: video included – The Communist People’s Republic of China was invited to take part in a massive drill dubbed GridExII that took place on November 12-14, 2013. The drill simulated the detonation of a massive nuclear warhead high above the skies of the United States, creating a giant EMP—Electro Magnetic Pulse—that took out the U.S. electrical grid, communications, banking services, and all computers, simulating a helpless America completely dependent on its all-wise government.

Why would the Radical-in-Chief agree to such a drill, other than the fact that he is a crypto Marxist? The fact that he is an Islamist does not obviate his leftist revolutionary designs. The red/green alliance.  Moreover, why did DHS OVERSEE this “exercise”? Hint: the outgrowth of Obama’s promised “civilian force”, of which DHS is its overseer. A promise kept.

Undeniably, freedoms, once taken away, can only be regained after the spilling of much blood and the looting of national treasures. It usually takes many bloody years of concerted struggle, if even then, to grab them back. This is a historical fact.

So even though most prefer to do their own thing and keep their head down (hoping for the best), such is not the wisest tack to take, if one is in a fight to remain free from tyranny’s grip.

Chillingly, top U.S. Generals are issuing alarm bells, as to the regime’s plans to squash dissent, starting with the purging of loyal military officers! As most intuit, these folks are hardly sissy pants and prone to hysterical fainting spells. NO smelling salts required on their end.

Regardless, it is possible to “exist” in a repressed society, and many millions do just that. But those who are used to speaking their mind – often taking their liberties for granted – will surely have a rude awakening, if they do not wake up and stand up. Forthwith.

Moreover, regimes like Saudi Arabia, Cuba, Russia and China (and too many other human rights basket cases to enumerate, never mind that 3 of these “leading lights” just got elected to the UN Human Rights Council…my heavens), where opposing political opinions and gov’t dissent become hazardous to a citizen’s health, should be viewed as eventual realities for Americans. In fact, the beginnings of said (American) repressions exist in full and plain view – at least for those whose eyes remain wide open!

Consider the following as previews and foretastes:

Obama’s America is akin to a parallel universe, as one enters into their radical politics – the ultimate American nightmare! As such, America is no longer a tyranny in the making, that ship has sailed. Most significantly, the west is on the precipice, ready to lose its footing. And while America spirals downwards, thus, various “crises” are used to deflect from Obama Inc.’s crimes. Will they get away with it? Time will (very soon) tell.

But if one player stands out above the rest among Obama’s crew, look no further than Valerie Jarrett. The night stalker. Yet, her fingerprints are nothing new on this end, as evidenced within DHS:Valerie Jarrett’s fiefdom and so many others.

And the following is nothing short of treasonous, and State is up to its eyeballs in said treachery. Glean for yourselves;

“I would like to understand why the United States would be interested in enabling a GPS competitor, like Russian Glonass, when the world’s reliance on GPS is a clear advantage to the United States on multiple levels,” said Representative Mike D. Rogers, Republican of Alabama, the chairman of a House Armed Services subcommittee.

Mr. Rogers last week asked the Pentagon to provide an assessment of the proposal’s impact on national security. The request was made in a letter sent to Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel, Secretary of State John Kerry and the director of national intelligence, James R. Clapper Jr.

Meanwhile, true silencing of dissent is swathing across America!

Silencing dissent by SWATing messengers of truth

Image courtesy of Canada Free Press

By Douglas J. Hagmann

26 October 2013:  “Fasten your seatbacks and tray tables in their full upright and locked position. We’ll be on the ground shortly.” That is the final warning aboard the aircraft known as America, which will be using runway 39A to taxi to the terminal of tyranny. Most of the passengers aboard the luxury aircraft have no clue to what awaits them, as the captain and crew have lulled the majority into a false trance of tranquility. The few aboard the aircraft who were aware of their final destination tried to warn the other unsuspecting passengers, who have been immersed in their personal electronic devices, sleeping or watching the airline version of the corporate media, the mouthpieces for their fascist facilitators.

So it is in the United States today. Except those aboard this hijacked luxury aircraft who have been warning others of the danger ahead have been the targets of an increasingly aggressive campaign to silence them – to silence us – by any means necessary. This is the historical hallmark of the last warning of the final approach to the terminal of tyranny.

They are coming for us

Most people are familiar with the accounts of Glenn Greenwald’s partner (ironically named David Miranda, at least to those of us in America), being recently harassed at Heathrow airport in the UK after Greenwald began exposing the scope of the NSA spying campaign. Despite the warnings that this action portended, most people simply decided to turn their personal devices of diversion louder, effectively drowning out the warning bells tolling for the death of the most important freedoms in America – the freedom to tell the truth.

The warning bells have been ringing before and after, yet the masses entranced by the bells and whistles of their own devices have firmly kept them subjugated to their own normalcy biases. Even some internet bloggers, citizen journalists, and those daring to awaken a slumbering or deliberately distracted and deceived citizenry have felt somewhat insulated against the encroaching tyranny.

As we get closer to the terminal, however, that feeling of insulation is turning into a sense of dread, as the last threads of the fabric of one’s normalcy bias are being rendered to expose the awaiting tyranny. It is here that you will see that they are coming for you, for all of us, who refuse to advance their agenda of lies and distortions. It will very likely be a visit in the darkest hours of the night that you will be paid a visit by mercenaries of malevolence hired by the despots piloting this hijacked aircraft.

I cannot tell you whether you are next on the list, but I can tell you there is a list and the truth-tellers are on it. The modern day Paul Revere’s are in their crosshairs, for they are the last obstacles to full-blown tyranny and fascism that awaits us. Once silenced, there will be no one left to warn the slumbering or the deceived. The bells will go silent.

They are coming for our sources

Lest you tend to discount this as mere hyperbole, I call your attention to a 15-year veteran reporter in Washington, D.C. named Audrey Hudson. Audrey Hudson was nominated twice byThe Washington Times for the Pulitzer Prize, and is now an independent journalist, shedding any corporate restraints to bring the truth to the American people. I’ve had the honor and privilege to speak with Ms. Hudson and multiple occasions, who once cited me in aWashington Times article she wrote a few years ago about the curious nature of a “terrorist dry-run” aboard a U.S. flight.

Her work ethic, integrity, and persistent search for the truth is above reproach, and certainly well deserving of a Pulitzer Prize.  She is very detailed and extremely loyal to the truth, wherever it might lead. She is a leader in the charge for the truth about the Department of Homeland Security, the Federal Air Marshall program, and the TSA.

It should be clear to all who understand what is taking place that the veteran investigative journalist was the victim of a campaign of intimidation by the fascists and their facilitators. It was a 4:30 am surprise visit by several officers acting under the authority of the Department of Homeland Security, under the thinly veiled pretext of a possible violation by her husband related to 27 year-old closed case, that shattered the tranquility of her home last August 6th.

These armor clad, gun wielding agents of the state shed all pretense of civility as they burst into her home to ostensibly search for guns illegally owned by her husband. It was some obscure reference on the fully compromised and cooperative social network known as Facebook that this egregious act of tyranny was justified. It is Big Brother at his finest, the merging of a corporate entity acting as the well-paid whore of a burgeoning police state. Such an unwelcome and unexpected visit at 4:30 am to the home of a respected journalist shows that there are no boundaries they will not cross, no civility they will not trample, and no doors they will not break down to silence the truth.

The real reason behind this venomous visit exists in the details. Ms. Hudson is now speaking out because of what the agents of this Gestapo-like tactic took from her home. While the search warrant was limited to any alleged guns on the premises – again – stemming from a quarter-century old incident reportedly involving her husband, their reach well exceeded their authority.

What was taken from the home of Audrey Hudson was more valuable than any gun. What was taken from Audrey Hudson, in addition to her freedoms as an American citizen and a Pulitzer Prize nominee for her journalistic prowess, were her pages of notes and names of sources inside and outside of government who had confidentially provided her information over the years. Information that we, as Americans, could rely upon to keep our government in check. The identities of brave men and women who risked their careers and even their lives to expose what was – and is – taking place in the terminal of tyranny.

The SWAT team that descended upon her home in the dark of the night robbed Ms. Hudson of more than her weapons. They robbed her of her ability to tell her sources that their identities are safe with her.

Her sources, now exposed to the Gestapo-like fascist government we have allowed to hijack America, now knows who the whistleblowers are. What quiet fate might await them once inside the terminal of tyranny? What damage has been caused to all of America by this overreach? How many will turn up destitute, or worse, dead, from the blowback?

The mission seems clear, especially since one of the armor clad night ninjas standing inside her home identified himself as a former air marshal official, a member of the agency that Ms. Hudson had exposed in her reporting of potential misdeeds. Payback, apparently, or at the very least, a conflict of interest. But then, they’ve already passed the point of even trying to conceal their concern for the rule of law.

We are at the terminal

As most aboard the luxury aircraft known as America are about to learn the hard way, we are about to reach the terminal. Behind the gates of unconstitutional forces allowed to exist under the illusion of security lies the tyranny of Hitler’s Germany. The passengers who have attempted to rouse the slumbering and self-absorbed passengers during the flight will no longer have a voice if we don’t act soon.

We must stand behind those who have already been molested for telling the truth about what is taking place. We must back Audrey Hudson and every one like her, and make sure her story is shouted from every rooftop in America.

Failure is not an option, for failure will result in our ultimate enslavement and death. Put down the iPads, iPods, and break from the trance induced by the corporate media and pay attention, for we’ll be on the ground shortly. For others, they will be in the ground, for tyranny does not appreciate dissent.

Oh dear…Bob Woodward joins the fray, warning of a secret government – a state within a state – encircling Americans! Doesn’t get any starker than that. And get this….Homeland Security Starts Citywide Cellphone Tracking Project In Seattle, Your Town Will Be Next, even as the Seattle PD supposedly put the program on “hold” due to outrage from citizens. My oh my….as if.

But if sticking ones head in the sand seems like a good strategy, go right ahead, continue as is. Yet, before you continue doing so, this site implores its vast readership to first listen up to: Michael Savage: Why is Obama purging the military? Or put another way, Obama is gutting the military by PURGING Generals!  Why?

Well, to “transform” America into a socialist/Marxist nation, and to eviscerate all manner of traditional Judeo-Christian moorings, the most expedient way for the radical-in-Chief to “forward march” is through deconstructing the most feared fighting force in the world – the U.S. military.

First it’s DOMA and then it’s the gaying of the military, as a reflection of his “down low” lifestyle. A protected class. Never mind that heterosexual soldiers are being sexually assaulted by gay counterparts, but the military is reportedly covering up these sexual-based crimes!

As reported, “Echoing what other high-ranking officers have told WND, he said the Pentagon policy of repealing “Don’t Ask Don’t Tell” resulted in the first openly “gay” “major military force in the world.” The development has brought about “massive” sexual assaults on “thousands of straight military male personnel that have been covered up,” he said.

In any case, who does this bastard think he is? and what country is Obama the leader of? Certainly not  (the heretofore) America.

There’s “none so blind as those who will not see.” Precisely.

27 thoughts on “ALERT: TYRANNY COMES TO AMERICA. CHINESE TROOPS ON U.S. Soil. Dissent Against Obama Inc “Purged” Via Gestapo-Like DHS Tactics. Commentary By Adina Kutnicki

  1. Pingback: Chinese Troops on American Soil |

  2. Pingback: From Israel: ALERT: TYRANNY COMES TO AMERICA. CHINESE TROOPS ON U.S. SOIL. Dissent Against Obama Inc “Purged” Via Gestapo-Like DHS Tactics. Commentary By Adina Kutnicki |

  3. In any case, who does this bastard think he is? and what country is Obama the leader of? Certainly not (the heretofore) America.

    Who does he think he is, Adina? King. King of the whole wide world, in fact. One doesn’t get more narcissistic than that. And what country is he the leader of? Though America bread and born, I just don’t know because I don’t recognize my country, anymore. With each passing day it’s beginning to look more and more like Barackastan.

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  5. Pingback: “IMPEACHABLE OFFENSES” Reverberate On Capitol Hill:Special Prosecutor Requested…Commentary By Adina Kutnicki | Adina Kutnicki

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  11. Pingback: U.S. MARTIAL LAW, PURGED GENERALS & DEAD BANKSTERS:WHERE DO THEY INTERSECT?…Commentary By Adina Kutnicki | Adina Kutnicki

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