First They Came For The Kiddies…Well Heeled/Known Prep School (Philips Exeter Academy)Trucks With Terrorists…Commentary By Adina Kutnicki

Aside from geo-politics, this blog is completely schooled in the nexus between Islamic indoctrination and terror. They are inextricably tied. Twins separated at birth, but always reunited.

Moreover, am highly acquainted in the realm of well heeled prep academies and the impact it has on the kiddies, whether negative or positive, knowing the score is a done deal. It leads to an understanding of the many doors these academies open, least of all to the life-long friendships, often becoming ones “go to” network as an adult.

Been there. Done that.

As a matter of fact, this subject was tangentially explored in a previous commentary when a mother’s concern jutted up against a raging Islamic network which was too close for parental comfort –….and here too –

Full Disclosure: a few close acquaintances/business associates graduated from the halls of Philips Exeter Academy (the subject below) back in the early 1980’s, and just a few years before its Islamic infestation. These individuals are at the top of their chosen professions, therefore, the influence many of its graduates yield is considerable, even if not in the Presidential arena.

‘Academy That Produced Three Presidents Now Terrorist Breeding Ground’

 Radical Islam Academy That Produced Three Presidents Now Terrorist Breeding Ground

Meet Maggie Hassan, the Democratic candidate for governor in the state of New Hamphshire. Maggie is married to Thomas Hassan, the principal of Phillips Exeter Academy. For those of you who are not familiar with Phillips Exeter Academy, it is ranked the number six school in the country and has an extremely impressive list of alumni that includes Oliver Wendell Holmes, John F. Kennedy and the list goes on:  Bill Belichick, coach of New England Patriots; James Spader the actor; Dr. Spock, renowned pediatrician from the 1950’s, and many more. The list is like a “who’s who” of American history, and there is no doubt that the students currently enrolled will have similar power and influence in the decades to come. So what could be the problem with that? The short answer: radical Islam.

To quote an excellent article by Chris Anu of the New Hampshire Herald:

…On Thomas Hassan’s watch, numerous Islamic scholars and activists with ties to radical Islamic groups have been invited to address student assemblies and other student forums. Among them, Hadia Mubarak, former president of the Muslim Student Association, spoke at a PEA assembly on Oct, 1, 2007. Founded by the Muslim Brotherhood, the MSA was labeled “a virtual terror factory” by terrorism expert Patrick Poole. Its former members include such notable jihadists as Anwar al-Awlaki, Ramy Zamzam, Omar Hammami, Abdurahman Alamoudi, Aafia Siddiqui and Ramzi Yousef.

As most readers know, the Muslim Brotherhood has been described as the common link between terrorist organizations such as Hamas, Islamic Jihad and al-Qaeda, yet it is somehow acceptable for PEA to allow a student offshoot of the organization on its campus?

More disturbing than the student group however, is the litany of guest speakers that have been invited to the school since Mr. Hassan joined the staff back in 1989. They include Ahmed Bedier of the Council on American Islamic Relations (CAIR), who spoke to PEA assemblies in 2006 and 2009. Many may recall that CAIR was an unindicted co-conspirator in the 2008 Holy Land Foundation Trial, the largest terrorism trial in American history. As the New Hampshire Herald article points out: :Its charter calls for the destruction of Israel. CAIR has funneled large sums of money to Hamas. Among those tied to CAIR are Ismail Royer, Bassem Khafagi, Ghassan Elashi, Musa Abu Marzook, Imam Siraj Wahaj and Rabih Haddad – all considered to be jihadist promoters.”

But wait, there’s more: “Nancy Khalil of the Muslim American Society also spoke at PEA on March 16, 2010. According to federal documents on terrorism, the MAS was “founded as the overt arm of the Muslim Brotherhood in the United States.”

We know from the HLF trial that the Muslim Brotherhood has a blueprint for overthrowing the government of the United States. The MAS is an integral part of that plan. Khalil is also a board member of the Islamic Society of Boston Cultural Center. Yusuf al- Qaradawi, the spiritual head of the Muslim Brotherhood, who is banned from entering America, was somehow listed as a trustee for the ISB for seven years. The ISB has also written checks to the HLF, which funneled money to Hamas.

But it doesn’t end there folks. Ingrid Mattson, former president of Islamic Society of North America, spoke at Phillips Exeter in November 2005. ISNA and its affiliate organization, the North American Islamic Trust, admitted in court in 2008 that they have ties to Hamas. They funneled money directly to Mousa Abu Marzook, leader of Hamas. Federal documents quoting Hamas writings include such rhetoric as, “The day that enemies usurp part of Moslem land, Jihad becomes the individual duty of every Moslem. In face of the Jews’ usurpation of Palestine, it is compulsory that the banner of Jihad be raised. To do this requires the diffusion of Islamic consciousness among the masses, both on the regional, Arab and Islamic levels. It is necessary to instill the spirit of Jihad in the heart of the nation so that they would confront the enemies and join the ranks of the fighters…”

“Another speaker at Phillips Exeter was a Palestinian professor from Columbia University named Joseph Massad. He once called Israel a racist colonial settler state and said: ‘Let us imagine a world where the majority of Israeli and Diaspora Jews and their gentile supporters are no longer committed to Jewish supremacy.’”

Finally and perhaps the most disturbing of all is Jamal Badawi: “PEA chose Jamal Badawi to address its students on April 24, 2008. Badawi has several hair-raising affiliations, including the Fiqh Council of North America. The FCNA is akin to the Supreme Sharia court of Islam in North America. Its membership has included Abdurrahman Alamoudi, Taha Jaber Al-Alawani, Sheikh Muhammad al-Hanooti, Muzammil Siddiqui and Jamal Badawi. Google their names, and you will be stunned by how many of them are either under arrest, in jail, deported or culpable of sedition. Badawi is also a leading member of the Muslim Brotherhood and founder of MAS.

The Egyptian-born Badawi gained notoriety from his book, “Gender Equity in Islam,” in which he promotes wife-beating. “There are cases, however, where a wife persists in deliberate mistreatment of her husband and disregard for her marital obligations.” Badawi wrote that under this type of situation the woman deserves “permissible beating” and “permissible striking.” Is it any shock that he was also an unindicted co-conspirator in the HLF trial?

What you might find shocking is that he spoke to students at PEA after he was named in the HLF trial.

Yes, I think it’s safe to say that Maggie Hassan and her husband are capable of doing a great deal of damage on many levels. Principal Hassan obviously has great influence over future movers and shakers. Maggie could have influence over the first in the nation primary state if elected governor…. think about the state’s election board. Also, given his credentials, Thomas Hassan may very well advise his wife on education in the NH school system. It’s not out of the realm of possibility.”

Few issues are more alarming than the above subject matter. And a whole lot less is more intrinsic, when juxtaposed against the inevitable well being of the nation. Why? Future generations are at stake, and this is precisely why co-opting the kiddies has always been at the center of the radical left’s plans. 

Bear this in mind. Without the helping hands/compliance of powerful radical leftists, the takeover of a school like Exeter (and others too) would be impossible. By prepping the ground with PC multicultural psychosis, the Islamic foxes have penetrated one of the most prestigious schools in the nation! Surely this is not an isolated case.

Not to be lost in the conversation, the questions become: Where are/were the parents in this unfolding disaster, spanning as far back as 1989? How is it possible that no one has raised alarm bells, witnessing a parade of Islamic thugs indoctrinating their offspring? Do they relieve themselves of their parental obligations, as soon as they drop their children at the entrance to the school’s doors? Or is it possible they haven’t the time to be bothered with such parochial matters?

Either way, they fell down on their most important job, and Exeter’s Board of Trustees has a mega load of explaining to do, not only to the parents, but to the community at large. How dare they host Islamic terrorists, or fail to do their due diligence? Have they no shame, no sense of right or wrong?

Rhetorical question.

One thing you learn (or should) as a parent, while expending a fortune to educate offspring: you are the consumer and the school’s administration must answer your concerns. Period. Can’t count how many times I walked into an administrator’s office….

Buyer/parent beware.

More to the point, are these parents dumb as posts; too busy to give a damn; or possibly in agreement with the worldview of the invited Islamic “guests”? Whichever way you slice it, the parents (administrators/trustees) are guilty as charged.

Exeter – time to clean house, or shut down! The principal gotta go, if only because he trucks with terrorists! Alternative media are watching…waiting…ready to pounce.

As to wifey, it will be up to the voters. Let’s hope the preponderance of residents are way smarter than those who send their kids off to this terrorist breeding ground; passing itself off as excellence in education.

Wouldn’t entrust cats or dogs to their care. 


Maggie Hassan
Governor of New Hampshire
Margaret “Maggie” Hassan is an American politician who currently serves as the 81st Governor of New Hampshire. Hassan, a member of the Democratic Party, represented the 23rd District in the New Hampshire State Senate from 2005 to 2010. Wikipedia
Born: February 27, 1958 (age 55), Boston
Party: Democratic Party
America….going to hell in a hand basket….

28 thoughts on “First They Came For The Kiddies…Well Heeled/Known Prep School (Philips Exeter Academy)Trucks With Terrorists…Commentary By Adina Kutnicki

  1. It is really time for a domestic Crusade and a cleaning out of all the Trojan Horses in our various government departments, in education, in all areas where they can exert influence. It may require counter-radical radicals to get it done but it will have to be done.

  2. Pingback: U.S. Rep Michele Bachmann’s Courageous Front-Line Defense Against Muslim Brotherhood/Shariah Law…As They Advance Towards The Kiddies Too…Commentary By Adina Kutnicki | Adina Kutnicki

  3. Pingback: Domestic Terrorist, Bill Ayers (Educator Too!), Exhorts Control Over The Kiddies…Addendum To: First They Came For The Kiddies…Commentary By Adina Kutnicki | Adina Kutnicki

  4. Pingback: Americans, Do You Know What Barack HUSSEIN Obama Wants Your Children To Learn? Commentary By Adina Kutnicki | Adina Kutnicki

  5. Pingback: The Donning of Burqas, At A U.S. School Near You: The Pernicious Effects of The Red/Green Alliance…Commentary By Adina Kutnicki | Adina Kutnicki

  6. As I have said before you cannot stop what is happening, the Potus is in command. What you are dealing with is beyond control .Some would say an evil Influence.Bob NZ

  7. Well, even if it is hopeless, it is not as if patriots should stay silent. In fact, for the historical record, it is more than incumbent to speak out. Moreover, those who have options, re alternative schooling, should be given more food for thought.

    Yes, the public schools are gone, as are some private schools. But there are educational options. Besides, reps are still interested in keeping their seats. As such, pressuring them, as massively as possible, makes complete sense. After all, why should Americans make their lives easier, instead of hammering them, again and again?

  8. Pingback: The Thug-in-Chief…Hell-Bent On Disarming Christian Patriots…Ordered His Racialist AG To Turn Up The Heat…Addendum To: Barack Hussein Obama’s ‘Brave New World’…Second Amendment…Pro-Life Supporters Bear Watchi

  9. Pingback: Hamas’s CAIR & Its Targeted American Bullying: Their Commonality With Communist Propagandists…Commentary By Adina Kutnicki | Adina Kutnicki

    • Indeed, and the truth shall us free. Moreover, they are a dangerous duo, as is the cocksure Weiner and his Mafia Sisterhood wifey, Huma Abedin…now targeting Gracie Mansion for a chance to rule NYC, my hometown! Unspeakable. Unbelievable.

      Thanks for the link.

  10. Glad to get this information but I did notice that some of the alumni mentioned like George H W Bush as well as George Bush and others, were graduates of Phillips Andover Academy, not Phillips Exeter. That is important with respect to the credibility of the article. I did send out the information to my list and it was one of my friends that picked up the mistake. I would recommend that the author send out a correction just so others won’t be critical of the article. Clearly, the fox is in the hen house. Wake up America!

  11. Pingback: Aside From NSA’s Unfettered Domestic Spying, Obama’s Goons Are EYEING America’s Kiddies: How Are They Doing It? What Are They Up To? Commentary By Adina Kutnicki | Adina Kutnicki

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  13. Pingback: The Thug-in-Chief, Hell-Bent On Disarming Christian Patriots Ordered His Racialist AG To Turn Up The Heat…Addendum To: Barack Hussein Obama’s ‘Brave New World’…Second Amendment…Pro-Life Supporters Bear Watching/Labeling

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  21. Pingback: Islamic Indoctrination In U.S. Public Schools HEATING UP;Students Reciting “Shahada”! Commentary By Adina Kutnicki | Islam Exposed Online

  22. Pingback: Islamic Indoctrination In Schools HEATING UP: Kids Reciting “Shahada”! | What Did You Say?

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  24. Pingback: American Patriots, Your Kiddies Must Dress Islamically For ‘Field’ Trips! What Say You? | Islam Exposed Online

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