Israeli Media “Partners” With Turkish Brotherhood Mafia Mouthpiece, Adnan Oktar! (un)Learned Lessons. Commentary By Adina Kutnicki

BY now, several givens should be clear to those who follow Islamic terror in general and the Muslim Brotherhood Mafia in specific.

FIRSTLY, more than a few heavy-weights in the counterterrorism and counterintelligence arenas place their “faith” in these hands, primarily, when it comes to the ins and outs – the netherworld – of the titular front group of Sunni terror, the Brotherhood Mafia! In fact, one has emerged “from the shadows” and attests to the same in a highly public manner.


MORE specifically, said public endorsement and vote of confidence comes from none other than (P.) David Gaubatz. As a matter of record, he wrote the Foreword for “BANNED: How Facebook Enables Militant Islamic Jihad.” A brief excerpt from pages 13-15 reads:

The book before you is written by two acknowledged experts, one of whom is deeply immersed in exposing militant Islamic jihad, the other in investigating the little known underbelly of the largest social media site on the planet.

I have worked with investigative journalist and blogger Adina Kutnicki for a good number of years, and have relied upon her wealth of knowledge and network of contacts to alert Americans and Israelis (westerners at large) to the greatest threat level bar none, Islamic terrorism. So much so, I share with her information which is both sensitive and explosive. Without hesitation or reservation, her dedication to the cause of uncovering the network of Islamic terrorism and its front groups is unsurpassed. It is for this reason that I devoted one of my newsletter articles on Islamic based terrorism intelligence with the headline: Adina Kutnicki: Hero For America and Israel….

My heartfelt thanks to Adina Kutnicki, an American (and Israeli) patriot, and Joe Newby, a former Marine Corps veteran, for exposing Facebook as a tool of Islamic terrorism.

—- Dave Gaubatz, Former Special Agent with the United States Air Force of Special Investigations (AFOSI). Mr. Gaubatz has worked counterterrorism and counterintelligence stateside as well as in several Middle Eastern countries. Mr. Gaubatz was the first US Civilian Federal Agent deployed to Iraq when Operation Iraqi Freedom began. Armed with the highest security clearances (Top Secret/SCI), he has been briefed into several Black Projects. Over the past several years he has been conducting intelligence inside America, zeroing in on the vast network of Saudi-backed terror mosques and Brotherhood networks embedded within the highest echelons of the nation. Mr. Gaubatz is also the author of Muslim Mafia: Inside The Secret Underworld That’s Conspiring To Islamize America.

NOW that that has been verified, the above should be enough of a reason – a “kosher” stamp of approval for Israeli/Jewish media, never mind American – to pay heed in this direction, at least when certain outings are front and center. Not exactly.

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BUT never mind. As always, when it comes to leftist media and the willfully blind, facts be damned.

YES, it is along the aforementioned Brotherhood trajectory that this investigative journalist unmasked Harun Yahya (aka Adnan Oktar) via exposé after exposé, as well as through a blockbuster global interview in Oct. 2013. It is excerpted below.

The Inqusitr welcomes Israeli journalist Adina Kutnicki for another no-holds barred interview on the Muslim Brotherhood and their efforts to restore the global Islamic Caliphate and destroy the Jewish state of Israel.

While many Western leaders continue to proclaim Islam to be the “Religion of Peace” and portray the incessant violence in the Islamic world as a legitimate reaction to poverty and social inequality, the leaders of the Muslim Brotherhood speak openly about their goals of global dominance…..

As an expert on the activities of the Muslim Brotherhood, we asked Ms. Kutnicki here today to reveal the truth about the Brotherhood’s activities and explain their ultimate goals for humanity. There is no limit to how far they are willing to go to accomplish their aims, from butchering Copts in Egypt to unleashing Adnan Oktar and his Muslim “Barbie Doll” sex kittens on complicit Israeli media and politicians.

For more on this frightening story, with all its bizarre twists and turns, The Inquisitr presents Ms. Adina Kutnicki…..

Wolff Bachner: In addition to Erdogan, there is another prominent Turkish Islamic leader who has been quite involved in Stealth Jihad. Who is Adnan Oktar and what is he doing to enable Islamic conquest and undermine the state of Israel?

Adina Kutnicki: Adnan Oktar enters into the Stealth Jihad arena under the protective umbrella of the Muslim Brotherhood. Even so, one can be forgiven for not knowing and asking: who is Adnan Oktar? and why does he matter? Furthermore, aren’t there other well known Islamic Brotherhood mouthpieces to report on? Yes and no.

As to the “who”…first and foremost, Adnan Oktar is a highly valued, well connected Turkish Muslim Brotherhood operative, as duly reported within The Global Muslim Brotherhood Report. He is most well known for his brushes (decades worth) with the Turkish legal system, as well as his (more recent) incessant push towards Turkish “creationism”, which is basically a foil for their authentic agenda – the implementation of the Turkish-Islamic Union. Now, his harping on “creationism” only matters due to the fact that he plies it to wedge and insert himself into media arenas. Circus-like. Call it his “shtick.”

Yes, there are too many Brotherhood actors to cite, but there are not enough hours in a day. But for the fact that Adnan Oktar is a “special” case, therein lies his singular status. For our purposes, he is top dog. Patience, dear readers.

Wolff Bachner: As part of his effort to present Islam as a peaceful, modern faith that considers all religions to be equal, Oktar has used a group of rather voluptuous women to promote his ideas. These young, buxom, heavily made up “Barbie Dolls” appear on talk shows and at public events to promote Oktar’s agenda. What is going on here? Isn’t it forbidden for Muslim women to flaunt their sexuality?

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Adina Kutnicki: Ah ha…you grabbed onto his sidekicks – more accurately, his harem – and gave them all due props through your visual descriptors. How many westerners are really familiar with a group of kitten-like, pin-up worthy, busty Turkish bombshells? Well, if not, I suggest readers catch up to speed, but certainly do not become enamored or distracted – male readers, I’m referring to you! To be sure, it is not as if hyping overt sexuality is newsworthy in the west, but the outward appearance of these Turkish kittens masks a far more sinister agenda than strutting their smoldering stuff. I kid you not. And, whereas western nymphets have been known to pimp themselves for monetary gain, Oktar’s lovelies are (mainly) in it for “Sexual Jihad”. Say what?

Well, as a matter of Fatwa (Islamic-derived religious dictate) fact, “Sexual Jihad” has been sanctioned by relevant Islamic authorities, so much so that (supposedly chaste) teenage Islamic hotties availed their “services” to the “boys at war” in Syria. Mind you, some of these teens came back with more than they bargained for with Allah; pregnant and with AIDS! Not exactly virgin-like, a high priority preoccupation in Islamic culture. That’s the way it goes.

Be that as it may, okay, let’s be inordinately clear: the above is not meant for entertainment purposes, nor to be flippant. Decidedly, its contents are deadly serious. Therefore, an introduction to the “Oktarettes” is efficacious, as evinced within “Turkey’s Anti-Evolutionist Showgirls“. It is worth taking a peek. Promise. Even so, visuals and all, what are they up to? “Sex, Flies and Videotape” exposes the secret lives of Harun Yahya, aka Adnan Oktar, the benefactor of said sirens.

Oh me, oh my…you can’t make this stuff up….continue the evidentiary trail here….

LO and behold, this dirty task is never-ending. Most egregiously, some fools are worse than others. And those who have a sacred duty to execute their due diligence, the “fourth estate”, are especially foolish. So too are Israel’s political and religious leaders like sheep to the slaughter. Culpable. Complicit.

(Rabbinical Sanhedrin from Israel locking arms with Oktar!)

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  • So much so, back in August 2013, two piggy-backed headlines warned: “The Jewish Press (Other Jewish/Israeli Media Outlets Too) Has MEGA Explaining To Do: Are They (Unwittingly) Providing Cover For Islamic Supremacists? What’s Going On?”
  • In tandem, shortly thereafter, “Adnan Oktar’s Islamic Mouthpiece(s) Received Another (Jewish) Gift: Israel Hayom, A Zionist/Israeli Paper, Lent Its Platform.”
  • Hot on the above trails, in September 2013, “Adnan Oktar’s Islamic ‘Peace’ Activists Exposed: The Hunt Continues” was featured. How much clearer must it be, before re-blog after re-blog of Oktar’s true Brotherhood intentions are taken seriously? For heavens sake.
  •  Oh dear…once again, in September 2013, “The Desecration of 9/11/01,Stealth Jihad’ Via Mosques, Adnan Oktar’s Turkish-Islamic Union: ‘Taqiyya’ Penetrates Into Jewish Media/Power Centers – Where Is The Nexus?” revealed the underlying global ambitions of Allah’s followers, and with Turkish leaders in the (Caliphate) forefront.
  • So is it any wonder that an ongoing investigation into Muslim Brotherhood backed Adnan Oktar (specifically, Sinem Tezyapar, et al.), the Turkish-Islamic Union, and Jewish related media and individuals is mandatory?
  •  And on and on the treachery goes… Oktar threatens those who refuse to submit to the Mahdi, all the while claiming the mantle to Islamic leadership via a prophesy from the Jewish Torah!!
  • But there’s more….par for the course, YnetNewsa left-leaning Israeli news outlet gave a megaphone to Adnan Oktar too! Crazy is as crazy does – the Israeli media.
  • It gets worse, if you dare imagine. In March 2014, it was reported: “Israel’s Rabbinical Sanhedrin Lent Support and Cover to Adnan Oktar: What’s To Be Done?”
  • Not only that, Oktar has the ears of a well-known Jewish Temple Mount Leader!

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(Istanbul 2009 – Meeting with Rabbi Yehuda Glick – currently, an MK in the Knesset – Temple Mount Leader/Activist)

ALL of which renders the following so much more Orwellian, as the above proofs and truths have been known for several years, yet the Jerusalem Post (currently, its Board leans to the left, unlike its more centrist predecessors) failed to execute its proper due diligence and lent Oktar a platform on April 8, 2017!


ONCE digested, pay heed to his taqiyya-laden anti-terror lies, despite being a leading force in the murderous Brotherhood Mafia, as fully proven at each and every link cited within.

BUT if anything smacks of grievous and injurious knock-on effects from Israel’s leftist media, it is their continuous  “embrace” of the likes of Adnan Oktar via a willingness to be lulled to sleep with lullabies of sweet nothings, that which puts them in bed with jihadists, irrespective of whether or not they cop to it! Besides, if the most recent exhortation from Haaretz – Israel’s far left and pro-Arab/Muslim organ of incitement against the Jewish public – isn’t convincing enough of the umbrella lent to Allah’s Muslim Terrorists by Israel’s “fourth estate”, nothing will suffice.

Haaretz publisher Amos Schocken tried Thursday to explain why the newspaper published the libelous article by Yossi Klein against Religious Zionism.

In a Channel 2 interview Schocken said that “Yossi Klein has a right to express his opinion” but conceded that “maybe the term the National Religious in the context in which it appearred in the article should not have been used.”

Schocken said that he accepts part of Klein’s thesis “insofar as it applies to Religious Zionism’s involvement in politics,” adding that “the apartheid regime in the territories which stems from the settlement movement endangers Israel more than Hezbollah. That is my view.”

“If all criticism of what Naftali Bennett is doing to secular education will be deemed anti-Semitism we might as well close the media altogether. The goal of Haaretz is to maintain a public debate over important issues in the State of Israel and whoever reads the article cannot ignore its role in the discussion which is critical for the state and for society.”

In the article, originally titled “Worse than Hezbollah”, Klein slammed the Religious Zionist sector, claiming they are more of a threat than murderous Arab terrorists or the Hezbollah terror movement in Lebanon, which has killed hundreds of Jews worldwide since the 1980’s.The newspaper changed the title to something less abusive after complaints…..continue reading the entire murderous hit job – against Jews whose “crime” is their G-d given right and belief to settle the thousands-year-old homeland, the patrimony, of the Jewish people!

AND while hardly the most significant factor regarding exposing Adnan Oktar’s stealth jihadi intentions – in particular, as evidenced through the Oct. 2013 global interview at Inquisitr – it must be noted that a target was placed on the back of yours truly as a result. Assuredly, whereas it would be absolutely imprudent to get too specific, know that three and a half years after the fact, it hasn’t quelled the Brotherhood Mafia’s (Turkish) “interest.” Why would this be, other than as a warning akin to a “kiss of death” to STFU? Bear in mind, the aforementioned is hardly indicative of the makings of a renewed “Muslim-Jewish understanding, dialogue and friendship”, as continuously purred by the sweet-nothings of Turkish Brotherhood operative Adnan Oktar and his surrogates!

ENOUGH said.  

{MEMO: FB’s censors have blocked their share button to Adina Kutnicki: A Zionist & Conservative Blog! Yes, additional “proof-in-the pudding” as to why “BANNED: How Facebook Enables Militant Islamic Jihad” had to be written!}

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4 thoughts on “Israeli Media “Partners” With Turkish Brotherhood Mafia Mouthpiece, Adnan Oktar! (un)Learned Lessons. Commentary By Adina Kutnicki

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