Islam’s FINAL Nail Near Fruition: Cultural/Civilization Jihad Via The Hijab. Social/Mainstream Media In The Forefront. Commentary By Adina Kutnicki



FROM one end of the west to another, a concerted two-prong thrust is operational: on the one hand, an Islamic onslaught is playing out through continuous Islamic jihad, in tandem with cultural/civilizational jihad; a two-step death dance on the west’s graveyard. On the other, revolutionary and cultural Marxists are busting through the underpinnings of western civilization, aiming towards its collapse. No ifs, ands, or buts.

IT is due to the above – and so much more – that it necessitates examining the main ways in which Islamists and Marxists are targeting the destruction of America, the lynch pin of western hyper-power. 

AND while frontal (explosive) jihad is readily identifiable to those with eyes to see, the more insidious danger, cultural/civilizational jihad, is harder to identify. Pinpoint. Yes, its subtlety bores from within on a steady, slow-boil basis, at least, in its primary stages. The crux being, what appears (to some) as exotic, cutesy, frivolous, and PC from the get-go, rest assured, will be compulsory, once the underpinnings of the west are fully destroyed. Guaranteed.



IN this regard, this site has issued many warnings as to its knock-on effects, most especially, the Islamic indoctrination of the kiddies within America’s schools.

IN concert, functionaries within Merkel’s Germany (others throughout the EU’s bureaucracy alike, rife with socialists, Marxists, and anti-western functionaries) are busy doing their parts to destroy western civilization. Blaming media and social media’s lax “rules” for the rise of “Islamophobia” and hysterical anti-immigrant (in reality, the entry of millions of Islamic jihadi “refugees” inside their borders) sentiment, they march, goose-step-like, into fascist rule. Albeit, this go-around, in a “subtle” manner. Imagine that.

THUS, “Special Hijab Days” was born!

“Enjoy difference – start tolerance,” says the blonde-haired, blue-eyed woman in a new TV ad running in Germany as she appears in a Muslim head covering.

The 18-second ad encourages German women to embrace “tolerance” by wearing the hijab.

The commercial begins with the text “Turkish women wear the hijab,” as a veiled woman is seen with her back to the camera.

But when she turns around she reveals herself as, not a Turk, but a fair-skinned German, before she says, “Me too! It’s beautiful!”

Is Germany ‘conquered?’

Anti-Shariah activist Pamela Geller said the ads are not only deceptive but coercive.

“The German government is determined to force its people to accept massive numbers of Muslims into their country, and as this commercial shows, to force them to accept Islamic culture as well,” Geller said. “But this cultural generosity will not be reciprocated. Where are the ads in Saudi Arabia telling Saudis they must accept and tolerate women who go out without their heads covered? It is always only the West that must be tolerant, even to the point of civilizational suicide.

“These are the actions of a conquered people.”

IN a nutshell, cultural/civilizational jihad at its most insidious!

Image result for pics of merkel and zuckerberg at open mic

AND to ensure that every freedom-based opening was closed down, Stasi trained Merkel enlisted the aid of Facebook’s Mark Zuckerberg. He agreed to purge all “negative”, aka “hateful”, speech from the largest social media site on the planet, his U.S. (corporate based and founded) obligation to the First Amendment be damned.


On the sidelines of a United Nations luncheon on Saturday, Merkel was caught on a hot mic pressing Zuckerberg about social media posts about the wave of Syrian refugees entering Germany, the publication reported.

The Facebook CEO was overheard responding that “we need to do some work” on curtailing anti-immigrant posts about the refugee crisis. “Are you working on this?” Merkel asked in English, to which Zuckerberg replied in the affirmative before the transmission was disrupted…..

SO ordered by a true totalitarian, and obeyed by a leftist-driven, multicultural globalist.

In an open letter seen by German daily “Tagesspiegel,” which he links to on his Twitter account, Maas tells Facebook that “we need to talk.”

In the letter, which he sent to Facebook’s European head office in Dublin as well as to its German subsidiary, he says the social media site’s community standards needed to be more efficient and transparent.

In the wake of the recent openly xenophobic and hateful attacks on and protests at refugee camps in Germany, Maas said that the Justice Ministry had received many complaints about abusive content not being banned on Facebook.

Often, users get a message saying that the posts they reported did not violate Facebook’s community standards without giving any further explanation “even in very obvious cases,” according to Maas.

He says this standard response had become a “farce” and that users were struggling to understand why Facebook is quick to ban nudity, for example, referring to its community standards, but often fails to ban xenophobic and racist posts.

BUT never mind all that, when it comes to affixing the final nail(s) into western civilization’s coffin, well, nothing, absolutely nothing, is off the table. Mind you, this investigative journalist’s new book (with co-author Joe Newby), BANNED: How Facebook Enables Militant Islamic Jihad, proves that Zuckerberg has been shielding/enabling Islamists for years. 

REGARDLESS, the lying, mendacious, and complicit media march on.

ALONG this incendiary trajectory, U.S. media lapdogs – joined-at-the-hip with their anti-American, revolutionary counterparts inside and outside officialdom – are hard at work distancing Islam from back-to-back jihadi attacks. In a pig’s eye.

ALAS, despite the stepped-up attacks from Allah’s Muslim Terrorists, as if on cue, New York’s Islamic/Marxist captive leadership – with a PC obsessed media in tow – decided to up the ante, that is, to further protect Muslims from so-called anti-Muslim backlash! If only. More than Orwellian.

New York City kicked off a social media advertising campaign on Monday to combat negative perceptions of Muslims and counteract increasing instances of threats and violence, officials said.

Showing an array of photographs of Muslim men and women, the campaign reads “I am Muslim. I am NYC”, according to the New York City Commission on Human Rights.

The campaign is aimed at addressing negative depictions and rhetoric, officials said.

Anti-Muslim sentiment has been playing a major role as the U.S. presidential race has heated up. Republican nominee Donald Trump claimed he saw thousands of people cheering after the Sept. 11, 2001 attacks and has called for shutting down mosques and banning Muslims from certain countries from entering the United States.

In New York, an Afghan-born man is accused of wounding 31 people in a bombing on Sept. 17 that authorities called a “terrorist act”. The suspect had embraced militant Islamic views, authorities say.

“Now more than ever, it is important for every New Yorker to stand united as one city and reject hate and violence,” Mayor Bill de Blasio said in a statement announcing the ad campaign.

“In New York, everyone deserves to be treated with respect. Christian, Muslim, Jewish, Sikh, Hindu, agnostic and atheist — it doesn’t matter,” he said. “We are all New Yorkers and we all deserve to live safely and free from hatred or discrimination.”

Some 3.3 million Muslims live in the United States, and thousands live in New York City, according to the commission.

The ads will be placed on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram with the hashtag #IamMuslimNYC.

Investigations by the Commission on Human Rights into cases of discrimination based on race, national origin and religion have grown over the last two years, from 194 cases in 2014 to 326 cases in 2015, officials said.

Nationwide, since the first candidate announced a presidential bid in March 2015, there have been about 180 reported incidents of anti-Muslim violence, including 12 murders, according to a study by researchers at Georgetown University released in May.

By comparison, prior to the Sept. 11 attacks, according to the FBI, there were 20 to 30 anti-Muslim hate crimes annually, the study said.

Along with the ad campaign, New York City is planning events and outreach efforts such as public forums, cultural workshops and publicizing information on laws against religious discrimination.

NOW, is it at all surprising that another knock-on effect from a highly successful cultural/civilizational jihad – assisted under the protective umbrella of key U.S. power centers – results in Muslims demanding more and more special treatment in line with Sharia Law? Mind you, the ever increasing list with such demands is book-worthy.

EVEN so, despite all the inherent and provable dangers related to “partnering” with countries whose life-blood is adherence to Islam – a nihilistic, pagan-like creed of jihadi dictates – U.S. traitors, Hussein and Hill in the forefront, partnered with secretive Mid East programs to destabilize the Middle East. To what end? In an effort to create the conditions for a massive inflow of “refugees” into the west – which would implode the west’s nation-states, the balance of power – fires had to be lit via the so-called Arab Spring.

MORE specifically, it was understood that to perform Islamic hijrah (Allah-mandated migration into the west to eventually force Sharia Law onto said nations) necessitated lighting the final matches to an already fiery Mid East order.


CONCLUSIVELY, as night follows day, it is up to millions of patriots to take matters into their own hands, if saving America (and the west) is atop their personal agendas. 

Inventor tried to patent controversial anti-terror device which sprays Muslims with pigs blood

AND – on numerous occasions at these pages – it was “suggested: PIGS AHOY!

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3 thoughts on “Islam’s FINAL Nail Near Fruition: Cultural/Civilization Jihad Via The Hijab. Social/Mainstream Media In The Forefront. Commentary By Adina Kutnicki

  1. Adina, the 05 of September 2015, as neocon Angela Merkel opened the borders neither consulting with her government nor with the German people, Germany just experienced Versailles Four and a renewed genocide attempt on the German People.

    —Versailles 1. Humiliation of Germany with the 1919 Treaty of Versailles demanding Germany to repay 113 Billion Reichmark in Gold (of course)
    —Versailles 2. Partition of Germany between the Soviet Union and the United States of America (there is to this very day no signed peace treaty between Germany and the Allies, so technically Germany is still at war.)
    —Versailles 3. 7th of February 1992: treaty of Maastricht (NL) as the European states, including Germany agreed to give up their formal currency! French President François Mitterrand qualified it as “Versailles without the war.”
    —Versailles 4. 4th of September 2015 as Merkel in a totalitarian fascist way opened the German borders neither consulting with her government nor with the German People.
    I would like to suggest that this is a renewed genocide attempt on the German People (Morgenthau Plan; Theodore N. Kaufmann: “Germany Must Perish”) and Thomas P. M. Barnett’s latest geopolitical ideas of importing 1,5 million Blacks into Europe to create a “brown race of folks too stupid to understand but strong enough to work.”
    Mass Migration as a weapon of war, coercion and destruction: this is what it is all about Adina…

  2. WAKE UP AMERICA, Political Correctness i.e. Cultural Marxism IS DESTROYING us!

    Our government was infiltrated by our enemy, the Muslim Brotherhood decades ago and implemented what they call their “Civilization-Jihad Process” plan. Their plan was presented in the Holy Land Foundation trial in 2008/08 and was NOT contested neither in court nor during the appeals process. This is a NATIONAL SECURITY issue thus our politicians, bureaucrats, flag officers, military, law enforcement and everyone bound by taking an oath of office to place our Constitution Article I, Section 8, Clause 1 “provide for common defense” as their #1 priority. However, they completely ignore it and instead worship Cultural Marxism i.e. political correctness and their idol.
    Neither the House, Senate either Democrat or Republican will hold hearings on the Muslim Brotherhood and the plan they are employing within our government. Oh, their plan is working quite well by the way! How do we know this; because the media, House and Senate refuse to address the issue and review their Civilization-Jihad plan? Here is an example!
    Who in DoD is deflecting conversations about 4GW?
    Take time to read “The Changing Face of War – Into the Fourth Generation” by Lind, Nightengale, Schmitt, Sutton and Wilson published in the October 1989 Marine Corps Gazette.
    “The first is a component of collapsing the enemy. It is a shift in focus from the enemy’s front to his rear. Terrorism must seek to collapse the enemy from within as it has little capability (at least at present) to inflict widespread destruction.”
    Terrorists use a free society’s freedom and openness, its greatest strengths, against it. They can move freely within our society while actively working to subvert it. They use our democratic rights not only to penetrate but also to defend themselves. If we treat them within our laws, they gain many protections; if we simply shoot them down, the television news can easily make them appear to be the victims. Terrorists can effectively wage their form of warfare while being protected by the society they are attacking. If we are forced to set aside our own system of legal protections to deal with terrorists, the terrorists win another sort of victory.
    Highly sophisticated psychological warfare, especially through manipulation of the media, particularly television news. Some terrorists already know how to play this game. More broadly, hostile forces could easily take advantage of a significant product of television reporting — the fact that on television the enemy’s casualties can be almost as devastating on the home front as are friendly casualties. If we bomb an enemy city, the pictures of enemy civilian dead brought into every living room in the country on the evening news can easily turn what may have been a military success (assuming we also hit the military target) into a serious defeat.” [snip] https://www.mca-

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