CAIR’s Mask Ripped Off:U.S. “Islamophobe” TARGET BANK For Assassination! Commentary By Adina Kutnicki

Hassan Shibly, Nihad Awad, Zair Shakir, Kifah Mustafa and Siraj Wahhaj (clock-wise from left). All are radical Islamists who have been associated with CAIR.

Hassan Shibly, Nihad Awad, Zair Shakir, Kifah Mustafa and Siraj Wahhaj (clock-wise from left). All are radical Islamists who have been associated with CAIR.

{re-blogged at Islam Exposed}

MANY of us are familiar with the concept of “good cop/bad cop”, but some of us are better attuned to these matters than others. Be that as it may, in general, life-saving info is often gleaned from some very bad suspects by adopting varying stealth tactics, intel which would otherwise remain hidden. That’s just the way it is, whether the PC thought police believe this or that is too harsh, even when dealing with stone cold killers. Bleeding hearts….but never for the victims.

IN this regard, CAIR  continuously plays a similar version of “good cop”, but never mind, they were stripped bare by foxy Brooke Goldstein on FOX . The “moderate” jihadists, via their propaganda machine, spin and spin that “over zealous Muslims” – whose actions repel most Americans and westerners – are not representative of Islam.  Indeed, head chopping and throat slitting is not exactly easy to “explain” away, when they quote Islam while committing untold barbarism!  But never mind, CAIR is 100% in sync with them, even as they opine otherwise. Head spinning.

AS a matter of official record, CAIR’s “illustrious” list of who’s who in the jihadi arena is a veritable laundry list of top Brotherhood operatives. This makes perfect sense, being that the Brotherhood Mafia, specifically Hamas, sponsored their entry into America!  

MORE specifically, the following is additional “bull’s eye” proof: 

WHEN a jihadi group, CAIR, is the “go to” address for U.S. law enforcement, is it any wonder they feel free to issue hit lists? Patience, dear readers…

ACCORDING to Dave Gaubatz, a premiere counter-terrorism expert, whose access is second to none, the following is noted: 

I receive internal emails from the ADAMS Center,ADAMS CENTER ISLAMIC ORGANIZATION SITE  The Executives of the ADAMS Center are very closely aligned with CAIR National.  CAIR Executives often flip flop and join one another’s terrorist supporting organization.  The ADAMS Center and CAIR National have previously been investigated and/or raided by the FBI.  Why would the FBI recruit from Islamic terror organzations for sensitive positions, such as FBI Special Agents and FBI Analysts.  The positions require a Top Secret clearance.
The answer is there is no good reason to recruit from terrorist organizations and supporters of terrorist.  FBI Special Agent Amylynn Errera, Washington Field Office sent the email to Farooq Syed, ADAMS Center.  Farooq then forwarded the email about FBI positions to members of their internal group of supporters.  I was provided a copy by a source.
The FBI sends these job opening to Islamic terror supporters, yet I would make a multi-million dollar bet that no one from the Tea Party, ACT For America, and dozens of other conservative groups are provided an up front notice of sensitive job positions in the FBI.  There are good people within the FBI, but the majority are not properly trained in regards to Islamic terrorism issues.  Then there are some who knowingly have relationships with organizations that pose a threat to our national security.
The ADAMS Center has previously been raided for their support of terrorism (RAID ON ADAMS CENTER).  I encourage readers to contact Special Agent Amylynn Errera and ask her why Islamic terror supporters (per the FBI’s own allegations) are being recruited for TOP SECRET positions within the FBI.  Her contact information is at the bottom of the email she sent to the ADAMS Center.
U.S. government employees are paid their salaries by American taxpayers.  They are not above the law and must answer to the American people.


AND additional direct evidence is from another close contact of this investigative journalist, Tom Trento, who just happened to make the hit list, as verified below. Yes, he agreed to a corroborative “outing” at this site from its inception, as has Dave Gaubatz. Bless their patriotic hearts…their assistance…



So, the Muslim Brotherhood front group Hamas-CAIR has decided to build an “islamophobia” website and design a hit list in the same manner as the Southern Poverty Law Center’s “hate list.” The new site is

According to the website, “Islamophobia is closed-minded prejudice against or hatred of Islam and Muslims. An Islamophobe is an individual who holds a closed-minded view of Islam and promotes prejudice against or hatred of Muslims.”

The problem with such an assertion is nicely summed up by Ned May of the International Civil Liberties Alliance (ICLA) when he said that to use the term “Islamophobia” is “a violation of logic.”

He blasted the Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights (ODIHR) in 2013 saying that the word “fails solely to inclusion of the word ‘unfounded.’ Thus, well-founded fear, mistrust or hatred of Islam does not constitute Islamophobia.”

He also went on to point out, “Millions of non-Muslims have very real reasons to fear Islam and Muslim violence, and cannot reasonably be described as ‘Islamophobes,” he said. “Furthermore, any investigation into the fear of Islam, is denounced as ‘Islamophobia.’ Thus, the definition of Islamophobia is circular, a violation of logic.”

This doesn’t stop the irrational members of CAIR, who follow the murderous founder of Islam, Mohamed. The CAIR site also claims that it envisions “a time when being Muslim carries a positive connotation and Islam has an equal place among many faiths in America’s pluralistic society.”

Sorry, but Islam does not deserve an “equal” place among many faiths. In fact, the Bible teaches the only true faith. Jesus said He is the Way, the Truth, and the Life and that no man comes to the Father but by Him. He doesn’t make room for “other” faiths. There is no king, but King Jesus!

Let’s consider the closed-mindedness of Islam. Their own book shows that they are against Christians and all infidels (non-Muslim believers. Their own history demonstrates that they believe they are superior and that they have the right to destroy all those who will not name the name of Allah and recognize the demonically possessed, thieving murderer Mohamed as a true prophet. Here’s what CAIR is really all about. Trust me, you will want to watch this.

The third President of the United States, Thomas Jefferson, had to deal with the Islamists in the Barbary Wars, understanding that these people could not be reasoned with.

We’ve seen how the Europeans have appeased the followers of Islam, but many have recently taken to the streets to rid their land of these totalitarian devils. The question now is, when are Americans going to amass in the street to put this ideology where it belongs? As Dr. Rich Swier rightly points out, this is nothing more than a “hit list for Islamic State lone wolves,” similar to the of the Southern Poverty Law Center, whose alleged “hate list” has been used to target conservative groups. The most recent target was the Family Research Council back in August of 2012, when gunman Floyd Lee Corkins II entered the FRC and planned on killing as many people as possible and smearing Chick-fil-a sandwiches in their faces because of their stance against homosexuality.

Funny, I don’t see Corkins’ name on the SPLC hate list, do you? He’s their poster boy one would think. After all, he didn’t do what he did out of love, did he? He did it out of… hate.

Here’s the list given by Hamas-CAIR at their website. Your’s truly apparently didn’t make the cut for some odd reason, but plenty of others did, and God has given them a place to speak out against the Mohammedan death cult.

Ali Sina A member of the board of directors of Stop Islamization of Nations, Sina believes, “there is NOTHING good in Islam and that it is all evil.”

Allen West A former Republican member of the U.S. House of Representatives. Allen believes, “Islam does not coexist.”…

Ashraf Rameleh A member of the board of directors of Stop Islamization of Nations. When speaking about the September 11th attacks he said “they are not terrorists, they are jihad. They are for the Quran.”

Babu Suseelani a member of the board of directors of Stop Islamization of Nations. In 2012 Suseelan told an audience “If we do not kill the bacteria, the bacteria will kill us. Muslims will breed like rats and they will be a majority.”…

Brigitte Gabriel The head of Act for America. Gabriel has said, “America and the West are doomed to failure in this war unless they stand up and identify the real enemy: Islam.”……

Clare Lopez Lopez is the vice president for issues and analysis at the Center for Security Policy. She also a board member at the Clarion Project. In 2013, Lopez told an audience, “When people in other bona fide religions follow their doctrines they become better people — Buddhists, Hindus, Christians, Jews. When Muslims follow their doctrine, they become jihadists.”……

David Horowitz The founder of the David Horowitz Freedom Center. The Southern Poverty Law Center, a group that tracks hate in the United States, names Horowitz “the godfather of the modern anti-Muslim movement.”

David Yerushalmi A co-founder of the American Freedom Law Center and employee of the Center for Security Policy. Yerushalmi beleives, “Our greatest enemy today is Islam.”….

Frank Gaffney The founder and president of the Center for Security Policy. Gaffney is also connected to the Washington Times, and Clarion Project. Gaffney has advocated renewing the House Un-American Activities Committee, a discredited McCarthy-era congressional committee that President Truman once described as “the most un-American thing in the country today.”

Glenn Beck Beck hosts the Glenn Beck show on the Blaze. In February, 2011, Beck hosted anti-Muslim speaker Joel Richardson on his Fox News program and the two “tied Islam to the Antichrist in the new testament.”….

John Guandolo The founder of Understanding the Threat. Guandolo is a former FBI agent who trains law enforcement officers to believe in conspiracy theories such as his beleif that CIA Director Brennan is a secret Muslim…..

Kamal Saleem A board member of Former Muslims United. In October 2012, Right Wing Watch posted a video of Saleem and noted that in that video, “Saleem alleged that Obama’s top speech writer and Sasha and Malia’s babysitter are both Islamic fundamentalists that are wielding secret power.”……

Rep. Michele Bachmann (R-Minn.) A Minnesota Republican, Bachmann is a member of the U.S. House of Representatives. In June 2012, Bachmann led a group of House Republicans on a series of five letters to federal inspectors alleging that the Muslim Brotherhood was infiltrating the U.S. government. The allegations primarily centered on an aide to former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and were soundly rejected by Republican leadership…….

Nonie Darwish A founder of Former Muslims United. Darwish asserts that “Islam should be fought and should be conquered and defeated and annihilated.”

Pamela Geller The caustic mouthpiece of the U.S. Islamophobia network, Geller believes, “Hitler was inspired by Islam.”She blogs at Atlas Shrugs and is a leader with the American Freedom Defense Initiative, Jihad Watch, and Stop the Islamization of Nations. Note: Geller also heads Stop Islamization of America, but this entity is identified as an AFDI project.

Rep. Peter King (R-.N.Y.) Peter King represents a district centered in New York’s, Long Island. He served as chairman of the U.S. House Homeland Security Committee from 2010-2012. King has maintained that “80%, 85% of the mosques in this country are controlled by Islamic fundamentalists,” and that average Muslims “are loyal,” but “don’t come forward, they don’t tell the police what they know”. Additionally in 2007, Representative King said, “Unfortunately, we have too many mosques in this country.”

Robert “Raphael” Shore A member of Clarion Project’s board of directors…….

Robert Spencer A prolific member of the U.S. Islamophobia network, Spencer runs the Jihad Watch web site and is also connected with the David Horowitz Freedom Center, the American Freedom Defense Initiative, and Stop Islamization of Nations. Spencer has referred to Islam’s Prophet Muhammad as a “con man. Someone who is knowing [sic] that what he is saying is false, but is fooling his followers.” In the same video he asserts, “From a historical standpoint, it is not even clear that Muhammad existed.”

Tom Trento Trento is the founder and director of The United West. He believes mosques exist to wage a “cultural jihad” against America….

Wafa Sultan Sultan is connected to both Former Muslims United and Stop Islamization of Nations. She says, “I don`t see any difference between radical Islam and regular Islam…You cannot be American and Muslim at the same time.”

Walid Shoebat The founder of the Forum for Middle East Understanding, Shoebat is the author of “The case for Islamophobia,” a book published in March 2013. Shoebat’s training and speaking events are promoted using his credentials and his “background” as a former PLO terrorist who converted to Christianity. In 2011, CNN researchers “found no evidence” to support Shoebat’s trademark claim of being a “former PLO terrorist.”

Former Lieutenant General William Boykin A board member of the Oak Initiative. Boykin asserts that “[Islam] should not be protected under the First Amendment,” that there should be “no mosques in America,” that Islam is a “totalitarian way of life,” and that there can be no interfaith dialogue or cooperation between Muslims and Christians.

While I cannot speak as to who all of these people are, one thing is for sure, this is nothing more than intimidation against them. Hamas-CAIR be warned that if any of these people are attacked physically in any way, you will be held accountable for it. I can tell you this though, since it is a hit list, I stand alongside such men as Marine veteran Nick Powers, who said if there is an attack on us, “there will be no mercy.” There, you’ve been warned!…..(see the “hit list” in its entirety…)

HEY, this investigative journalist has a personal shout out to CAIR: you deeply “wound” by leaving this blog off your list! In fact, you guys are losing your mojo, having also left off a top associate of this site – Dave Gaubatz! You know, the counter terror operative who OPENLY outed CAIR via his DEEP undercover investigations, resulting in many of the exhibits used in the Holy Land Foundation terror trial! As a matter of record, these same Islamic jihadists from CAIR issued a fatwa on his head, even going viral on FB with a head chopping!

Left: Cartoon posted to Facebook depicting David Gaubatz being beheaded - Right: Gaubatz on duty in Iraq.

Left: Cartoon posted to Facebook depicting David Gaubatz being beheaded – Right: David Gaubatz on duty in Iraq.


IN any case, will let Dave know of his exclusion….will “commiserate” together…misery likes company. Besides, what does one have to do to warrant a “distinguished” place on your list….inquiring minds demand to know…LOL…



20 thoughts on “CAIR’s Mask Ripped Off:U.S. “Islamophobe” TARGET BANK For Assassination! Commentary By Adina Kutnicki

  1. Pingback: CAIR’s Mask Ripped Off:U.S. “Islamophobe” TARGET BANK For Assassination! Commentary By Adina Kutnicki | Islam Exposed Online

  2. Pingback: CAIR's Mask Ripped Off:U.S. "Islamophobe&q...

  3. For the better understanding of the big picture, watch the 3 stages of Islam :

    Things make more sense after watching it.

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