Training: American troops join Jordan and Iraq for an exercise as it is revealed Syrian rebels are being helped

BEFORE anything else, let it be noted: U.S. troops are often tasked to train outside forces, those which are supposed to be helpful in securing American interests within their respective regions. Otherwise, what’s the point, right? But said strategic doctrine is predicated upon an American patriot situated at the helm and properly vetting this one and that one!
MOST significantly, how many readers recall this site’s continuous harping on the Muslim Brotherhood Mafia’s entrenchment within Obama Inc.? For those who are newly aboard, time to catch up to speed via this blogger’s interview (Oct. 2013), one which highlights certain DHS top Brotherhood appointments! Mind you, it has EVERYTHING to do with the title, the implications, of today’s commentary.
EXTRAPOLATING further, the VERY same DHS mobbed up Brotherhood honcho, Mohamed Elibiary, is comfortable enough to exhort: 
THAT being said, however indelicately, it has been proven: Barack HUSSEIN Obama operates under an anti-American doctrine, one which empowers jihadists across the board; whether Sunni or Shia.

So from a series of precipitous Mid East fires (think: Mubarak, GO NOW…head over to the illegal war in Libya….) Obama Inc.’s strategy has been to set the region alight. This is no longer up for debate. And, as a bonus, “negotiating” with the mullahs gains a tailwind! The point being, in the Islamist-in-Chief’s worldview, it is a win-win situation. How so?

Well, the ultimate goal is to resurrect the Caliphate, come what may. Now, while he would prefer to see Sunnis astride the Caliph’s seat, the fact of the matter is that he knows that Sunnis and Shias will fight to the death for hegemony. Ain’t much he can do about that one. Nevertheless, we must see the forest from the trees and not become bogged down with their centuries old tribal warfare.

THEREFORE, as to this site’s (incessant) charge sheet, empowering Islamists in general and the ISIS in particular, the following too tells the deadly tale, revealing Barack HUSSEIN Obama’s jihadi handiwork, in whole and in part.

So let us hark back to the Islamist-in-Chief’s declaration that Al Qaeda was essentially dead and buried, metaphorically sticking a fork in them – Obama Has Touted Al Qaeda’s Demise 32 Times Since Benghazi Attack. This “done deal” was facilitated after SEAL TEAM SIX (supposedly) dispatched Osama to greet Allah. Hmm.

Essentially, why would Barack HUSSEIN Obama (and surrogates) utter such blatant hogwash, placing a peremptory nail in Al Qaeda’s coffin, when even a well informed high schooler recognized that all was not as it seemed?

Well, a double-edged sword was wielded; one as “proof” that he was indeed up to snuff to handle the “war on terror” – while in the midst of a heated pre-election season – concomitantly, to appease his leftward flank via (one of) many campaign promises. As such, he precipitously withdrew all U.S. combat forces from Iraq in December 2011 and needed to make sure Americans believed that it was indeed a prudent move, especially now that Osama was dead! Hence, the conveniently-timed nail in his coffin.

Mind you, while all the above lies were deliberately designed to deflect from the real facts on the ground, R2P lurked (still very much alive and well) in the background. And its import lies within the arming of Al Qaeda Sunni jihadists, its blow back, knock-on effects, most widely felt via Benghazigate…..

So as diabolical as it is, anti-American to boot, the same jihadists trained by U.S. contractors are closer to their Caliphate, courtesy of Barack HUSSEIN Obama! Go figure…. 

JERUSALEM – Members of the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant, or ISIS, were trained in 2012 by U.S. instructors working at a secret base in Jordan, according to informed Jordanian officials.

The Jordanian officials said all ISIS members who received U.S. training to fight in Syria were first vetted for any links to extremist groups like al-Qaida.

In February 2012, WND was first to report the U.S., Turkey and Jordan were running a training base for the Syrian rebels in the Jordanian town of Safawi in the country’s northern desert region.

That report has since been corroborated by numerous other media accounts.

Last March, the German weekly Der Spiegel reported Americans were training Syrian rebels in Jordan.

Quoting what it said were training participants and organizers, Der Spiegel reported it was not clear whether the Americans worked for private firms or were with the U.S. Army, but the magazine said some organizers wore uniforms. The training in Jordan reportedly focused on use of anti-tank weaponry.

The German magazine reported some 200 men received the training over the previous three months amid U.S. plans to train a total of 1,200 members of the Free Syrian Army in two camps in the south and the east of Jordan.

Britain’s Guardian newspaper also reported last March that U.S. trainers were aiding Syrian rebels in Jordan along with British and French instructors.

Reuters reported a spokesman for the U.S. Defense Department declined immediate comment on the German magazine’s report. The French foreign ministry and Britain’s foreign and defense ministries also would not comment to Reuters.

The Jordanian officials spoke to WND amid concern the sectarian violence in Iraq will spill over into their own country as well as into Syria.

ISIS previously posted a video on YouTube threatening to move on Jordan and “slaughter” King Abdullah, whom they view as an enemy of Islam.

WND reported last week that, according to Jordanian and Syrian regime sources, Saudi Arabia has been arming the ISIS and that the Saudis are a driving force in supporting the al-Qaida-linked group.

WND further reported that, according to a Shiite source in contact with a high official in the government of Iraqi Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki, the Obama administration has been aware for two months that the al-Qaida-inspired group that has taken over two Iraqi cities and now is threatening Baghdad also was training fighters in Turkey.

The source told WND that at least one of the training camps of the group Iraq of the Islamic State of Iraq and the Syria, the ISIS, is in the vicinity of Incirlik Air Base near Adana, Turkey, where American personnel and equipment are located.

He called Obama “an accomplice” in the attacks that are threatening the Maliki government the U.S. helped establish through the Iraq war.

The source said that after training in Turkey, thousands of ISIS fighters went to Iraq by way of Syria to join the effort to establish an Islamic caliphate subject to strict Islamic law, or Shariah.

CONSEQUENTIALLY, BLOWBACK manifests in many directions, and when it comes to the ISIS being trained by American contractors within Jordan, well, it doesn’t get any more ominous.
IN the main, Jordan is now in the cross hairs of ISIS terrorists. Not only because the kingdom is considered to be a regional infidel, but because by overtaking Jordan, well, attacking Israel will be that much easier! It’s all a matter of squaring their encirclement. Nevertheless, it never dawned on Jordan’s King to say NO to Barack HUSSEIN Obama’s request to train the “rebels”. Similarly, PM Netanyahu’s inability to say NO to the Islamist-in-Chief is beyond the pale. Oh, what a tangled web….via spineless leaders who are wedded to ill-fated “strategic” masters.
YET, for Americans, the danger lies within Al-Qaeda ISIS terror groups having the ability to control the Mid East from one end point to the other, with the freedom to plot the next 9/11/01 (on an exponentially greater level) unimpeded! Can you imagine? Not only that, unlike in Afghanistan, they will control the heart of petrol assets, with that much more booty to finance their western jihad!
Think of it this way: when 9/11/01 was perpetrated, Osama Bin Laden controlled a piker’s pittance, compared to those trained in Jordan via Obama Inc.!
TO wit, Barack HUSSEIN Obama (and others) are aiding and abetting,
The World’s Most Powerful Terrorist



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