NEWSFLASH:Washington’s Mall Shooter Is Turkish, Arcan Cetin.Media, It’s Islamic Jihad, Stupid!FBI Covers Up Too. Commentary By Adina Kutnicki


LIKE night follows day, one thing is for sure: more and more acts of Islamic jihad – whether “lone wolf” or executed through terror cells – will explode throughout America’s streets. Effectively, the most recent back-to-back mall (and other) attacks are merely the beginning. Foretastes. Not only that, malls across America had already been predicted (at this site) as targeted places for sacrifices, so as to satiate Mohammedan blood lust. That ship has sailed. Read on.

NEXT UP: schools! Forewarned too.

MIND you, this time it won’t be a random school shooting by (mostly) deranged teenage killers, rather, it will be Islam’s soldiers for Allah in the forefront. As previously warned, it is already designated as part and parcel of stepped-up jihad within the nation. The point being, bloodshed via Muslims in America will spread and spread. Flow and flow.

AS reported last week: regardless of how many dead Americans pile up, the PC, leftward-bent, and Islamic-captured media will cover the asses of Allah’s Muslim Terrorists. And don’t “demand” an “apology” for said bluntness, it won’t be forthcoming. Besides, that should be the least of anyone’s concerns.

THE continual spread of infidel blood sacrifices within America was predicted at this site ad infinitum, as well as at interviews, and within a recently released book on Islamic Jihad’s (social media) enablers. As recorded, the overarching analysis has never wavered: Allah’s Muslim Terrorists will explode – in the very near future, and with ever more frequency – from one end of America to another. But it didn’t have to be this way.

INDUBITABLY, every investigative journalist worth a damn should have seen this  Allah sh-t-storm coming. Not only that, what about insiders within officialdom, privy to the most sensitive intelligence information and in control of massive assets to boot? Consequentially, the aforementioned recognize the perils at hand. Absolutely, a preponderance stoke the Jihadi fires too. Wait and see. Now, it is a given that the media is leftist-bent…..

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BACK to more proof of the same.

WHILE mass shootings have been perpetrated by non-Muslims, the fact of the matter is that EVERY mass killing executed by Muslims is motivated by Islam; a nihilistic, pagan-like creed, paradoxically, shielded by its so-called monotheism mantra. How many times does this truth-telling have to be repeated?? (Un)holy jihad!

ISIS have got a kid to execute the 'Israeli spy'

BUT like it or not, and whether officialdom, their media mouthpieces, or any arm of law enforcement refuses to fess up, this is where it’s at. Yes, one way or another, regardless of this or that cover up, the real motive seeps to the fore. Indeed, those of us in alternative media promise as much.

SO, once again, let’s veer back to just a smattering of core prognostications found at these pages.


  • As early as September 2013, certain counter-measures were prescribed by a main counter terror contact, that is, to shield/prepare against what is going to become – sooner than later – a jihadi war fought on American soil!

It reads in part:

To eliminate AMT’s (Allah’s Muslim Terrorists) the three have to happen:

1.  The Islamic ideology must be branded as evil and dangerous.
2.  All mosques, Islamic schools, and Islamic organizations such as CAIR must be closed and criminalized.
3.  The U.S. must understand and demand all people who practice Islam and Sharia law to follow the U.S. Constitution, pledge allegiance to America, and stop the practice of following Islam.  There will no longer be such a thing as radical Islam and moderate Muslims.  Islam will be recognized for what it is, Islam, and moderate Muslims will be looked at for what they are (non practicing Muslims).

I, Dave Gaubatz, receive tons of hate mail and other emails saying this is America and we can not implement 1, 2, and 3 above.  They will say it will never happen.  I agree this will never happen in America and during our children’s lifetime they will be forced to live in conformity with Islam and Sharia law.

I simply give direct answers based on my doing the same for our government for 24 years.  The above is my analysis based on all evidence I have digested for decades.  I do not desire a war, but the war has been brought to us by AMT’s.  We can either fight or we can throw in the white flag of surrender.

ALAS, the encircling jihadi dangers warranted more of the same:

  • AS noted above, back in Sept. 2013 (memo: “predicting” counter-terror assessments – in geo-political terms – from three and a half years ago seems like a lifetime, but no matter) the following was blared, but was anyone listening??
  • For several years I have been ringing bells, screaming at the top of my lungs, and doing everything I can to bring to the attention of Americans that our Shopping Malls and Public Schools will be attacked by Al Qaeda/ISIS, and we are not prepared to protect our loved ones.….
  • The ‘Mall of America’ (in MN) is the largest shopping mall in America.  Thousands and thousands of people visit this mall on a daily basis.  For just a second do you not believe Islamic terrorists don’t know this. A friend of mine (Denise) suggested the attack in Kenya may be a ‘dry run’ for a shopping mall attack in America. Are our malls protected from such attacks? No. They are very ripe for a murderous attack by Islamic groups.
  • It makes me sad to know that the day will soon come when our shopping malls and schools will endure attacks by Islamic terrorists, yet due to political correctness we will do nothing to protect the innocent people at these locations.  A metal detector and more armed police at our schools and malls would be more beneficial than one’s at our airports….
  •  In February 2015, the following was warned: in this regard, in order to prepare for what is coming America’s way, exploding malls stand in the forefront. The danger has been cited, time and again, at this site. Lo and behold, Jeh Johnson, DHS’s chief pyromaniac – two plus years after this investigative journalist – just announced the threat to America’s malls (Mall of America a forerunner) from his soapbox! 
  • Moreover, in December 2015, a high-decibel alarm blared in the direction of America’s most precious assets: the kiddies!
  • Resultant, multiple discussions ensued between this investigative journalist and a select few counter-terrorism contacts. Via several conference calls, we concentrated on America’s kiddies because ALL signs, once again, pointed in their direction. We discussed, among other matters, what was considered the template of all templates: The 2004 Beslan school siege and massacre! The following was its upshot….
  • So, it is with the most acute warning level that this intel assessment is being given to the American people, at least to those who care about the welfare and safety of the kiddies. Now, this is not the first time that said clarion call has blared from this expert, as its basis was set forth in a tag-team interview (Sept. 2014) viaISIS, Islam and Obama: Understanding The Threat To The Free World.”

    NEVERTHELESS, trust that its repeating is hardly jibber-jabber. Not for nothing. Think: Beslan’s school massacre as a template! More here

ALAS, with the above firmly and completely implanted in mind, patriots in America should hardly be shocked that ANOTHER mall was attacked, and this time by a Turk, another Muslim jihadi. Six of one, half a dozen of another. Not only that, this Muslim Brotherhood expert is warning, once again: under NO circumstances should you be cajoled into believing that this was a “random” attack sans any “motive”, especially Islamic related.

Steve Sexton, the Mayor of Burlington, described the shooting as a “senseless act.”

“It was the world knocking on our doorstep and it came to our little community here,” he said before acknowledging the response by law enforcement. “I know now our support goes with them to bring this son of a bitch to justice.”

Authorities offered no information about a possible motive for the attack, which followed a series of violent outbursts at shopping centers across the United States, including the stabbing of nine people at a Minnesota center last weekend.

“We have no indication that we have a terrorism act,” said Michael Knutson, assistant special agent in charge of the Federal Bureau of Investigation’s Seattle office. “I can’t discount that, but I can’t conclude it either.”

While the police previously described the mall shooter as Hispanic, according to unconfirmed reports – as the police still hasn’t released the suspect’s name – the identity of the shooter is Arcan Cetin, aged 20…

Le tireur a été arrêté sur l’île de Whidbey. /police

Le suspect s’appelle Arcan Cetin. Il habite Oak Harbor (là où il a été arrêté). Il a 20 ans et serait originaire de

View image on TwitterView image on TwitterView image on TwitterView image on Twitter
…. who according to his Facebook profile is originally Turkish, from the city of Adana.
Several photos of Cetin’s Myspace page were released on twitter, suggesting he had a fascination with weapons:
 Some more of his facebook pictures:
 And then there was this odd tweet from January 2015:
OH yeah, just wait and see. The media will describe him as “mentally unstable” due to this and that, and with all the attendant knee-jerk verbiage they can muster. No matter. Rational folks recognize that this is a lying and mendacious tactic, and it is deployed, bomb-like, in order to cover up acts of jihad.
MOST significantly, the FBI has its hands tied. As proven, this is due to the wholly compromised positions adopted, over HUSSEIN’s two-term reign of terror. Even more so, let the record stand: when America’s streets finally become a recognized jihadi “kill-zone”, do not expect DHS to come to your rescue.
THIS time, no one should dare to say they weren’t warned!! 

6 thoughts on “NEWSFLASH:Washington’s Mall Shooter Is Turkish, Arcan Cetin.Media, It’s Islamic Jihad, Stupid!FBI Covers Up Too. Commentary By Adina Kutnicki

  1. Pingback: Islam’s FINAL Nail Near Fruition: Cultural/Civilization Jihad Via The Hijab. Social/Mainstream Media In The Forefront. Commentary By Adina Kutnicki | Adina Kutnicki

  2. Adina, I want to take this opportunity to thank you for consistently and reliably shining a light on what is what in our world today. I also want to wish that you and yours are written and sealed for a Happy (Oy if it was only that easy) Healthy Year, and may your Success come this year by having more and more sleepy heads becoming alert to the dangers that are surrounding us. Blessings to you and may Hashem shine his light on America and the Land of Israel so they can be beacons of Liberty and goodness throughout the world.

  3. Pingback: ” Bringing Down ‘Amerika’ “: Patriots, This IS War! Nov. 4, 2017 Ups The Ante: Reds & Greens In The Fray. What’s To Be Done? Commentary By Adina Kutnicki | Adina Kutnicki

  4. Pingback: CAIR, The Most Dangerous Islamic (Propaganda) Arm In America, Strikes Again: Will Trump FINALLY Cut Off Its Tentacled Stranglehold?? Commentary By Adina Kutnicki | Adina Kutnicki

  5. Pingback: White Hats Arrest Loony Jihadist Infiltrator | Adina Kutnicki

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