DICTATORSHIP 101 teaches that the nation’s media MUST be controlled, whatever the costs. In fact, how many heard about the recent shut down of twitter (and it is not even, technically speaking, an offshoot of any nation’s official media apparatus) via Islamist-controlled Turkey, now under the Shariah-laden boot of PM Erdogan? Can you believe it? You better.

And, before we get into the nuts and bolts of today’s commentary, please recall the following: both dream of the return of the Ottoman Empire: Barack HUSSEIN Obama is a BFF of Turkey’s Erdogan!

That being said, while Obama Inc. rules from 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue, one can be forgiven for querying:how can one rationally compare American media to Islamist-ruled Turkey? One can.

Travel here and there and your rat-line detector will lead the way, as the stench is overwhelming. Now, what does this have to do with Sheriff Arpaio’s full-throttle posse investigation? Everything.

As detailed within these pages, the pejoratively named “birther” kerfuffle actually led Obama Inc. to commit fraud after fraud, crime after crime, all in order to cover The One’s tracks! Unfathomable.

“Detail” Extraordinaire:

So, while the Frauster-in-Chief is now well into his second-term of deconstruction, a “perfect storm” is brewing:BARACK HUSSEIN OBAMA’S BIRTH CERTIFICATE (VIA ALABAMA’S SUPREME COURT) INTERSECTS WITH ARPAIO’S (IN DUE COURSE) BOMBSHELLS!

All of the above is still in play, even though Alabama’s Supreme Court punted and decided not to deal with the most egregious violation to the nation to date, making a mockery of the Constitution and rule of law. However, its chief justice’s dissenting opinion told it as it is.

The Alabama Supreme Court recently ruled that the state does not hold a legal obligation to vet a presidential candidate before including him or her on a ballot. Representing the majority in the 7 to 2 decision, Justice Mike Bolin responded to the plaintiff’s assertion that Alabama’s secretary of state should inherently have the authority to confirm a candidate’s legal standing to run…….

The high court’s chief justice, however, took a decidedly different position. Roy Moore, in his dissenting opinion, not only upheld the opinion that the secretary of state should vet presidential candidates; he also indicated that Obama’s background was worthy of such an investigation…..

Therefore, as the truth gets closer to the general public’s ears (Sheriff Joe Arpaio: New Criminal Evidence About To Be Released –

why should it shock anyone that threats are being made, even after several high profile reporters were threatened with punitive action, all for the “crime” of reporting on the breaking news of the day. As a result, even the ever subservient media felt the wrath of Obama Inc.’s criminal bent:GOV’T OBTAINS WIDE AP PHONE RECORDS IN PROBE!

Here they blow again….

Forgerygate: Media Threatened With Federal Investigations If Obama Birth Certificate Story Reported

Individuals and member organizations of the American media were threatened with FTC and FCC investigation if information gathered by Sheriff Arpaio’s Cold Case Posse concerning the forgery of Barack Obama’s long form birth certificate were passed on to the American public.

And Jerome Corsi, author of “Where’s the birth certificate,” the book whose imminent publication was responsible for forcing Barack Obama to quickly create and place the fraudulent long form birth certificate on the White House web site, has said that “Testimony is being developed that the White House is intimidating, in a systematic way, the mainstream media and if any broadcasters dare go into this birther story, they’re going to risk FCC investigations… people are going to have careers ruined… thrown off the air.”

Zullo went on to say the threats actually caused some individuals to “…quit their positions over safety concerns for their families.”

Those who tuned in to the web-cast of the Cold Case Posse report will recall that the scant few media members in attendance made it their business to represent the President rather than report on the information presented about the fraudulent birth certificate. Each “reporter” in his turn questioned the motives of Sheriff Arpaio and the political leanings of Mike Zullo, clearly far more interested in developing a tale of “right-wing conspiracy” than in the facts reported by Posse investigators.

And as only the internet would make the American people aware of what is arguably the most extraordinary crime committed against the American public in the past century, Zullo and Corsi teamed up to create an e-book which would make known all of the pertinent facts and findings of the investigation–facts which had of course been blacked out by the legacy media.

Naturally, the writing of the e-book has led to accusations of profiteering by Zullo and Corsi. In fact an AP article accuses the pair of using the Arpaio investigation “…as a promotional tool to sell [their] books and theories.” And although nowhere in the short article does the author present any of the facts supporting the claims of the Arpaio-led group, the AP hack does offer an Obama spokesman ample opportunity to ridicule the Posse’s work by comparing it to “the TV series ‘The X-Files.”

The entire episode of media and White House corruption has been summed up by on-line newsman Jeff Crouere as he writes, “Such a bombshell should have led the national news coverage throughout the country. Instead, it was completely ignored by a corrupt network of media elites who are decidedly liberal and wholeheartedly support Obama’s re-election.” “The vast majority of the American people have been denied the truth by a media who want to shield Obama.”

And apparently those select few members of the media actually interested in reporting the truth were intimidated out of doing so by minions of the Manchurian Candidate.

WHILE some may pooh, pooh the notion that Obama Inc. has any reason to threaten an already captured, leftist media, the fact of the matter is that like all gangster entities, threats are as natural as breathing – until the last breath.  

As such, just ask those who went up against Obama Inc., and find out what happened to them:What Constitutes “Mysterious” Deaths Under The Obama Regime, Whether Sexually Related Or Otherwise?Addendum To: Mysterious Deaths Never Far Behind From Barack HUSSEIN Obama!

Oops, you can’t ask them. They are no longer counted among the living. 



  1. Pingback: U.S. COLONEL EXPECTS ARPAIO’s BOMBSHELLS TO “BLOW UP” AMERICA! Commentary By Adina Kutnicki | Adina Kutnicki

  2. Pingback: Obama Orders Lapdog Media:Omerta Re Ebola!The “Fourth Estate” Complies….Commentary By Adina Kutnicki | Adina Kutnicki

  3. Pingback: Obama Orders Lapdog Media:Omerta Re Ebola!The “Fourth Estate” Complies….Commentary By Adina Kutnicki | Islam Exposed Online

  4. Pingback: The Obama Factor: A Q&A With Historian David Garrow | Adina Kutnicki

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