Hezbollah’s GROWING Presence In U.S. Prisons: The Dangers From Behind Bars. How Did This Happen? Commentary By Adina Kutnicki

As to Hezbollah’s U.S. thrust, the most lethal terror organization alongside the Sunni Muslim Brotherhood (Iranian Shiite align with Sunni Al Qaedawhen it suits their mutual interests…Al Qaeda is harbored within Iran!), this is hardly “news”. Nevertheless, the fact that its cells are burrowed INSIDE & OUTSIDE America, to the degree that even America’s prisons are metastasizing like cancer clusters, well, no amount of warnings should be considered too many.

So,  once again, Northeast Intelligence Network did some digging and jihadi compounds were uprooted. Again, not news at this end, just serving as back up. But there’s more…as Hezbollah’s Latin American forward bases prime for jihad, when given the orders to pounce. Yet, the FBI/CIA are hardly ready to protect from their strikes, as Iranian hit squads run circles around U.S./western intelligence. Yes, they do.

INDEED, jihad is here, there and everywhere, and do you know who your neighbors are? More pointedly, do you know that Barack HUSSEIN Obama, through orders given to fellow Islamist-leaning AG Holder, purposefully denies any nexus of Latin America to Hezbollah’s narco-terror?

Is it any wonder that America’s prisons are fertile feeding ground for Hezbollah and more? 

"Hezbollah: The Global Footprint of Lebanon's Army of God," by Matthew Levitt. Photo: Screenshot.“Hezbollah: The Global Footprint of Lebanon’s Army of God,” by Matthew Levitt. Photo: Screenshot.U.S. law enforcers have noted an increase of tattoos on prison inmates, particularly in the Southwest, with script written in Farsi and with graphics depicting Hezbollah imagery, The Wall Street Journal reported, citing a newly published book, “Hezbollah: The Global Footprint of Lebanon’s Army of God,” by terrorism expert Matthew Levitt.The WSJ said Hezbollah’s “operatives and sleeper cells are certainly in America. ‘Law enforcement officials across the Southwest,’ Mr. Levitt writes, ‘are reporting a rise in imprisoned gang members with Farsi tattoos,’ including some with Hezbollah imagery. Another official he quotes puts it this way: ‘You could almost pick your city and you would probably have a [Hezbollah] presence.’”While Hezbollah has yet to mount an attack on U.S. soil, the group’s chief patron, Iran,  is not reluctant to do so, the WSJ said. “In 2011, Tehran tried to hire a drug trafficker in Mexico to assassinate the Saudi ambassador in a Washington, D.C., restaurant (the would-be assassin turned out to be a federal agent). And Iranian diplomat Mohsen Rabbani, who masterminded Hezbollah’s attacks in Argentina in the 1990s, assisted a (foiled) plot to bomb JFK Airport in New York City in 2007. Whether Hezbollah would strike the American homeland is an open question. But as Matthew Levitt’s well-researched book makes clear, it isn’t an outlandish one.”Levitt is a fellow at the Washington Institute for Near East Policy and is a former FBI counter-terrorism analyst.

  • In Venezuela we have been denouncing the presence of hezbollah for years. The plot to bomb JFK airport in 2007 was hatched partly in Venezuela and the direct flights between Caracas and Tehran, sometimes with stop overs in Damascus, served as vehicles for hezbollah easy entry in Latin America. For years the Venezuelan head of issuing local documents , first as chief officer of the identification department and then as interior minister, was Tarek Al Aissami a known operative of the Baath party. Surely some came to the US with Venezuelan papers and once here they find solace viewing some Washington NGO’s defend the venezuelan regime. Yes, danger is here and one day will show its face in its usual gruesome way. Hezbollah has also from its venezuelan base have been involved in drug traffic, just ask the DEA.

Until the 9/11 2001 terror attacks , no terrorist organization had killed more Americans than Hezbollah, the WSJ writes. “Today it remains an efficient global terror operation, having executed bombings on four continents, built a presence on six and even branched out to drug trafficking.”

There is always a price to be paid for silence, but remaining mute, instead of shouting from the rooftops, in some acute circumstances, can extract an unbearable price. Still, some remain mum to the burgeoning threat from Hezbollah (and Islamic jihad in general) due to Islamist-leaning sympathies, while others are just plain cowards. Spineless. Whatever the case, rest assured, Americans will pay a price which will leave few unscathed, even those who feign otherwise. Deaf, dumb and blind is hardly a strategy.

A catastrophe waiting to happen!

7 thoughts on “Hezbollah’s GROWING Presence In U.S. Prisons: The Dangers From Behind Bars. How Did This Happen? Commentary By Adina Kutnicki

  1. Reblogged this on PUMABydesign001's Blog and commented:
    Radical Islamic indoctrination has been taking place in the prisons for decades. Growing up in NYC, I can actually recall when as a teenager I first noticed the wave of Islamic radicals on busy street corners in Black communities, i.e., Brownsville, BedStuy, Harlem, the Bronx and that was just Black America.
    As a teenage girl traveling through those areas, my parents often warned me about these guys as most were predators as well looking for young girls and ladies to convert as well. They exit prison angry, hateful and dangerous. Decades later, radicalization in our prisons, regardless of ethnicity, is nothing less than a disease that has gone viral. Excellent post and something the U.S. government needs to deal with but will not as it furthers the agenda of Progressives.

  2. Whatever it is, by name it is to gain power, by any means. I have not encountered once, that it is so doing as to serve the people except of George Washington.
    Religion is not to solve problems; perhaps deepen them and today we need to understand Ayn Rand and how objectivists can make difference.


  4. Pingback: Obama Inc.’s Shariah Law Enforcers: DOJ Islamizes America’s Kiddies!”Dearbornistan” Is Front & Center…Commentary By Adina Kutnicki | Adina Kutnicki

  5. Pingback: Illegal Alien Caught at Border Admits He is a Hezbollah Terrorist, Said “I’m Going to Try to Make a Bomb” | Adina Kutnicki

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