Arabs/Muslims Threaten Mayhem & Israel’s Response: CONTINUOUS Dhimmitude/Appeasement On The Temple Mount – Judaism’s Thousands Year Old Anchor/Bedrock – Where Does The Onus Lie? Commentary By Adina Kutnicki

VERY few political situations cause this blogger to cry, after all, there are so many outrages to well up over. Assuredly, if one cried all the time nothing would get accomplished and that’s not going to help the situation. One just has to buck up and soldier on, at least if the goal is to pursue justice – tzedek tzedek tirdof, justice justice you shall pursueIn fact, this is precisely a major goal of this blog site.

HOWEVER, there is only so much degradation and humiliation a nationalist Zionist can endure, without the tears overflowing. One such devastating point in time was back in August 2005, and the tears flowed all the way from the east coast of the U.S.! Spitting bullets too. In fact, the following should leave no doubt as to how outraged this American-Israeli was, and still is, over the referenced subject – the so called ‘disengagement’ from Gush Katif (aka Gaza) and the Northern Shomron in Judea and Samaria, Judaism’s/Israel’s heartland. The Bitter Fruits of ‘Disengagement’ is so heart rending, it would take a stone cold person not to succumb. 

Aside from too many outrages to count (who can keep up?) within the Jewish homeland, what occurred, at this juncture in time, to bring on the waterworks? Well, it is certainly not a new subject – not by a long shot – however, being that the leadership allowed said humiliation to occur on Tisha Be’av – of all days – is too onerous to bear in silence. 

As proof that this dastardly act is not a one off, peer withinRegardless of what PM Netanyahu opines, the fact of the matter is that Israel’s leadership (despite their immediate outrage after each and every anti-Jewish dictate) have become the poster children for appeasement, even though its armed forces are stellar. The entire spectrum is duly explained within a recent interview at Inquisitr, no sense re-working the wheel, so to speak.

Hundreds of Jews denied entry to Temple Mount after riot threats

Politicians responded with outrage and bitter disappointment as the confluence of Ramadan and Tisha Be’av inflame the situation.

Jews denied entry to Temple Mount on Tisha Be’av by police due to threats of rioting, July 16, 2013.

Jews denied entry to Temple Mount on Tisha Be’av by police due to threats of rioting, July 16, 2013. Photo: Courtesy Joint Staff of the Temple Har Habayit

Politicians responded with outrage and bitter disappointment Tuesday morning after being denied entry – along with hundreds of rank and file Jews and Christians – to the Temple Mount on Tisha Be’av, the sacred annual day of mourning, due to police concerns over Muslim rioting.

Admittance to the Temple Mount, administered by the Wakf Muslim religious trust in conjunction with the Jerusalem Police, has long been a contentious issue among Jews and Arabs.

However, the confluence of Ramadan and Tisha Be’av only inflamed the situation as thousands of Arabs were granted entry to pray at the nearby Dome of the Rock.

Following the incident, a barrage of condemnations by a number of senior government officials – as well as a law suit filed by an NGO – were swiftly issued regarding the police decision.

Bayit Yehudi MK Shuli Muallem, who was with Deputy Foreign Minister Ze’ev Elkin (Likud Beytenu) when the incident occurred, used her Facebook page to protest the decision and called for an immediate Knesset inquiry over the rights of Jews to enter the contested site.

“On this day, the pilgrimage to the Temple Mount was doubly significant due to the connection to the Temple and the will of Jews to continue the connection between them and the holiest place from a position of building and construction, and not destruction,” she wrote. “We reached the place to spread love and to connect hearts, and unfortunately and sadly, it was decided to prevent the entire crowd to go up the mountain.”

Muallem added that she and Elkin addressed their concerns to Knesset Speaker Yuli Edelstein to initiate a formal discussion about the restrictive state of affairs.

“I’m hopeful that the relevant authorities will understand soon that you cannot disconnect any Jew from the Temple Mount, especially on such a special and significant day as Tisha Be’av,” she continued. “It’s incomprehensible that on a day when the government and police need to expand the pilgrimage hours to the Temple Mount – a day when the sovereignty of the State of Israel over the Temple Mount needs to be strengthened – the exact opposite was done.”

Police spokesman Micky Rosenfeld said Tuesday afternoon that the decision by police to bar Jews from entering the site was a preemptive measure enforced after a security assessment determined there was an imminent threat to their safety.

“We made security assessments in the morning in Jerusalem,” Rosenfeld explained, “and in order to prevent any incidents on the Temple Mount, the area was closed to visitors until further security assessments were made.”

Deputy Minister of Religious Services Eli Ben-Dahan (Bayit Yehudi) also took to Facebook to condemn Tuesday’s decision, and implored the government to change the policy determining when Jews can enter the site.

“How, in the State of Israel, which represents the principles of equality and freedom of religion, can Jews be forbidden from entering the Temple Mount – the holiest place – for fear of rioting by Muslims?” he wrote. “It’s time to change this reality. Stop using various pretexts of security and the inability of the police to protect Jewish citizens.”

Dahan, who conceded that the Temple Mount presented a “complex” situation, added that he would endeavor to change the current regulations, no matter how problematic.

“There will be many difficulties, but eternity is not afraid of a long path,” he wrote. “A situation where equality and freedom of religion is held only when talking about other religions – and not the Jewish majority in Israel – is absurd.”

The Joint Staff of the Temple Har Habayit, an umbrella group representing a coalition of 23 organizations, issued not only a scathing statement about the controversy, but also a lawsuit against the police department on behalf of all the people denied entry.

Chaim Richman, International Director of the Temple Insitute called the decision to prohibit Jews from entering the Temple Mount a “reward to Islamic terror.”

He was one of those turned away by police at approximately 7 a.m.

“Despite the bitter disappointment and utter disgrace of the police’s absurd decision – itself a reward to Islamic terror – to prevent Jews from ascending to the Temple Mount [on Tisha Be’av], the hundreds of Jews who arrived this morning at the entrance are testimony to the great awakening taking place within the people of Israel toward the importance of the holy site to our nation,” Elkin said in a statement shortly following the incident.

“The sight of so many Jewish men, women and children coming from all over the country at great personal cost, and converging on the holy mountain, is the clearest indication that the plight of the beleaguered Temple Mount is becoming an important aspect of the national consensus,” he added.

Joint Staff chairman Aviad Visoly, who filed the law suit, said he repeatedly had been assured by Border Police Chief Superintendent Avi Biton before Tisha Be’av that the Temple Mount would be open to Jews.

“This failure of the Israeli police is particularly acute in light of the many recent warnings we gave police commanders responsible for the Temple Mount,” Visoly wrote. “It should be noted that just yesterday we checked repeatedly with… Biton and he promised that the Temple Mount would be open to Jews on Tisha Be’av.

Due to the “pain and suffering” resulting from the forced closure, Visoly, an attorney, said he was petitioning the court to demand that every Jew denied entry be compensated NIS 5,000.

“As a result of the closure of the Temple Mount to Jews today, severe damage was caused to hundreds of Jews,” he wrote. “This includes both monetary damages (including costs of preparation, travel, loss of work days, etc.) and pain and suffering and the loss of autonomy, because they were denied entry to the holiest place on earth on the anniversary of its destruction.”

Visoly also demanded that police issue a formal response, including a detailed explanation as to why the site was restricted, to be submitted no later than July 22…described aptly within The View from Israel.

In other words, the notion that a Jewish leadership should ever restrict Jews from praying on Judaism’s Temple Mount is more than an affront. But to do so on the VERY day commemorating the destruction of the First and Second Temples, certainly raises the level of dhimmitude to a fevered pitch. Not only that, but by restricting Jewish access at any time, Israel’s so called democratic leaders are violating a myriad of laws, stipulated by Israeli law guaranteeing freedom of religion for all – “issued in 1948, describes the country as a Jewish state but clearly extends religious freedoms to all of its inhabitants by stating: the State of Israel “will ensure complete equality of social and political rights to all its inhabitants irrespective of religion, race or sex; it will guarantee freedom of religion, conscience, language, education and culture; it will safeguard the Holy Places of all religions  cited in full hereinAdditionally, Article 18 of the International Declaration of Human Rights is one which Israel’s leaders adhere to, but not when it comes to Jews at their holiest site(s)! Imagine that.

More specifically, doesn’t the following cry out for Jewish justice, whatever it takes? Have the leaders lost all sense of Jewish pride, honor and ability to feel ashamed? Rhetorical question.

Israeli minister mobbed by Palestinians on Temple Mount 

DEBKAfile July 17, 2013, 9:35 AM (GMT+02:00)

Scores of Palestinians shouting Allahu Akbar mobbed and threatened Israel’s Deputy Foreign Minister Zeev Elkin when he and a party paid a visit to Temple Mt. Wednesday morning. Elkin said he had not come to pray but to commemorate a departed friend. All the same, he was forced to leave the shrine for lack of police protection. The minister accuses the police of falling down on their duty, which is to protect visitors of all faiths at the holy sites.

Audaciously, by continuously citing ‘security concerns’, the leadership not only demonstrates that the police are failing to protect its majority population’s religious rights (at the behest of political dictates), but are proving to the Arabs (and others) that threats of violence, and actual terror, is the way to go. The fruits of their ‘labors’.

NOW, wouldn’t it be prudent for Jewish nationalists to take a page out of their playbook, thereby, making some threats of their own? Teachable moments are everywhere. Just seek and you shall find.

19 thoughts on “Arabs/Muslims Threaten Mayhem & Israel’s Response: CONTINUOUS Dhimmitude/Appeasement On The Temple Mount – Judaism’s Thousands Year Old Anchor/Bedrock – Where Does The Onus Lie? Commentary By Adina Kutnicki

  1. Just imagine of all the “Holy Warriors” of the Haredi Enterprise would grow a pair and confront these Arab Usurpers instead of spitting at little Jewish girls, beating up Haredi soldiers, calling those who wear kipot srugot “Amalek”, harrassing the WoW, and sniveling from their Army duty…what a concept.

    • Perfect description of American Progressive Liberals…closed ears and minds to sanity. And, you can bet you won’t see any of them enlisting in the Military, but screaming for protections under our laws. Unbelieveable the Ft. Hood terrorist is being tried as a “workplace murder”, rather than the terrorist he is and demonstrated for years. The USA will never be the same after BHO.

  2. Jeremiah 48:10 Cursed be he that doeth the work of the Lord deceitfully, and cursed be he that keepeth back his sword from blood.
    The Patriot Missile is the symbol of dhimmitude — hide in a hole and pray that the Patriot saves your sorry ass, instead of taking action to eliminate the problem.
    Another real good place to cry your guts out is at the huge concrete dome in Sderot which is nothing more than a massive rocket-proof daycare center where the kids can go the next time rockets come flying out of Gaza. The money spent on building that eye sore would’ve been better spent on fuel-air carpet bombing Gaza from north to south.

  3. In a sane world in which civilization rules, Jerusalem would become a world city belonging to no individual country and administered by a body composed of relevant countries (totally divorced from that joke they call the United Nations) At some distant future date when all religions have been put to bed and enlightened populations look back on the days when people believed in a god, Jerusalem can play the role of an interesting museum in which major religions and their houses of worship were represented. As for the present, when young Arabs throw stones at passing cars, it would be appropriate to shoot them down like the wild beasts that they are.

    • Nice dream A.T., pretty good mushrooms? I hope you’re holding your breath awaiting your civilized world without God. Be interesting to see how that works out for ya.

      • Actually, A.T., we have become the Country of the most uncivilized, and we see daily where we are evolving to. Strangely, too many people have drunk the kool aid.

  4. This is a nightmare for the whole world, even though the world doesn’t realize it. The Islamist-in-Chief gives money, position and power to the Brotherhood, which further strengthens their jihadist will, and so now it has come to this! It makes me sick! It is a nightmare for the whole world to see the strength they are gaining while politicians in many countries bow to their demands, in the U.S., the UK, Holland, Sweden, etc., and now in JERUSALEM! ;(

    • Lauren.We are watching the End Times,but most people will not see it .Pray as hard as you can, because there are evil forces at work.Bob NZ

      • We can only prepare ourselves, spiritually, and be ready. We live daily in the grace of God, and know we have one Country on this planet who really cares for us all and that is Isreal.

  5. Pingback: JERUSALEM ON FIRE:Assassination Attempt,In Heart Of Capital,On JEWISH Temple Mount Activist! Commentary By Adina Kutnicki | Adina Kutnicki

  6. Pingback: Israel's Voice | ISRAELI Police clash with Muslim savages who tried to disrupt Jerusalem Day celebration

  7. Pingback: Israel’s Mentally Besieged Leaders & Jewish Self-Flagellation: A Sickness Unto Itself. What’s Going On? Commentary By Adina Kutnicki | Adina Kutnicki

  8. Pingback: Islamic & Leftist Jew Hatred: The Nexus. Twin Western Poisons Elucidated. Commentary By Adina Kutnicki | Adina Kutnicki

  9. Pingback: Israel's Voice | Islamic & Leftist Jew Hatred: The Nexus. Twin Western Poisons Elucidated.

  10. Pingback: Islamic & Leftist Jew Hatred: The Nexus. Twin Western Poisons Elucidated. | Kstati

  11. ARTICLE 9


    Each party will provide freedom of access to places of religious and historical significance.
    In this regard, in accordance with the Washington Declaration, Israel respects the present special role of the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan in Muslim Holy shrines in Jerusalem. When negotiations on the permanent status will take place, Israel will give high priority to the Jordanian historic role in these shrines.
    The Parties will act together to promote interfaith relations among the three monotheistic religions, with the aim of working towards religious understanding, moral commitment, freedom of religious worship, and tolerance and peace.

  12. Pingback: NEWSFLASH:98% Muslim Majority Country BANNING Islamic Devotion. U.S./Europe BOWING & SUBMITTING, Israel Alike. The Proofs. Commentary By Adina Kutnicki | Adina Kutnicki

  13. Pingback: IDF’s Dep. COS & Defense Minister’s SHOCKING Statements: Mental Besiegement Elicits Gross Misconduct. Endangerment. What’s Going On? Commentary By Adina Kutnicki | Adina Kutnicki

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