Al Gore’s Sellout Of America To Al Jazeera More Than He Bargained For: Its Intersection With (Additional) Urban Jihad…Commentary By Adina Kutnicki

Al – the piggy – Gore got more than he bargained for in his MEGA cash sellout of American interests to Al Jazeera. In fact, others are in danger of becoming duly ensnared. Oh, the tangled web greed conceives, as both Demsters and (some) Repubs have equally sold out the national interest. Lower than pond scum. Vermin.

Most intrinsically, in light of the bloody handiwork of Isamic jihadists, duly reverberating due to Boston’s explosions, his dastardly deal with Al-Jazeera (the Brotherhood Mafia’s mouthpiece for western and Islamic ears, an outfit so rife with blood lust, even Iraq banned it from its airwaves…the charge: incitement – takes on even more urgency. It deserves the utmost Congressional AND public scrutiny. It dare NOT be confused/conflated with the spirit of “capitalist” ethos (a construct HIGHLY appreciated by this blogger), whereby the free market encourages corp and private sales. His sale is nothing of the sort…in a piggy’s eye.

So when initial news of the sell out reached these ears, the following was immediately expounded upon –…and no amount of opprobrium was spared.  

And despite the stalwart efforts of patriotic Americans, Congress has been playing deaf, dumb and blind to all those who deigned to question one of their own Beltway denizens, acting as if it is none of the People’s business. They effectively poked the “inquirers” in their eyes and dismissed them as rabble rousers. Oh really?

But as is said, every dog has its day, and some more so than others. So along comes a pissed off deal maker (kismet…magically delicious…comeuppance galore…) and Gore and crew are in his cross hairs. 

‘EXPLOSIVE New Development in Current TV sale to Al Jazeera!’

Don’t look now but the controversy over the sale of Current TV to Al Jazeera just became a whole lot more significant, thanks to what appears to be a scorned architect of the deal named John Terenzio, who has filed a lawsuitagainst Current TV. These latest developments also make House Homeland Security Committee chairman, Rep. Michael McCaul (R-TX) look pretty bad.

Cliff Kincaid of America’s Survival sent a letter to McCaul back on January 9th (which was co-signed by Walid), in which Kincaid laid out the case for why McCaul should convene hearings into the sale.

McCaul’s office has expressed no interest in pursuing such an investigation. In fact, when Kincaid finally got a staffer from McCaul’s office to talk to him, thestaffer told him, “We’re not listening to you. You’re not going to drive our agenda.”

Thanks to the lawsuit filed by Terenzio, we may be getting closer to why McCaul isn’t doing his job relative to investigating this sale.

As is almost always the case, if you want to get to the truth about something, follow the money. In the case of the Current TV / Al Jazeera deal, there has been a lot of lobbying.

On his March 10th radio show, Ben Barrack interviewed Kincaid about this new Current TV / Al Jazeera bombshell:

In essence, Terenzio alleges that he helped to put the sale together and came up with a strategy that would help the sale go through. One of his ideas – according to the lawsuit – is that Terenzio is the one who came up with the name ‘Al Jazeera America’. He says he was stiffed and is owed at minimum, $5 Million.

Via USA Survival:

The suit says Terenzio made his presentation to Richard Blum, husband of Democratic Senator Dianne Feinstein, and an investor in Current TV. The suit says that Blum and others involved in Current TV were “concerned about the prospect of losing their shirts” and wanted to find a buyer for their little-watched channel.

The suit says that it was believed that Al Gore would find a sale to Al Jazeera “politically unappealing” but that Blum promised to present it to him.

“Plaintiffs are informed and believe that Gore was adamant in his rejection of the proposal to sell his liberal environmentally friendly network to the oil rich Qataris who owned Al Jazeera,” it says.

Al Gore apparently changed his mind. Perhaps the $500 million price tag, with $100 million going to him personally, was a factor.

If McCaul was successfully lobbied to look the other way on this deal, it should be considered a major offense and absolutely contrary to the position he holds as chairman of a Homeland Security Committee. Al Jazeera is the media arm of the enemy that hit the United States on 9/11/01 and it is beyond disgraceful for McCaul not to convene hearings.

Fortunately, for now, another Congressman has taken interest. His name isRep. Tim Murphy (R-PA). While Murphy is not on the Homeland Security Committee, he is on the House Energy and Commerce Committee and has taken interest in investigating the sale.

Here is the contact page for the committee McCaul chairs. Please contact them and demand hearings into the sale of Current TV to Al Jazeera. While you’re at it, contact Rep. Murphy’s office and encourage him not to give up the fight.

When it comes to this deal, it’s a matter of duty – patriotic or dereliction.

Rep. McCaul has an important decision to make in this regard.

In furtherance of the above treachery, no one should be surprised that a head from Homeland Security – albeit within Congress – would compromise national security. In fact, if he was an American patriot, now THAT would have been the shocker – .

In any event, a preponderance of Washington’s insiders are bereft of moral compasses, though few do stand tall. Many are devoid of  the most intrinsic, yet intangible, asset of all – integrity. But that doesn’t mean that private citizens should give up. NO way. It should make them more dogged in their pursuit. Outing the bums (those still in office and others who have flown the coop, yet still feed off their insider connections) is an American obligation. Encouraging the “few good men/women” (inside and outside Congress) is the highest imperative. 

To be considered a patriot one becomes duty bound to assist their efforts.

5 thoughts on “Al Gore’s Sellout Of America To Al Jazeera More Than He Bargained For: Its Intersection With (Additional) Urban Jihad…Commentary By Adina Kutnicki

  1. Algore has made millions promoting the lie of “global warming,” now called “climate change,” and more millions with his sale of CurrentTV to an outfit that speaks for mooslim terrorists. He is a traitor and a pig. Plus, he pays to have his lower parts “enlightened.” (See, e.g. chakra and the masseuse.)
    Despicable human being whose father was a segregationists and racist.
    Here on the high plains in the middle of America we are having the coldest Spring ever. Snowed heavily yesterday IN MAY. Damn global warming!
    Glad I discovered your blog, Adina. You really hit ’em hard. Keep up the good work.
    During my twenty-some years of practicing law, some as a Prosecutor, I encountered lots of liars in court. None equal the lies currently being bandied about by greedy porcine creatures such as Algore.

  2. Indeed, the amount of bold-faced liars (posing as leadership) is mind numbing AND enraging. As such, alternative media must out them and that is that!

    By the way, Middle America is where it’s at, the true spirit of American ethos.

  3. Pingback: Al Jazeera ‘America’, The Brotherhood Mafia’s TV Propaganda Arm, Debuts: America Is In Grave Danger…Commentary By Adina Kutnicki | Adina Kutnicki

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