INTEL HAUL RE ISIS A GAME-CHANGER: Will FEDS Be Ordered To “Stand Down” Akin To Benghazi? Commentary By Adina Kutnicki

obama koolaid

REGARDLESS of anything else, whatever intel caches are retrieved within other spheres, trust that Washington’s agencies will gain access – by hook or by crook. Besides, for now, they are still considered the “gold standard”, albeit, more than tarnished. Compromised.

BUT what is even more worrisome than a dearth of intel is the amount of untold damage that can accrue under HUSSEIN Obama’s Islamic-captured FEDS, especially when they are in possession of this and that and its contents are purposefully “mishandled.”

MIND you, this is a regime which GIFTED Iran’s Hitlerite leaders the green light to amass a nuclear arsenal, in tandem with billions to continue their worldwide terror campaign, a portion of which is aimed DIRECTLY at America and its overseas interests!

AS reported at House of Bribes:

DEDICATED readers (numbering in the millions…thanks for that) are aware that this investigative journalist enjoys a myriad of “relationships.” Some, though not all, are detailed within. And this is important to understand for various reasons, least of which are the shared confidences between parties.

NOW, one such relationship exists with USA Transnational Report. Accordingly, this site unreservedly recommends the most comprehensive report to date on the (purposeful) nuclear-arming of Iran. Its documented basis will clear through the smoke and mirrors, that which HUSSEIN Obama’s regime blew in the direction of the free world.

ITS contributors include: 

Adina Kutnicki, Andrea Shea King, Dr. Ashraf Ramelah, Benjamin Smith, Brent Parrish,Charles Ortel, Denise Simon, Dick Manasseri, Gary Kubiak, Hannah Szenes, Right Side News, Marcus Kohan, General Paul E. Vallely, Regina Thomson, Scott Smith,Terresa Monroe-Hamilton, Colonel Thomas Snodgrass, Trevor Loudon, Wallace Bruschweiler, and William Palumbo.

WITHOUT further ado,“House Of Bribes: How The United States Led The Way To A Nuclear Iran.” (pdf here)

“I think that the American companies will be welcomed in Iran… This is not a game for junior companies, and I call juniors anything below a billion-dollar market cap. This is a big-money game.”
– An American Portfolio Manager, July 2015

Table of Contents

Executive Summary
The Trailblazers: Namazi & Nemazee
National Iranian-American Council (NIAC)
The Open (Iranian) Society of George Soros
Valerie Jarrett – The Puppetmaster
Complicity of the GOP

Executive Summary

The Iranian nuclear deal is a full capitulation to Iran’s terrorist mastermind Mullahs, and the latest in a series of betrayals of the American people and allies by the Obama administration.  At the highest level of the administration, Barack Obama’s Senior Advisor, the Iranian-born Valerie Jarrett, prioritized rapprochement with the terror state.  Throughout the process and negotiations, she had the backing of billionaire investor (and Obama-backer) George Soros, and his multi-headed network of tax-exempt foundations.  Their efforts were driven by deep-rooted anti-Semitism and personal greed.  Meanwhile, since the mid-1990s, a small but very connected Iranian lobby (funded, in part, by George Soros) has been laying the groundwork for normalizing relations with Tehran.  Operating through a variety of non-governmental organizations and political action committees, the lobby courted Democrat and Republican politicians.  With the election of (Soros-backed) Obama in 2008, the Iranian lobby had very receptive ears in the White House.  International business interests were courted and effectively bribed with access to Iranian markets, until finally the deal was realized, approved, and sealed by a vote of the United Nations Security Council.


Thus far, the reports and exposés issued by the New Coalition of Concerned Citizens* have focused on the threat posed by Islamists to American sovereignty.  The Qatar Awareness Campaign brought to light extensive influence network of the State of Qatar and their ruling al-Thani family.  The Betrayal Papers explained the Muslim Brotherhood’s domination of the Obama administration’s agenda and policies, foreign and domestic.

This report will detail the sinister influence of the small, yet well-connected and very powerful, Iran lobby.  Though the Iran lobby’s highest level contacts are prominent Democrats, their reach spans both major political parties.  Like previous exposés, this investigation will mention familiar names, including George Soros, Valerie Jarrett, and the United Nations.

Iran is widely regarded by counterterrorism experts as the heart of Islamic radicalism, and the point of origin for terrorism with a specific geopolitical agenda (i.e., the creation of an Islamic Caliphate, much like the Islamic State, but dominated by Shiites, not Sunnis).  With the eager embrace of a legacy-hungry Obama administration, the Iran lobby managed to achieve a deal which makes the United States the de facto most powerful backer of Islamic terrorism in the world.

How did this happen?…continue reading….

NOT only that, we all know that Israel is in Iran’s DIRECT cross hairs, even to the point of showcasing their genocidal intent after securing their booty from HUSSEIN Obama!  

Iran test-launched two ballistic missiles Wednesday (March 9, 2016) emblazoned with the phrase “Israel must be wiped out” in Hebrew, Iranian media reported, in a show of power by the Shiite nation as U.S. Vice President Joe Biden’s visited Jerusalem.

ATOP it all, it is hardly a state secret that Jews (world over) are hunted down like prey by Iran’s proxy pawns. Incontestably, for decades, this has been their modus operandi. Indeed, as their latest show of contempt for America and Israel demonstrates, trust, there is no end in sight.

IN other words, the fact that Obama Inc. operates hand-in-hand with the Sunni Brotherhood Mafia, as well as with Shia Islamic terrorists, well, would a rational person trust them with a treasure trove of info re ISIS’s many thousands of worldwide recruits (including the names of those who slaughtered infidels in Paris) with the end goal being to finally take them down? 

Tens of thousands of documents, containing 22,000 names, addresses, telephone numbers and family contacts of Islamic State jihadis, have been obtained by Sky News.

Nationals from at least 51 countries, including the UK, had to give up their most personal information as they joined the terror organisation. Only when the 23 question form was filled in were they inducted into IS.

A lot of the names and their new Islamic State names on the registration forms are well known.

Abdel Bary, a 26-year-old from London joined in 2013 after visiting Libya, Egypt and Turkey. He is designated as a fighter but is better known in the UK as a rap artist. His whereabouts are unknown.

:: Who Are The Britons In The Islamic State Files?

Junaid Hussain And IS Document screengrab

Play video “Thousands Of IS Jihadis Identified”

Thousands Of IS Jihadis Identified

Another jihadi named in the documents, now dead after being targeted in a drone strike, is Junaid Hussain, the head of Islamic State’s media wing who along with his wife former punk Sally Jones, plotted attacks in the UK. Her whereabouts are unknown.

Reyaad Khan from Cardiff, who also entered in 2013, is also among those found among the registration forms. He was well known for appearing in a highly produced Islamic State propaganda video. He was later killed.

But the key breakthrough from the documents is the revealing of the identities of a number of previously unknown jihadis in the UK, across northern Europe, much of the Middle East and North Africa, as well as in the United States and Canada.

Their whereabouts are crucial to breaking the organisation and preventing further terror attacks.

Many of the men passed through a series of jihadi “hotspots” – such as Yemen, Sudan, Tunisia, Libya, Pakistan and Afghanistan – on multiple occasions, but were apparently unchecked, unmonitored and able to both enter Syria to fight and then to return home.

A top image for an explainer on the impact of the IS files

Play video “The Impact Of The IS Cache”

The Impact Of The IS Cache

One of the files marked “Martyrs” detailed a brigade manned entirely by fighters who wanted to carry out suicide attacks and were trained to do so.

:: IS Files: A ‘Goldmine Of Information’ For Intelligence Agents

Some of the telephone numbers on the list are still active and it is believed that although many will be family members, a significant number are used by the jihadis themselves.

The files were passed to Sky News on a memory stick stolen from the head of Islamic State’s internal security police, an organisation described by insiders as the group’s SS. He had been entrusted to protect the organisation’s core secrets and he rarely parted with the drive.

The man who stole it was a former Free Syrian Army convert to Islamic State who calls himself Abu Hamed.

Marlin Stivani Nivarlain

Play video “Swedish Teen On Life Under IS”

Swedish Teen On Life Under IS

Disillusioned with the Islamic State leadership, he says it has now been taken over by former soldiers from the Iraqi Baath party of Saddam Hussein.

He claims the Islamic rules he believed have totally collapsed inside the organisation, prompting him to quit.

I met him in a secret location in Turkey, and he said IS was giving up on its headquarters in Raqqa and moving into the central deserts of Syria and ultimately Iraq, the group’s birthplace.

He also claimed that in reality Islamic State, The Kurdish YPG and the Syrian government of Bashar al Assad, are working together against the moderate Syrian opposition.

Asked if the IS files could bring the network down he nodded and said simply: “God willing”.


Play video “Fighting Islamic State In Raqqa”

Fighting Islamic State In Raqqa

From the attacks in Tunisia and the Bataclan massacre in Paris it is clear that IS is refocusing its base of operations abroad and is intent on carrying out high profile attacks in Western countries, something that security chiefs across Europe are warning about right now.

Sky News has informed the authorities about the haul.

MOST significantly, it goes without saying, the very fact that HUSSEIN Obama tore apart Libya F/B/O the Brotherhood Mafia – and this has been demonstrably proven – isn’t it more than probable that with the aforementioned intel in hand that the FEDS will “stand down”, akin to the orders given to the Pentagon’s assets which led to Benghazigate?


SINCE Obama Inc.’s captured FEDS were caught scrubbing Islamic terror records – in order to assist their infiltration into America as “refugees” – how secure should patriots be that the newly acquired intel cache will be utilized to secure the national interest? Not very. 

MORE pointedly, internalizing that the FBI is instructing high schools to inform on “anti-government” students, and knowing what you know about their Islamic bent, does anyone believe that their intent is to keep an eye on “budding” militant jihadists? Anyone? And understanding that the FEDS repeatedly target patriots as America’s number one threat, isn’t it conclusive that trusting them is akin to having faith in flying pigs? If not, why not?

IS Docs


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